Good Job Chicago - #1 Deadly "Alpha" City in the WORLD


Apr 22, 2007
While Emperor Rambo and other useless liberal Alderman complain about Chick-Fil-A, Chicago has quietly (I say quietly, because the liberal media focuses on the innocent Zimmerman and not the 22 blacks that were killed by other blacks in Chicago the same weekend) become the most dangerous Alpha city in the world.

Things to point out: IL has the STRICTEST gun laws in the country. Name the states that require a FOID card (IL is the only one). Chicago has the STRICTEST gun laws this side of D.C.! Yet scream gun control is the answer.

Next, rdean and Black Half-Retard Label will scream this is because of the GOP! Their is NOT ONE GOP Alderman in all of Chicago and GOP candidates don't run for Chicago Mayor. The Alderman in Chicago are always FAR leftist and some of the most corrupt politicians in the WORLD.

Chicago used to be a great city, but now it's ranks lowest in the country in education, unemployment is skyrocketing, commerical office building are vacate and now it's the most dangerous Alpha city in the WORLD (and obviously the most in the US)!

Good job Dem's you run this city AMAZINGLY!

Blog: Chicago ranks #1 as the deadliest Alpha world city
Chicago likes to compare itself to other world cities, so Ward Room thought it would find out how we rank in violence. It turns out no one can top us. Among what are considered Alpha world cities, Chicago has the highest murder rate -- higher even than the Third World metropolises of Mexico City and Sao Paolo.

Chicago's murder spree of 19.4 per 100,000 is more than three times that of New York's (6 per 100,000) and more than two and a half times of Los Angeles' (7.5 per 100,000), its closest American competitors. Caracas, Venezuela, which apparently is not an Alpha world city--thank you Hugo Chavez--has a higher murder rate of 130 per 100,000.

In the American cities mentioned, most of the murders are committed with guns. These cities all have laws against murder. They even have laws against guns; Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. But, no matter. As President Barack Obama (D)approvingly quoted from the gangster movie The Untouchables when on the campaign trail in Philadelphia four years ago,

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said. "Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I've seen Eagles fans."

Of course, this attitude was prior to Obama's evolution on gun control.

Interestingly, Obama thought guns were a rural, small town phenomena, not part of normal life in his big city, as evidenced by comments he made at an elite fund raiser in San Francisco also four years ago.

"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Hmmm, wrong again.

Most of the murderers and murdered look like the sons Obama never had. Many of the murdered in Chicago live in the district Obama represented in the Illinois state legislature, another corrupt body representing Chicago and Illinois values. Hispanics are another group disproportionately represented in these violent American urban statistics.

And as for Emanuel's devotion to non violent, all inclusive Chicago values, the New York Times relates what they call "the best Rahm Emanuel story." And it has nothing to do about guns. A knife, yes; guns, no.
Before I get the red herring, "If you don't like Chicago so much why don't you leave it."

First this is where all my friends and family are, I don't want to pick up and leave that.
Second, here is where my career job is. Not very easy getting a inhouse corp counsel job these days. Third, my wife is self-employed and this is where her business is, it's tied to real estate so it can't move. Lastly, I still love the city and the sports teams. I wouldn't want to miss that!
Call in the National Guard, you have to.

That is almost what it's needing. Kids shouldn't fear the walk home from school.

The situation is getting desperate, but a calling in of the national guard would be a PR nightmare for any politician! Never going to happen!
To be clear Chicago is essentially broken up in to two totally different cities. The North Side is a fantastic place to live and relatively safe, clean, etc... The South side is a war zone. You can live your entire life in Chicago and never have to really set foot on the south side, unless you're flying out of Midway.

I would still choose Chicago over pretty much any other metropolitan area to live in the country.
If Obama is relected, Chicago will be the start of the Killing Fields

And I live close enough to it that I've been stock piling ammo for when they run out of food and think they're going to head out into the country side and pillage. They're going to be met with a hail of bullets, and I'm not just talking about from me. Damn near every person I know is ready to defend their country life and property against the city slickers, if the time ever comes. We have guns, and we know how to use them.
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If Obama is relected, Chicago will be the start of the Killing Fields

And I live close enough to it that I've been stock piling ammo for when they run out of food and think they're going to head out into the country side and pillage. They're going to be met with a hail of bullets, and I'm not just talking about from me. Damn near every person I know is ready to defend their country life and property against the city slickers, if the time ever comes. We have guns, and we know how to use them.

You know how I know you're a redneck?
If Obama is relected, Chicago will be the start of the Killing Fields

And I live close enough to it that I've been stock piling ammo for when they run out of food and think they're going to head out into the country side and pillage. They're going to be met with a hail of bullets, and I'm not just talking about from me. Damn near every person I know is ready to defend their country life and property against the city slickers, if the time ever comes. We have guns, and we know how to use them.

Can I come stay with you when all hell breaks loose?
To be fair now, voting for Romney won't help Chicago in any way in regards to all the gun violence and murders and re-electing President Obama won't do anything either. What needs to change are those running the city and the state and that's it.

Well, I will say that I think Romney will fix the economy and unemployment problems, so that might help some but that might take a year or two.
Of course the false comparison is the only comparison that can be drawn. If you were to compare Chicago to cities of similar size throughout the world whose nations have serious gun laws you'd see how the US could stem the tide of needless deaths due to gun crimes. London, Paris, Moscow, etc... do not have the problems Chicago has and it is due to England, France, and Russia having a policy on firearms that isn't out of the Old West.

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