Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Trump was teasing out his staff on this, please. Its a minor point. You can pick every dumb quote every President ever said and put it up here as a example...
People are being so goddamned close minded today. It's getting annoying.
Because one side has no argument. It doesn't exist. That's the gist of the problem. Trump has set up such a losing defense for himself and his base, he went and left them flat footed. I mean seriously, how can they go and defend his original suggestions about injecting disinfectants into the body, then Trump turns around and does a 180 by saying it was sarcasm, while his supporters get run over by a mack truck for three days trying to defend a sarcasm that isn't a sarcasm for them? It's insane.
I expect mindless stupidity from the Trump yappers. It's the Democrats I'm getting annoyed with. Everyone needs to open the shades and let a little light in.
And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.

Could have been.. I do not GET the reaction to this.. WHAT was suggesting people "inject"?? The discussion was about COvid sensitivity to UV... It's a TRUE game changer for cleaning LARGE open areas effectively without exposing dozens of maintenance workers... Any RATIONAL person believe that Trump was motivating people to go buy a 3 ft UV fiber optic illuminator and EAT IT??

This is just an insane way to BLOW OFF the most important part of this story...
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting."

Yes ultraviolet light can kill the virus if the exposure is long enough and the light is intense enough but so will chlorine bleach. It certainly could have a use as disinfectant but certainly not as a treatment. You can not disinfect the lungs. UV light damages cells. If somehow you could expose the lungs to high levels of UV, it would most probably kill the patient long before Covid 19 did.

The real damage is not that someone with covid 19 would somehow expose their lungs to UV. The damage comes from pulling researchers off promising treatments to explore a Trump brain fort.

So he publicly was thinking on his feet and asked a dumb question.. Happens in science/tech meetings all the fucking time -- with people who should KNOW the answers.. Sometimes even "sarcastically",... And ya know what???? Some times those dumb questions turn on lightbulbs in peoples heads... Everyone here has their hair on fire because Trump DARED to be nakedly transparent in a public space... The fact that he's ENGAGED is a lot more attractive then the do-nothing ankle biters making shit up... AND the American people are seeing that contrast in leadership laid bare...

I'd worry more about the blazing ruins of party leadership on the OTHER side right now given how little they need to contribute to the Covid solutions...
Nothing wrong with brainstorming new ideas, just not in a news conference. When a president speaks it should be clear and not subject to interpretation. The public needs to hear real information, not hunches, feelings, and guesses.

Trumps biggest problem with the media is their interpretation of what he says is not what he meant. When Trump said, "And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that." The most simple interpretation is he's asking if a disinfection can be injected into the lungs. What he means, I have no idea.
What he means is that he is no different than any other American that is desperate for the medical field to explore all avenues of possibilities in order to find a cure or treatment. Trump is no scientist or doctor, and he isn't ashamed to ask questions just like any other American out there, and that is just great. Go Trump.

Anyone with any sense knows that Trump was basically saying "now take these disinfectants for example, and how they kill these germs on contact outside the body, and man if we had something that could work like that inside the body that would be outstanding". Now how that gets interpreted into Trump said go out and drink Clorox etc is mind boggling. The ones who have blood on their hands if anyone does such a thing, are the leftist who lied and tried to suggest that Trump was saying go out and drink Clorox etc.
Trump was asking his people to investigate these particular treatments. He ask them to check into it and the answer was they would. He was not asking his people to explore all avenues of treatment. The fact that you and millions of others are attaching your own meaning to what he said is evidence that the man is incapable providing the leadership this country needs. If Trump wants to be involved in selecting treatment options for research, he should use his top medical science advisors to recommend the most promising avenues of research for treatments and prevention with estimates of cost, time and resource requirements. With their help he makes a decision. Donald Trump does not have the education nor the experience to to pick out the best candidates for research.
No, Trump just needs to quit trying to appeal to the radicals, and begin to eliminate them from any serious government business that he's involved in. Like he says, the media is corrupt, and you know that it is, but you get dragged into the muck because undoubtedly you aren't that intelligent yourself.
Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
So tell me why this cold should be different than all the other ones. :dunno:

Call it what it is, it is a bad cold.

