Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response
Trump disbanded the team, and some were put into other positions. So, in a sense, Snopes is not lying. That team no longer exists, and Trump was responsible for it. So, collectively, the team as a unit, was fired. Putting those people in other positions, does not mean the team itself was not fired. They were. They were just placed someplace else with a "new" job.

It was reorged, not eliminated. Fake news.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?
That is Trump finger pointing blaming his ineptness. So if he knew the shelves are empty. Why didn’t he replenish it in last 3 years???

That Nimrod knew we have pandemic then he only started ordering life saving medical supplies mid March 2020 in a panic buying from China.

The Ebola outbreak didn’t create this much chaos and crisis. Under Obama calm the country, no national crisis, no panic buying, no discombobulations, stocks remained intact. That is a true high almighty leadership of a powerful country. Well respected around the world.

Trump handling of the CV crisis is totally totally disaster. Americans are so scared, panic buying, stocks collapsing, chaos all over, isolations, 2$trillions + more are coming to save the country’s economy, over 800,000 infected and over 55,000 Americans died. Trump made US a laughing stock, stupid and ignorants around the world.
On top of that we have to put up what he is inflicting and saying to Americans. Totally incompetent.
This country deserves better than this lousy POTUS.


Does China deserve any culpability?
People are being so goddamned close minded today. It's getting annoying.
Because one side has no argument. It doesn't exist. That's the gist of the problem. Trump has set up such a losing defense for himself and his base, he went and left them flat footed. I mean seriously, how can they go and defend his original suggestions about injecting disinfectants into the body, then Trump turns around and does a 180 by saying it was sarcasm, while his supporters get run over by a mack truck for three days trying to defend a sarcasm that isn't a sarcasm for them? It's insane.
Where did Trump suggest injecting or recommending any medial procedure. He was asking questions which I already proved many times over. Still you keep whipping that argument like a dead horse of an argument. Exact quotes BWK. I've been asking you for a couple of days and, so far, nothing. You claim to have already posted those quotes but they are nowhere to be found. Put up or SFTU. This is the umteenth time I have asked you to perform.
Where? At his press conference. His quotes were given to you multiple times. And you were proven to be a liar, because you now say he was being sarcastic, whereby admitting he did say injecting disinfectant into the body. However, he did not "recommend a medical procedure." That's your invention, no one else's. And no, the umteenth time has already been posted. anyone and everyone can go back through my posts and find them. And you now how I know no one is going to challenge me, including you, because they are there. You have asked the same questions dozens of times and the proof was posted for you. And you were proven to be a liar. You are toast.
You have not provided any quotes BWK. You just keep blathering on. Where did Trump recommend a medical procedure. I have asked you many times and now, you try to slither away by saying it is 'my invention" when it is YOU who are inventing that he recommended a medical procedure. It is YOU who have provided 0 proof of your outlandish claims. If Trump had actually RECOMMENDED a medical procedure you could provide and exact quote to that effect. It has been days and so far, all you can say is "the proof was posted"....If that is true...Post the EXACT QUOTE other wise YOU are 'toast.'
Buddy, are you mentally fit to discuss issues on here? Seriously? I never said Trump recommended a medical procedure. Something is definitely not right with you. You lie continuously, make shit up, and you're a broken record. You need help.
OK then, we agree that Trump did not recommend a medical procedure. Nor did Trump recommend injecting surface disinfectants, nor did Trump recommend any other procedure. He was musing about on going research and asking questions. Yet you, and your ilk, have spun that into "orange man bad" as you always do. Frankly THAT smacks of not being mentally fit......"Buddy" Look, "Buddy" just admit you have a seething hatred for Trump and be done with it. Stop pretending............everyone knows you are a flaming TDSer.
Last edited:
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

100% true Trump disbanded the Pandemic Tram no matter how you slice it.

Let me give you an example or interpret what you are trying to imply. This is like you have 10 firefighters in California since you are not doing anything to save $ .... 2 work in the post office in Arizona, 2 in the hospitals in Nevada, 6 go to Seattle.

We have fires all over California. Where are our 10 firefighters? Oh we have it they are working somewhere else. Some already got fired or left. Where are the Pandemic team???? That is exactly what happened.

Trump defended himself why he did it. So no matter how you interpret it. He disbanded the Pandemic team.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

100% true Trump disbanded the Pandemic Tram no matter how you slice it.

Let me give you an example or interpret what you are trying to imply. This is like you have 10 firefighters in California since you are not doing anything to save $ .... 2 work in the post office in Arizona, 2 in the hospitals in Nevada, 6 go to Seattle.

We have fires all over California. Where are our 10 firefighters? Oh we have it they are working somewhere else. Some already got fired or left. Where are the Pandemic team???? That is exactly what happened.

Trump defended himself why he did it. So no matter how you interpret it. He disbanded the Pandemic team.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?
That is Trump finger pointing blaming his ineptness. So if he knew the shelves are empty. Why didn’t he replenish it in last 3 years???

That Nimrod knew we have pandemic then he only started ordering life saving medical supplies mid March 2020 in a panic buying from China.

