Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

100% true Trump disbanded the Pandemic Tram no matter how you slice it.

Let me give you an example or interpret what you are trying to imply. This is like you have 10 firefighters in California since you are not doing anything to save $ .... 2 work in the post office in Arizona, 2 in the hospitals in Nevada, 6 go to Seattle.

We have fires all over California. Where are our 10 firefighters? Oh we have it they are working somewhere else. Some already got fired or left. Where are the Pandemic team???? That is exactly what happened.

Trump defended himself why he did it. So no matter how you interpret it. He disbanded the Pandemic team.

Not the truth. The responsibilities were given to different people and put under a different organization.

Why is everything a fucking lie with you liberals?

You guys claim Trump gutted the EPA, then I spend 30 seconds and go to the EPA website and prove it’s a lie.
Yes Trump disbanded the Pandemic Team. He even defended why he did it. So you are very wrong.

Nobody said he gutted the EPA. His policy is to make the air dirty for the sake of coal industry.
What difference does it make if you read what it say on the EPA.
1. You don’t even know what the differences are. Every thing are good Dr. Trump.
2. You spend 30 seconds reading the EPA website. I’m impressed.

You keep blaming liberals when most you are lying. You are lying right now.
Sad democrats want people to die that they are once again whining about TRUMP asking Brix a question.

Perhaps dems need to look at the harm cause by sticking people on ventilators which leads close to 100% death...
Funny, one of the companies that are working on "healight" mentioned by Trump, published on Twitter a potential corona virus treatment. Soon after they took president's side, their Twitter account was suspended. Company name is Aytu BioScience.

Even when proven wrong, and caught lying, left simply can't let anything go and take a loss. Of course, they don't have to, but they're just extending their nightmares.

View attachment 328168

Follow up...

The company Aytu BioScience whose Twitter account was suspended, posted video on Youtube that explains their technology. Their account has been blocked for "violating community guidelines". However, people are re-posting their Healight video, but Youtube has been scrubbing it of the website as soon they find it.

Here is original AYTU account that can't be reached anymore.

View attachment 328461

The video that is being removed by Youtube is this one...

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: I wish I had a dollar for this much stupidity coming from these Trump toads. Trump said it was all sarcasm, while they think they are defending him. And What do they keep doing? Sending us research on something Trump does not support. They are too gd stupid to get it. They are arguing for, that which Trump does not support. This crowd just stays stuck on stupid. So, is Trump lying about the sarcasm, or does he really believe in the snake oil he was originally selling? And what is your final position?

No one is injecting bleach into their veins because of Trump.

I wouldn't know. They sure have been asking about it though. Trump has created a cult, so they believe whatever he tells them.

If president suggested inserting light thru your ass, you would be first to do so. Who knows, maybe you did already...

View attachment 328475

You are always good for another retarded post.

Bet he can't keep up with yours.

Show me what they are, and you and I will lock horns over them. If you don't, then you're just a liar.

Really..... Rotflmbo... So you think that you are perfect eh ?? Thanks for letting us all know that. You can be just as dumb as anybody, so don't pat yourself on the back so quickly.

Yeah these TDSers are morons for sure.
you claimed Drumpf meant to say antibiotics instead of disinfectants...

yes he meant medicinal antibiotics or antivirals as disinfectants. And???????
He meant that? Really? I thought he said it was all sarcasm? Lol! You folks still keep running straight into stupid. So, is it sarcasm, or did he really mean what you said he meant? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Fuck this is priceless.
You all are the ones that made it into something it wasn't, but you are going to sit there and try and act as if the conservatives started this stupidity ??? Good grief.
Funny, one of the companies that are working on "healight" mentioned by Trump, published on Twitter a potential corona virus treatment. Soon after they took president's side, their Twitter account was suspended. Company name is Aytu BioScience.

Even when proven wrong, and caught lying, left simply can't let anything go and take a loss. Of course, they don't have to, but they're just extending their nightmares.

View attachment 328168

Follow up...

The company Aytu BioScience whose Twitter account was suspended, posted video on Youtube that explains their technology. Their account has been blocked for "violating community guidelines". However, people are re-posting their Healight video, but Youtube has been scrubbing it of the website as soon they find it.

Here is original AYTU account that can't be reached anymore.

View attachment 328461

The video that is being removed by Youtube is this one...

