Good News - Tyndale gets injunction against HHS mandate

Hey, idiot, we are talking about OTC meds, not prescription meds. If you go back and look you will see how you tried to argue that insurance should cover birth control and I pointed out that the ACOG has recommended that they be made into OTC meds. You then tried to argue that some insurance pays for OTC meds, and that Obamacare doesn't mention them at all. I proved you wrong on that, and now you are trying to claim we were talking about prescriptions. Feel free to go back through the thread and prove me wrong.

Show me where I said Obamacare doesn't mention them at all.


Obamacare doesn't not cover over the counter medication, it just doesn't mandate insurance companies cover it.

What else do you want me to show you that you said?
That still doesn't say I said Obamacare doesn't mention it, like you claimed. Do you have reading comprehension problems?

I also said this
I think you are confusing the part where they won't cover what isn't prescribed by your doctor.

OF course your dumb ass said this after I had already posted that.
It excludes only OTC meds that you get a prescription for, which means OTC meds without a prescription are taxable, which is what I said in the beginning. That makes me right, and you wrong.

So since you seem to be confused, I said Obamacare doesn't mandate Insurance companies to cover OTCs, never said anything about it not mentioning them. I also pointed out the tax doesn't apply to OTCs that are prescribed with your own link I might add, which you tried to argue with until you realized you were a dumb ass and didn't read all of your link.

So to get back to your statement about birth control, if they are made over the counter, and your doctor prescribes it Obamacare will not tax it, and your insurance company could cover it. So what was your point again?

And if you want to argue about having to go to your doctor to get OTCs prescribed so your insurance company or medicaid pays for it. I will just say, if you have whooping cough you should probably go to your doctor, who would probably prescribe something a little more than Q Tussin, when I had it mine prescribed me codeine cough syrup so I could sleep.
When I was pregnant and on Medicaid, I called my doctor about the severe heart burn I was having and without me coming in he called in a prescription of Zantac for me, never even had to make appointment. As for the residents at my work, we have an ARNP that comes in so usually many of residents don't have to go to their doctor for most issues. If a resident seems to be having more pain lately and they just need scheduled Tylenol, our nurse usually just calls the doctor and they fax the pharmacy an order, and we usually have their Tylenol by that evening.

You really have no clue how the health care industry works, especially when it comes to Over the Counter medication. Quit while you are ahead, you look like a moron.
And she said repeatedly that medicare pays for otc meds...which they absolutely don't and never have.

You are right, I should have said Medicaid.
QW still is an idiot.

In order to get Medicaid to pay for OTC drugs they have to be medically necessary, which means, in essence, that you have to go to a doctor and get a prescription. Even if you do that it does not pay for anything to treat coughs or colds, nor will it pay for vitamins unless they are prenatal. In other words, even if you have a medical condition that means you cannot possibly absorb enough Vitamin C from food, Medicaid will not pay for it, nor will they pay for cough medicine if you have Whooping Cough.

But I am an idiot because you believe you know everything, even though I have actually proved you wrong more than once in this thread.
Oh! And about three of my residents have orders for Mucinex, many have orders for Benadryl and other such products.
They also have orders for Milk of Mag, Docusate, Senna, Fiber suppliments, potassium, vitamin D, Ibuprofen, Asprin, OTC eye drops and so on.........Do you want me to keep going on? Oh! And these are people on medicaid.
And she said repeatedly that medicare pays for otc meds...which they absolutely don't and never have.

You are right, I should have said Medicaid.
QW still is an idiot.

In order to get Medicaid to pay for OTC drugs they have to be medically necessary, which means, in essence, that you have to go to a doctor and get a prescription. Even if you do that it does not pay for anything to treat coughs or colds, nor will it pay for vitamins unless they are prenatal. In other words, even if you have a medical condition that means you cannot possibly absorb enough Vitamin C from food, Medicaid will not pay for it, nor will they pay for cough medicine if you have Whooping Cough.

