Good reason why liberals mislabel nothing burgers as T-bone steaks

Hey everybody....let's play dueling indictments!!!!

That's gong to be difficult for you, since there aren't any Democrats lying to the FBI, obstructing justice, laundering Russian money or committing treason.

Sure, you keep saying there are, and that indictments for Clinton and Obama are imminent, but it never happens. You're being played.

Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein 0bama. Of course there won't be indictments coming, Democrats are above the law and the GOP has no spine. They are still guilty.
Well maybe it's because the FBI refuses to investigate any motherfucking Democrats right now.

Yes, yes....the FBI is full of democrats ....and the CIA is full of liberals......(the only spy agency you morons can trust is the FSB (formerly KGB)........

Paranoia has settled in......Britain is against us, the EU mocks the clown, Mexico refused to write us a check......All that you folks have is Alabama (maybe) and Mississippi and perhaps Arkansas........LOL

Go away liar.
Based on past history, whenever a conservative says "nothingburger", it means a new indictment will soon follow.

And it won't matter. Every time they get proven wrong, conservatives go right back to making the exact same mistake. But then, if they were capable of learning from experience, they'd be liberals.
ABC News suspends Brian Ross for 4 weeks over erroneous Flynn story

ABC News suspends Brian Ross for 4 weeks over erroneous Flynn story
Seems that you guys are citing Brian Ross and using that as an excuse to deny the bigger picture. Flynn has turned and will be cooperating with the special prosecutor in this investigation in order to testify as to what he knows. Now it doesn't matter if he is prepared to testify against Trump or not, Flynn is going to be singing and that's a fact. This is filet mignon.
Seems that you guys are citing Brian Ross and using that as an excuse to deny the bigger picture. Flynn has turned and will be cooperating with the special prosecutor in this investigation in order to testify as to what he knows. Now it doesn't matter if he is prepared to testify against Trump or not, Flynn is going to be singing and that's a fact. This is filet mignon.
Dershowitz: Flynn Plea Is 'A Show of Weakness' for Mueller - Breitbart
Ya right asshole!
Mullier settled for a thin slice of baloney in his burger.
So Mullier is going to charge his 'star witness' with lying????????
Good fucking luck with that!
ANY defense would tear Flynn's testimony to shreds. Mullier knows that.
But you LIB dummies keep jacking off. The problem is you'll never get 'across the finish line' with the likes of 'the coffee boy' and Flynn.
They didn't have anything to sell Mullier.
IF Mullier really had anything on Trump et al there's NO WAY he would have 'leaked' the BLOCKBUSTER BREAKING NEWS!!!!! about Flynn at this stage and charged him with 'jaywalking'.
Last edited:
Seems that you guys are citing Brian Ross and using that as an excuse to deny the bigger picture. Flynn has turned and will be cooperating with the special prosecutor in this investigation in order to testify as to what he knows. Now it doesn't matter if he is prepared to testify against Trump or not, Flynn is going to be singing and that's a fact. This is filet mignon.
Dershowitz: Flynn Plea Is 'A Show of Weakness' for Mueller - Breitbart
Ya right asshole!
Mullier settled for a thin slice of baloney in his burger.
So Mullier is going to charge his 'star witness' with lying????????
Good fucking luck with that!
ANY defense would tear Flynn's testimony to shreds. Mullier knows that.
But you LIB dummies keep jacking off. The problem is you'll never get 'across the finish line' with the likes of 'the coffee boy' and Flynn.
They didn't have anything to sell Mullier.
IF Mullier really had anything on Trump et al there's NO WAY he would have 'leaked' the BLOCKBUSTER BREAKING NEWS!!!!! about Flynn at this stage and charged him with 'jaywalking'.

Breitbart is fake news. Dershowitz is a joke.

Trump is in trouble.
They really thought they had something, and to-date they still have nothing. If the truth isn't what you'd hope for, just dress it up and fabricate.

ABC's Brian Ross again under fire for explosive error on Trump, Flynn

Just out of curiosity:

Are we at a point where we're almost through with the term "nothing burger"?

Well maybe it's because the FBI refuses to investigate any motherfucking Democrats right now.