It's not the rhinovirus, it's a coronavirus, one which humans have never been exposed to therefore zero immunity as of so far.
Same family....Here read up.

"Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, all of which have spiky proteins on their surface. Some of these viruses use humans as their primary host and cause the common cold. Other coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, primarily infect animals."

Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
So tell me why this cold should be different than all the other ones. :dunno:

Call it what it is, it is a bad cold.

It's not the rhinovirus, it's a coronavirus, one which humans have never been exposed to therefore zero immunity as of so far.
Then how do you account for the millions who got it and never knew they had it?
Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
It's a virus and viruses create immunity if one doesn't get gravely ill. If that were not so, there would be no reason to get yearly flu shots which introduce as watered down version of a virus. Also, people who have had this Covid-19 are giving blood because it can be given to cure those afflicted. Read up before posting such crap please.

Well. . . that is not necessarily so.

Some viruses are different. Like HIV, HPV, the viruses that cause cold sores etc. Once you are infected, they stay in your system, and only present when your body becomes unbalanced, like if your Ph balance is off, or you are stressed, etc.

. . . but this is a Coronavirus, e.g. A COLD, a respiratory infection. Most common colds are rhinoviruses.

There is no reason to believe it acts any different than any other seasonal cold. It is just a bit worse of a respiratory infection. Once you have built up an immunity, boom, you should be done with it until it mutates and comes around next year. Neither SARS or MERS are permanent conditions either. Those are also respiratory infections are also corona viruses.

Otherwise, every animal in the animal kingdom would be extinct from their corona-viruses that these came from.

I swear. . . the problem with the authoritarian left? They only believe what their "experts" tell them to think. NO CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.

Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
So tell me why this cold should be different than all the other ones. :dunno:

Call it what it is, it is a bad cold.

It's not the rhinovirus, it's a coronavirus, one which humans have never been exposed to therefore zero immunity as of so far.
Same family....Here read up.

"Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, all of which have spiky proteins on their surface. Some of these viruses use humans as their primary host and cause the common cold. Other coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, primarily infect animals."

From you link.

CDC and partners are investigating to determine if you can get sick with COVID-19 more than once. At this time, we are not sure if you can become re-infected. Until we know more, continue to take steps to protect yourself and others.

Do you want me to read nursery rhymes to you next? I'd hate for you to miss out on any important plot points.
Any republican here think Trump might devote a minute or 2 of his valuable time to tell those relatives of the 1000's dead how sorry he is? Maybe without saying how much he's loved?

You should dedicate your time to telling president Trump how thankful you are that he saved 2 million Americans.
From what? He's killing them every day with Coronavirus. So who is he saving?

The 2 million people that didn't die, but would have without Trump.

That's how saving people works - they would have died, but did not. Because of the best president in history.

President Trump just saved more Americans than died in Civil war, WWI and WWII combined.

Tell me how Trump saved 2 million people. What executive order did he issue to do that?
Norman's not coming back to this conversation. He got the stupid shit kicked out of his ass, and he finally realized it I think.
then I won't get all the thumbs down on my posts?? Those are a red badge of courage to me
Or an indication that no one likes your posts....
Leo 123 is a liar folks. Two days ago he claimed Trump never said anything about injecting disinfectants into the body. We proved him wrong, and we asked him to prove us wrong. He ran like a scalded dog from the debate. Now he shows up again, pretending he has something to contribute. His contributions are nothing but lies and when cornered with the truth, runs like a coward.

Trump asked a question. He didn’t tell anyone to do anything.

Hydrogen Peroxide is often nebulized and used to help white blood cells in the lungs. That’s a disinfectant.

