Good news for Wisconsin Taxpayers


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
On Monday Mr. Walker's office released new data that show the property tax bill for the median home fell by 0.4% in 2011, as reported by Wisconsin's municipalities. Property taxes, which are the state's largest revenue source and mainly fund K-12 schools, have risen every year since 1998—by 43% overall. The state budget office estimates that the typical homeowner's bill would be some $700 higher without Mr. Walker's collective-bargaining overhaul and budget cuts.

The median home value did fall in 2011, by about 2.3%, which no doubt influenced the slight downward trend. But then values also fell in 2009 and 2010, by similar amounts, and the state's take from the average taxpayer still climbed by 2.1% and 1.5%, respectively. In absolute terms homeowners won't see large dollar benefits year over year, but any hold-the-line tax respite is both rare and welcome in this age of ever-expanding government.

The real gains will grow as local school districts continue repairing and rationalizing their budgets using the tools Mr. Walker gave them. Those include the ability to renegotiate perk-filled teacher contracts and requiring government workers to contribute more than 0% to their pensions. A year ago amid their sit-ins and other protests, the unions said such policies would lead to the decline and fall of civilization, but the only things that are falling are tax collections.

The political lesson is that attempts to modernize government are always controversial, but support usually builds over time as the public comes to appreciate the benefits of structural change that tames the drivers of a status quo that includes ever-higher spending and taxes. The Wisconsin recall donnybrook in June will test whether voters value their own bottom lines more than the political power of unions.
Review & Outlook: A Wisconsin Vindication -

I really don't understand how anyone (other than government workers) could support public aka government workers unions--who put a strangle hold on state budgets.

It's obvious with only a 6.7% unemployment rate (much lower than most states) along with this news that Gov. Walker has done a lot of good for the overall health of the financial condition of Wisconsin. The unions have thrown millions of dollars at this campaign to recall Gov. Walker. Recent polling data suggest that Walker is leading his democrat opponent.
The 30,000 people who have lost their jobs since Walker took office are not impressed.

Considering the unemployment rate has dropped since Walker took office your figures are questionable.

With the Union stranglehold on poltical power in Wiscinson broken it might be possible to put even more people to work and improve their economy even further. I agree with Oreo, how could anyone support out of state Union thugs coming into Wisconson, taking over their government and forcing the population to support a system that pays it's workers twice as much as private sector and not even require them to pay into their own retirement system:eek:.

The Stukaman
The 30,000 people who have lost their jobs since Walker took office are not impressed.

Considering the unemployment rate has dropped since Walker took office your figures are questionable.

With the Union stranglehold on poltical power in Wiscinson broken it might be possible to put even more people to work and improve their economy even further. I agree with Oreo, how could anyone support out of state Union thugs coming into Wisconson, taking over their government and forcing the population to support a system that pays it's workers twice as much as private sector and not even require them to pay into their own retirement system:eek:.

The Stukaman

The Bureau Of Labor Statistics says you are full of shit:

Wisconsin job losses highest in nation for last 12 months, federal report says
Who would think that making it so chidren dont get an education is worth paying a few dollars less in taxes
The 30,000 people who have lost their jobs since Walker took office are not impressed.

LINK? I believe I saw one report that the area in which these jobs were lost--were actually in the district of the Democrat Mayor opponent.

Governor Walker came into office with an over 7.5% unemployment rate which has dropped to 6.7%.
Who would think that making it so chidren dont get an education is worth paying a few dollars less in taxes

I think you need to watch a documentary called "Waiting for Superman" to get a clear picture of what Teacher's Unions have done to your kids "education." Obtaining a life time pass on being a bad teacher--that no one can fire--simply because a teacher reached "tenure" after 2 or 3 years of employment is the worst idea anyone ever came up with.
The 30,000 people who have lost their jobs since Walker took office are not impressed.

Considering the unemployment rate has dropped since Walker took office your figures are questionable.

With the Union stranglehold on poltical power in Wiscinson broken it might be possible to put even more people to work and improve their economy even further. I agree with Oreo, how could anyone support out of state Union thugs coming into Wisconson, taking over their government and forcing the population to support a system that pays it's workers twice as much as private sector and not even require them to pay into their own retirement system:eek:.

The Stukaman

The Bureau Of Labor Statistics says you are full of shit:

Wisconsin job losses highest in nation for last 12 months,I federal report says

In relation to other states in this nation--6.7% unemployment is great! In fact, I would be doing handsprings in the street if unemployment was that low in Colorado--when we're hovering at 8%.

Here is the comparison between states from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Local Area Unemployment Statistics Home Page

Furthermore--you Obama maniacs--would never shut up if we had a national unemployment rate of 6.7% right now----:lol::lol:
Who would think that making it so chidren dont get an education is worth paying a few dollars less in taxes

Who would think expecting teachers to actually teach instead of brainwashing and using our children for their political purposes would upset you so much?
Who would think that making it so chidren dont get an education is worth paying a few dollars less in taxes

Who would think expecting teachers to actually teach instead of brainwashing and using our children for their political purposes would upset you so much?

I'm not sure perhasn otybe I was not aware that teachers were evil murders who eat children and cause droughts
The 30,000 people who have lost their jobs since Walker took office are not impressed.

Corrected numbers have been published. Wisconsin has gained jobs.

And Walker is da man!

ROTFL so if Walker says Wisconsin has gained jobs despite all the data showing it as lost jobs then the state created jobs.
Jesus you're such a tool if Walker said the earth si flat you'd respond "correct measurements done earth is flat"
The 30,000 people who have lost their jobs since Walker took office are not impressed.

Considering the unemployment rate has dropped since Walker took office your figures are questionable.

With the Union stranglehold on poltical power in Wiscinson broken it might be possible to put even more people to work and improve their economy even further. I agree with Oreo, how could anyone support out of state Union thugs coming into Wisconson, taking over their government and forcing the population to support a system that pays it's workers twice as much as private sector and not even require them to pay into their own retirement system:eek:.

The Stukaman

The Bureau Of Labor Statistics says you are full of shit:

--------------Do you actually read the articles you post? You might try it sometime:

Wisconsin also was one of 18 states to post a statistically significant decrease in its unemployment rate compared to March 2011, the report noted. Wisconsin's rate fell from 7.6 percent to 6.8 percent during that time period, a difference of 0.8 percentage points. Alabama and Michigan had the nation's biggest jobless drops from March 2011, both falling about 2 percentage points, the report said.

"Wisconsin's economy is turning around, but there is still a lot of work to do," said Cullen Werwie, spokesman for Gov. Scott Walker. "The state has added over 15,000 private sector jobs since the start of the year, and the state's unemployment rate is down to 6.8 percent. A year ago the unemployment rate was 7.6 percent; now it's at its lowest since 2008."

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