Google Defines "Bigotry" as Right Wing

You seem to be more loony than usual 'Rightist'. Bigotry is intolerance, those who are intolerant of gays and lesbians, those in poverty and the working poor, women who want equal pay for equal work, women who expect health insurance to pay for contraception when health insurance pays for vasectomies, members of unions and unions in general, those who can't find a job and need an extension of unemployment aid and fast food workers who want to make a living wager.

Thus, anyone unbiased and with an open mind must conclude two things: 1) those who support all of the above are not bigots; and 2) those who demean all of the above are bigots.

But thanks so much for showing which number you belong to, it's been fun.

There is bigotry and intolerance all over the political spectrum, but 'progressives' in America are so damn hypocritical about it as to turn one's stomach.

I'm curious, if "progressives are so damn hypocritical" why hasn't anyone outlined which groups progressives find intolerable?

It couldn't be more obvious: Anyone who doesn't buy their agenda, policies, attitude, and talking points completely and uncritically. Then race, gender, religion, ethnicity, girth, age, disability, etc. are all 'fair game' as far at the oh-so-tolerant progressives are concerned. That is the essence of their shameless fucking hypocrisy.
There is bigotry and intolerance all over the political spectrum, but 'progressives' in America are so damn hypocritical about it as to turn one's stomach.

I'm curious, if "progressives are so damn hypocritical" why hasn't anyone outlined which groups progressives find intolerable?

It couldn't be more obvious: Anyone who doesn't buy their agenda, policies, attitude, and talking points completely and uncritically. Then race, gender, religion, ethnicity, girth, age, disability, etc. are all 'fair game' as far at the oh-so-tolerant progressives are concerned. That is the essence of their shameless fucking hypocrisy.

Damn straight. These nonexistent entities are such hypocrites. And brain surgeons and surfers and bowlers. It couldn't be more obvious.

There is bigotry and intolerance all over the political spectrum, but 'progressives' in America are so damn hypocritical about it as to turn one's stomach.

I'm curious, if "progressives are so damn hypocritical" why hasn't anyone outlined which groups progressives find intolerable?

It couldn't be more obvious: Anyone who doesn't buy their agenda, policies, attitude, and talking points completely and uncritically. Then race, gender, religion, ethnicity, girth, age, disability, etc. are all 'fair game' as far at the oh-so-tolerant progressives are concerned. That is the essence of their shameless fucking hypocrisy.

It goes both ways, and you know it.

Amusing to watch. Amazing to watch.

The lefties just will not admit that there are bigots on both ends. Some will outright deny that lefties are or can be bigots, others will hint at it.

Don't underestimate the power that denial has in partisan ideology. It's not just an outward denial, ideologues can convince themselves of damn near anything. Adherence to partisan ideology can literally warp perception.

Always a fascinating amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study.


Amusing to watch. Amazing to watch.

The lefties just will not admit that there are bigots on both ends. Some will outright deny that lefties are or can be bigots, others will hint at it.

Don't underestimate the power that denial has in partisan ideology. It's not just an outward denial, ideologues can convince themselves of damn near anything. Adherence to partisan ideology can literally warp perception.

Always a fascinating amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study.

They think they are the moral compass of all things when it comes to race.

Amusing to watch. Amazing to watch.

The lefties just will not admit that there are bigots on both ends. Some will outright deny that lefties are or can be bigots, others will hint at it.

Don't underestimate the power that denial has in partisan ideology. It's not just an outward denial, ideologues can convince themselves of damn near anything. Adherence to partisan ideology can literally warp perception.

Always a fascinating amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study.

They think they are the moral compass of all things when it comes to race.

Sure, it's been a fabulously successful political strategy for them.

The fact that their strategy has essentially isolated one race from the rest of American society, the inter-generational damage that has caused and continues to cause, is irrelevant to them.

Just win, baby!


Amusing to watch. Amazing to watch.

The lefties just will not admit that there are bigots on both ends. Some will outright deny that lefties are or can be bigots, others will hint at it.

Don't underestimate the power that denial has in partisan ideology. It's not just an outward denial, ideologues can convince themselves of damn near anything. Adherence to partisan ideology can literally warp perception.

Always a fascinating amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study.

They think they are the moral compass of all things when it comes to race.

Sure, it's been a fabulously successful political strategy for them.

The fact that their strategy has essentially isolated one race from the rest of American society, the inter-generational damage that has caused and continues to cause, is irrelevant to them.

Just win, baby!


You get no argument from me there. I think the best example is the FL hanging chad nonsense and all of the BULLSHIT about the ballots being too difficult to read. It is a shame the GOP doesn't know how to counter the dems on this issue. Instead of capitalizing on what is obvious, the GOP throws themselves under the bus with their inability to communicate to minorities and when they allow racist nutters to speak for them without any condemnation.