Orange Man Bad.
That's true for one time treatments. However repeated use of Hydrogen Peroxide vapors which would certainly be required to kill coronavirus will cause chronic irritation of the respiratory tract and partial or complete lung collapse. Putting stuff in the lungs to kill cornavirus is not the answer because once the virus makes it's way to the lungs, it will be in the thorax, the blood stream, and other organs. This is why scientists are working on antivirals which specifically target the virus without damaging tissue, lungs, or other organs.

Keep in mind that people who contract covid 19 are usually pretty damn sick. Their immune systems is working overtime trying to destroy the virus which makes the person very susceptible to other illness. There are often secondary problems the body has to deal with in the immune system, kidneys, heart, as well as the lungs. Usually the patient can't tolerate treatments that interfere with the immune system or other major organs in body. This is why stupid ideas such as dumping disinfectants and UV radiation into the body is not worth the cost of researching. We have limited resources when it comes to this type of research. Any commitment of those resources can not be based on wild ass guesses but solid scientific evidence pointing toward the likelihood of success. In other words the asshole on Trump's staff that said he would check into Trump's suggestion needs to be kicked in the ass for not standing up to Trump.
Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
It's a virus and viruses create immunity if one doesn't get gravely ill. If that were not so, there would be no reason to get yearly flu shots which introduce as watered down version of a virus. Also, people who have had this Covid-19 are giving blood because it can be given to cure those afflicted. Read up before posting such crap please.

Well. . . that is not necessarily so.

Some viruses are different. Like HIV, HPV, the viruses that cause cold sores etc. Once you are infected, they stay in your system, and only present when your body becomes unbalanced, like if your Ph balance is off, or you are stressed, etc.

. . . but this is a Coronavirus, e.g. A COLD, a respiratory infection. Most common colds are rhinoviruses.

There is no reason to believe it acts any different than any other seasonal cold. It is just a bit worse of a respiratory infection. Once you have built up an immunity, boom, you should be done with it until it mutates and comes around next year. Neither SARS or MERS are permanent conditions either. Those are also respiratory infections are also corona viruses.

Otherwise, every animal in the animal kingdom would be extinct from their corona-viruses that these came from.

I swear. . . the problem with the authoritarian left? They only believe what their "experts" tell them to think. NO CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.
Coronavirus is in the same family.

Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
So tell me why this cold should be different than all the other ones. :dunno:

Call it what it is, it is a bad cold.

It's not the rhinovirus, it's a coronavirus, one which humans have never been exposed to therefore zero immunity as of so far.
Same family....Here read up.

"Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, all of which have spiky proteins on their surface. Some of these viruses use humans as their primary host and cause the common cold. Other coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, primarily infect animals."

From you link.

CDC and partners are investigating to determine if you can get sick with COVID-19 more than once. At this time, we are not sure if you can become re-infected. Until we know more, continue to take steps to protect yourself and others.

Do you want me to read nursery rhymes to you next? I'd hate for you to miss out on any important plot points.
The CDC are the ones giving out bad advice. Why would you trust them? Now we know that millions have been exposed and many didn't even know they had it. Seems like an immunity was developed. You failed to address that. Also there is the question of re-infection vs. resurgence. There are lots of articles on this, look them up, I am tired of educating children.
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Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
It's a virus and viruses create immunity if one doesn't get gravely ill. If that were not so, there would be no reason to get yearly flu shots which introduce as watered down version of a virus. Also, people who have had this Covid-19 are giving blood because it can be given to cure those afflicted. Read up before posting such crap please.

Well. . . that is not necessarily so.

Some viruses are different. Like HIV, HPV, the viruses that cause cold sores etc. Once you are infected, they stay in your system, and only present when your body becomes unbalanced, like if your Ph balance is off, or you are stressed, etc.

. . . but this is a Coronavirus, e.g. A COLD, a respiratory infection. Most common colds are rhinoviruses.

There is no reason to believe it acts any different than any other seasonal cold. It is just a bit worse of a respiratory infection. Once you have built up an immunity, boom, you should be done with it until it mutates and comes around next year. Neither SARS or MERS are permanent conditions either. Those are also respiratory infections are also corona viruses.

