Good Summary of Scumbag McCain and Douchebag Paul Ryan's Collusion with Crooked Hillary!

HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Our Liberal friends attacked McCain brutally - when he was running for office in 2008.

Also savaged the Bush Family,and now the Connecticut aristocrats are considered great heroes and patriots.

Yes, a dead establishment Republican is a good establishment Republican, as they cant fuck US anymore, and wont reach across the aisle chumming up with the dickhead liberals.
So Trumpers hate Republicans and Democrats.

Actually, you have it backwards. Dems and Reps both hate Trumpsters.

The common people are supposed to shut up as their opinion doesn't count.

Trump is the modern day Wat Tyler, and the Deplorables Revolt of 2016 is just a modern day Peasants Revolt.

The elite called the peasants "villains" back in the day. Crooked Hillary wasn't that far off from Richard II when she called the modern peasants "deplorables".
Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.
Hah! You wouldn't know a fact if it wiggled up your ass! You will crawl on your knees thru cracked glass for the world's biggest liar and support his bots like snouter to the point of absurdity, adding your own pitiful invective. McCain at least stood up like a man, not some sniveling flunkie.
A fact like a person with a pecker and balls is a man? Or a person with boobs but a pecker and balls is still a man? That is a FACT, yet your side is so mentally ill, you believe that cum giver is a woman...

This thread is about republicans electing scumbags. You're off subject.
So you Agree that leftists are scumbags

Only an idiot would think that's what I said, so.....
That’s exactly what you said. McCain was a leftist. Bough said
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Mccain is a scumbag who is burning in hell, unless he repented at the end and Christ had mercy on him.

He, was a fucking scumbag, and so are you. You fucking moronic scumbag.

Way to not comment on the factual information though. Then again, you are a fucking worldly hypnotized scumbag.

Hah! You wouldn't know a fact if it wiggled up your ass! You will crawl on your knees thru cracked glass for the world's biggest liar and support his bots like snouter to the point of absurdity, adding your own pitiful invective. McCain at least stood up like a man, not some sniveling flunkie.

A fact like a person with a pecker and balls is a man? Or a person with boobs but a pecker and balls is still a man? That is a FACT, yet your side is so mentally ill, you believe that cum giver is a woman...

"But...but...but... Transgenders!"

Well, at least you're branching out a little.
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Our Liberal friends attacked McCain brutally - when he was running for office in 2008.

Also savaged the Bush Family,and now the Connecticut aristocrats are considered great heroes and patriots.

My prince, McCain's choice of Veep was a big mistake, and she was attacked more than him. You know I defended him from friend and foe in '08 even tho I didn't vote for him, and I haven't lost that urge to slap the snot up close and personal out of his petty pissant detractors who run around like chicken little screaming like little girls over a caravan of exhausted refugees.
Bush family got theirs too, but not as individual people. 41 actually was a patriot, and 43 a good man if crappy leader as Cheney's #2, not to mention Corsi and Karl Rove's influence.
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Our Liberal friends attacked McCain brutally - when he was running for office in 2008.

Also savaged the Bush Family,and now the Connecticut aristocrats are considered great heroes and patriots.

My prince, McCain's choice of Veep was a big mistake, and she was attacked more than him. You know I defended him from friend and foe in '08 even tho I didn't vote for him, and I haven't lost that urge to slap the snot up close and personal out of his petty pissant detractors who run around like chicken little screaming like little girls over a caravan of exhausted refugees.
Bush family got theirs too, but not as individual people. 41 actually was a patriot, and 43 a good man if crappy leader as Cheney's #2, not to mention Corsi and Karl Rove's influence.

I voted for McCain in 2008, but I thought he ran an extremely weak campaign. Really didn't attack Obama at all.

You do know he started the fight with President Trump, when he called Trump's voters "crazies". That was the motivation for Trump to lash back at McCain, because Trump had loyalty to his voters. I don't know if Mr. McCain ever withdrew his charge against Trump supporters.
HILLARYious the anti-Trump mentals were so sad at the McCain dead body events to further attack our democracy.

How dare a pissant like you attack McCain!

Our Liberal friends attacked McCain brutally - when he was running for office in 2008.

Also savaged the Bush Family,and now the Connecticut aristocrats are considered great heroes and patriots.

My prince, McCain's choice of Veep was a big mistake, and she was attacked more than him. You know I defended him from friend and foe in '08 even tho I didn't vote for him, and I haven't lost that urge to slap the snot up close and personal out of his petty pissant detractors who run around like chicken little screaming like little girls over a caravan of exhausted refugees.
Bush family got theirs too, but not as individual people. 41 actually was a patriot, and 43 a good man if crappy leader as Cheney's #2, not to mention Corsi and Karl Rove's influence.

I voted for McCain in 2008, but I thought he ran an extremely weak campaign. Really didn't attack Obama at all.

You do know he started the fight with President Trump, when he called Trump's voters "crazies". That was the motivation for Trump to lash back at McCain, because Trump had loyalty to his voters. I don't know if Mr. McCain ever withdrew his charge against Trump supporters.

I didn't know McCain called Trump voters 'crazies', but he was right. Trump is lightening fast to take offense at anything less that God-worthy worship and casts his tweeted thunderbolts like scattershot. Trump loyal to his voters, you say? I wonder who Sessions, Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, Papadopoulos and about 30 others in the hot seat voted for. I wonder who McCain voted for. Trump's loyalty to you and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee.
I didn't know McCain called Trump voters 'crazies', but he was right. Trump is lightening fast to take offense at anything less that God-worthy worship and casts his tweeted thunderbolts like scattershot. Trump loyal to his voters, you say? I wonder who Sessions, Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, Papadopoulos and about 30 others in the hot seat voted for. I wonder who McCain voted for. Trump's loyalty to you and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee.

McCain voted for Hillary Clinton, no?

I know the Bush Family did, as well as Mitt Romney.

In any event, McCain voted to repeal O'care many, many times in the Senate. Until 2017, where he stuck it to Trump because of his hatred for the President.

There is no other reasonable reason why he would.
I didn't know McCain called Trump voters 'crazies', but he was right. Trump is lightening fast to take offense at anything less that God-worthy worship and casts his tweeted thunderbolts like scattershot. Trump loyal to his voters, you say? I wonder who Sessions, Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, Papadopoulos and about 30 others in the hot seat voted for. I wonder who McCain voted for. Trump's loyalty to you and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee.

McCain voted for Hillary Clinton, no?

I know the Bush Family did, as well as Mitt Romney.

In any event, McCain voted to repeal O'care many, many times in the Senate. Until 2017, where he stuck it to Trump because of his hatred for the President.

There is no other reasonable reason why he would.
McCain stated his reasons for his negative vote many times. He cited lack of procedure. No debate, no replacement. You know he never liked the ACA, but circumventing the legislative process was even worse as another step down the road to chaos.

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