
my dad lived to 95, my mother to 93.....neither thought it was that great.....

Is your point that you'd be OK with some government official dropping by and putting them out of their misery?

Like this:

. In 1984, Holland legalized euthanasia, the right of Dutch doctors to kill their elderly patients. Would they do so based on their whim?

a. “The Dutch survey, reviewed in the Journal of Medical Ethics, looked at the figures for 1995 and found that as well as 3,600 authorized cases there were 900 others in whichdoctors had acted without explicit consent…. they thought they were acting in the patient's best interests.”
As usual, PC is taking a legitimate issue and twisting it to fit her rightwing agenda

Nobody is advicating death camps or weeding out the weak from our society. What is proposed is not forcing terminal patients to suffer while they "wait to die" from natural causes

I appreciate you recognizing "a legitimate issue."

But you are incorrect here: "Nobody is advicating death camps or weeding out the weak from our society."

What I posted about the lack of concern for human beings being inseparable from Lefts doctrine....communist, Nazi, socialist, Progressive, etc. is fact.

Your confederates tried to slip the idea of euthanasia into the original ObamaCare bill....

1. "Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia, assisted suicide
I wrote August 10 about the now infamous Section 1233 in a House version of the nationalized healthcare plan, which has concerned even healthcare proponents as pushing euthanasia on the elderly."
Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia assisted suicide - Jill Stanek

2. "WASHINGTON - When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1."
ObamaCare Section 1233 Is Still Alive and Kicking Babal Blog

3. "The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

Its a shame really that you take what could be an interesting discussion and turn it into another "liberals are Nazis" rant

You used to be an interesting poster before you started your "Watch me piss off the liberals" persona

You are a bright girl and could contribute a lot to the discussion. Too bad you have given it all up so that you can play internet games

This is not a game to me, it is a mission.

You should consider the possibility that everything I say is true,

I really don't care

People come on this board for different reasons. If your reason for being here is to construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time

Like I told you a long time ago, I don't bother reading your posts. I just sit on the outside, mock you, and move on

You get your jollies your way, I get mine my way

"....construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time."

That's actually truth and enlightenment that I provide.

And that is the explanation for the all the enraged responses from you folks, while ignoring the content that I post.

That's true, isn't it.

while ignoring the content that I post.

I'm sorry but most people ignore the content you post. Have you noticed how few conservative posters actually contribute to your threads? Even conservatives find them to be tedious

Its a shame really, because you are capable of much better

But if you enjoy the shits and giggles from your endless threads....go at it
I appreciate you recognizing "a legitimate issue."

But you are incorrect here: "Nobody is advicating death camps or weeding out the weak from our society."

What I posted about the lack of concern for human beings being inseparable from Lefts doctrine....communist, Nazi, socialist, Progressive, etc. is fact.

Your confederates tried to slip the idea of euthanasia into the original ObamaCare bill....

1. "Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia, assisted suicide
I wrote August 10 about the now infamous Section 1233 in a House version of the nationalized healthcare plan, which has concerned even healthcare proponents as pushing euthanasia on the elderly."
Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia assisted suicide - Jill Stanek

2. "WASHINGTON - When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1."
ObamaCare Section 1233 Is Still Alive and Kicking Babal Blog

3. "The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

Its a shame really that you take what could be an interesting discussion and turn it into another "liberals are Nazis" rant

You used to be an interesting poster before you started your "Watch me piss off the liberals" persona

You are a bright girl and could contribute a lot to the discussion. Too bad you have given it all up so that you can play internet games

This is not a game to me, it is a mission.

You should consider the possibility that everything I say is true,

I really don't care

People come on this board for different reasons. If your reason for being here is to construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time

Like I told you a long time ago, I don't bother reading your posts. I just sit on the outside, mock you, and move on

You get your jollies your way, I get mine my way

"....construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time."

That's actually truth and enlightenment that I provide.

And that is the explanation for the all the enraged responses from you folks, while ignoring the content that I post.

That's true, isn't it.

while ignoring the content that I post.

I'm sorry but most people ignore the content you post. Have you noticed how few conservative posters actually contribute to your threads? Even conservatives find them to be tedious

Its a shame really, because you are capable of much better

But if you enjoy the shits and giggles from your endless threads....go at it

Hey,'re ignoring the content of my post!!!
Its a shame really that you take what could be an interesting discussion and turn it into another "liberals are Nazis" rant

You used to be an interesting poster before you started your "Watch me piss off the liberals" persona

You are a bright girl and could contribute a lot to the discussion. Too bad you have given it all up so that you can play internet games

This is not a game to me, it is a mission.