Otherwise, every animal in the animal kingdom would be extinct from their corona-viruses that these came from.

I swear. . . the problem with the authoritarian left? They only believe what their "experts" tell them to think. NO CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.
Coronavirus is in the same family.

Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
So tell me why this cold should be different than all the other ones. :dunno:

Call it what it is, it is a bad cold.

It's not the rhinovirus, it's a coronavirus, one which humans have never been exposed to therefore zero immunity as of so far.
Same family....Here read up.

"Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, all of which have spiky proteins on their surface. Some of these viruses use humans as their primary host and cause the common cold. Other coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, primarily infect animals."

From you link.

CDC and partners are investigating to determine if you can get sick with COVID-19 more than once. At this time, we are not sure if you can become re-infected. Until we know more, continue to take steps to protect yourself and others.

Do you want me to read nursery rhymes to you next? I'd hate for you to miss out on any important plot points.
The CDC are the ones giving out bad advice early on. Now we know that millions have been exposed and many didn't even know they had it. Seems like an immunity was developed. You failed to address that. Also there is the question of re-infection vs. resurgence. There are lots of articles on this, look them up, I am tired of educating children.

If the CDC is giving out bad advice then why did you use them as a source?

The rest of your post makes little sense. We simply don't have an answer to if humans can become immune to the virus over any great length of time if at all.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.

Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
So tell me why this cold should be different than all the other ones. :dunno:

Call it what it is, it is a bad cold.

It's not the rhinovirus, it's a coronavirus, one which humans have never been exposed to therefore zero immunity as of so far.
Same family....Here read up.

"Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, all of which have spiky proteins on their surface. Some of these viruses use humans as their primary host and cause the common cold. Other coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, primarily infect animals."

There is a bit of misinformation in there.

IT really does appear to be no more deadly than the common flu.

I don't know how many times this needs to be repeated.

The reason numbers have been exaggerated? The CDC has been encouraging Hospitals to code for COVID-19 deaths, and hospitals do get twice as much for these deaths. I do not know why.

Most doctors already know, that ventilators are not doing much good.

From the CDC itself.

Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
It's a virus and viruses create immunity if one doesn't get gravely ill. If that were not so, there would be no reason to get yearly flu shots which introduce as watered down version of a virus. Also, people who have had this Covid-19 are giving blood because it can be given to cure those afflicted. Read up before posting such crap please.

Well. . . that is not necessarily so.

Some viruses are different. Like HIV, HPV, the viruses that cause cold sores etc. Once you are infected, they stay in your system, and only present when your body becomes unbalanced, like if your Ph balance is off, or you are stressed, etc.

. . . but this is a Coronavirus, e.g. A COLD, a respiratory infection. Most common colds are rhinoviruses.

There is no reason to believe it acts any different than any other seasonal cold. It is just a bit worse of a respiratory infection. Once you have built up an immunity, boom, you should be done with it until it mutates and comes around next year. Neither SARS or MERS are permanent conditions either. Those are also respiratory infections are also corona viruses.

Otherwise, every animal in the animal kingdom would be extinct from their corona-viruses that these came from.

I swear. . . the problem with the authoritarian left? They only believe what their "experts" tell them to think. NO CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.
Coronavirus is in the same family.

Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
All that time and resources wasted trying to keep people from injecting Bleach instead of focusing on finding a cure. Drumpf is a fucking jackass.
No 'cure' is needed.

You have an immune system.

This has less than .5 fatality. Don't worry about it. Open up the economy and let the creator carry home who it will, let nature take it's course.

We need to stop trying to play god.

This has the same lethality as the annual flu.

Trying to control the universe and play good is what is known as Lucifarianism.
Yep, the immune system is the best defense. This seems to be more and more evident as reports come in about vast numbers of people showing that they already had the virus and got over it. Even in CA they are saying the virus may have peaked way back in December. Meanwhile the left is Pooh Poohing 'herd immunity.' Logically, if one puts oneself in a bubble, the immune system will be more vulnerable and every virus will become 'novel.' This whole shut down is ludicrous. Fauci and the rest of those idiot 'medical experts' should be given their waking papers.

