Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

The term "disinfectant" means a substance that "removes infectants".. It's a crude way of describing what this UV DOES to Covid.. But only complete MENTAL MIDGETS could leap to suggesting that he recommended drinking Lysol....
Actually President Trump suggested injecting, or something like injecting, disinfectants like lysol.

Hell NO you moron... THE TOPIC at the news conference was ALWAYS about the news of UV being effective on Covid.. The REST of all this derangement is MADE UP fantasy shit from a bunch of bat shit crazy people...
The Five Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing Orange Fucking Shit Stain asked the Director of NASA if they had the technology to sterilize people's throats.


Next up, he will [ask] Big Foot for advice.
President Trump knows he's in trouble. He's drowning and he'll clutch at anything that floats.
I think he's trying to help. He just doesn't understand the science well enough to do that. So he ought to keep quiet.
you are too nice.

Trump is only interested in helping himself.
Well yes, he wants to be the hero that came up with a brilliant cure. But it's still trying to help, in his own narcissistic fashion. Sometimes I feel sorry for him. But then he opens his mouth again and I'm over it.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

UV light is being researched as a treatment in a Colorado company right now. The initial research is centered around placing UV emitting LED lights in ventilator tubes to treat the interior of the trachea. Trump was 100% correct. Trump never said to shoot up or ingest disinfectants. This is what happens when one does not actually listen to the Covid news conferences and is totally dependent on what the Trump-hating MSM tells them. These TDSers hate Trump so much they keep themselves ignorant and become akin to a hate-cult group..... In short, they are stupid fools.

Dr. Chu was talking about introducing a known toxin into the body, which was what Trump was talking about. The fact that Trump was not talking about "shooting up or ingesting", doesn't mean he wasn't talking about using it in some way. Medical expert 'worried' about Trump after bizarre question on injecting disinfectant

By the way, so now it isn't sarcasm?

Somebody at MSNBC sneezed and came up with this 'medial expert' Dr. AhChoo!!! I swear you TDSers will believe anything.
The Five Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing Orange Fucking Shit Stain asked the Director of NASA if they had the technology to sterilize people's throats.


Next up, he will [ask] Big Foot for advice.
President Trump knows he's in trouble. He's drowning and he'll clutch at anything that floats.
I think he's trying to help. He just doesn't understand the science well enough to do that. So he ought to keep quiet.
you are too nice.

Trump is only interested in helping himself.
Well yes, he wants to be the hero that came up with a brilliant cure. But it's still trying to help, in his own narcissistic fashion. Sometimes I feel sorry for him. But then he opens his mouth again and I'm over it.
Come on now, no matter what Trump says TDSers are going to hate. That's what they do. Kinda like your post actually.

Well I'll be damned...........seems they have been studying this for 4 years........LOL
They had to earn their degree!
As I ignore the dipshits on this thread.................seems they have been doing this since 2016. They also are using light on bladder cancer treatments...............they but a blue dye on the bladder and the cancer cells glow under the doctor sees the glowing light to find and kill all the cancer cells..............

Was pretty cool stuff this Columbia University was doing there.

And my gosh.........THEY ARE FROM NEW YORK......OMFG...........a BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL REGION.
I bet 10 to 1 you are scared of me to give your dishonest rebuttal.
True they used dye on several organs and UV lights to treat cancers. That was after years of research. Don’t you think they are doing a thorough R&D a long time ago about treating lung cancer? If it’s available now they could have used that years ago? Don’t you think? You are so smart are you going to apply a dye to lungs so a patient will die. THINK.

Well I'll be damned...........seems they have been studying this for 4 years........LOL
They had to earn their degree!
As I ignore the dipshits on this thread.................seems they have been doing this since 2016. They also are using light on bladder cancer treatments...............they but a blue dye on the bladder and the cancer cells glow under the doctor sees the glowing light to find and kill all the cancer cells..............

Was pretty cool stuff this Columbia University was doing there.