Then add the teapers and all hope is gone.
They think they are the moral compass of all things when it comes to race.

Sure, it's been a fabulously successful political strategy for them.

The fact that their strategy has essentially isolated one race from the rest of American society, the inter-generational damage that has caused and continues to cause, is irrelevant to them.

Just win, baby!


You get no argument from me there. I think the best example is the FL hanging chad nonsense and all of the BULLSHIT about the ballots being too difficult to read. It is a shame the GOP doesn't know how to counter the dems on this issue. Instead of capitalizing on what is obvious, the GOP throws themselves under the bus with their inability to communicate to minorities and when they allow racist nutters to speak for them without any condemnation.

Then add the teapers and all hope is gone.

Yes, agreed completely. The GOP's messaging has been nonexistent, horrible, or both. They make themselves an incredibly easy target for the Left, and I'm not sure they even see it. They consistently confuse "message" (what they believe) with "messaging" (the way they communicate their beliefs), so they refuse to change. Then, all that's left are the people who compound the problem with what they say.

I think a lot of it is also the fact that political correctness has REALLY worked on them. I think they're absolutely freaking terrified to address race head on for fear of being called a racist - poof, there goes the campaign contributors. It's going to take a brave person to take that on, someone who's willing to risk their comfy government bureaucrat position, and I don't see anyone in the party like that right now.

Sure, it's been a fabulously successful political strategy for them.

The fact that their strategy has essentially isolated one race from the rest of American society, the inter-generational damage that has caused and continues to cause, is irrelevant to them.

Just win, baby!


You get no argument from me there. I think the best example is the FL hanging chad nonsense and all of the BULLSHIT about the ballots being too difficult to read. It is a shame the GOP doesn't know how to counter the dems on this issue. Instead of capitalizing on what is obvious, the GOP throws themselves under the bus with their inability to communicate to minorities and when they allow racist nutters to speak for them without any condemnation.

Then add the teapers and all hope is gone.

Yes, agreed completely. The GOP's messaging has been nonexistent, horrible, or both. They make themselves an incredibly easy target for the Left, and I'm not sure they even see it. They consistently confuse "message" (what they believe) with "messaging" (the way they communicate their beliefs), so they refuse to change. Then, all that's left are the people who compound the problem with what they say.

I think a lot of it is also the fact that political correctness has REALLY worked on them. I think they're absolutely freaking terrified to address race head on for fear of being called a racist - poof, there goes the campaign contributors. It's going to take a brave person to take that on, someone who's willing to risk their comfy government bureaucrat position, and I don't see anyone in the party like that right now.

Yep...but it really isn't that fragile of a topic if it is addressed with sincerity, honesty, TACT, and a sense of humor. I don't think that the conversation has to be about rave either. ?. An honest explanation b of conservative values and policies would go a long way. We believe in minimizing welfare because...and this is our proposal as to how we make it work...and this is how we handle issues thatmay arise.
They think they are the moral compass of all things when it comes to race.

Sure, it's been a fabulously successful political strategy for them.

The fact that their strategy has essentially isolated one race from the rest of American society, the inter-generational damage that has caused and continues to cause, is irrelevant to them.

Just win, baby!


You get no argument from me there. I think the best example is the FL hanging chad nonsense and all of the BULLSHIT about the ballots being too difficult to read. It is a shame the GOP doesn't know how to counter the dems on this issue. Instead of capitalizing on what is obvious, the GOP throws themselves under the bus with their inability to communicate to minorities and when they allow racist nutters to speak for them without any condemnation.

Then add the teapers and all hope is gone.

Many conservatives do communicate well though. The fact is it does not take fancy communicating skills. The truth should always be sufficient. Unfortunately, many simply reject the truth. Especially if it does not fit a narrative.

The democrats have successfully convinced any and all minorities that they are victims. The truth is hardly any of them are actual victims. They promise them that they will save them from evil greedy republican whitey. They make them believe they are entitled and they bribe them with just enough to keep them quiet and never enough to make a difference. Was the actual quote from LBJ himself and it has worked. Nearly 50 years of people becoming reliant on government and the more there are is the more AUTOMATIC VOTES they become for the democrats. Does not take a rocket scientist to see how well it has worked. Hence we have droves of people brainwashed in this myth of Robin Hood as though the democrats actually care about them.

This has nothing to do with effective communicating. This has to do with a group of people oppressed with rations. They get comfortable with their state and refuse to acknowledge that they are not victims. The simple truth is what is being rejected and patronizing them like the morons on the left is just another form of racism.

The country is all but lost as a result and too many people and politicians are too afraid to not be politically correct. For example, if you even hint you are in favor of photo ID to vote you are labelled and pounced on by the media as a racist.