You should consider the possibility that everything I say is true,

I really don't care

People come on this board for different reasons. If your reason for being here is to construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time

Like I told you a long time ago, I don't bother reading your posts. I just sit on the outside, mock you, and move on

You get your jollies your way, I get mine my way

"....construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time."

That's actually truth and enlightenment that I provide.

And that is the explanation for the all the enraged responses from you folks, while ignoring the content that I post.

That's true, isn't it.

while ignoring the content that I post.

I'm sorry but most people ignore the content you post. Have you noticed how few conservative posters actually contribute to your threads? Even conservatives find them to be tedious

Its a shame really, because you are capable of much better

But if you enjoy the shits and giggles from your endless threads....go at it

Hey,'re ignoring the content of my post!!!

I understand that you are trying to be the Ann Coulter of USMB. While I despise Coulter, at least she writes in a style that is provocative and understandable. She gets the reaction she wants from both liberals and conservatives

Your posts are mostly ridiculed and quickly picked apart. Conservatives say they agree with you but do not contribute to your threads

If you want to be Ann Coulter, then mimic her writing style. You will piss off more liberals and actually get conservatives to join your threads
This is not a game to me, it is a mission.

You should consider the possibility that everything I say is true,

I really don't care

People come on this board for different reasons. If your reason for being here is to construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time

Like I told you a long time ago, I don't bother reading your posts. I just sit on the outside, mock you, and move on

You get your jollies your way, I get mine my way

"....construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time."

That's actually truth and enlightenment that I provide.

And that is the explanation for the all the enraged responses from you folks, while ignoring the content that I post.

That's true, isn't it.

while ignoring the content that I post.

I'm sorry but most people ignore the content you post. Have you noticed how few conservative posters actually contribute to your threads? Even conservatives find them to be tedious

Its a shame really, because you are capable of much better

But if you enjoy the shits and giggles from your endless threads....go at it

Hey,'re ignoring the content of my post!!!

I understand that you are trying to be the Ann Coulter of USMB. While I despise Coulter, at least she writes in a style that is provocative and understandable. She gets the reaction she wants from both liberals and conservatives

Your posts are mostly ridiculed and quickly picked apart. Conservatives say they agree with you but do not contribute to your threads

If you want to be Ann Coulter, then mimic her writing style. You will piss off more liberals and actually get conservatives to join your threads

Hey,'re ignoring the content of my post!!!
I really don't care

People come on this board for different reasons. If your reason for being here is to construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time

Like I told you a long time ago, I don't bother reading your posts. I just sit on the outside, mock you, and move on

You get your jollies your way, I get mine my way

"....construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time."

That's actually truth and enlightenment that I provide.

And that is the explanation for the all the enraged responses from you folks, while ignoring the content that I post.

That's true, isn't it.

while ignoring the content that I post.

I'm sorry but most people ignore the content you post. Have you noticed how few conservative posters actually contribute to your threads? Even conservatives find them to be tedious

Its a shame really, because you are capable of much better

But if you enjoy the shits and giggles from your endless threads....go at it

Hey,'re ignoring the content of my post!!!

I understand that you are trying to be the Ann Coulter of USMB. While I despise Coulter, at least she writes in a style that is provocative and understandable. She gets the reaction she wants from both liberals and conservatives

Your posts are mostly ridiculed and quickly picked apart. Conservatives say they agree with you but do not contribute to your threads

If you want to be Ann Coulter, then mimic her writing style. You will piss off more liberals and actually get conservatives to join your threads

Hey,'re ignoring the content of my post!!!

Like I said

You post your "piss liberals off" hate piece and that is how you get your jollies

I ignore your childlike posts and sidetrack them into a discussion about how poor a poster you are and how little you contribute to this board. That is how I get my jollies
You two are just using bogus arguments against the right to die because you're hiding your true reason: your religious objection to not having to suffer until god takes your last breath, or some other mumbo jumbo like that. If there are problems with the current system, sure let's fix them, but the concept of individuals being able to control their own destiny is indisputable.