And my gosh.........THEY ARE FROM NEW YORK......OMFG...........a BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL REGION.
I bet 10 to 1 you are scared of me to give your dishonest rebuttal.
True they used dye on several organs and UV lights to treat cancers. That was after years of research. Don’t you think they are doing a thorough R&D a long time ago about treating lung cancer? If it’s available now they could have used that years ago? Don’t you think? You are so smart are you going to apply a dye to lungs so a patient will die. THINK.
Trump never said UV treatment was available. You are parroting propaganda.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
No, he said he was being sarcastic to the press. At least try to get your facts strait instead of posting TDS drivel.
Hell NO you moron... THE TOPIC at the news conference was ALWAYS about the news of UV being effective on Covid.. The REST of all this derangement is MADE UP fantasy shit from a bunch of bat shit crazy people...
The topic of the press conference was all over the place. President Trump went from UV to light, to disinfectants, all used inside the body to go after the coronavirus.

The only thing President Trump missed was researching "fantastic voyage" to go inside the body.
Last edited:
Liberals lose again. Don't worry, we see them ignoring this.

I know I see them ignoring.

Every single left winger is a loser. You all lose every debate. You are all pathetic liars and you are all pathetic disgraces.

You lose, again.

Well I'll be damned...........seems they have been studying this for 4 years........LOL
They had to earn their degree!
As I ignore the dipshits on this thread.................seems they have been doing this since 2016. They also are using light on bladder cancer treatments...............they but a blue dye on the bladder and the cancer cells glow under the doctor sees the glowing light to find and kill all the cancer cells..............

Was pretty cool stuff this Columbia University was doing there.

And my gosh.........THEY ARE FROM NEW YORK......OMFG...........a BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL REGION.

Why that's an excellent idea. Inject dye and when the lungs light up like some 14 yr olds poster of a Sports Ilistrated swim suit bikini special..... we can cut them out. Covid problem solved.

Take your complaints to Columbia University...........They use it for bladder Cancer patient treatments.

Does that baby have bladder cancer.

Spin away..............I just found that they are indeed using UV rays for possible treatments and have been studying it since at least 2016

No go on about your TDS.
Bladder cancer is different from a Coronavirus infections.

Bladder cancer have different kind of treatments. Lung infections is different.

Bladder can take dye. Lungs don’t.

Bladder cancer has long way to go before you die. Coronavirus you only have days to survive before you die.

Bladder Cancer can take radiation treatments. Coronavirus infections is a virus.

Many Americans die of lung cancer each year. About 228k+ of new cases each year and 135k+ death each year. Don’t you think they could have used that by now. My buddy died of lung cancer went to City of Hope here in California it is one of the best in the nation but they could not save him despite of early warnings and treatments. Use your imagination before you or any body make any comparison. Because you are giving misinformation here.
Hell NO you moron... THE TOPIC at the news conference was ALWAYS about the news of UV being effective on Covid.. The REST of all this derangement is MADE UP fantasy shit from a bunch of bat shit crazy people...
The topic of the press conference was all over the place. President Trump went trom UV to light, to disinfects, all used inside the body to go after the coronavirus.

The only thing President Trump missed was researching "fantastic voyage" to go inside the body.
Do you live in the real world or some fantasy hallucination?
Hell NO you moron... THE TOPIC at the news conference was ALWAYS about the news of UV being effective on Covid.. The REST of all this derangement is MADE UP fantasy shit from a bunch of bat shit crazy people...
The topic of the press conference was all over the place. President Trump went trom UV to light, to disinfects, all used inside the body to go after the coronavirus.

The only thing President Trump missed was researching "fantastic voyage" to go inside the body.
You are a loser

there was NO "drano or lysol" mentioned except by the mental midget heel nippers in this thread...
Minor point. Per usual, you are ignoring the elephant in the room and trying to get people distracted with minutiae. People are taking it and running with it, but the underlying truth remains. The man is hoping for a way to kill the virus in the body, which of course has been the dream of researchers working on viruses for years. I remember reading during the AIDS thing just how hard that is. But Trump asked about disinfectants being injected to clean the system. You've seen the clip by now, I'm sure. So yeah, there are going to be jokes about Drano etc., but you can stop pretending there is no reason for the hilarity.
Hell NO you moron... THE TOPIC at the news conference was ALWAYS about the news of UV being effective on Covid.. The REST of all this derangement is MADE UP fantasy shit from a bunch of bat shit crazy people...
The topic of the press conference was all over the place. President Trump went trom UV to light, to disinfects, all used inside the body to go after the coronavirus.