You think there is a more effective way to say photo IDs ought o be required to vote? How?
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You pretty much make my point when you are unwilling to change delivery when it allows the dems to paint the GOP as racists.
Sure, it's been a fabulously successful political strategy for them.

The fact that their strategy has essentially isolated one race from the rest of American society, the inter-generational damage that has caused and continues to cause, is irrelevant to them.

Just win, baby!


You get no argument from me there. I think the best example is the FL hanging chad nonsense and all of the BULLSHIT about the ballots being too difficult to read. It is a shame the GOP doesn't know how to counter the dems on this issue. Instead of capitalizing on what is obvious, the GOP throws themselves under the bus with their inability to communicate to minorities and when they allow racist nutters to speak for them without any condemnation.

Then add the teapers and all hope is gone.

Yes, agreed completely. The GOP's messaging has been nonexistent, horrible, or both. They make themselves an incredibly easy target for the Left, and I'm not sure they even see it. They consistently confuse "message" (what they believe) with "messaging" (the way they communicate their beliefs), so they refuse to change. Then, all that's left are the people who compound the problem with what they say.

I think a lot of it is also the fact that political correctness has REALLY worked on them. I think they're absolutely freaking terrified to address race head on for fear of being called a racist - poof, there goes the campaign contributors. It's going to take a brave person to take that on, someone who's willing to risk their comfy government bureaucrat position, and I don't see anyone in the party like that right now.


They may not have the option too much longer. Observe what happened to Cantor when he got infected with the DC disease.
...if you even hint you are in favor of photo ID to vote you are labelled and pounced on by the media as a racist.

You think there is a more effective way to say photo IDs ought o be required to vote? How?

[MENTION=46391]Theowl32[/MENTION], You had answered your own question in the first sentence there, and I had pointed it out earlier.

It does take messaging skills, and it takes bravery. And the opportunity is wide open, it just takes the ability to say it.

Every time they try to take a GOP politician off track and put them on the defensive by calling them a racist (which is pretty much on any and every topic that goes within two miles of race), that person has to have the nerve and the guts and the communication skills to get right back in their face and point out to the world what they're doing. Every single fucking time.

Or, better yet, don't even wait for them to play the inevitable race card. The GOP has to have the balls to go on the offensive for a change and bring it up on their own, and talk about how the Democrats have used skin color to such advantage for so long, at horrible cost to generations of black families. Hammer it home, over and over and over, just as the Dems have done for 50 years. There are already American blacks who are beginning to question the status quo.

Holy crap, at this point, what the hell does it have to lose?

Speaking "the truth" isn't enough. It can only be done with political bravery and messaging skills that can insure this is done this properly and avoid giving the Dems even more ammunition by saying something stupid.

The GOP doesn't have the balls or the skills right now, and it's killing them.

Sure, it's been a fabulously successful political strategy for them.

The fact that their strategy has essentially isolated one race from the rest of American society, the inter-generational damage that has caused and continues to cause, is irrelevant to them.

Just win, baby!


You get no argument from me there. I think the best example is the FL hanging chad nonsense and all of the BULLSHIT about the ballots being too difficult to read. It is a shame the GOP doesn't know how to counter the dems on this issue. Instead of capitalizing on what is obvious, the GOP throws themselves under the bus with their inability to communicate to minorities and when they allow racist nutters to speak for them without any condemnation.

Then add the teapers and all hope is gone.

Many conservatives do communicate well though. The fact is it does not take fancy communicating skills. The truth should always be sufficient. Unfortunately, many simply reject the truth. Especially if it does not fit a narrative.

The democrats have successfully convinced any and all minorities that they are victims. The truth is hardly any of them are actual victims. They promise them that they will save them from evil greedy republican whitey. They make them believe they are entitled and they bribe them with just enough to keep them quiet and never enough to make a difference. Was the actual quote from LBJ himself and it has worked. Nearly 50 years of people becoming reliant on government and the more there are is the more AUTOMATIC VOTES they become for the democrats. Does not take a rocket scientist to see how well it has worked. Hence we have droves of people brainwashed in this myth of Robin Hood as though the democrats actually care about them.

This has nothing to do with effective communicating. This has to do with a group of people oppressed with rations. They get comfortable with their state and refuse to acknowledge that they are not victims. The simple truth is what is being rejected and patronizing them like the morons on the left is just another form of racism.

The country is all but lost as a result and too many people and politicians are too afraid to not be politically correct. For example, if you even hint you are in favor of photo ID to vote you are labelled and pounced on by the media as a racist.

You think there is a more effective way to say photo IDs ought o be required to vote? How?

