Good Video on "The Black Book of Communism": A Helpful Look at the Evils of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
This short but informative video is based on the book The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, published by Harvard University Press and written by a team of scholars that consisted of Jean-Louis Panné (Author), Andrzej Paczkowski (Author), Karel Bartosek (Author), Jean-Louis Margolin (Author), Nicolas Werth (Author), Stéphane Courtois (Author), Mark Kramer (Editor, Translator), Jonathan Murphy (Translator).

The video focuses on the atrocious crimes against humanity committed by Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, but also discusses Communist brutality in other parts of the world. It also examines the Communist worldview of atheism and hostility toward religion.

This is an excellent companion video to the one I posted in the thread "The Truth About Vladimir Lenin -- New Video by Former Seattle Times Editor David Volodzko."

This short but informative video is based on the book The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, published by Harvard University Press and written by a team of scholars that consisted of Jean-Louis Panné (Author), Andrzej Paczkowski (Author), Karel Bartosek (Author), Jean-Louis Margolin (Author), Nicolas Werth (Author), Stéphane Courtois (Author), Mark Kramer (Editor, Translator), Jonathan Murphy (Translator).

The video focuses on the atrocious crimes against humanity committed by Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, but also discusses Communist brutality in other parts of the world. It also examines the Communist worldview of atheism and hostility toward religion.

This is an excellent companion video to the one I posted in the thread "The Truth About Vladimir Lenin -- New Video by Former Seattle Times Editor David Volodzko."

90% of all commie- ugly SPIES HAVE NEVER BEEN PROSECUTED, Hollywood has not made a film about them ....can we start with prosecution of them ? its not that complicated

files showed that while the Rosenbergs gave valuable information to the Soviets, the secrets gathered by the Cohens were most vital to Soviet development of the atomic bomb.

When Klaus Fuchs was arrested in Britain, the Cohens didn’t wait for the trail to lead back to New York, leaving immediately for the Soviet Union. In 1954, the childless Cohens re-emerged in London as “Peter and Helen Kroger”, operating a small antique book shop. They were also operating a new espionage network for the Soviets. Seven years after their arrival in England, the Cohens were caught with a houseful of spying equipment and arrested. Put on trial and convicted, luck would intervene for the “Krogers” in 1969, when they were traded to the Soviet Union for British prisoner Gerald Brooke. Many Britons criticized the exchange, claiming the Soviet Union should have been forced to pay a higher price for the Cohens, as by this time it was known that they were two of the most dangerous spies on the planet. They would live out the remainder of their lives in Russia, where they died in the early 1990s.

When the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991, old Soviet espionage files were opened that detailed the contributions made by spies to the Soviet atomic program. These files showed that while the Rosenbergs gave valuable information to the Soviets, the secrets gathered by the Cohens were most vital to Soviet development of the atomic bomb. Seemingly confirming the Cohens’ importance was the fact that during the last years of the Soviet Union’s existence, commemorative Soviet stamps were printed honoring both Morris and Lona Cohen. The honors bestowed on the couple in Russia seem an ironic twist, given the fact that these Americans did so much, in the name of idealism, to hurt their own country.


An estimated 150 million-200 million unnecessary deaths were caused by British rule in India. Stalin & company were second rate thugs when compared to the British. I don`t watch videos because I can read faster than they can talk.
150 million-200 million unnecessary deaths were caused by British rule in India.
3 world-commie lies, HINDUSTAN HAS ALWAYS BEEN God forsaken territory (not a country , but territory ), and England fixed it , first time in the history . You Hindus must pay Englishmen tones of cash for fixing your, badly overpopulated mess

Babur about INDIA (Hindustan) : “Hindustan is a place of little charm. There is no beauty in its people, no graceful social intercourse, no poetic talent or understanding, no etiquette, nobility or MANLINESS. The ARTS and crafts have no harmony or symmetry. There are no good horses, meat, grapes, melons or other fruit. There is no ice, cold water, good food or bread in the markets. There are no baths and no schools. There are no candles, torches or even candlesticks.

“Where 8 Months are Hot and the remaining 4 are Hotter.” Indians he says are not very good Mixers Socially and always tend to speak Ill of the Ones who are not present there(Which is True to this day).

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