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: I wish I had a dollar for this much stupidity coming from these Trump toads. Trump said it was all sarcasm, while they think they are defending him. And What do they keep doing? Sending us research on something Trump does not support. They are too gd stupid to get it. They are arguing for, that which Trump does not support. This crowd just stays stuck on stupid. So, is Trump lying about the sarcasm, or does he really believe in the snake oil he was originally selling? And what is your final position?

No one is injecting bleach into their veins because of Trump.

I wouldn't know. They sure have been asking about it though. Trump has created a cult, so they believe whatever he tells them.

If president suggested inserting light thru your ass, you would be first to do so. Who knows, maybe you did already...

View attachment 328475

You are always good for another retarded post.

Bet he can't keep up with yours.

Show me what they are, and you and I will lock horns over them. If you don't, then you're just a liar.

Really..... Rotflmbo... So you think that you are perfect eh ?? Thanks for letting us all know that. You can be just as dumb as anybody, so don't pat yourself on the back so quickly.

Yeah these TDSers are morons for sure.

They're evil in their intent, and that's dangerous stuff.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

100% true Trump disbanded the Pandemic Tram no matter how you slice it.

Let me give you an example or interpret what you are trying to imply. This is like you have 10 firefighters in California since you are not doing anything to save $ .... 2 work in the post office in Arizona, 2 in the hospitals in Nevada, 6 go to Seattle.

We have fires all over California. Where are our 10 firefighters? Oh we have it they are working somewhere else. Some already got fired or left. Where are the Pandemic team???? That is exactly what happened.

Trump defended himself why he did it. So no matter how you interpret it. He disbanded the Pandemic team.

Not the truth. The responsibilities were given to different people and put under a different organization.

Why is everything a fucking lie with you liberals?

You guys claim Trump gutted the EPA, then I spend 30 seconds and go to the EPA website and prove it’s a lie.
Yes Trump disbanded the Pandemic Team. He even defended why he did it. So you are very wrong.

Nobody said he gutted the EPA. His policy is to make the air dirty for the sake of coal industry.
What difference does it make if you read what it say on the EPA.
1. You don’t even know what the differences are. Every thing are good Dr. Trump.
2. You spend 30 seconds reading the EPA website. I’m impressed.

You keep blaming liberals when most you are lying. You are lying right now.
If a leftist-liberal mouth is moving they are lying.
The reason is to deny any possible vindication for the Prez's remarks.. Pure and simple.. Announcements of new products are ALL over Twitter and YouTube.. Taking down a Twitlet site for a publicly traded company is a desperate move and should concern EVERY American...
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

100% true Trump disbanded the Pandemic Tram no matter how you slice it.

Let me give you an example or interpret what you are trying to imply. This is like you have 10 firefighters in California since you are not doing anything to save $ .... 2 work in the post office in Arizona, 2 in the hospitals in Nevada, 6 go to Seattle.

We have fires all over California. Where are our 10 firefighters? Oh we have it they are working somewhere else. Some already got fired or left. Where are the Pandemic team???? That is exactly what happened.

Trump defended himself why he did it. So no matter how you interpret it. He disbanded the Pandemic team.

Not the truth. The responsibilities were given to different people and put under a different organization.

Why is everything a fucking lie with you liberals?

You guys claim Trump gutted the EPA, then I spend 30 seconds and go to the EPA website and prove it’s a lie.
Let me guess. In 30 seconds you stared at it. Right? Good enough. Then you congratulate your self. That is so funny.
The reason is to deny any possible vindication for the Prez's remarks.. Pure and simple.. Announcements of new products are ALL over Twitter and YouTube.. Taking down a Twitlet site for a publicly traded company is a desperate move and should concern EVERY American...
Yeah, so this out of China;

. . . and so folks in Michigan desperate to do the same?

. . . and the FBI? NOPE. Can't have medical freedom, not in this nation.

So he shoots off his mouth with incredibly ignorant bullshit and looks like a super duper jackass and they are content with that.
But he is a genius compared to Biden who supports Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution, open borders, free health care for entire world.
More lies! You can't prove shit. You are a loser.
BWK is at it again, insulting folks without backup. Must he his nappy time.
Oh, the backup is on this very thread two days ago, and today. Two days ago, you said Trump didn't say anything about injecting disinfectants into the body, now you are saying he was just being sarcastic. There you go people. Proof that he lied. It's all the back up we need. We have contradictory quotes from you on two different posts. You lose buddy.
I said he did not recommend a medical procedure dufus. Stop lying 'buddy'

He said "injection", and by it's very definition, it IS a medical procedure.

