Good Question:Will Debbie Wasserman Attempt To Escape USA Or Hide If Further Obstruction Discovered?

She'll escape to the West Bank because Deep State will make sure they don't catch her. Living on the West Bank, her neighbors will include Col Ossman and Barbara Olsen....
Good Question:Will Debbie Wasserman Attempt To Escape USA Or Hide If Further Obstruction Discovered?

Far Better Questions:
  • Who gives a f*ck if she does or doesn't?
  • What difference does it make if she does or doesn't?
All the stuff that's going on in the world and what Debbie Wasserman might do is what's got your panties in a bunch. Wow, just wow....


Guessing most all Democrats care, they urgently need someone to fall on their sword. Then everything will be Wasserman's fault.
this thread makes you wonder how old the op. and his leg humping pals really are.

Yet another one. The Democrat motto ought to be "Move along folks, nothing to see here. Unless a Republican is in the mix, then gather round".

If a Republican did the exact same thing as Dipshit Debbie, you guys would be screaming bloody murder for a vigilante lynching.
Debbie tried to intimidate the D.C. Police chief into giving her evidence in an active bank fraud case?

She is a just awful.

If you wouldn't defend the same actions by a conservative elected official, you shouldn't defend Deb for trying to obstruct justice.

If there is nothing incriminating on the device, what does she care? Just buy another device with my tax money.

why didnt they arrest her right there when she threatened them with Konsequences?

She should have been told that as long as a piece of property is part of an ongoing investigation, the owner of the property has to wait for its return.

She is utterly full of shit when she says that as long as the owner of the property is not under investigation the property should be returned.

If someone commits murder with a piano wire that belongs to me, I don't get my piano wire back immediately just because I am not a suspect.

Debbie is very worried about the content of that device.

She doesn't want it public,


Debbie and the Rat Party lost all credibility starting in June/July 2009,,,we pretty much assumed that everything coming out of a Rats Mouth was a lie,,,,,,hmm,,,,like the benefits of Obama-Care?
If a Russian-born IT specialist with longstanding ties to former Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus was arrested by the FBI trying to board a flight to Moscow after wiring hundreds of thousands of dollars abroad on a false pretense while leaving a trail of destroyed hard drives in his wake, it would be the subject of banner headlines and 24/7 speculation on cable TV. We need answers in Democrats' congressional IT drama
Good Question:Will Debbie Wasserman Attempt To Escape USA Or Hide If Further Obstruction Discovered?

Far Better Questions:
  • Who gives a f*ck if she does or doesn't?
  • What difference does it make if she does or doesn't?
All the stuff that's going on in the world and what Debbie Wasserman might do is what's got your panties in a bunch. Wow, just wow....

Ya we should investigate Trump for Russia when there is no evidence but damn why dother investigating her when she enabled hired and protected spies? I mean right?
investigate Trump for Russia when there is no evidence

The point of investigating is to find evidence. If one doesn't investigate, of course, one will have no evidence.
Why would she wait so long to bail?

These people aren't exactly known for their boldness.

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