Yes, yes....the FBI is full of democrats ....and the CIA is full of liberals......(the only spy agency you morons can trust is the FSB (formerly KGB)........

Paranoia has settled in......Britain is against us, the EU mocks the clown, Mexico refused to write us a check......All that you folks have is Alabama (maybe) and Mississippi and perhaps Arkansas........LOL

Go away liar.

Just out of curiosity:

Are we at a point where we're almost through with the term "nothing burger"?
I figure when Democrats and their corrupt officials stop serving them up, we'll stop talking about them.

Seems that you guys are citing Brian Ross and using that as an excuse to deny the bigger picture. Flynn has turned and will be cooperating with the special prosecutor in this investigation in order to testify as to what he knows. Now it doesn't matter if he is prepared to testify against Trump or not, Flynn is going to be singing and that's a fact. This is filet mignon.
Dershowitz: Flynn Plea Is 'A Show of Weakness' for Mueller - Breitbart
Ya right asshole!
Mullier settled for a thin slice of baloney in his burger.
So Mullier is going to charge his 'star witness' with lying????????
Good fucking luck with that!
ANY defense would tear Flynn's testimony to shreds. Mullier knows that.
But you LIB dummies keep jacking off. The problem is you'll never get 'across the finish line' with the likes of 'the coffee boy' and Flynn.
They didn't have anything to sell Mullier.
IF Mullier really had anything on Trump et al there's NO WAY he would have 'leaked' the BLOCKBUSTER BREAKING NEWS!!!!! about Flynn at this stage and charged him with 'jaywalking'.

Seems that you guys are citing Brian Ross and using that as an excuse to deny the bigger picture. Flynn has turned and will be cooperating with the special prosecutor in this investigation in order to testify as to what he knows. Now it doesn't matter if he is prepared to testify against Trump or not, Flynn is going to be singing and that's a fact. This is filet mignon.
Dershowitz: Flynn Plea Is 'A Show of Weakness' for Mueller - Breitbart
Ya right asshole!
Mullier settled for a thin slice of baloney in his burger.
So Mullier is going to charge his 'star witness' with lying????????
Good fucking luck with that!
ANY defense would tear Flynn's testimony to shreds. Mullier knows that.
But you LIB dummies keep jacking off. The problem is you'll never get 'across the finish line' with the likes of 'the coffee boy' and Flynn.
They didn't have anything to sell Mullier.
IF Mullier really had anything on Trump et al there's NO WAY he would have 'leaked' the BLOCKBUSTER BREAKING NEWS!!!!! about Flynn at this stage and charged him with 'jaywalking'.

Breitbart is fake news. Dershowitz is a joke.

Trump is in trouble.

For at least the 10th time, I will say this to ALL of you------------>


Wake up folks! Do you actually believe that all the problems that Fox had just came to light accidentally. And what happened?!?!?! Who started that ball rolling, and WHO LEARNED from it! They almost took Fox down, got rid of O'Reilly, tried and almost succeeded in getting rid of Hannity, and WHO did it!

Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the deal was, and even SLOW ASS REPUBLICANS got the message on how it works. Some people in the private sector even realized that it almost took Trump down, while Hillary basically sat there and cackled her crooked ass off.

And so, what do YOU think happened! What would YOU do if this was constantly happening to YOU, knowing that the other side had at LEAST as much dirt as you, and the other networks were just as bad, if NOT worse than the network they tried to take down! Not to mention, they are BIAS!

Then the question is----------->if it was always this easy to do, then why did it never happen before?

I am glad I asked myself that question for you, lol, and here is why-------------> Because you have an administration that for the most part, are ACTUALLY OUTSIDERS! They were not caught up in this crap, and since some Republicans may go down with the Democrats, so what! They are against this administration too!

But can the administration use its power to do such a thing? ANSWER=no, they can not! But, someone who USED to be in the administration could leave, and then start the ball rolling quickly as it would not have government involvement. Do you know ANYONE who USED to be in the administration that has not only the trust of Trump, along with the gonads to do it-) Do you know anyone who used to be there that would have the infrastructure to accomplish such a task-) Do you think that an outsider coming in, talking to people in Washington who now FREELY ADMIT that a lot of this stuff was common knowledge, became informed, and now reverse the tactics to make certain entities pay while lowering their political capital!