But I am an idiot because you believe you know everything, even though I have actually proved you wrong more than once in this thread.
So I am guessing you just went to the New Jersey DSHS page for your info? Because it stated exactly what you said. Maybe you should link info you stole?

And here is a list of what medicaid covers, there is a long list of vitamins and supplements it covers.

And you should look at more than one state for what they cover when has to do with cough medicine. ;)
"Medically necessary" is not the same as "prescribed". MEDICARE DOESN'T PAY FOR OTC DRUGS...they don't pay for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of prescriptions drugs either.
What you should know about Medicare drug plans(Part D) and self-administered drugs
[FONT=NPJLC D+ A Garamond,Garamond][FONT=NPJLC D+ A Garamond,Garamond]•Generally, your Medicare drug plan only covers prescription drugs and won’t payfor over-the-counter drugs, like Tylenol® or Milk-of-Magnesia®. •Any drug you get needs to be on your Medicare drug plan’s formulary (orcovered by an exception)."[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=NPJLC D+ A Garamond,Garamond][FONT=NPJLC D+ A Garamond,Garamond][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=NPJLC D+ A Garamond,Garamond][FONT=NPJLC D+ A Garamond,Garamond]
"Medically necessary" is not the same as "prescribed". MEDICARE DOESN'T PAY FOR OTC DRUGS...they don't pay for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of prescriptions drugs either.

I already said I should have said Medicaid.
The equate IUDs and Plan B with abortion? Is that what I am reading?

The government should stay out of it, but their females employees should sue them, especially if they cover such things as Viagra.

No, what you are reading is that the HHS mandate lumps all methods of contraception under the same definition. Tyndale is opposed to any form of contraception that prevents a fertilized egg from implanting.

for someone who doesn't think government should be able to do anything, you let your religious fervor cause you to think it's ok for an employer to have a say in the type of contraception you use?

you're funny.
for someone who doesn't think government should be able to do anything, you let your religious fervor cause you to think it's ok for an employer to have a say in the type of contraception you use?

you're funny.

An employer doesn't "have a say" in anyone's birth control options. They can't force you to do anything against your will. The government can and does. That's the difference.
for someone who doesn't think government should be able to do anything, you let your religious fervor cause you to think it's ok for an employer to have a say in the type of contraception you use?

you're funny.

An employer doesn't "have a say" in anyone's birth control options. They can't force you to do anything against your will. The government can and does. That's the difference.

really? what would you call humiliating women and forcing them to beg their employers to let their insurance company cover the contraceptives WHICH THEY ALREADY COVER?
for someone who doesn't think government should be able to do anything, you let your religious fervor cause you to think it's ok for an employer to have a say in the type of contraception you use?

you're funny.

An employer doesn't "have a say" in anyone's birth control options. They can't force you to do anything against your will. The government can and does. That's the difference.

really? what would you call humiliating women and forcing them to beg their employers to let their insurance company cover the contraceptives WHICH THEY ALREADY COVER?

I'm not sure I understand the question. Who is humiliating women? Who is forcing them to beg?
You are right, I should have said Medicaid.
QW still is an idiot.

In order to get Medicaid to pay for OTC drugs they have to be medically necessary, which means, in essence, that you have to go to a doctor and get a prescription. Even if you do that it does not pay for anything to treat coughs or colds, nor will it pay for vitamins unless they are prenatal. In other words, even if you have a medical condition that means you cannot possibly absorb enough Vitamin C from food, Medicaid will not pay for it, nor will they pay for cough medicine if you have Whooping Cough.

But I am an idiot because you believe you know everything, even though I have actually proved you wrong more than once in this thread.
Medicaid will cover vitamins.
Last night I passed meds to a Medicaid resident who takes calcium, iron, and Tylenol, all covered by Medicaid.
Oh and they have a PRN for Q Tussin, which is generic cough medicine.

You are an idiot.

It is possible that varies by state. It turns out the site I used as a source is for New Hampshire.

Over the Counter Drugs | Office of Medicaid Business and Policy | NH Department of Health and Human Services

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