Good Question:,What Will We Be Calling Obama Soon?,"Former White House Employee"?

:desk: :blues: Now this is an interesting question. When Barry and Michelle leaves the White House "For Good", how will they be addressed?, will it vary from state to state?
Maybe in very deep red states,they will just refer to Obama as "Former White House Intern"?, what about in Texas, will most of them call him, "Former Golfer"?
Although we probably have a good idea of all of the names we will be calling Michelle once she is set free to conquer the world.
So lets hear what all of you guys will be calling Barry these next few years.
:clap2: :eusa_clap: :poop:
Former President of the United States (and the last one for at least 4 years without a * in front of their title)
So you're ok with letting this one live?
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm actually anti-death penalty.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, you can't recall posts from 15 min ago love.
Of course I can. You didn't reference any post of mine. If you had, I would have responded differently.
Intelligent, educated people know better than to make blind references without actually stating what they mean or referencing what they're talking about.

It's not my job to figure out what the fuck you're talking about. If you can't make your point, that's your problem.
Do you have Putin on ignore? BTW, I am a Republican Conservative but please put ME on ignore, too. Thanks in advance,. I hopwe to never hear o=from or see your posts again!... bye now...take care...tally ho.

You're a mentally ill liar, is what you are. You aren't significant enough to ignore.

You can't even get along with your own love.
So you're ok with letting this one live?
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm actually anti-death penalty.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, you can't recall posts from 15 min ago love.
Of course I can. You didn't reference any post of mine. If you had, I would have responded differently.
Intelligent, educated people know better than to make blind references without actually stating what they mean or referencing what they're talking about.

It's not my job to figure out what the fuck you're talking about. If you can't make your point, that's your problem.
Do you have Putin on ignore? BTW, I am a Republican Conservative but please put ME on ignore, too. Thanks in advance,. I hopwe to never hear o=from or see your posts again!... bye now...take care...tally ho.

You're a mentally ill liar, is what you are. You aren't significant enough to ignore.

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