[ in-jek-shuh n ]

1. the act of injecting.
2. something that is injected.
3. a liquid injected into the body, especially for medicinal purposes, as a hypodermic or an enema.
4. state of being hyperemic or bloodshot.
5. Mathematics. a one-to-one function.
6. Also called insertion. Aerospace. the process of putting a spacecraft into orbit or some other desired trajectory.
Your point is what ???? If the scientist could come up with something that isn't poisonous to the human being, and could fight the virus just like they did with penicillin that can either be injected as a shot or taken by the mouth in pill form that would be great. I use apple cider vinegar to help cleanse my system. Been using it forever, and no adverse effects from it yet. Infact my health is great, and hopefully I can keep it that way.
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

100% true Trump disbanded the Pandemic Tram no matter how you slice it.

Let me give you an example or interpret what you are trying to imply. This is like you have 10 firefighters in California since you are not doing anything to save $ .... 2 work in the post office in Arizona, 2 in the hospitals in Nevada, 6 go to Seattle.

We have fires all over California. Where are our 10 firefighters? Oh we have it they are working somewhere else. Some already got fired or left. Where are the Pandemic team???? That is exactly what happened.

Trump defended himself why he did it. So no matter how you interpret it. He disbanded the Pandemic team.

Not the truth. The responsibilities were given to different people and put under a different organization.

Why is everything a fucking lie with you liberals?

You guys claim Trump gutted the EPA, then I spend 30 seconds and go to the EPA website and prove it’s a lie.
Let me guess. In 30 seconds you stared at it. Right? Good enough. Then you congratulate your self. That is so funny.

Trump didn’t gut the EPA. It’s a lie.
This has the same lethality as the annual flu.
It has already killed as many people as in an average flu season, in 2 months, ON TOP of the flu season we just finished. This Virus isn't gone either, not by a long shot, and that was with all the drastic steps we took to slow it down and spread it out. It's a lot more lethal than the annual flu. And it is in addition to the annual flu.
We've already went over this OL. Those stats have been manipulated for political purposes. Post # 2674

April 9, weeks ago:

Probably a bunch of far leftist crank callers so that they could make a story. . . . .

You do know that when the NY mayor made a snitch line to rat out your neighbor, that a bunch of righties swamped it with crank tweets and photo bombs to give him a piece of their mind.

Everyone knows now, both on the left AND the right, that this "epidemic" is a STATE staged crises, and thus, to keep it going, folks need to toe the line.

Folks on the right need to resist, folks on the left need to act scared and fan the flames if they want more government control, tyranny, and socialization.

Things are starting to get awfully transparent at this point.
Of course there will be people grab on to this idea. After all the president did. There are millions of people out there that are seriously lacking in common sense. That's why the president should not be standing in front of the nation and make suggestions and comments about stuff he knows nothing about. Now people in the CDC, local, and state governments will have to issue statements telling people not spend their days sitting under an ultraviolet lamp or drinking bleach. Hospitals will have to be prepared to deal it. Trump has just created another distraction the nation does not need.
Only you and a few others here actually believe that Trump was suggesting that someone take something poisonous to their system. The keeping this narrative going is like impeaching Trump and losing. LOL.
studies reveal -



Who da hell is drinking it duh..............Darwin Award goes to them
Watch this.
And.........I watched it..........he's a very stupid person..............

Who's fault is that........the education system...........Sorry..........I don't feel sorry for someone so stupid that they drank a bottle of rubbing alcohol.......and they did this over a month ago.
Maybe he is room temperature by now, meh.... we don't need morons like him running around.
He's fine. The guy who drank the undiluted bleach, not so fine.
Trump is not making anything up.
The problems seems to be that the left wingers are blinded by their hate.
UV blood treatment
View attachment 328361
UV treatments were common in 30's 40's and 50's as a method of killing bacteria and viruses in the human body. The development of antibiotics and antivirals made the treatment superfluous plus there was no scientific studies that found it effective. However, there are other reasons mainstream medical science does not use this treatment and has not subjected to rigorous testing. First of all, not only are artificial ultraviolet techniques ineffective and likely deadly for treating an infected person, scientists say, some of them can be extremely dangerous used at home for disinfecting. According to Dr. Bob Lahita, chairman of medicine at St. Joseph University Hospital, the only proven effective us of UV as a treatment has been with psoriasis. UV light is dangerous to humans and is known to cause skin cancer. By the time the virus has taken hold inside your body, no amount of UV light on your skin is going to make a difference. Introducing ultraviolet radiation in the lungs is just too absurd to discuss.