The only thing President Trump missed was researching "fantastic voyage" to go inside the body.
You are a loser


Well I'll be damned...........seems they have been studying this for 4 years........LOL
They had to earn their degree!
As I ignore the dipshits on this thread.................seems they have been doing this since 2016. They also are using light on bladder cancer treatments...............they but a blue dye on the bladder and the cancer cells glow under the doctor sees the glowing light to find and kill all the cancer cells..............

Was pretty cool stuff this Columbia University was doing there.

And my gosh.........THEY ARE FROM NEW YORK......OMFG...........a BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL REGION.

Why that's an excellent idea. Inject dye and when the lungs light up like some 14 yr olds poster of a Sports Ilistrated swim suit bikini special..... we can cut them out. Covid problem solved.

Take your complaints to Columbia University...........They use it for bladder Cancer patient treatments.

Does that baby have bladder cancer.

Spin away..............I just found that they are indeed using UV rays for possible treatments and have been studying it since at least 2016

No go on about your TDS.
Bladder cancer is different from a Coronavirus infections.

Bladder cancer have different kind of treatments. Lung infections is different.

Bladder can take dye. Lungs don’t.

Bladder cancer has long way to go before you die. Coronavirus you only have days to survive before you die.

Bladder Cancer can take radiation treatments. Coronavirus infections is a virus.

Many Americans die of lung cancer each year. About 228k+ of new cases each year and 135k+ death each year. Don’t you think they could have used that by now. My buddy died of lung cancer went to City of Hope here in California it is one of the best in the nation but they could not save him despite of early warnings and treatments. Use your imagination before you or any body make any comparison. Because you are giving misinformation here.
Who said anything about using dye? Now it is known that millions may have been infected to Covid and never knew so, no if you get Covid chances are you will not die. Stop spreading disinformation.
Hell NO you moron... THE TOPIC at the news conference was ALWAYS about the news of UV being effective on Covid.. The REST of all this derangement is MADE UP fantasy shit from a bunch of bat shit crazy people...
The topic of the press conference was all over the place. President Trump went trom UV to light, to disinfects, all used inside the body to go after the coronavirus.

The only thing President Trump missed was researching "fantastic voyage" to go inside the body.
You are a loser

Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

With any luck, Trumpublicans will start drinking bleach! :D


That is so funny DrLove. I made a copy so I can reproduce it.
The term "disinfectant" means a substance that "removes infectants".. It's a crude way of describing what this UV DOES to Covid.. But only complete MENTAL MIDGETS could leap to suggesting that he recommended drinking Lysol....
Actually President Trump suggested injecting, or something like injecting, disinfectants like lysol.

Hell NO you moron... THE TOPIC at the news conference was ALWAYS about the news of UV being effective on Covid.. The REST of all this derangement is MADE UP fantasy shit from a bunch of bat shit crazy people...
Bryan DID talk about bleach and alcohol as well.
The Five Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing Orange Fucking Shit Stain asked the Director of NASA if they had the technology to sterilize people's throats.


Next up, he will [ask] Big Foot for advice.
President Trump knows he's in trouble. He's drowning and he'll clutch at anything that floats.
I think he's trying to help. He just doesn't understand the science well enough to do that. So he ought to keep quiet.
you are too nice.

Trump is only interested in helping himself.
Well yes, he wants to be the hero that came up with a brilliant cure. But it's still trying to help, in his own narcissistic fashion. Sometimes I feel sorry for him. But then he opens his mouth again and I'm over it.
Come on now, no matter what Trump says TDSers are going to hate. That's what they do. Kinda like your post actually.
I don't hate him. I really really don't like how he acts or many of the decisions he makes, though. I've never pretended different. He's still human, though. We've all got a little something good inside, even if it's not a lot.
There is a lot we don't know about the virus but that is not a good reason for the president to share his hunches, feelings, ideas, and guesses with the public. Words have power, particularly when they come from the president. Everything a president says is analyzed and interpreted by the media, his staff, government workers as well as the general public. What people need are facts, not conspiracy theories and fantasies that create confusion and distract people from dealing with the virus.
Trumped simply asked a question, doofus.
Hell NO you moron... THE TOPIC at the news conference was ALWAYS about the news of UV being effective on Covid.. The REST of all this derangement is MADE UP fantasy shit from a bunch of bat shit crazy people...
The Chicom Shills (aka Dimocrats) are simply lying and smearing a great President, and they know it.

They are not morons, they are amoral liars.

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