Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

He corrected any misunderstanding people like you would naturally make.

His quote you use only says 'is there a way we can do something like that ..." "LIke that", it doesn't say inject disinfectant at all.

Glad to settle your confusion.
Read President Trumps next paragraph.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

Glad I could clear up your ignorance.

He says is there a way we can do something like that.

"Something like that", not injecting disinfectants. Reading is fundamental, so is comprehension.
At Thursday’s coronavirus press briefing,

Trump’s response was to say that he doesn’t listen to his economists in the first place — and that he believes he knows at least as much about the matter as they do.

He then says "
“I know a lot about economists and the answer is they have no idea,” said Trump. “I think I have as good of an idea as anybody.”

So he knows at least as much about the matter, as economist who actually have no idea "about the matter" so he also really has no idea about the matter and admits it.

That really should be his new campaign slogan as people will understand that.

Of course you can't show he actually said that......
From the White House transcript:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

right so he is suggesting that you bring ultraviolet light underneath the skin. I guess if he understood UV treatment that he would understand that it is used to treat various diseases successfully without the need to use it under the skin. The feasibility of doing what he says is so mind boggling it beyond belief. You don need to do that because they focus the UV light on the skin and it works. Yet it still is dangerous and harmful as it is used now. The risk of the benefits are compared to the risk of harm it will cause.

long-term effects pose a life-long hazard to your health. Overexposure to UV radiation affects your skin, your eyes and probably your immune system. Many people forget that the effects of exposure to UV radiation accumulate over a lifetime.

So the elderly who are most at risk of dying are going to be expose to more UV radiation.

Somebody please put a piece of tape on his month and just let him use sign language.
"Trump mused about whether disinfectants could be used to treat the virus in humans -- asking whether there is "a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning."

No, he didn't say that.
THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

He corrected any misunderstanding people like you would naturally make.

His quote you use only says 'is there a way we can do something like that ..." "LIke that", it doesn't say inject disinfectant at all.

Glad to settle your confusion.

You left off the second part, where he said do it by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Yes, he was saying to inject some kind of crap like that into the body.


It should be noted that it wasn’t but a few moments later that Trump gave a clarification of his statement to ABC News reported Jon Karl.
“It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area,” said Trump. “Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”
So, no, Trump did not suggest we inject ourselves with bleach or Lysol. This is just reporters reporting irresponsibly and very likely on purpose.

Someone probably held an idiot card and told him he looked like a fucking fool. Then he tried to explain it away but then today he claimed he was being sarcastic. You fools need to make up your mind. :laughing0301:
The Five Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing Orange Fucking Shit Stain asked the Director of NASA if they had the technology to sterilize people's throats.


Next up, he will Big Foot for advice.

And? He asked a question to clarify the tech, and that is problematic?

The same people who always claim that Trump shows no interest and doesn't ask questions are now bitching when he does just that.

He asked NASA about it too, not bigfoot or similar. Yet you equate asking NASA with asking bigfoot.
Hey dumbass. You dont ask a question during the briefing in front of god and everyone else. You ask before or after the briefing. At least thats what real leaders do instead of floating bullshit like Drumpf does.
According to, President Donald Trump asked NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine if an experimental disinfectant fog in development at the Glenn Research Center could be used to sterilize the inside of people’s lungs to treat coronavirus.

I believe you are confusing the two matters.

The Raw Story (LOL) piece begins:

According to, President Donald Trump asked NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine if an experimental disinfectant fog in development at the Glenn Research Center could be used to sterilize the inside of people’s lungs to treat coronavirus.​

So it was not at a presser.
At Thursday’s coronavirus press briefing,

Trump’s response was to say that he doesn’t listen to his economists in the first place — and that he believes he knows at least as much about the matter as they do.

He then says "
“I know a lot about economists and the answer is they have no idea,” said Trump. “I think I have as good of an idea as anybody.”

So he knows at least as much about the matter, as economist who actually have no idea "about the matter" so he also really has no idea about the matter and admits it.

That really should be his new campaign slogan as people will understand that.