REALLY? Then explain this...

There are hazards to chronic exposure to UV.. Depends on the WAVELENGTHS used... When the dentist is filling cavities or gluing crowns, they hand you a pair of UV glasses. Assemblers on some of product lines use precautions when using UV to cure epoxies and other "UV engineered" materials.

The opportunities to EXPAND this use that I'm NOW looking into since that press conference verified that COVID CAN be killed with UV would be products that clean large open spaces when people are not present.. And the ideas for cleaning "nooks and crannies"without a lot of human exposure would be CONTAINED within some means of public transport that HAVEN'T used this technology ...

We have to be careful tho... Because just like OVER using antibiotics or not taking them as prescribed -- we can create super bugs that BECOME UV resistant.. So you cannot do a HALF ASS job of employing it to save THOUSANDS of lives during even a "normal" flu season...
That says bacteria. Corana is a virus.

You're so focused on making shit up about the presentation at that press conference that you MISSED the big news that UV IS an effective "disinfectant" for Covid on surfaces??? Or did all you morons NEVER WATCH that presentation.. And YES MANY of the flu viruses are destroyed by UV..
You do realize that those surfaces were not inside the body like Drumpf was suggesting right?

I'm not focused on Trump farts like you're drawn to them.. The stuff I absorb from those press conferences are ALL the news I need to get on COVID..

However -- if you missed it in this thread -- there is a public stock company RIGHT NOW investigating using UV INSIDE THE BODY to knock out Covid 19... And Twitter and Google are TRYING to supress any mention of it. THAT gets my attention also when those primadonnas believe they are the POLITICAL gatekeepers of science/tech knowledge.. Are you CONCERNED about THAT?

So "stupid questions" are a valid way of brain storming even in the higher altitudes of science and learning... Pardon me if a Trump fart like that barely moves me to hate him more...
Hah! Mystery solved. Breitbart got to the bottom of it:

Twitter later reversed its censorship, saying the company’s account was “mistakenly” caught in a spam filter.

AYTU is publicly traded on the NASDAQ index. In its research on UV light treatment for the coronavirus, it is working with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a major hospital in Los Angeles. The hospital was founded in 1902 and employs over 2,000 physicians.

More information about the “Healight” UV Light treatment being researched by AYTU and Cedars-Sinai can be found on the latter’s website.

Oh.. So because they got caught making science determinations and political posturing, we all should just believe it was "the algorithm"... I'm not that stupid or forgiving.. They need to explain to their COMMUNITIES and the rest of us -- EXACTLY what "triggered" "their filters.. So EVERYBODY KNOWS what the rules are...

Let's all try to figure out what WORDS or materials in that TOTALLY innocuous announcement MIGHT HAVE "triggered a filter"....

Anybody got that announcement? Can you SUGGEST some examples???? Was it Cedar Sinai Hospital?? Or Ayla? or "shows promise for treatment of Covid 19"??? Utter bullshit excuse.. Just LIKE the President's "I was sarcastic",.....
Trump also said this:

It would be interesting to check you’re going have to use medical doctors with that, but it sounds interesting to me. And so we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful.
Yes it is; but it doesn't just kill viruses and bacteria. It destroys human sells in the body and causes cancer.
The body has a way of healing itself, and good cells regenerate. There are risk to everything, even cancer treatments, so your point is what ?
Trump is not making anything up.
The problems seems to be that the left wingers are blinded by their hate.
UV blood treatment
View attachment 328361
UV treatments were common in 30's 40's and 50's as a method of killing bacteria and viruses in the human body. The development of antibiotics and antivirals made the treatment superfluous plus there was no scientific studies that found it effective. However, there are other reasons mainstream medical science does not use this treatment and has not subjected to rigorous testing. First of all, not only are artificial ultraviolet techniques ineffective and likely deadly for treating an infected person, scientists say, some of them can be extremely dangerous used at home for disinfecting. According to Dr. Bob Lahita, chairman of medicine at St. Joseph University Hospital, the only proven effective us of UV as a treatment has been with psoriasis. UV light is dangerous to humans and is known to cause skin cancer. By the time the virus has taken hold inside your body, no amount of UV light on your skin is going to make a difference. Introducing ultraviolet radiation in the lungs is just too absurd to discuss.