What is the NUMBER 1 way to get a seat to change hands in congress? Get RID OF THE INCUMBENT, because they have almost a 90% re-election rate along with name recognition!

To Mac especially-------->if you think this is over, you are going to be disappointed, I promise you that. This is the tip of the iceberg, and as you can see by the congressional retirements being announced, many of the people have gotten the message. But sex is NOT the only hammer being used, it was just the easiest. Wait a while, more fun is coming, and Conservatives need to insure they have lotsa popcorn on hand, and adult beverages too. After Christmas, many people are going to need more than a snow shovel to dig themselves out of the doo-doo they are going to find themselves in-)
To Mac especially-------->if you think this is over, you are going to be disappointed, I promise you that.
Oh hell, I realize that.

Both parties are going to find every last tidbit of material they can use against the other, make up whatever they can get away with, engage in wild conjecture, jump to simplistic and transparent conclusions, believe every bad report, amp it up by a factor of 50, and ride it absolutely has long and as hard as they possibly can.

Because they'd rather do that than act like adults.

I'm just engaging in some wishful thinking, that's all. Plus, and this was actually the point of my post, I think the term "nothing burger" is dumb.
Well maybe it's because the FBI refuses to investigate any motherfucking Democrats right now.

Yes, yes....the FBI is full of democrats ....and the CIA is full of liberals......(the only spy agency you morons can trust is the FSB (formerly KGB)........

Paranoia has settled in......Britain is against us, the EU mocks the clown, Mexico refused to write us a check......All that you folks have is Alabama (maybe) and Mississippi and perhaps Arkansas........LOL

I thought Donny won 30 did we end up with only three?
They really thought they had something, and to-date they still have nothing. If the truth isn't what you'd hope for, just dress it up and fabricate.

ABC's Brian Ross again under fire for explosive error on Trump, Flynn

Just out of curiosity:

Are we at a point where we're almost through with the term "nothing burger"?

Well maybe it's because the FBI refuses to investigate any motherfucking Democrats right now.

Yes, yes....the FBI is full of democrats ....and the CIA is full of liberals......(the only spy agency you morons can trust is the FSB (formerly KGB)........

Paranoia has settled in......Britain is against us, the EU mocks the clown, Mexico refused to write us a check......All that you folks have is Alabama (maybe) and Mississippi and perhaps Arkansas........LOL

Go away liar.

Just out of curiosity:

Are we at a point where we're almost through with the term "nothing burger"?
I figure when Democrats and their corrupt officials stop serving them up, we'll stop talking about them.

Seems that you guys are citing Brian Ross and using that as an excuse to deny the bigger picture. Flynn has turned and will be cooperating with the special prosecutor in this investigation in order to testify as to what he knows. Now it doesn't matter if he is prepared to testify against Trump or not, Flynn is going to be singing and that's a fact. This is filet mignon.
Dershowitz: Flynn Plea Is 'A Show of Weakness' for Mueller - Breitbart
Ya right asshole!
Mullier settled for a thin slice of baloney in his burger.
So Mullier is going to charge his 'star witness' with lying????????
Good fucking luck with that!
ANY defense would tear Flynn's testimony to shreds. Mullier knows that.
But you LIB dummies keep jacking off. The problem is you'll never get 'across the finish line' with the likes of 'the coffee boy' and Flynn.
They didn't have anything to sell Mullier.
IF Mullier really had anything on Trump et al there's NO WAY he would have 'leaked' the BLOCKBUSTER BREAKING NEWS!!!!! about Flynn at this stage and charged him with 'jaywalking'.

