Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Yes, Trump was asking questions of his medical team and the Democrat smear machine morphed it into Trump 'recommending' injecting poison and swallowing light bulbs. Idiocy on parade.
President Trump bragged that his medical team was astonished by how much he knew about medicine. But he clearly blindsided his medical professionals with his stupid assertions about the use of UV and disinfectants to attack the coronavirus inside a persons body.
The questions asked about medical answers to coronavirus show the intelligence of a slug. No common sense. An absolute idiot.
How can the President of the USA be that stupid.
Yes, Trump was asking questions of his medical team and the Democrat smear machine morphed it into Trump 'recommending' injecting poison and swallowing light bulbs. Idiocy on parade.
President Trump bragged that his medical team was astonished by how much he knew about medicine. But he clearly blindsided his medical professionals with his stupid assertions about the use of UV and disinfectants to attack the coronavirus inside a persons body.
The questions asked about medical answers to coronavirus show the intelligence of a slug. No common sense. An absolute idiot.
How can the President of the USA be that stupid.
Awww wasamatta? Your diapers getting filled?
Well Mr. Einstein, you think asking if injecting a disinfectant into your lungs could cure COVID-19 is a good question?
YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So 'word NAZI'.........asking questions and not using the 'proper' word is 'verboten' in your world? Do you live in China?
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With 0.1% of All Americans dying from this and 99.9% not over a now two month infection period opportunity we find in fact that the needs of the “none ” are outweighing the needs of the All.
Keep in mind 50,000 died in just 8 weeks. On a yearly basis that's 300,000. However abandoning the stay at home policy and opening up the country will likely send those rates a lot higher.

You're looking at it like the bean counters looked at the war in vietnam. They didn't figure on the escalation skewing the average. The better figure would be to take the current daily death toll, and multiply it by the number of days left in the year. We're flattening the curve, but are holding at around 2,000 deaths per day

United States Coronavirus: 986,045 Cases and 55,377 Deaths - Worldometer

240 days X 2,000 per day is another 480,000 added to the current 50,000. Half a million is far beyond the current estimates because they figure that with luck the UV from the summer sun (northern hemisphere) may mitigate the spread, since it would kill the virus with sunlight.

This could explain the seasonal nature of the flu, that as the hours of daylight decrease, along with the intensity of sunlight, that viruses live outside much longer.
Nope. If you think the death rate won't rise with the abandoning of stay at home orders and opening the nation, you need another shot of Clorox.
BTW between April 23 and April 24, there were 1121 Covid 19 deaths. That's 409,165 for a full year.
We have no idea what will happen but we do know we got backed into this corner via a death estimate of 1.7-2.2 million and for some unfathomable reason cant get out.
Maybe there are two Eagles....
And now the Reporter PERFORMS THE NARRATIVE...........LOL

ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: Let me explain — if you look at the coronavirus as a chain with many links, what we’ve done through our study is we’ve identified some of the weak links in that chain, that the virus — the transmission of the virus depends upon. We identified that heat and humidity is a weakness in that chain. We’ve identified that sunlight, solar light, UV rays is a weakness in that chain. That doesn’t take away the other activities — the guidance from the White House, the guidance from the CDC and others on the actions and steps that people need to take to protect themselves.

This is just another — another tool in our tool belt, right? Another — another weapon in the fight that we can add to it and, in the summer, we know that summer-like conditions are going to create an environment where the transmission can be decreased. And that’s an opportunity for us to get ahead.

Q But I — just, can I ask about — the President mentioned the idea of cleaners, like bleach and isopropyl alcohol you mentioned. There’s no scenario that that could be injected into a person, is there? I mean —

ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: No, I’m here to talk about the findings that we had in the study. We won’t do that within that lab and our lab. So —

THE PRESIDENT: It wouldn’t be through injection. We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work. But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.
And the TDS sheep go BAAA BAAA
It was the reporter who said inject bleach and isoproply alcohol.

Now it has morphed to the NARRATIVE of TRUMP SAYS DRINK BLEACH.

I think these people have already been snorting it..........BRAIN DAMAGE.
Cherry picking the words, leaving out the ones we're talking about, is dishonest. I'd expect it of Easy, but not of you.
OOPs here you are.......

I didn't cherry pick.....over this thread I have shown exactly what he said every time.

This was LATER ON...where they engaged again.........and IN FACT THE REPORTER DID SAY IT.........Not TRUMP.