Dear Taz: It's BOTH things going on:
A. as with abortion, there are BOTH issues with the abortion process itself
AND with the politics of govt policy and who is using legal or legislative power for which agenda
BOTH are going on, NOT EITHER/OR
B. same with gun control, or legalization of drugs
BOTH the issues per se
PLUS the politics added on top

Until we address both levels, we will always fight.
We have to get past the politics first, if we are
ever going to address the real issues underneath.

Too bad koshergrl and PoliticalChic don't understand
spiritual healing and the impact of forgiveness on both levels:
BOTH the political level of dealing with each other's agenda, approach and party politics
AND the issues underneath. In the cases of euthanasia,
having the knowledge and CHOICE of spiritual healing,
to either cure the disease OR end the pain and suffering even if someone is dying,
would change the whole game and save people's quality of life, especially if they face death.

There would be no unnatural politics going on
if people made decisions peaceably with fully informed choices,
including the choice of spiritual healing which is currently so
suppressed that even koshgrl and PoliticalChic
don't realize it would void the whole conflict in the first place!
Either you are pretending not to understand the focus of the thread, or you are really stupid.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and consider the latter to be the case.
You can't respond to my thread properly, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and consider that you know that I'm right. :D

Taz and PoliticalChic:
I give you both the benefit of the doubt and see you are
BOTH right: there is BOTH a biased agenda on the LEFT AND THE RIGHT
to discredit the other and twist what each other is about.

If both would listen and work on solutions,
BOTH can get their way at the same time.

We can have perfect Freedom to Choose
AND have full information where people are not pressured
into premature death for lack of knowledge of how to better treat or cure diseased conditions.

We can have FULLY informed FREE CHOICE
if we put all our information together
instead of censoring each other politically to dominate by force.
Both sides do this.

My proof that information is being censored
is when I bring up Spiritual Healing, nobody seems to understand what it is.
And this would solve 98% of the problems here.

So both sides are censoring vital information
That is NOT free choice to deny and deprive people of LIFESAVING
methods that are free, natural and effective and can be proven consistent with science and medicine.

So both sides are right that the other is pushing some agenda,
and both sides are wrong to censor each other this way!

Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem
freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I am networking with other secular nontheists and Christian believers
to put together a team to prove that Spiritual Healing works naturally
with science and medicine and can change the mental health, prison and govt systems
we have now that are bogged down with waste of resources and conflicts over problems we can't afford to warehouse.

Spiritual healing would solve 98% of the backlog
by correction and prevention so this backlog doesn't keep piling up with
more crime and sickness than our resources can address effectively or sustainably.

Taz koshergrl PoliticalChic:
When you are done deadlocking by attacking or rejecting each other's political approach,
you are free to join in promoting a solution that
would END the conflicts over euthanasia
AND secure free choice and freedom of information
so nobody is pressured by politics or ignorance to limit their choices in life or death.

We wouldn't have this problem if we
focused on resolving problems instead of fighting over them, left and right.

Both sides are to blame and both are responsible.

It is NOT either / or

We need both freedom of choice AND the right information,
and to quit censoring BOTH by pitting one side against the other.

That isn't solving anything.

If you want to make a BULLRING bet
I will bet all of you fighting here that
medical proof of Spiritual Healing will do MORE
to promote the equal interests and beliefs
on BOTH SIDES of the euthanasia issue

each other over it which won't solve anything

So which way is it?

A. both left and right working together to
prove spiritual healing would relieve most of
the problems that go into euthanasia cases or conflicts over them

B. both left and right continuing to fight for dominance
by discrediting each other, and thus CENSORING
information and WASTING RESOURCES fighting politically
or legally that could go into promoting more therapy,
treatment, cure and prevention by medical research
and development in Spiritual Healing to help people of
all faiths facing adverse conditions on a mental, physical, relationship or even political level

So I challenge all of you fighting on this thread:

I argue that A will do more to fulfill the goals of either right or left
by focusing on common solutions that help both interests and violate nobody's beliefs

And I argue that B BLOCKS both the goals of Right AND Left
by censoring information that would free up health and human resources
to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent and correct the causes of most ills.

Who wants to BET in the Bullring
that B is better than A, when I argue that A is better than B?


Or who takes the Fifth Amendment and
lets "someone else do the work to prove it."