Hasn't really been proven one way or another that there is any immunity even if you've already contracted the virus.
So tell me why this cold should be different than all the other ones. :dunno:

Call it what it is, it is a bad cold.

It's not the rhinovirus, it's a coronavirus, one which humans have never been exposed to therefore zero immunity as of so far.
Same family....Here read up.

"Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, all of which have spiky proteins on their surface. Some of these viruses use humans as their primary host and cause the common cold. Other coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, primarily infect animals."

From you link.

CDC and partners are investigating to determine if you can get sick with COVID-19 more than once. At this time, we are not sure if you can become re-infected. Until we know more, continue to take steps to protect yourself and others.

Do you want me to read nursery rhymes to you next? I'd hate for you to miss out on any important plot points.
The CDC are the ones giving out bad advice early on. Now we know that millions have been exposed and many didn't even know they had it. Seems like an immunity was developed. You failed to address that. Also there is the question of re-infection vs. resurgence. There are lots of articles on this, look them up, I am tired of educating children.

If the CDC is giving out bad advice then why did you use them as a source?

The rest of your post makes little sense. We simply don't have an answer to if humans can become immune to the virus over any great length of time if at all.
My link was from an article on "Medical News Today"
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response
This has the same lethality as the annual flu.
It has already killed as many people as in an average flu season, in 2 months, ON TOP of the flu season we just finished. This Virus isn't gone either, not by a long shot, and that was with all the drastic steps we took to slow it down and spread it out. It's a lot more lethal than the annual flu. And it is in addition to the annual flu.
People are being so goddamned close minded today. It's getting annoying.
Because one side has no argument. It doesn't exist. That's the gist of the problem. Trump has set up such a losing defense for himself and his base, he went and left them flat footed. I mean seriously, how can they go and defend his original suggestions about injecting disinfectants into the body, then Trump turns around and does a 180 by saying it was sarcasm, while his supporters get run over by a mack truck for three days trying to defend a sarcasm that isn't a sarcasm for them? It's insane.
Where did Trump suggest injecting or recommending any medial procedure. He was asking questions which I already proved many times over. Still you keep whipping that argument like a dead horse of an argument. Exact quotes BWK. I've been asking you for a couple of days and, so far, nothing. You claim to have already posted those quotes but they are nowhere to be found. Put up or SFTU. This is the umteenth time I have asked you to perform.
Where? At his press conference. His quotes were given to you multiple times. And you were proven to be a liar, because you now say he was being sarcastic, whereby admitting he did say injecting disinfectant into the body. However, he did not "recommend a medical procedure." That's your invention, no one else's. And no, the umteenth time has already been posted. anyone and everyone can go back through my posts and find them. And you now how I know no one is going to challenge me, including you, because they are there. You have asked the same questions dozens of times and the proof was posted for you. And you were proven to be a liar. You are toast.
People are being so goddamned close minded today. It's getting annoying.
Because one side has no argument. It doesn't exist. That's the gist of the problem. Trump has set up such a losing defense for himself and his base, he went and left them flat footed. I mean seriously, how can they go and defend his original suggestions about injecting disinfectants into the body, then Trump turns around and does a 180 by saying it was sarcasm, while his supporters get run over by a mack truck for three days trying to defend a sarcasm that isn't a sarcasm for them? It's insane.
Where did Trump suggest injecting or recommending any medial procedure. He was asking questions which I already proved many times over. Still you keep whipping that argument like a dead horse of an argument. Exact quotes BWK. I've been asking you for a couple of days and, so far, nothing. You claim to have already posted those quotes but they are nowhere to be found. Put up or SFTU. This is the umteenth time I have asked you to perform.
