Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

At Thursday’s coronavirus press briefing,

Trump’s response was to say that he doesn’t listen to his economists in the first place — and that he believes he knows at least as much about the matter as they do.

He then says "
“I know a lot about economists and the answer is they have no idea,” said Trump. “I think I have as good of an idea as anybody.”

So he knows at least as much about the matter, as economist who actually have no idea "about the matter" so he also really has no idea about the matter and admits it.

That really should be his new campaign slogan as people will understand that.

Of course you can't show he actually said that......
From the White House transcript:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

right so he is suggesting that you bring ultraviolet light underneath the skin. I guess if he understood UV treatment that he would understand that it is used to treat various diseases successfully without the need to use it under the skin. The feasibility of doing what he says is so mind boggling it beyond belief. You don need to do that because they focus the UV light on the skin and it works. Yet it still is dangerous and harmful as it is used now. The risk of the benefits are compared to the risk of harm it will cause.

long-term effects pose a life-long hazard to your health. Overexposure to UV radiation affects your skin, your eyes and probably your immune system. Many people forget that the effects of exposure to UV radiation accumulate over a lifetime.

So the elderly who are most at risk of dying are going to be expose to more UV radiation.

Somebody please put a piece of tape on his month and just let him use sign language.


Again reading something into it.

And UV treatment of blood was once used and may be brought back.

And next you'll be posting the wonders of drinking Lysol.
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.
President Trump knows the coronavirus is out of control. He's throwing out suggestions for ways to combat it, other than the business closures, and social distancing used to control the spread. Hydroxychloroquine didn't work, nor did warmer weather.
Yea, by the way, what happened to that miracle cure Hydroxychloroquine anyway? Fox state run TV was pedaling it for weeks. And?
trump: *says something vaguely medical*

leftists: *are all suddenly medical experts:

Hey, Trump said oxygen is good for you. Obviously, he's wrong. You all know what do to!

45 has zero medical experience and is advising people Lysol. I am NOT a medical professional, but even I know better than that.
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And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.

Could have been.. I do not GET the reaction to this.. WHAT was suggesting people "inject"?? The discussion was about COvid sensitivity to UV... It's a TRUE game changer for cleaning LARGE open areas effectively without exposing dozens of maintenance workers... Any RATIONAL person believe that Trump was motivating people to go buy a 3 ft UV fiber optic illuminator and EAT IT??

This is just an insane way to BLOW OFF the most important part of this story...
trump: *says something vaguely medical*

leftists: *are all suddenly medical experts:

Hey, Trump said oxygen is good for you. Obviously, he's wrong. You all know what do to!
Drumpf doesnt know shit about anything other than conning idiots. He should shut his fucking trap and let the experts speak. He has already gotten countless people killed. We dont need more because Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup that doesnt know how to lead.
trump: *says something vaguely medical*

leftists: *are all suddenly medical experts:

Hey, Trump said oxygen is good for you. Obviously, he's wrong. You all know what do to!

45 has zero medical experience and is advising people Lysol. I am NOT a medical professional, but even I know better than that.

The term "disinfectant" means a substance that "removes infectants".. It's a crude way of describing what this UV DOES to Covid.. But only complete MENTAL MIDGETS could leap to suggesting that he recommended drinking Lysol....
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

UV light is being researched as a treatment in a Colorado company right now. The initial research is centered around placing UV emitting LED lights in ventilator tubes to treat the interior of the trachea. Trump was 100% correct. Trump never said to shoot up or ingest disinfectants. This is what happens when one does not actually listen to the Covid news conferences and is totally dependent on what the Trump-hating MSM tells them. These TDSers hate Trump so much they keep themselves ignorant and become akin to a hate-cult group..... In short, they are stupid fools.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

UV light is being researched as a treatment in a Colorado company right now. The initial research is placing UV emitting LED lights in ventilator tubes. Trump was 100% correct. Trump never said to shoot up or ingest disinfectants. This is what happens when one does not actually listen to the Covid news conferences and is totallyu dependent on what the Trump-hating MSM tells them. These TDSers hate Trump so much they keep themselves ignorant. In short, they are stupid idiots.

I guess you guys didnt get the memo. Drumpf claimed he was kidding with a reporter.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.

Could have been.. I do not GET the reaction to this.. WHAT was suggesting people "inject"?? The discussion was about COvid sensitivity to UV... It's a TRUE game changer for cleaning LARGE open areas effectively without exposing dozens of maintenance workers... Any RATIONAL person believe that Trump was motivating people to go buy a 3 ft UV fiber optic illuminator and EAT IT??

This is just an insane way to BLOW OFF the most important part of this story...

