Good News For America, Bad For You-Know-Who


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Well,well, well....what have we here?

Wakey, wakey....eggs and bacey.....

Seems the public is catching on to the great mistake.

1. "CNN Poll: Majority Doesn't Trust Obama, Approval Rating Suffers Severe Drop

2. President Barack Obama’s approval rating dropped a shocking 8 percentage points over the last month -- one of sharpest, fastest plunges in his presidency, according to a new CNN poll released early Monday morning.

3. ...more than half of the public doesn’t feel that the president is honest and trustworthy,...

4. ....Obama's approval rating stands at 45 percent, down from 53 percent in mid-May, CNN reported. A shocking 54 percent of respondents told pollsters they disapprove of how Obama is handling his job. That was up 9 points in just a month.

5. ....a majority of Americans have had a negative view of the president, CNN reported.

6. ...fueled by a sharp 17-point drop among Americans under 30, according to the poll.

7. The president also dropped 10 points among independent voters, from 47 percent last month to 37 percent. Obama's disapproval among independents jumped 12 points to 61 percent.

8. The network pointed to several major scandals as evidence for the drop.

9. "The White House has been under siege over telephone and Internet surveillance, the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups, its handling of the terror attack on the U.S. consular post in Benghazi, Libya, and the Justice Department's collecting journalists' phone records as part of the government's investigation into leaks of classified information," CNN reported.

10. Six in 10 disapprove of how Obama is handling government surveillance of U.S. citizens. That's higher than the 52 percent who disapproved of George W. Bush on the same issue in 2006,..."
CNN Poll: Majority Doesn't Trust Obama, Approval Rating Plunges

Wow....seems Americans are looking for a morning-after pill for this administration!
How is it good for us to have a untrustworthy dishonest man as President?
Well,well, well....what have we here?

Wakey, wakey....eggs and bacey.....

Seems the public is catching on to the great mistake.

1. "CNN Poll: Majority Doesn't Trust Obama, Approval Rating Suffers Severe Drop

2. President Barack Obama’s approval rating dropped a shocking 8 percentage points over the last month -- one of sharpest, fastest plunges in his presidency, according to a new CNN poll released early Monday morning.

3. ...more than half of the public doesn’t feel that the president is honest and trustworthy,...

4. ....Obama's approval rating stands at 45 percent, down from 53 percent in mid-May, CNN reported. A shocking 54 percent of respondents told pollsters they disapprove of how Obama is handling his job. That was up 9 points in just a month.

5. ....a majority of Americans have had a negative view of the president, CNN reported.

6. ...fueled by a sharp 17-point drop among Americans under 30, according to the poll.

7. The president also dropped 10 points among independent voters, from 47 percent last month to 37 percent. Obama's disapproval among independents jumped 12 points to 61 percent.

8. The network pointed to several major scandals as evidence for the drop.

9. "The White House has been under siege over telephone and Internet surveillance, the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups, its handling of the terror attack on the U.S. consular post in Benghazi, Libya, and the Justice Department's collecting journalists' phone records as part of the government's investigation into leaks of classified information," CNN reported.

10. Six in 10 disapprove of how Obama is handling government surveillance of U.S. citizens. That's higher than the 52 percent who disapproved of George W. Bush on the same issue in 2006,..."
CNN Poll: Majority Doesn't Trust Obama, Approval Rating Plunges

Wow....seems Americans are looking for a morning-after pill for this administration!

How many months....years....will you folks try to convince yourselves that Obama isn't a popular president?
Well,well, well....what have we here?

Wakey, wakey....eggs and bacey.....

Seems the public is catching on to the great mistake.

1. "CNN Poll: Majority Doesn't Trust Obama, Approval Rating Suffers Severe Drop

2. President Barack Obama’s approval rating dropped a shocking 8 percentage points over the last month -- one of sharpest, fastest plunges in his presidency, according to a new CNN poll released early Monday morning.

3. ...more than half of the public doesn’t feel that the president is honest and trustworthy,...

4. ....Obama's approval rating stands at 45 percent, down from 53 percent in mid-May, CNN reported. A shocking 54 percent of respondents told pollsters they disapprove of how Obama is handling his job. That was up 9 points in just a month.

5. ....a majority of Americans have had a negative view of the president, CNN reported.