The Ebola outbreak didn’t create this much chaos and crisis. Under Obama calm the country, no national crisis, no panic buying, no discombobulations, stocks remained intact. That is a true high almighty leadership of a powerful country. Well respected around the world.

Trump handling of the CV crisis is totally totally disaster. Americans are so scared, panic buying, stocks collapsing, chaos all over, isolations, 2$trillions + more are coming to save the country’s economy, over 800,000 infected and over 55,000 Americans died. Trump made US a laughing stock, stupid and ignorants around the world.
On top of that we have to put up what he is inflicting and saying to Americans. Totally incompetent.
This country deserves better than this lousy POTUS.


Does China deserve any culpability?
Yes I have to agree with you. That ORANGE MAN IS BAD. Very bad bad bad for this country.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?
That is Trump finger pointing blaming his ineptness. So if he knew the shelves are empty. Why didn’t he replenish it in last 3 years???

That Nimrod knew we have pandemic then he only started ordering life saving medical supplies mid March 2020 in a panic buying from China.

The Ebola outbreak didn’t create this much chaos and crisis. Under Obama calm the country, no national crisis, no panic buying, no discombobulations, stocks remained intact. That is a true high almighty leadership of a powerful country. Well respected around the world.

Trump handling of the CV crisis is totally totally disaster. Americans are so scared, panic buying, stocks collapsing, chaos all over, isolations, 2$trillions + more are coming to save the country’s economy, over 800,000 infected and over 55,000 Americans died. Trump made US a laughing stock, stupid and ignorants around the world.
On top of that we have to put up what he is inflicting and saying to Americans. Totally incompetent.
This country deserves better than this lousy POTUS.


Does China deserve any culpability?
Yes I have to agree with you. That ORANGE MAN IS BAD. Very bad bad bad for this country.

He will beat Biden.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?
That is Trump finger pointing blaming his ineptness. So if he knew the shelves are empty. Why didn’t he replenish it in last 3 years???

That Nimrod knew we have pandemic then he only started ordering life saving medical supplies mid March 2020 in a panic buying from China.

The Ebola outbreak didn’t create this much chaos and crisis. Under Obama calm the country, no national crisis, no panic buying, no discombobulations, stocks remained intact. That is a true high almighty leadership of a powerful country. Well respected around the world.

Trump handling of the CV crisis is totally totally disaster. Americans are so scared, panic buying, stocks collapsing, chaos all over, isolations, 2$trillions + more are coming to save the country’s economy, over 800,000 infected and over 55,000 Americans died. Trump made US a laughing stock, stupid and ignorants around the world.
On top of that we have to put up what he is inflicting and saying to Americans. Totally incompetent.
This country deserves better than this lousy POTUS.


Does China deserve any culpability?
Yes I have to agree with you. That ORANGE MAN IS BAD. Very bad bad bad for this country.
Thanks for admitting you are a flaming TDSer. Nothing you post about Trump should be believed.
studies reveal -



Who da hell is drinking it duh..............Darwin Award goes to them
Watch this.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

100% true Trump disbanded the Pandemic Tram no matter how you slice it.

Let me give you an example or interpret what you are trying to imply. This is like you have 10 firefighters in California since you are not doing anything to save $ .... 2 work in the post office in Arizona, 2 in the hospitals in Nevada, 6 go to Seattle.

We have fires all over California. Where are our 10 firefighters? Oh we have it they are working somewhere else. Some already got fired or left. Where are the Pandemic team???? That is exactly what happened.

Trump defended himself why he did it. So no matter how you interpret it. He disbanded the Pandemic team.

Not the truth. The responsibilities were given to different people and put under a different organization.

Why is everything a fucking lie with you liberals?

You guys claim Trump gutted the EPA, then I spend 30 seconds and go to the EPA website and prove it’s a lie.
studies reveal -



Who da hell is drinking it duh..............Darwin Award goes to them
The TDSers on this Forum think their fellow Americans are retards....Especially if they voted for Trump. The probably secretly wish we'd kill ourselves. Unfortunately, for them, Trump will be President in 2020. :eusa_dance:
This has the same lethality as the annual flu.
It has already killed as many people as in an average flu season, in 2 months, ON TOP of the flu season we just finished. This Virus isn't gone either, not by a long shot, and that was with all the drastic steps we took to slow it down and spread it out. It's a lot more lethal than the annual flu. And it is in addition to the annual flu.
We've already went over this OL. Those stats have been manipulated for political purposes. Post # 2674

the science behind disinfectants -

its called CHILD LOCKS

on cabinets all over the world to prevent children from ingesting POISON resulting in death --

dumbass Don should have the emergency poison control phone number tatoo'd on his fukn' forehead --

dumbass mfr -

no point ^^^^^^^^^


Neither did you........because only the reporter said the bleach injection........

So ..........go swim in raw sewage and build your immune system the planet.

SAFE yourself moronboi then grow up -


When I need your advice I'll ask for it.

