Good Question.What If Hawaii Was A Completely Red State?,Who Would Get The Blame From Missile-Gate?

:2up: Lets use this hypothetical. Lets say Jeb Bush was the Governor Of Hawaii. Both Senators and all of Congress are Republicans. Then we have this false alarm where thousands of people were in fear of their lives, then an hour or so the correction is made,,its a false alarm. :eek-52:
So how would our leftist media/MSM handle the story?
None of your questions are "good questions".
:2up: Lets use this hypothetical. Lets say Jeb Bush was the Governor Of Hawaii. Both Senators and all of Congress are Republicans. Then we have this false alarm where thousands of people were in fear of their lives, then an hour or so the correction is made,,its a false alarm. :eek-52:
So how would our leftist media/MSM handle the story?
What if you had an IQ over 80?

He would be twice as smart as you.
:2up: Lets use this hypothetical. Lets say Jeb Bush was the Governor Of Hawaii. Both Senators and all of Congress are Republicans. Then we have this false alarm where thousands of people were in fear of their lives, then an hour or so the correction is made,,its a false alarm. :eek-52:
So how would our leftist media/MSM handle the story?
What if you had an IQ over 80?

He would be twice as smart as you.
the boring people in this room are so jealous of us conservatives cause we got the greatest sense of humor
:2up: Lets use this hypothetical. Lets say Jeb Bush was the Governor Of Hawaii. Both Senators and all of Congress are Republicans. Then we have this false alarm where thousands of people were in fear of their lives, then an hour or so the correction is made,,its a false alarm. :eek-52:
So how would our leftist media/MSM handle the story?
What if you had an IQ over 80?

He would be twice as smart as you.
the boring people in this room are so jealous of us conservatives cause we got the greatest sense of humor

You're 100% correct.

You can see that in their remarks. They are so butt hurt because
they have been reduced to nothing, that they even struggle attempting
to make derogatory remarks about other posters.

Christ...a 3rd grader would have known better than to post drivel
like this fool did and leave themselves wide open to a counter

I'm starting to pity them
:2up: Lets use this hypothetical. Lets say Jeb Bush was the Governor Of Hawaii. Both Senators and all of Congress are Republicans. Then we have this false alarm where thousands of people were in fear of their lives, then an hour or so the correction is made,,its a false alarm. :eek-52:
So how would our leftist media/MSM handle the story?
What if you had an IQ over 80?

He would be twice as smart as you.
the boring people in this room are so jealous of us conservatives cause we got the greatest sense of humor

You're 100% correct.

You can see that in their remarks. They are so butt hurt because
they have been reduced to nothing, that they even struggle attempting
to make derogatory remarks about other posters.

Christ...a 3rd grader would have known better than to post drivel
like this fool did and leave themselves wide open to a counter

I'm starting to pity them
Urine idiot
:2up: Lets use this hypothetical. Lets say Jeb Bush was the Governor Of Hawaii. Both Senators and all of Congress are Republicans. Then we have this false alarm where thousands of people were in fear of their lives, then an hour or so the correction is made,,its a false alarm. :eek-52:
So how would our leftist media/MSM handle the story?
What if you had an IQ over 80?

He would be twice as smart as you.
the boring people in this room are so jealous of us conservatives cause we got the greatest sense of humor

You're 100% correct.

You can see that in their remarks. They are so butt hurt because
they have been reduced to nothing, that they even struggle attempting
to make derogatory remarks about other posters.

Christ...a 3rd grader would have known better than to post drivel
like this fool did and leave themselves wide open to a counter

I'm starting to pity them
You’re not that clever
:2up: Lets use this hypothetical. Lets say Jeb Bush was the Governor Of Hawaii. Both Senators and all of Congress are Republicans. Then we have this false alarm where thousands of people were in fear of their lives, then an hour or so the correction is made,,its a false alarm. :eek-52:
So how would our leftist media/MSM handle the story?

They wouldn’t sweep it under the table like they are doing. It would be constantly on the 24/7 news schedule. They would be bashing all Republicans, they would make it Trump’s fault, they would say the slashing of the budget is the culprit etc.

The hypocrisy is amazing

Sent from my iPhone using
/——/ They’d say it was caused by tax cuts for the rich.
Who gives a shit? OP is retarded

Nope, good question, people like you are Obama leftwing ball sucker.
Nope, stupid question. People like you should walk off of the side of a tall building
Perhaps you can explain why a REAL report is ignorant while you IGNORE the threads by the left that are nothing but lies? Remind me why you haven't called THEM out again?
Anyone from either side trying to blame the other side for this, is a partisan hack. Shit happens. Heads don’t need to roll over every mistake.
:2up: Lets use this hypothetical. Lets say Jeb Bush was the Governor Of Hawaii. Both Senators and all of Congress are Republicans. Then we have this false alarm where thousands of people were in fear of their lives, then an hour or so the correction is made,,its a false alarm. :eek-52:
So how would our leftist media/MSM handle the story?
who cares?

they're full of shit troll jockies looking for page hits and raw emotion. the minute i give a flying horse shit what they think and care - i'm toast.
Who gives a shit? OP is retarded
/----/ It's a valid question that you can't wait to avoid.
how is a trap question valid?

i've asked these questions all the time. what if trump did all the things obama did - are they ok now?

of course not. trump can't eat fried chicken w/o wanting to reinstill slavery so anything he does is geared to that direction by jaded eyes. maybe they're jaded for a reason but when you let your guard become monovision, it becomes an obsession and you hyper-view things he does and simply because they can't stand the man, his very breathing pisses them off.

kinda sad but many were that was for obama and hillary. i was that way for hillary for awhile so i get it. you want justice for all the crap you see someone do but it never happens. so that desire turns to hate pretty quickly and we lob these "valid questions" at each other as if THIS will be the one that makes them see their bias.

we need to get over the petty shit we accuse the other side of being so focused on and lead the way out of this shit, not browbeat people into submission cause look, it ain't workin.
:2up: Lets use this hypothetical. Lets say Jeb Bush was the Governor Of Hawaii. Both Senators and all of Congress are Republicans. Then we have this false alarm where thousands of people were in fear of their lives, then an hour or so the correction is made,,its a false alarm. :eek-52:
So how would our leftist media/MSM handle the story?
What if you had an IQ over 80?

He would be twice as smart as you.
the boring people in this room are so jealous of us conservatives cause we got the greatest sense of humor

You're 100% correct.

You can see that in their remarks. They are so butt hurt because
they have been reduced to nothing, that they even struggle attempting
to make derogatory remarks about other posters.

Christ...a 3rd grader would have known better than to post drivel
like this fool did and leave themselves wide open to a counter

I'm starting to pity them
Urine idiot

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