Of course you can't show he actually said that......
From the White House transcript:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

right so he is suggesting that you bring ultraviolet light underneath the skin. I guess if he understood UV treatment that he would understand that it is used to treat various diseases successfully without the need to use it under the skin. The feasibility of doing what he says is so mind boggling it beyond belief. You don need to do that because they focus the UV light on the skin and it works. Yet it still is dangerous and harmful as it is used now. The risk of the benefits are compared to the risk of harm it will cause.

long-term effects pose a life-long hazard to your health. Overexposure to UV radiation affects your skin, your eyes and probably your immune system. Many people forget that the effects of exposure to UV radiation accumulate over a lifetime.

So the elderly who are most at risk of dying are going to be expose to more UV radiation.

Somebody please put a piece of tape on his month and just let him use sign language.


Again reading something into it.

And UV treatment of blood was once used and may be brought back.

Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.

I am the master of the puppets.

MASTER! MASTER! That's me they are calling.

Youre just a master puppet. So Esalla said you were a dumbass for not knowing that covid 19 is the common cold. You gone let her talk to you like that?

It's not the common cold, but so far it hasn't killed more people either.

I feel the person wants the economy opened, fair point.

I just heard its the leading cause of death in the US. You sure about that?

50,000 have died so far. 60,000 have died of flu in a single year.

So yes I am sure about it.

Show me where 60k have died from the flu this year please.

We won't have the numbers on this last flu season for months, the CDC says. But what everyone making these comparisons keeps forgetting is that Covid 19 isn't over, not by a long shot. And it has killed over 50,000 in two months, not an entire flu season, which goes from roughly October to April, seven months.

it is known. but commonsense merkans having received formal education, making them perfessors in nearly evrythang, know better, cuz them having real genius brains.

Open the stinking country back up and you can go back to talking to all the rest on here during the day that don't have a job. or whatever.

Enough of the virus BS..........time to go back to work.

If you want to drink Bleach............go will not be missed if you are that dumb anyway.

Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:

Sorry, we are not a flock of sheep like you communists. Having own opinions is allowed.
Of course youre a flock of sheep. Drumpf just has you confused right now so youre just milling about waiting to be rounded up into a cohesive flock again.

You are the flock of sheep. Stop projecting.

Right-wingers will always be the PACK, not the HERD you idiot.

I am the master of the puppets.

MASTER! MASTER! That's me they are calling.

Youre just a master puppet. So Esalla said you were a dumbass for not knowing that covid 19 is the common cold. You gone let her talk to you like that?

It's not the common cold, but so far it hasn't killed more people either.

I feel the person wants the economy opened, fair point.

I just heard its the leading cause of death in the US. You sure about that?

50,000 have died so far. 60,000 have died of flu in a single year.

So yes I am sure about it.

Show me where 60k have died from the flu this year please.

We won't have the numbers on this last flu season for months, the CDC says. But what everyone making these comparisons keeps forgetting is that Covid 19 isn't over, not by a long shot. And it has killed over 50,000 in two months, not an entire flu season, which goes from roughly October to April, seven months.

it is known. but commonsense merkans having received formal education, making them perfessors in nearly evrythang, know better, cuz them having real genius brains.

Open the stinking country back up and you can go back to talking to all the rest on here during the day that don't have a job. or whatever.

Enough of the virus BS..........time to go back to work.

If you want to drink Bleach............go will not be missed if you are that dumb anyway.

thx 4 sharing. if i am ever in dire need of a sciolist, which is never, quote me again.

Why I just quoted you again.............Now shall we continue this about how everyone should drink Bleach now........LOL

or the other posts about sticking light bulbs up peoples butts..............

This is what the left is..........LOL........and you have a candidate that has early signs of dementia................LMAO.........

Even when your side cheats now you still are a bunch of

Early signs of dementia?


View attachment 327518

Remember when Billiboo thought Hillary won

He says is there a way we can do something like that.

"Something like that", not injecting disinfectants. Reading is fundamental, so is comprehension.

Something "like" injecting, that isn't injecting? O.K. i'll give you those were not President Trumps exact words, but injection clearly matched what the president described.
OP, people can see the conferences themselves. No need to insert CNN rage baits.

And yes, the virus does not like sun light. A fact...
True heat kill virus. ... . So how are you supposed ........
1. to inject a disinfectant to your body? Get a syringe and inject all over your body thrn to your lungs?