6. ...fueled by a sharp 17-point drop among Americans under 30, according to the poll.

7. The president also dropped 10 points among independent voters, from 47 percent last month to 37 percent. Obama's disapproval among independents jumped 12 points to 61 percent.

8. The network pointed to several major scandals as evidence for the drop.

9. "The White House has been under siege over telephone and Internet surveillance, the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups, its handling of the terror attack on the U.S. consular post in Benghazi, Libya, and the Justice Department's collecting journalists' phone records as part of the government's investigation into leaks of classified information," CNN reported.

10. Six in 10 disapprove of how Obama is handling government surveillance of U.S. citizens. That's higher than the 52 percent who disapproved of George W. Bush on the same issue in 2006,..."
CNN Poll: Majority Doesn't Trust Obama, Approval Rating Plunges

Wow....seems Americans are looking for a morning-after pill for this administration!

How many months....years....will you folks try to convince yourselves that Obama isn't a popular president?

Why is 'popular' the symbol of success?

Shouldn't that award be reserved for solving problems of the citizenry?

The man is a proven failure in domestic policy, most divisive President....

Foreign policy....can you name our new BFF's since his ascension?
Happy with the Middle East?

"U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate Lowest Since 1979"
U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate Lowest Since 1979

Can't you be adult about this topic?
Well,well, well....what have we here?

Wakey, wakey....eggs and bacey.....

Seems the public is catching on to the great mistake.

1. "CNN Poll: Majority Doesn't Trust Obama, Approval Rating Suffers Severe Drop

2. President Barack Obama’s approval rating dropped a shocking 8 percentage points over the last month -- one of sharpest, fastest plunges in his presidency, according to a new CNN poll released early Monday morning.

3. ...more than half of the public doesn’t feel that the president is honest and trustworthy,...

4. ....Obama's approval rating stands at 45 percent, down from 53 percent in mid-May, CNN reported. A shocking 54 percent of respondents told pollsters they disapprove of how Obama is handling his job. That was up 9 points in just a month.

5. ....a majority of Americans have had a negative view of the president, CNN reported.

6. ...fueled by a sharp 17-point drop among Americans under 30, according to the poll.

7. The president also dropped 10 points among independent voters, from 47 percent last month to 37 percent. Obama's disapproval among independents jumped 12 points to 61 percent.

8. The network pointed to several major scandals as evidence for the drop.

9. "The White House has been under siege over telephone and Internet surveillance, the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups, its handling of the terror attack on the U.S. consular post in Benghazi, Libya, and the Justice Department's collecting journalists' phone records as part of the government's investigation into leaks of classified information," CNN reported.

10. Six in 10 disapprove of how Obama is handling government surveillance of U.S. citizens. That's higher than the 52 percent who disapproved of George W. Bush on the same issue in 2006,..."
CNN Poll: Majority Doesn't Trust Obama, Approval Rating Plunges

Wow....seems Americans are looking for a morning-after pill for this administration!

How many months....years....will you folks try to convince yourselves that Obama isn't a popular president?
Popular and worth a shit don't necessarily come in the same package.
Predictions: the Pravda Media will ignore these polls and start promoting puff pieces that the deficit is going to be below $1T this year and that the economy is (very slowly) growing. Snowden, the NSA "TRAITOR" will be spun to make Obama look like a good guardian of America.

In other words, the status quo propaganda machine...
Predictions: the Pravda Media will ignore these polls and start promoting puff pieces that the deficit is going to be below $1T this year and that the economy is (very slowly) growing. Snowden, the NSA "TRAITOR" will be spun to make Obama look like a good guardian of America.

In other words, the status quo propaganda machine...

No, I disagree. The media are waking up to the fact that this guy they've covered for for all these years is tapping their phones and following them around. This makes it hard to get news stories. That makes it hard to make money.
I predict more unfavorable stories in the weeks to come.
2014 doesnt fix the problem.

If the Republicans can keep the House and win the Senate, Harry Reid will be out of the way. That will be a giant step forward.

the GOP got 1.5 million LESS votes than the DEMS, in the last election, in the HOUSE alone.

AND, DEM turnout was down from 2008.
That was then...this is now. Nobody likes a dishonest President...especially when the lies affect them.

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