Please let me know who believes you are so right
that you think fighting this way, as in B, is better than A.
As usual, PC is taking a legitimate issue and twisting it to fit her rightwing agenda

Nobody is advicating death camps or weeding out the weak from our society. What is proposed is not forcing terminal patients to suffer while they "wait to die" from natural causes

I appreciate you recognizing "a legitimate issue."

But you are incorrect here: "Nobody is advicating death camps or weeding out the weak from our society."

What I posted about the lack of concern for human beings being inseparable from Lefts doctrine....communist, Nazi, socialist, Progressive, etc. is fact.

Your confederates tried to slip the idea of euthanasia into the original ObamaCare bill....

1. "Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia, assisted suicide
I wrote August 10 about the now infamous Section 1233 in a House version of the nationalized healthcare plan, which has concerned even healthcare proponents as pushing euthanasia on the elderly."
Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia assisted suicide - Jill Stanek

2. "WASHINGTON - When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1."
ObamaCare Section 1233 Is Still Alive and Kicking Babal Blog

3. "The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."
ObamaCare Death Panels a Myth
"Certainly the scariest rumor surrounding the health care reform law -- ObamaCare -- holds that it establishes government "death panels" assigned to encourage elderly Americans to opt-out of life extending treatment in order to reduce Medicare expenses. This rumor is false."

That wasn't the *rumor*.

Death panels are what we call the review committees that determine who receives rationed treatment..and who doesn't...with the understanding that people at the end of their lives and who have particular diagnoses aren't going to be at the top of the pile.

And they absolutely do exist, and people absolutely are denied treatment because of it.

Yes. They currently exist and they are run by doctors. They have existed for decades. So if there is only one heart available for a transplant and the choices are a 35 year old and an 85 year old, anyone who would not give it to the 35 year old is an idiot.
Its a shame really that you take what could be an interesting discussion and turn it into another "liberals are Nazis" rant

You used to be an interesting poster before you started your "Watch me piss off the liberals" persona

You are a bright girl and could contribute a lot to the discussion. Too bad you have given it all up so that you can play internet games

Dear rightwinger
don't pour gas on her fire and give her that pleasure

Please help me focus on asking the Rightwing
to PROVE spiritual healing works medically.

This would do more good for more people,
and solve the euthanasia issues at the same time.

it would restore the true meaning of free choice,
without negating civil liberties or right to life,
and Spiritual healing would free up more resources
to help the world's populations treat and prevent
the causes of most mental and physical illness
on a more cost-effective and sustainable basis.

All sides would be happy.

And this would also prove the liberal progressives
are not about suppressing free choice as the
Democrat politicians have led the public to believe.

So we would solve the political problems also
that are blocking this country from moving forward.

Thanks rw
if PC is too bullheaded to look at the solutions
I am proposing, I hope you are openminded enough.
otherwise, this keeps reinforcing her theory that
the liberals are only pushing a nazi agenda and
not pushing free choice if we don't push to prove
that Spiritual healing should be promoted as a free choice.

I would like to see if more people like me coming from the left
are more open to natural spiritual healing, or if more people
on the right can open up. I'm still thinking the push will come
from the secular left to set up medical research and proof
while the hardheaded right is too busy shooting themselves
in the foot to prove their own arguments are right. They would
rather bash opponents and go down with a sinking ship, than
invest in proving their arguments are actually correct through scientific research
as the secular left has asked for, so why not push for this?
"The Veterans Administration hospital scandal that has claimed the lives of at least 40 U.S. military veterans continues to expand, adding to the image of a president who neither knows nor cares what happens to those who shed their blood on the battlefield for their fellow Americans.
"With a little under six months before the crucial midterm elections, it is a helpful reminder to voters of the horrors that are not glitches, but essential features, of government-provided health care."

"Obama’s team was briefed on the long-running problems at the VA by the outgoing Bush administration during the transition process in 2008.
The Washington Times obtained government documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) that showed that the “Obama administration received clear notice more than five years ago that VA medical facilities were reporting inaccurate waiting times and experiencing scheduling failures that threatened to deny veterans timely health care.”

"Their task, whether they are aware of it or not, becomes taking away the greatest amount of benefits so that it results in the least amount of squawking from patients.

"This is the essence of the Obamacare-mandated “death panels” about which Sarah Palin wisely cautioned her countrymen."