2. To insert a UV Light all over your organs?
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Wow..................I knew Trump was ignorant, but this is the most stupidity displayed in a single afternoon.
Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
Sometimes MDs actually remove parts of the human anatomy to save the human.
So Einstein have ever seen a disinfectant used or inserted to humans. Not even used in animals let alone human? This is not funny Dude.
And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.
“Supposing we hit the body with ultraviolet or very powerful light. Or inject, suppose you brought the light inside the body or some other way, and I think you’re going to test that too, and disinfectant by injection inside,”

~Donald J Trump

Link to quote please.

It's in the video...and the OP.
The article in the OP is the ONLY place that quote shows up.

And there is no video in the article.
You bet they are not going to show that in your favorite Fox News. Why don’t you watch other news aside from Fox or try your local news?
Will Trump create a distraction to deflect from his disinfectant disaster? Attack Iran? Mess with 2020 election? Who knows...
He might do one or 2 of those to excused himself from the pandemic that he infected to USA.
In still waiting for that MAGA to happen. It’s been over 3 years and I haven’t seen any. I can’t wait.
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
You sound like Pee Wee Herman. You fucked up and said the flu and now youre saying "I meant to do that"? :laughing0301:

Another Drumpf dumbass steps on his own tiny dick.
Face it the flu and common cold which is the coronavirus both dissapear in nice weather

You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus

That's ok you are learning
"You probably do not even know that the common cold is a coronavirus."

Indeed, common colds don't emerge from Chinese virus research labs.

It's not a common cold, it's a Chinese virus. President Trump has reduced the death toll to more or less a cold though.
Can you Drumpf supporters get together and develop a consensus? How the fuck do you think Corvid is the common cold or the common flu? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think either of those two statements are true? :laughing0301:
Shortly after Trump's suggestion to investigate injections of disinfectants as a treatment of Covid-19, Lysol came out with a strong statement warning against using there products for anything other than it's intended purpose. Most of Trump's hunches and conspiracy theories are harmless. This one is not. Such statements from a national leader should be considered criminally irresponsible.

There is a lot we don't know about the virus but that is not a good reason for the president to share his hunches, feelings, ideas, and guesses with the public. Words have power, particularly when they come from the president. Everything a president says is analyzed and interpreted by the media, his staff, government workers as well as the general public. What people need are facts, not conspiracy theories and fantasies that create confusion and distract people from dealing with the virus.
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Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.
President Trump knows the coronavirus is out of control. He's throwing out suggestions for ways to combat it, other than the business closures, and social distancing used to control the spread. Hydroxychloroquine didn't work, nor did warmer weather.
The definition of a Trump voter is somebody who sees the emperors new clothes, but can't hear the emperors new words.

They prefer to believe the lies...all 18,000 of them
The Five Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing Orange Fucking Shit Stain asked the Director of NASA if they had the technology to sterilize people's throats.


Next up, he will [ask] Big Foot for advice.
President Trump knows he's in trouble. He's drowning and he'll clutch at anything that floats.

45 has never had to take responsibility for anything he ever did. The Five Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit fired the professionals that were knew how do to their jobs and appointed Yes Men. Those who weren't fired were forced out or quit. He has a bunch of brain dead sycophants who will do what they are told, and never question him.

His Mental State is highly questionable. 45 has managed to lie his way through life and his incompetence and ineptitude has finally caught up with him.
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"Trump mused about whether disinfectants could be used to treat the virus in humans -- asking whether there is "a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning."

No, he didn't say that.
THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

He corrected any misunderstanding people like you would naturally make.

His quote you use only says 'is there a way we can do something like that ..." "LIke that", it doesn't say inject disinfectant at all.

Glad to settle your confusion.

You left off the second part, where he said do it by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Yes, he was saying to inject some kind of crap like that into the body.


It should be noted that it wasn’t but a few moments later that Trump gave a clarification of his statement to ABC News reported Jon Karl.
“It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area,” said Trump. “Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”
So, no, Trump did not suggest we inject ourselves with bleach or Lysol. This is just reporters reporting irresponsibly and very likely on purpose.

Someone probably held an idiot card and told him he looked like a fucking fool. Then he tried to explain it away but then today he claimed he was being sarcastic. You fools need to make up your mind. :laughing0301:
What kind of an asshole would float sarcasm around in the face of 50,000 dead people?

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