Sure, pander like crazy. Saturate TV with ads featuring minorities proudly displaying photo ID's before going in to vote. Have them saying stuff like "if I have to show my ID to hear the president speak, I sure don't mind showing it to vote", or "I don't want non-citizens making this decision for me", and stuff like that. And keep doing it right through the liberal backlash.
There are those on the left, and those on the right but too many fail to understand or simply ignore the fact that the vast majority of Americans are moderate, and they don't buy into the rhetoric that everything can be explained/dismissed as partisan.
I'm curious, if "progressives are so damn hypocritical" why hasn't anyone outlined which groups progressives find intolerable?

It couldn't be more obvious: Anyone who doesn't buy their agenda, policies, attitude, and talking points completely and uncritically. Then race, gender, religion, ethnicity, girth, age, disability, etc. are all 'fair game' as far at the oh-so-tolerant progressives are concerned. That is the essence of their shameless fucking hypocrisy.

It goes both ways, and you know it.

Of course it goes "both" ways -- it goes all ways. This is a rehash of that old lame fallacy of attributing personal characteristics (bigotry, intolerance) to political philosophy, as if the latter engenders the former -- which is a bullshit demonization tactic to further their goal of Eliminationism, the utter annihilation of any dissent. In this case it gets even murkier as they make up a label "progressive" that they never define, which conveniently means you can stick it onto anyone you want without any criteria at all -- solely for the sake of demonizing any opinion seen as a threat.

That's why I keep demanding a definition, which I never get. Transparent bullshit.
It couldn't be more obvious: Anyone who doesn't buy their agenda, policies, attitude, and talking points completely and uncritically. Then race, gender, religion, ethnicity, girth, age, disability, etc. are all 'fair game' as far at the oh-so-tolerant progressives are concerned. That is the essence of their shameless fucking hypocrisy.

It goes both ways, and you know it.

Of course it goes "both" ways -- it goes all ways. This is a rehash of that old lame fallacy of attributing personal characteristics (bigotry, intolerance) to political philosophy, as if the latter engenders the former -- which is a bullshit demonization tactic to further their goal of Eliminationism, the utter annihilation of any dissent. In this case it gets even murkier as they make up a label "progressive" that they never define, which conveniently means you can stick it onto anyone you want without any criteria at all -- solely for the sake of demonizing any opinion seen as a threat.

That's why I keep demanding a definition, which I never get. Transparent bullshit.
Progressive is like a long running Broadway play that is always evolving.
It goes both ways, and you know it.

Of course it goes "both" ways -- it goes all ways. This is a rehash of that old lame fallacy of attributing personal characteristics (bigotry, intolerance) to political philosophy, as if the latter engenders the former -- which is a bullshit demonization tactic to further their goal of Eliminationism, the utter annihilation of any dissent. In this case it gets even murkier as they make up a label "progressive" that they never define, which conveniently means you can stick it onto anyone you want without any criteria at all -- solely for the sake of demonizing any opinion seen as a threat.

That's why I keep demanding a definition, which I never get. Transparent bullshit.
Progressive is like a long running Broadway play that is always evolving.

Thank you. Perfect affirmation of what I mean. :thup:
In this case it gets even murkier as they make up a label "progressive" that they never define, which conveniently means you can stick it onto anyone you want without any criteria at all -- solely for the sake of demonizing any opinion seen as a threat.

That term was repurposed by the left when it had gotten too embarrassing for them to be called "liberal." If you on the left don't like it, make up a new one. You know you will sooner or later anyway.
Of course it goes "both" ways -- it goes all ways. This is a rehash of that old lame fallacy of attributing personal characteristics (bigotry, intolerance) to political philosophy, as if the latter engenders the former -- which is a bullshit demonization tactic to further their goal of Eliminationism, the utter annihilation of any dissent. In this case it gets even murkier as they make up a label "progressive" that they never define, which conveniently means you can stick it onto anyone you want without any criteria at all -- solely for the sake of demonizing any opinion seen as a threat.

That's why I keep demanding a definition, which I never get. Transparent bullshit.

That term was repurposed by the left when it had gotten too embarrassing for them to be called "liberal." If you on the left don't like it, make up a new one. You know you will sooner or later anyway.

I believe Glenn Beck made it up in the contemporary use. Politicians called "progressives" belong to the late 19th/early 20th century -- the age of "progress" and invention. Making up a new name that you don't have to define is just a cheap way to put Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan and Beelzebub into the same box, which you can do when you refuse to define the box, and then toss anyone with a dissenting opinion into the same undefined box. Then you simply declare they're all the same thing and go gaze at yourself in the mirror in wonderment at what a winner you are.

Godwin's Law on PEDs. It's the rhetorical tactic of a six-year-old and nobody's buying it. :eusa_hand:

It's always telling which inconvenient part of the post the guilty find a need to excise ... therein lieth the reality.
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