He clarified that he didn't mean we can play word games all day with the gaf.............but HE NEVER SAID INJECT is coming from the Media now.

They are responsible if an Idiot drinks Bleach.........NOT TRUMP......because they are going postal with it.
No, Eagle. They are not responsible. Of course, Trump didn't say they should inject disinfectant, but we have people out there who do shit like that. You saw this article, right? Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week

There are some nutty folks out there. I think the concerted effort by the disinfectant manufacturers and the media has probably driven home the point that these nutters shouldn't try this at home. Trump implied it was an idea worth looking into, he suggested it, even, for the doctors. If you're stupid enough to drink bleach to cure what ails ya, what makes you think they wouldn't take that concept from Trump and run with it?

The rest of it is campaign season yak. And yeah, some pretty funny jokes. Gotta have a sense of humor, there, eagle.
And by the Media running with it they made it worse.............

Had this been Obama.......MSM wouldn't have run with it and you know it. CNN, MSM are all DNC mouth pieces................and you KNOW IT TOO.

On here .....I knew it was coming do you..........they are doing look .......TRUMP SAYS DRINK BLEACH...........No he didn't.

And in reality was the Reporter saying INJECT BLEACH.........they spun that to Trump said that.......

I'm screwing with their fun here................And I did a pretty good job of it.

Aww, poor. baby. :itsok:

Obama said people should keep their tires properly inflated and you idiots had a cow.

Impeached Trump suggests we explore injecting disinfectant as a potential treatment for COVID-19, and now you idiots are doing cartwheels trying to defend that absolute moronic comment of his.
Nice try.........but you see .....I don't care what you that makes this all easy.

Your side is saying he said drink bleach and shove flashlights up people's asses...........well that sounds like a personal problem to places like San Fran maybe......were morons accept it.

but anyways.........One comment....the air in tires......wasn't when people are dying and losing their jobs and businesses and the other is about the LIFE AND DEATH OF OUR COUNTRY.

So............that makes the Lamestream media SOS's.............they isn't a game when people are dying and losing their homes.

Down the street from me.........I'm already seeing the House for sale signs going up...............starting to remind me 2008 and what happened to neighbors.................

THIS ISN'T A GAME..............for this country.

Aww, poor, baby. :itsok:

You just wondered how Obama would have been treated had he said something this retarded and I reminded you how you rightards attacked Obama for offering such solid advice as keeping tires properly inflated.

If you had a brain, you wouldn't have bothered to protect Impeached Trump from his bizarre commentary on injecting disinfectant to combat coronavirus. :cuckoo:
You need to try to one liner like Right winger........he can give you some

He's a little busy with a flash light at the moment though.
You should have taken better care of your teeth, con.

Anyone who drinks bleach wins the Darwin Award and will not be missed...........

Heard you were out of room on your trophy case for those awards.
Poor baby. :itsok:

He never said Lysol, you did, and you are advertising it as an injection, so that means you and the media will be responsible for any missuse and expenses Lysol spent to denounce these internet sarcasm / satires. :)
By the way- you need to stop injecting saline in your chest, it's a disinfectant and we don't want you to become a hypocrite.
So? He said disinfectant and Lysol is a disinfectant.

Iodine is disinfectant too.
Please show where Iodine kills coronavirus...

Have is said it kills corona virus?

By the way, can you show us where Lysol does it.

My point, which you couldn't get, is that Lysol is not only disinfectant around. When president said word "disinfectant" he referred to some medical grade, used in medicine, not something used in your kitchen.

But nice try, moron.

Dumbfuck, they weren't talking about Iodine, so who knows why the fuck you'd even mention it? :cuckoo:

They were talking about bleach and isopropyl alcohol specifically.

"By the way, can you show us where Lysol does it."



Who was talking about it? Specialist who gave presentation about testing what kills the virus and in what interval?

Nobody said "inject bleach". If you're so deranged that you heard it being said, than you should try it.
"They," as in Bryan and Impeached Trump.

Bryan first started describing bleach as a disinfectant that's been used to kill the virus; followed by Impeached Trump suggesting they try injecting disinfectant into people.

"followed up"...

Bryan was talking about what can kill virus on hard surfaces.

Trump was talking about disinfectants about 25 minutes later, as part of presentation what medical researchers were working on.

You saw snippets on MSNBC and you "clicked".... TRUMP SAID TO INJECT BLEEEAAACHHHHH!