REALLY? Then explain this...

There are hazards to chronic exposure to UV.. Depends on the WAVELENGTHS used... When the dentist is filling cavities or gluing crowns, they hand you a pair of UV glasses. Assemblers on some of product lines use precautions when using UV to cure epoxies and other "UV engineered" materials.

The opportunities to EXPAND this use that I'm NOW looking into since that press conference verified that COVID CAN be killed with UV would be products that clean large open spaces when people are not present.. And the ideas for cleaning "nooks and crannies"without a lot of human exposure would be CONTAINED within some means of public transport that HAVEN'T used this technology ...

We have to be careful tho... Because just like OVER using antibiotics or not taking them as prescribed -- we can create super bugs that BECOME UV resistant.. So you cannot do a HALF ASS job of employing it to save THOUSANDS of lives during even a "normal" flu season...
That says bacteria. Corana is a virus.

You're so focused on making shit up about the presentation at that press conference that you MISSED the big news that UV IS an effective "disinfectant" for Covid on surfaces??? Or did all you morons NEVER WATCH that presentation.. And YES MANY of the flu viruses are destroyed by UV..
You do realize that those surfaces were not inside the body like Drumpf was suggesting right?

I'm not focused on Trump farts like you're drawn to them.. The stuff I absorb from those press conferences are ALL the news I need to get on COVID..

However -- if you missed it in this thread -- there is a public stock company RIGHT NOW investigating using UV INSIDE THE BODY to knock out Covid 19... And Twitter and Google are TRYING to supress any mention of it. THAT gets my attention also when those primadonnas believe they are the POLITICAL gatekeepers of science/tech knowledge.. Are you CONCERNED about THAT?

So "stupid questions" are a valid way of brain storming even in the higher altitudes of science and learning... Pardon me if a Trump fart like that barely moves me to hate him more...
Hah! Mystery solved. Breitbart got to the bottom of it:

Twitter later reversed its censorship, saying the company’s account was “mistakenly” caught in a spam filter.

AYTU is publicly traded on the NASDAQ index. In its research on UV light treatment for the coronavirus, it is working with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a major hospital in Los Angeles. The hospital was founded in 1902 and employs over 2,000 physicians.

More information about the “Healight” UV Light treatment being researched by AYTU and Cedars-Sinai can be found on the latter’s website.

Imagine YOU having to quote Breitbart... Much respect for the hurt you suffered doing that...

So he shoots off his mouth with incredibly ignorant bullshit and looks like a super duper jackass and they are content with that.
But he is a genius compared to Biden who supports Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution, open borders, free health care for entire world.
More lies! You can't prove shit. You are a loser.
BWK is at it again, insulting folks without backup. Must he his nappy time.
Oh, the backup is on this very thread two days ago, and today. Two days ago, you said Trump didn't say anything about injecting disinfectants into the body, now you are saying he was just being sarcastic. There you go people. Proof that he lied. It's all the back up we need. We have contradictory quotes from you on two different posts. You lose buddy.
I said he did not recommend a medical procedure dufus. Stop lying 'buddy'

He said "injection", and by it's very definition, it IS a medical procedure.

[ in-jek-shuh n ]

1. the act of injecting.
2. something that is injected.
3. a liquid injected into the body, especially for medicinal purposes, as a hypodermic or an enema.
4. state of being hyperemic or bloodshot.
5. Mathematics. a one-to-one function.
6. Also called insertion. Aerospace. the process of putting a spacecraft into orbit or some other desired trajectory.
Your point is what ???? If the scientist could come up with something that isn't poisonous to the human being, and could fight the virus just like they did with penicillin that can either be injected as a shot or taken by the mouth in pill form that would be great. I use apple cider vinegar to help cleanse my system. Been using it forever, and no adverse effects from it yet. Infact my health is great, and hopefully I can keep it that way.
That's great, but it has nothing to do with Coronavirus.

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