Google Defines "Bigotry" as Right Wing

In this case it gets even murkier as they make up a label "progressive" that they never define, which conveniently means you can stick it onto anyone you want without any criteria at all -- solely for the sake of demonizing any opinion seen as a threat.

That term was repurposed by the left when it had gotten too embarrassing for them to be called "liberal." If you on the left don't like it, make up a new one. You know you will sooner or later anyway.
My guess, their new name will be Moonbats. Teapers will be called 21st Century KKK and the GOP will be called Insignificant.
Of course it goes "both" ways -- it goes all ways. This is a rehash of that old lame fallacy of attributing personal characteristics (bigotry, intolerance) to political philosophy, as if the latter engenders the former -- which is a bullshit demonization tactic to further their goal of Eliminationism, the utter annihilation of any dissent.[/COLOR] In this case it gets even murkier as they make up a label "progressive" that they never define, which conveniently means you can stick it onto anyone you want without any criteria at all -- solely for the sake of demonizing any opinion seen as a threat.

That's why I keep demanding a definition, which I never get. Transparent bullshit.

That term was repurposed by the left when it had gotten too embarrassing for them to be called "liberal." If you on the left don't like it, make up a new one. You know you will sooner or later anyway.
My guess, their new name will be Moonbats. Teapers will be called 21st Century KKK and the GOP will be called Insignificant.

I love his Pavlovian regurgitation of the old blanket statement fallacy even as it's used to explain another blanket statement: "the left" repurposed it -- when they all had their weekly meeting at the Dubuque Starbucks.

Imaginary monoliths are the crutch of blanket statementers...

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