I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that,

Trump seems to have wrapped it up quite nicely.

Why did he later claim that he was being sarcastic? Not take out of context but using sarcasm.

Which disinfectant he's talking about exactly?

"And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"

That is a question, not a statement, and certainly not recommendation to people to inject bleach into themselves.


It's a really stupid fucking question. Anyway, he didn't name brand or anything so I'm not sure what brand that moron had in mind.
It was either Bleach or isopropyl alcohol. Neither should be injected and only a jackass would float the idea in any form.

Totally agree.

Other than Trump even suggesting that intakaing poisons to "clean" the body the other dumbest thing I've seen in 2020 is that the mods/board doesn't seem to give a shit about infinity scrolling when expanding a thread to see an entire post. Seriously, why can't they fix this obvious problem?
Trump never said people should take poison. As far as the scrolling....we agree. It is tedious.
Trump is not making anything up.
The problems seems to be that the left wingers are blinded by their hate.
UV blood treatment
View attachment 328361
UV treatments were common in 30's 40's and 50's as a method of killing bacteria and viruses in the human body. The development of antibiotics and antivirals made the treatment superfluous plus there was no scientific studies that found it effective. However, there are other reasons mainstream medical science does not use this treatment and has not subjected to rigorous testing. First of all, not only are artificial ultraviolet techniques ineffective and likely deadly for treating an infected person, scientists say, some of them can be extremely dangerous used at home for disinfecting. According to Dr. Bob Lahita, chairman of medicine at St. Joseph University Hospital, the only proven effective us of UV as a treatment has been with psoriasis. UV light is dangerous to humans and is known to cause skin cancer. By the time the virus has taken hold inside your body, no amount of UV light on your skin is going to make a difference. Introducing ultraviolet radiation in the lungs is just too absurd to discuss.

REALLY? Then explain this...

There are hazards to chronic exposure to UV.. Depends on the WAVELENGTHS used... When the dentist is filling cavities or gluing crowns, they hand you a pair of UV glasses. Assemblers on some of product lines use precautions when using UV to cure epoxies and other "UV engineered" materials.

The opportunities to EXPAND this use that I'm NOW looking into since that press conference verified that COVID CAN be killed with UV would be products that clean large open spaces when people are not present.. And the ideas for cleaning "nooks and crannies"without a lot of human exposure would be CONTAINED within some means of public transport that HAVEN'T used this technology ...

We have to be careful tho... Because just like OVER using antibiotics or not taking them as prescribed -- we can create super bugs that BECOME UV resistant.. So you cannot do a HALF ASS job of employing it to save THOUSANDS of lives during even a "normal" flu season...
That says bacteria. Corana is a virus.

You're so focused on making shit up about the presentation at that press conference that you MISSED the big news that UV IS an effective "disinfectant" for Covid on surfaces??? Or did all you morons NEVER WATCH that presentation.. And YES MANY of the flu viruses are destroyed by UV..
You do realize that those surfaces were not inside the body like Drumpf was suggesting right?

I'm not focused on Trump farts like you're drawn to them.. The stuff I absorb from those press conferences are ALL the news I need to get on COVID..

However -- if you missed it in this thread -- there is a public stock company RIGHT NOW investigating using UV INSIDE THE BODY to knock out Covid 19... And Twitter and Google are TRYING to supress any mention of it. THAT gets my attention also when those primadonnas believe they are the POLITICAL gatekeepers of science/tech knowledge.. Are you CONCERNED about THAT?

So "stupid questions" are a valid way of brain storming even in the higher altitudes of science and learning... Pardon me if a Trump fart like that barely moves me to hate him more...
Hah! Mystery solved. Breitbart got to the bottom of it:

Twitter later reversed its censorship, saying the company’s account was “mistakenly” caught in a spam filter.

AYTU is publicly traded on the NASDAQ index. In its research on UV light treatment for the coronavirus, it is working with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a major hospital in Los Angeles. The hospital was founded in 1902 and employs over 2,000 physicians.

More information about the “Healight” UV Light treatment being researched by AYTU and Cedars-Sinai can be found on the latter’s website.

Breitbart pretty much gets to the bottom of EVERYTHING.
Bottom Feeders REJOICE!! :bow3::eusa_dance:
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Disinfectant means BLEEEAAACH, CLOROX or AMMONIA.
We know what are disinfectant are... but you gullibles don’t. trying to twist his words defending this dumb ignorant Trump.
There are only three disinfectants?