Seems that you guys are citing Brian Ross and using that as an excuse to deny the bigger picture. Flynn has turned and will be cooperating with the special prosecutor in this investigation in order to testify as to what he knows. Now it doesn't matter if he is prepared to testify against Trump or not, Flynn is going to be singing and that's a fact. This is filet mignon.
Dershowitz: Flynn Plea Is 'A Show of Weakness' for Mueller - Breitbart
Ya right asshole!
Mullier settled for a thin slice of baloney in his burger.
So Mullier is going to charge his 'star witness' with lying????????
Good fucking luck with that!
ANY defense would tear Flynn's testimony to shreds. Mullier knows that.
But you LIB dummies keep jacking off. The problem is you'll never get 'across the finish line' with the likes of 'the coffee boy' and Flynn.
They didn't have anything to sell Mullier.
IF Mullier really had anything on Trump et al there's NO WAY he would have 'leaked' the BLOCKBUSTER BREAKING NEWS!!!!! about Flynn at this stage and charged him with 'jaywalking'.

Breitbart is fake news. Dershowitz is a joke.

Trump is in trouble.

For at least the 10th time, I will say this to ALL of you------------>


Wake up folks! Do you actually believe that all the problems that Fox had just came to light accidentally. And what happened?!?!?! Who started that ball rolling, and WHO LEARNED from it! They almost took Fox down, got rid of O'Reilly, tried and almost succeeded in getting rid of Hannity, and WHO did it!

Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the deal was, and even SLOW ASS REPUBLICANS got the message on how it works. Some people in the private sector even realized that it almost took Trump down, while Hillary basically sat there and cackled her crooked ass off.

And so, what do YOU think happened! What would YOU do if this was constantly happening to YOU, knowing that the other side had at LEAST as much dirt as you, and the other networks were just as bad, if NOT worse than the network they tried to take down! Not to mention, they are BIAS!

Then the question is----------->if it was always this easy to do, then why did it never happen before?

I am glad I asked myself that question for you, lol, and here is why-------------> Because you have an administration that for the most part, are ACTUALLY OUTSIDERS! They were not caught up in this crap, and since some Republicans may go down with the Democrats, so what! They are against this administration too!

But can the administration use its power to do such a thing? ANSWER=no, they can not! But, someone who USED to be in the administration could leave, and then start the ball rolling quickly as it would not have government involvement. Do you know ANYONE who USED to be in the administration that has not only the trust of Trump, along with the gonads to do it-) Do you know anyone who used to be there that would have the infrastructure to accomplish such a task-) Do you think that an outsider coming in, talking to people in Washington who now FREELY ADMIT that a lot of this stuff was common knowledge, became informed, and now reverse the tactics to make certain entities pay while lowering their political capital!

What is the NUMBER 1 way to get a seat to change hands in congress? Get RID OF THE INCUMBENT, because they have almost a 90% re-election rate along with name recognition!

To Mac especially-------->if you think this is over, you are going to be disappointed, I promise you that. This is the tip of the iceberg, and as you can see by the congressional retirements being announced, many of the people have gotten the message. But sex is NOT the only hammer being used, it was just the easiest. Wait a while, more fun is coming, and Conservatives need to insure they have lotsa popcorn on hand, and adult beverages too. After Christmas, many people are going to need more than a snow shovel to dig themselves out of the doo-doo they are going to find themselves in-)

This is a load of lunacy.
Based on past history, whenever a conservative says "nothingburger", it means a new indictment will soon follow.

And it won't matter. Every time they get proven wrong, conservatives go right back to making the exact same mistake. But then, if they were capable of learning from experience, they'd be liberals.
Really? Why hasn't Trump been indicted liar?
Based on past history, whenever a conservative says "nothingburger", it means a new indictment will soon follow.

And it won't matter. Every time they get proven wrong, conservatives go right back to making the exact same mistake. But then, if they were capable of learning from experience, they'd be liberals.
That nothing burger is a huge shit sandwich for the Trump administration
Based on past history, whenever a conservative says "nothingburger", it means a new indictment will soon follow.

And it won't matter. Every time they get proven wrong, conservatives go right back to making the exact same mistake. But then, if they were capable of learning from experience, they'd be liberals.
That nothing burger is a huge shit sandwich for the Trump administration
LOL! Is this the one? You clowns got nothng on Trump and never will. And you know what? You are cutting your own stupid throats. I love it.

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