:lol: What part of the story? Hospitals have been using UV to kill viruses in rooms FOREVER. OMG, you guys will go to any lengths to cover that man's stupidity won't you? The emperor is wearing NO CLOTHES. Naked as a jaybird.
The term "disinfectant" means a substance that "removes infectants".. It's a crude way of describing what this UV DOES to Covid.. But only complete MENTAL MIDGETS could leap to suggesting that he recommended drinking Lysol....
Actually President Trump suggested injecting, or something like injecting, disinfectants like lysol.
Even if you played the clip Drumpfbots will never believe you. They will claim he said "lysol gives you indigestion".
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

UV light is being researched as a treatment in a Colorado company right now. The initial research is centered around placing UV emitting LED lights in ventilator tubes to treat the interior of the trachea. Trump was 100% correct. Trump never said to shoot up or ingest disinfectants. This is what happens when one does not actually listen to the Covid news conferences and is totally dependent on what the Trump-hating MSM tells them. These TDSers hate Trump so much they keep themselves ignorant and become akin to a hate-cult group..... In short, they are stupid fools.

Dr. Chu was talking about introducing a known toxin into the body, which was what Trump was talking about. The fact that Trump was not talking about "shooting up or ingesting", doesn't mean he wasn't talking about using it in some way. Medical expert 'worried' about Trump after bizarre question on injecting disinfectant

By the way, so now it isn't sarcasm?
UV light is being researched as a treatment in a Colorado company right now. The initial research is centered around placing UV emitting LED lights in ventilator tubes to treat the interior of the trachea. Trump was 100% correct. Trump never said to shoot up or ingest disinfectants. This is what happens when one does not actually listen to the Covid news conferences and is totally dependent on what the Trump-hating MSM tells them. These TDSers hate Trump so much they keep themselves ignorant and become akin to a hate-cult group..... In short, they are stupid fools.

That UV treatment has nothing to do with the pneumonia deep in the lungs. And Trump was indeed calling for research into the use of disinfectants to the interior of the human body.
And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.

Could have been.. I do not GET the reaction to this.. WHAT was suggesting people "inject"?? The discussion was about COvid sensitivity to UV... It's a TRUE game changer for cleaning LARGE open areas effectively without exposing dozens of maintenance workers... Any RATIONAL person believe that Trump was motivating people to go buy a 3 ft UV fiber optic illuminator and EAT IT??

This is just an insane way to BLOW OFF the most important part of this story...

:lol: What part of the story? Hospitals have been using UV to kill viruses in rooms FOREVER. OMG, you guys will go to any lengths to cover that man's stupidity won't you? The emperor is wearing NO CLOTHES. Naked as a jaybird.

No idiot.,. Not ALL viruses or bacteria.. That's why hospitals are risk exposures to super bugs. No one KNOWS -- until science CONFIRMS that it works on Covid... It's a data point.. Could have been LESS effective on Corona viruses as a family.. Did not KNOW until the press conference. Might not BE "settled science" yet.. How is anyone gonna put a UV fiber down their windpipe without a DOCTOR or practioner involved?? Costs maybe $20K to get the equipment. And there was NO "drano or lysol" mentioned except by the mental midget heel nippers in this thread...
How many posts do you have and how many times do you chose the wrong words or could have used better words? Now compare your precentage with the President by listing all his numbers of speaches and your proof of misspeach.
Then compare that to actual Biden Gaffs beyond missused words and into the twighlight zone.
Then compare Bidens percentages with MSM changed wording in reporting down the line not actual transcripts.
Who would win and lose that comparison
Would Biden or MSM have the highest number of mistakes?
Remember, you being to lazy to do the science and study the data means you are not going by facts, you are decision making through emotions, ones that are created by your puppet master MSM which you would be admitting make up the words/narrative as well as your hostility.
So what's it like being subverted by parrots?

Are you fucking serious??? Biden comes across as the president of Mensa compared to the Orange Buffoon. And no, that is no ad hominem on Trump. He literally tweets dumb shit every day. Literally every day.

And yes, yet again a Trump cult member tries to deflect away from his incompetence.

Trump would easily have the highest number of mistakes.

Look at Obama. 57 states. Remember that? I could spend a couple of hours in a morning writing out his misstatements. I could spend a month on Trump and still find more....

What's it like to be beholden to a narcissistic, bloviated, thick-as-pig-shit, misogynistic fuckwit?
Thank you for proving my point, you do not reply as requested, because you do not have proof through that data requested which by and through MSM and Dem politicians other arguments "must be scientific through actual data not feelings" or have you forgotten that argument already?
Busted by your party's own standard=checkmate!
UV light is being researched as a treatment in a Colorado company right now. The initial research is centered around placing UV emitting LED lights in ventilator tubes to treat the interior of the trachea. Trump was 100% correct. Trump never said to shoot up or ingest disinfectants. This is what happens when one does not actually listen to the Covid news conferences and is totally dependent on what the Trump-hating MSM tells them. These TDSers hate Trump so much they keep themselves ignorant and become akin to a hate-cult group..... In short, they are stupid fools.

That UV treatment has nothing to do with the pneumonia deep in the lungs. And Trump was indeed calling for research into the use of disinfectants to the interior of the human body.
You completely disregarded my post, did not address any points at all and went full TDS. Get lost.

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