The Veterans Administration scandal is a dire warning to the American public
VA Scandal This Is What Death Panels Look Like FrontPage Magazine
"The Veterans Administration hospital scandal that has claimed the lives of at least 40 U.S. military veterans continues to expand, adding to the image of a president who neither knows nor cares what happens to those who shed their blood on the battlefield for their fellow Americans.
"With a little under six months before the crucial midterm elections, it is a helpful reminder to voters of the horrors that are not glitches, but essential features, of government-provided health care."

"Obama’s team was briefed on the long-running problems at the VA by the outgoing Bush administration during the transition process in 2008.
The Washington Times obtained government documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) that showed that the “Obama administration received clear notice more than five years ago that VA medical facilities were reporting inaccurate waiting times and experiencing scheduling failures that threatened to deny veterans timely health care.”

"Their task, whether they are aware of it or not, becomes taking away the greatest amount of benefits so that it results in the least amount of squawking from patients.

"This is the essence of the Obamacare-mandated “death panels” about which Sarah Palin wisely cautioned her countrymen."

The Veterans Administration scandal is a dire warning to the American public
VA Scandal This Is What Death Panels Look Like FrontPage Magazine

OK So here is a huge problem.

Which approach do you like best to solve this huge mess?

A. support Vets in buying out the hospitals and housing for Vets, run and managed and own by Vets,
so they can create JOBS and training and medical/counselling support for EACH OTHER
in campuses created around sites in every city (and along the border if you want to develop military bases there
for border security)
Example models (note, these plans have been censored for lack of funds
while both Republican and Democrat candidates raise millions of dollars for their own
campaigns but fail to fund these plans to create sustainable jobs, housing and health care for Vets)
Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing
Earned Amnesty

B. Promoting medical research and proof of Spiritual Healing
which would prove that Govt cannot regulate health care that is part of a Spiritual Process
and depends on individual FREE CHOICE
See resources for further research and development at:
freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

Only the CRIMINAL cases of people who impose danger to public health and safety
can be mandated to be detained while receiving treatment,
but the treatment ONLY WORKS by FREE CHOICE
so it can never be regulated by govt.

koshergrl if you were serious about dismantling the
bureaucracy from govt dancing around health care issues that are outside state jursidiction
then you would promote SOME solution such as A or B
that would take back these programs and create jobs
for people who ARE equipped to handle the responsibilities that are outside the limits of govt.

Do you have a better solution?

or do you honestly believe that just griping about the problem
is enough to change it? to WHAT?
What do you propose to change it to?
Do you like A or B, or what plan do you back for reforming this mess?

Do you agree in taking it back and letting the Vets create jobs fixing it
the way THEY know they need to be served after coming back from war?

I love that idea so much I wanted to petition BOTH parties to start
this idea:

C. for candidates from major parties to invest
10-15% of their campaign funds into creating
jobs for Vets to create campuses around the
VA and housing to reform the system and
training Vets as future govt leaders.

Do you like that idea? So if Wendy Davis raises 5-6 million
to run for Governor (a state office) then 10% or 500,000 would
go into a campaign to create campuses with paid jobs for Vets to
house, manage and assist fellow Veterans to become independent.

And if Obama raised 6 billion for re election
then 60,000,000 would go into microlending to
create campuses for his educational outreach to end poverty
where Veterans could also have jobs on site in management
and reconstruction of poor housing areas restored by paying Vets to do the work.

koshergrl what candidates would you petition
if you backed idea #C? or do you like all three ideas?
"....construct bizarre hate threads and giggle while liberals are outraged....have a good time."

That's actually truth and enlightenment that I provide.

And that is the explanation for the all the enraged responses from you folks, while ignoring the content that I post.

That's true, isn't it.

while ignoring the content that I post.

I'm sorry but most people ignore the content you post. Have you noticed how few conservative posters actually contribute to your threads? Even conservatives find them to be tedious

Its a shame really, because you are capable of much better

But if you enjoy the shits and giggles from your endless threads....go at it

Hey,'re ignoring the content of my post!!!

I understand that you are trying to be the Ann Coulter of USMB. While I despise Coulter, at least she writes in a style that is provocative and understandable. She gets the reaction she wants from both liberals and conservatives

Your posts are mostly ridiculed and quickly picked apart. Conservatives say they agree with you but do not contribute to your threads

If you want to be Ann Coulter, then mimic her writing style. You will piss off more liberals and actually get conservatives to join your threads

Hey,'re ignoring the content of my post!!!