I don't need it...........and I refuse to join your stinking Fear Factor productions on this.
studies reveal -



Who da hell is drinking it duh..............Darwin Award goes to them
Watch this.
What a friggin' idiot that guy in the video was/is.
Last edited:
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?
That is Trump finger pointing blaming his ineptness. So if he knew the shelves are empty. Why didn’t he replenish it in last 3 years???

That Nimrod knew we have pandemic then he only started ordering life saving medical supplies mid March 2020 in a panic buying from China.

The Ebola outbreak didn’t create this much chaos and crisis. Under Obama calm the country, no national crisis, no panic buying, no discombobulations, stocks remained intact. That is a true high almighty leadership of a powerful country. Well respected around the world.

Trump handling of the CV crisis is totally totally disaster. Americans are so scared, panic buying, stocks collapsing, chaos all over, isolations, 2$trillions + more are coming to save the country’s economy, over 800,000 infected and over 55,000 Americans died. Trump made US a laughing stock, stupid and ignorants around the world.
On top of that we have to put up what he is inflicting and saying to Americans. Totally incompetent.
This country deserves better than this lousy POTUS.


Does China deserve any culpability?
Yes I have to agree with you. That ORANGE MAN IS BAD. Very bad bad bad for this country.

He will beat Biden.

See how many of you defending that undesirable incompetent moron?

Yes...... We all understand you gullibles are very scared and panicking. I can’t wait for the November election.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?
That is Trump finger pointing blaming his ineptness. So if he knew the shelves are empty. Why didn’t he replenish it in last 3 years???

That Nimrod knew we have pandemic then he only started ordering life saving medical supplies mid March 2020 in a panic buying from China.

The Ebola outbreak didn’t create this much chaos and crisis. Under Obama calm the country, no national crisis, no panic buying, no discombobulations, stocks remained intact. That is a true high almighty leadership of a powerful country. Well respected around the world.

Trump handling of the CV crisis is totally totally disaster. Americans are so scared, panic buying, stocks collapsing, chaos all over, isolations, 2$trillions + more are coming to save the country’s economy, over 800,000 infected and over 55,000 Americans died. Trump made US a laughing stock, stupid and ignorants around the world.
On top of that we have to put up what he is inflicting and saying to Americans. Totally incompetent.
This country deserves better than this lousy POTUS.


Does China deserve any culpability?
Yes I have to agree with you. That ORANGE MAN IS BAD. Very bad bad bad for this country.

He will beat Biden.

See how many of you defending that undesirable incompetent moron?

Yes...... We all understand you gullibles are very scared and panicking. I can’t wait for the November election.
Biden is the incompetent moron. Trump will be President in 2020. Might as well get used to it.
studies reveal -



Who da hell is drinking it duh..............Darwin Award goes to them
Watch this.
And.........I watched it..........he's a very stupid person..............

Who's fault is that........the education system...........Sorry..........I don't feel sorry for someone so stupid that they drank a bottle of rubbing alcohol.......and they did this over a month ago.
studies reveal -



Who da hell is drinking it duh..............Darwin Award goes to them
Watch this.
And.........I watched it..........he's a very stupid person..............

Who's fault is that........the education system...........Sorry..........I don't feel sorry for someone so stupid that they drank a bottle of rubbing alcohol.......and they did this over a month ago.
Maybe he is room temperature by now, meh.... we don't need morons like him running around.
Funny, one of the companies that are working on "healight" mentioned by Trump, published on Twitter a potential corona virus treatment. Soon after they took president's side, their Twitter account was suspended. Company name is Aytu BioScience.

Even when proven wrong, and caught lying, left simply can't let anything go and take a loss. Of course, they don't have to, but they're just extending their nightmares.

View attachment 328168

Follow up...

The company Aytu BioScience whose Twitter account was suspended, posted video on Youtube that explains their technology. Their account has been blocked for "violating community guidelines". However, people are re-posting their Healight video, but Youtube has been scrubbing it of the website as soon they find it.

Here is original AYTU account that can't be reached anymore.

View attachment 328461

The video that is being removed by Youtube is this one...

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: I wish I had a dollar for this much stupidity coming from these Trump toads. Trump said it was all sarcasm, while they think they are defending him. And What do they keep doing? Sending us research on something Trump does not support. They are too gd stupid to get it. They are arguing for, that which Trump does not support. This crowd just stays stuck on stupid. So, is Trump lying about the sarcasm, or does he really believe in the snake oil he was originally selling? And what is your final position?

No one is injecting bleach into their veins because of Trump.

I wouldn't know. They sure have been asking about it though. Trump has created a cult, so they believe whatever he tells them.

If president suggested inserting light thru your ass, you would be first to do so. Who knows, maybe you did already...

View attachment 328475

You are always good for another retarded post.

Bet he can't keep up with yours.

Show me what they are, and you and I will lock horns over them. If you don't, then you're just a liar.

Really..... Rotflmbo... So you think that you are perfect eh ?? Thanks for letting us all know that. You can be just as dumb as anybody, so don't pat yourself on the back so quickly.

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