Odd. The EPA lists 392 different catalog numbers for disinfectants suitable for use against COVID-19. say there are only three.

Oh, bother! Who to believe, who to believe?!

Suitable in what way?

Just to be clear because it seems to be a necessity these days. From your link:

These products are for use on surfaces, NOT humans.
Nope. If you think the death rate won't rise with the abandoning of stay at home orders and opening the nation, you need another shot of Clorox.
BTW between April 23 and April 24, there were 1121 Covid 19 deaths. That's 409,165 for a full year.

I calculated based on flattening the curve, and responsible reopening, where the death rate is kept at current levels or below. I expect if the deaths start to spike again, they would restart the lockup all over again.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
If at first you have no defense, blame Obama for whatever.
Disinfectant means BLEEEAAACH, CLOROX or AMMONIA.
We know what are disinfectant are... but you gullibles don’t. trying to twist his words defending this dumb ignorant Trump.
There are only three disinfectants?

Odd. The EPA lists 392 different catalog numbers for disinfectants suitable for use against COVID-19. say there are only three.

Oh, bother! Who to believe, who to believe?!

Suitable in what way?

Just to be clear because it seems to be a necessity these days. From your link:

These products are for use on surfaces, NOT humans.
Yes, I read that. It changes Charmin's claim in no way at all.
Nope. If you think the death rate won't rise with the abandoning of stay at home orders and opening the nation, you need another shot of Clorox.
BTW between April 23 and April 24, there were 1121 Covid 19 deaths. That's 409,165 for a full year.

I calculated based on flattening the curve, and responsible reopening, where the death rate is kept at current levels or below. I expect if the deaths start to spike again, they would restart the lockup all over again.

You should show your calculations. Because it sounds to me more like the 'pulled it out of your ass' kind of a guess.
Nope. If you think the death rate won't rise with the abandoning of stay at home orders and opening the nation, you need another shot of Clorox.
BTW between April 23 and April 24, there were 1121 Covid 19 deaths. That's 409,165 for a full year.

I calculated based on flattening the curve, and responsible reopening, where the death rate is kept at current levels or below. I expect if the deaths start to spike again, they would restart the lockup all over again.
Libbies dont want to do that because opening g up with no bad results would show what a destructive farce this has been
So let’s stay hidden due to worst case projections None of which have come true and in fact just the opposite
Disinfectant means BLEEEAAACH, CLOROX or AMMONIA.
We know what are disinfectant are... but you gullibles don’t. trying to twist his words defending this dumb ignorant Trump.
There are only three disinfectants?

Odd. The EPA lists 392 different catalog numbers for disinfectants suitable for use against COVID-19. say there are only three.

Oh, bother! Who to believe, who to believe?!

Suitable in what way?

Just to be clear because it seems to be a necessity these days. From your link:

These products are for use on surfaces, NOT humans.
Yes, I read that. It changes Charmin's claim in no way at all.

Like I said, I'm just clarifying that these products are not meant to be used internally.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
If at first you have no defense, blame Obama for whatever.

DAMN you Obama!! :D

Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.
Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
Disinfectant means BLEEEAAACH, CLOROX or AMMONIA.
We know what are disinfectant are... but you gullibles don’t. trying to twist his words defending this dumb ignorant Trump.
There are only three disinfectants?

Odd. The EPA lists 392 different catalog numbers for disinfectants suitable for use against COVID-19. say there are only three.

Oh, bother! Who to believe, who to believe?!

Suitable in what way?

Just to be clear because it seems to be a necessity these days. From your link:

These products are for use on surfaces, NOT humans.
Yes, I read that. It changes Charmin's claim in no way at all.

Like I said, I'm just clarifying that these products are not meant to be used internally.
Trump never mentioned using any 'product.' That is an extrapolation the media ran with and now the TDSers on this forum are flocking to like flies on shit.
People are being so goddamned close minded today. It's getting annoying.
Because one side has no argument. It doesn't exist. That's the gist of the problem. Trump has set up such a losing defense for himself and his base, he went and left them flat footed. I mean seriously, how can they go and defend his original suggestions about injecting disinfectants into the body, then Trump turns around and does a 180 by saying it was sarcasm, while his supporters get run over by a mack truck for three days trying to defend a sarcasm that isn't a sarcasm for them? It's insane.

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