Like I said

You post your "piss liberals off" hate piece and that is how you get your jollies

I ignore your childlike posts and sidetrack them into a discussion about how poor a poster you are and how little you contribute to this board. That is how I get my jollies and the other Liberals would love to be able to attack my posts, but they are documented,linked, and unassailable.

How many time have you fibbed and claimed not to read them...and then posted in the threads.....

I get a kick out of it.
I have no problem with people being able to opt out of life when facing terminal diseases and/or massive disabilities. I think doctors should be able to provide a means to end suffering. However, I don't think doctors should push the plunger or pull the plug or administer the pills. Let the patient do the dirty work himself.

The only problem I have involves terminally ill babies and children when it is a quality of life issue. Who gets to decide what to do when a baby is dying and suffering? Is it the parents or the physician, especially when the physician knows any attempt is just prolonging the inevitable and causing needless pain and the parents may not be able to make the decision because of emotional attachment.
my dad lived to 95, my mother to 93.....neither thought it was that great.....

Is your point that you'd be OK with some government official dropping by and putting them out of their misery?
actually, if that was my point I would have posted "I'd be okay with some government official dropping by and putting them out of their misery".........

my point was that living as long as you possibly can is over-rated......
I have no problem with people being able to opt out of life when facing terminal diseases and/or massive disabilities. I think doctors should be able to provide a means to end suffering. However, I don't think doctors should push the plunger or pull the plug or administer the pills. Let the patient do the dirty work himself.

The only problem I have involves terminally ill babies and children when it is a quality of life issue. Who gets to decide what to do when a baby is dying and suffering? Is it the parents or the physician, especially when the physician knows any attempt is just prolonging the inevitable and causing needless pain and the parents may not be able to make the decision because of emotional attachment.

I would like to see the parents with the advice of physicians or clergy or anyone else make that decision.

Our current system where you remove oxygen or a feeding tube and allow them to gasp for air or starve is barbaric
my dad lived to 95, my mother to 93.....neither thought it was that great.....

Is your point that you'd be OK with some government official dropping by and putting them out of their misery?
actually, if that was my point I would have posted "I'd be okay with some government official dropping by and putting them out of their misery".........

my point was that living as long as you possibly can is over-rated......

So don't do it.

Myself, my grandparents died well into their 90s, and none of them were in nursing homes.

I look forward to another 50 years. And I don't want some yahoo deciding I'm not enjoying myself because I'm not sufficiently youthful and spry, and coming along and removing my pacemaker, or pulling plugs, or stopping my oxygen, or slipping me a mickey.
my dad lived to 95, my mother to 93.....neither thought it was that great.....

Is your point that you'd be OK with some government official dropping by and putting them out of their misery?
actually, if that was my point I would have posted "I'd be okay with some government official dropping by and putting them out of their misery".........

my point was that living as long as you possibly can is over-rated......

So don't do it.

Myself, my grandparents died well into their 90s, and none of them were in nursing homes.

I look forward to another 50 years. And I don't want some yahoo deciding I'm not enjoying myself because I'm not sufficiently youthful and spry, and coming along and removing my pacemaker, or pulling plugs, or stopping my oxygen, or slipping me a mickey.

....or because they are aware of your political views.....
my dad lived to 95, my mother to 93.....neither thought it was that great.....

Is your point that you'd be OK with some government official dropping by and putting them out of their misery?
actually, if that was my point I would have posted "I'd be okay with some government official dropping by and putting them out of their misery".........

my point was that living as long as you possibly can is over-rated......

So don't do it.

Myself, my grandparents died well into their 90s, and none of them were in nursing homes.

I look forward to another 50 years. And I don't want some yahoo deciding I'm not enjoying myself because I'm not sufficiently youthful and spry, and coming along and removing my pacemaker, or pulling plugs, or stopping my oxygen, or slipping me a mickey.

....or because they are aware of your political views.....

No kidding, take a gander at the statements in my siggy from guno and luds.The pro-euthanasia crowd is always squawking about how this group or that group needs to be lined up and shot, or have their kids removed, or be shipped to holding facilities. Yeah, those are the people who should decide who has a sufficient quality of life. You betcha.

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