Where? At his press conference. His quotes were given to you multiple times. And you were proven to be a liar, because you now say he was being sarcastic, whereby admitting he did say injecting disinfectant into the body. However, he did not "recommend a medical procedure." That's your invention, no one else's. And no, the umteenth time has already been posted. anyone and everyone can go back through my posts and find them. And you now how I know no one is going to challenge me, including you, because they are there. You have asked the same questions dozens of times and the proof was posted for you. And you were proven to be a liar. You are toast.
You have not provided any quotes BWK. You just keep blathering on. Where did Trump recommend a medical procedure? I have asked you many times and now, you try to slither away by saying it is 'my invention" when it is YOU who are inventing that he recommended a medical procedure. It is YOU who have provided 0 proof of your outlandish claims. If Trump had actually RECOMMENDED a medical procedure you could provide an exact quote to that effect. It has been days and so far, all you can say is "the proof was posted"....If that is true...Post the EXACT QUOTE other wise YOU are 'toast.'
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response
Trump disbanded the team, and some were put into other positions. So, in a sense, Snopes is not lying. That team no longer exists, and Trump was responsible for it. So, collectively, the team as a unit, was fired. Putting those people in other positions, does not mean the team itself was not fired. They were. They were just placed someplace else with a "new" job.
People are being so goddamned close minded today. It's getting annoying.
Because one side has no argument. It doesn't exist. That's the gist of the problem. Trump has set up such a losing defense for himself and his base, he went and left them flat footed. I mean seriously, how can they go and defend his original suggestions about injecting disinfectants into the body, then Trump turns around and does a 180 by saying it was sarcasm, while his supporters get run over by a mack truck for three days trying to defend a sarcasm that isn't a sarcasm for them? It's insane.
Where did Trump suggest injecting or recommending any medial procedure. He was asking questions which I already proved many times over. Still you keep whipping that argument like a dead horse of an argument. Exact quotes BWK. I've been asking you for a couple of days and, so far, nothing. You claim to have already posted those quotes but they are nowhere to be found. Put up or SFTU. This is the umteenth time I have asked you to perform.
Where? At his press conference. His quotes were given to you multiple times. And you were proven to be a liar, because you now say he was being sarcastic, whereby admitting he did say injecting disinfectant into the body. However, he did not "recommend a medical procedure." That's your invention, no one else's. And no, the umteenth time has already been posted. anyone and everyone can go back through my posts and find them. And you now how I know no one is going to challenge me, including you, because they are there. You have asked the same questions dozens of times and the proof was posted for you. And you were proven to be a liar. You are toast.
You have not provided any quotes BWK. You just keep blathering on. Where did Trump recommend a medical procedure. I have asked you many times and now, you try to slither away by saying it is 'my invention" when it is YOU who are inventing that he recommended a medical procedure. It is YOU who have provided 0 proof of your outlandish claims. If Trump had actually RECOMMENDED a medical procedure you could provide and exact quote to that effect. It has been days and so far, all you can say is "the proof was posted"....If that is true...Post the EXACT QUOTE other wise YOU are 'toast.'
Buddy, are you mentally fit to discuss issues on here? Seriously? I never said Trump recommended a medical procedure. Something is definitely not right with you. You lie continuously, make shit up, and you're a broken record. You need help.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?
That is Trump finger pointing blaming his ineptness. So if he knew the shelves are empty. Why didn’t he replenish it in last 3 years???

That Nimrod knew we have pandemic then he only started ordering life saving medical supplies mid March 2020 in a panic buying from China.

The Ebola outbreak didn’t create this much chaos and crisis. Under Obama calm the country, no national crisis, no panic buying, no discombobulations, stocks remained intact. That is a true high almighty leadership of a powerful country. Well respected around the world.

Trump handling of the CV crisis is totally totally disaster. Americans are so scared, panic buying, stocks collapsing, chaos all over, isolations, 2$trillions + more are coming to save the country’s economy, over 800,000 infected and over 55,000 Americans died. Trump made US a laughing stock, stupid and ignorants around the world.
On top of that we have to put up what he is inflicting and saying to Americans. Totally incompetent.
This country deserves better than this lousy POTUS.

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