Google Defines "Bigotry" as Right Wing

there is no such thing as a liberal one-percenter. long before he ever got that rich he gave away his wealth to the less fortunate. after all the left believes the rich are rich BECAUSE the poor are poor and the poor are poor BECAUSE the rich are rich

so no self-respecting left-wing nutjob would sit around and wait for Dems to tax him when the US government accepts donations in any form; for any amount of money; they even have a website for it.
oh and if they didn't want to give their excess riches to the government there are any number of other charities. or they can take in some illegals or something; some homeless people.................

libs are asinine losers who lie to themselves
things were MUCH better when Bush was president

libs are losers who lie to themselves
more Americans had jobs under Bush; even when the economy imploded. even NOW there are fewer Americans working than at any point in the Bush years

16 MILLION fewer were on food stamps

ur a joke silly loser; but hey nobody expects you clowns to admit you failed

g'night clown
How could a party that is ~90% non-hispanic white ever possibly be bigots? lol..

Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White

It is right wing.

Seriously. You guys need to understand the meaning of things.

Conservatives, by nature, are bigoted and racist.

No they are not.. Who started the KKK the democrats .. The REP were the ones who started the civil rights movement.. Who freed the slaves. It sure was not the democrats.. I like how you libs have short term memory

Are you aware of how the parties changed? Methinks not. Between the 1860's and 1936 the parties began to switch ideologies. The Democrats that formed the KKK are representative of today's Republicans.

Why Did the Democratic and Republican Parties Switch Platforms? | Democrats & Republicans


It's called electoral shift, and it is provable.

See also: Southern State Strategy.
It is right wing.

Seriously. You guys need to understand the meaning of things.

Conservatives, by nature, are bigoted and racist.

yeah because you say so...
we've seen you all when it comes to a black Republican
really we're of sick hearing it

First response.

Point proved. The very first thing that pops into your head? Black.

Gotta love it.

When you folks rail about "tolerance" and "diversity", what exactly do you think you are railing against?

The same thing with "political correctness".

How could a party that is ~90% non-hispanic white ever possibly be bigots? lol..

Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White

Only proves democrats are very skillful with their victimology techniques. Making promises after promises to the ignorant.

Expanding the poor class by expanding those on food stamps. and the democrats have the help of the main stream media, along with the entertainment industry.

It is no wonder why there are so many morons like you and rightwinger and all of the other ones.

Meanwhile everything this president has said is an out and out lie. Everything. All to the loud cheers of the left who have been lied to. Proves how utterly hopeless the brainwashed hacks are. They actually claim that Obama has not lied about anything and every scandal is a myth.

Hopeless assholes.

Black Conservatives Rebut Tea Party Racism Claims

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Hee hee, this is great, reminiscent of the knock-down drag-out editorial meetings at the paper... nothing like grammar to incite the passions.... :badgrin:

Let's go -

So you not only don't understand what an adjective is -- you don't understand what a conjunction is either??

A conjunction connects two different ideas; it does not equate them.

"Hearts and flowers" does not mean that flowers are hearts.
"Hither and yon" does not mean yon is hither. Indeed they are opposites.

The inclusion of both concepts in the example is completely superfluous. It could have said "the report was full of racist bigotry" and worked just as well. What's before and after the conjunction are not the same things; if they were, the combination would be redundant. It could have said "the report was full of poems and right-wing bigotry". That wouldn't make right-wingness "poetic".

"In tomorrow's weather we expect wind and rain" -- does not mean wind and rain are in any way related to each other. It does not mean any time you have rain you must have wind. And it makes no value judgment about whether wind or rain is a good or bad thing.

:rofl: This just gets better and better. Where do you actually SEE this "report"? How do you know it's from the "msm"? I can't even see a damn report. Do you understand the concept of "imaginary"?


There. Is. No. Value Judgment. Made. About. Right. Wing. Anything.

There is a statement made about what was in some imaginary report.
What was in the report?
Two things: (one) racism; and (2) bigotry.
What kind of racism? We don't know. Doesn't say.
What kind of bigotry? "right-wing".

It's an adjective modifying "bigotry". It simply expands on the description.

What does "right-wing bigotry" mean? Again, we don't know, it's not defined, nor does it need to be, because this is an example usage of bigotry -- not "right-wing".

Had it left racism by itself it might have implied that bigotry is the same thing as racism, therefore they insert another kind of bigotry, even though it's a poor example.

They could have said for instance, "the report was full of racism and other bigotry" or "the report was full of racism and anti-homosexual bigotry". Would have made the same point. The first and second element are not related to each other; if anything they imply a diversity: that bigotry means more than one thing. IMHO that's why there are two elements present: to clarify that bigotry is a broader term than just the first term, in the instant case "racism".

You cannot infer equation between two nouns just because they co-exist in the same sentence. Now if this example had said, "the report was full of racism and other right-wing bigotry" you'd have a gripe, because then you'd have at least an implied correlation. But that's not what it says. Perhaps it's what the OP likes to pretend it says but it isn't.

Oh I see what you are saying:

Example of *Bestiality:

"a report about pogo's first date and people who are into bestiality"

That would be two completely different topics the first not even related to the other even though they are both in the report and in the same sentence. Clearly every time you see the word and you should assume the writer meant to add a period and end the paragraph and start a new topic entirely. Yeah that's what AND means.

ROFL what a dumb ass lying piece of shit liberals are, and you don't know what you are talking about, and your first date wasn't with a human was it?

Bestiality huh? Seeya, Pinko. Read the site rules while you're gone.


A conjunction connects two different ideas; it does not equate them.

"Hearts and flowers" does not mean that flowers are hearts.
"Hither and yon" does not mean yon is hither. Indeed they are opposites.

The inclusion of both concepts in the example is completely superfluous. It could have said "the report was full of racist bigotry" and worked just as well. What's before and after the conjunction are not the same things; if they were, the combination would be redundant. It could have said "the report was full of poems and right-wing bigotry". That wouldn't make right-wingness "poetic".
As you say your first date could have been with a rock or a sock. The and is a conjunction, thus as you say, your part in those sentences has nothing to do with bestiality. No implication whatsoever was intended or made to the contrary.
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No doubt there is bias there.

With regards to you last statement, can you please provide links that describe left-wing bigotry? I'd be curious to see what it looks like.

Really? You are incapable of Googling "Bigotry from the left?",d.aWw,d.aWw

You failed to post from a credible site. Most of what is in those articles is not verifiable and what is does not point to bigotry.

This comes from a conservative think tank. National Center for Public Policy Research - A Conservative Organization

National Center for Public Policy Research - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was asking you to post directly to incidences of left-wing bigotry. I do not want this info to come from third party sites.

After looking into Ted Rall. It does seem this guy is a wackjob and goes way too far in his cartoons but he is one person and it is not representative of the party as a whole. It is certainly not part of the platform.

That is really the only instance that article talks about. The ravings of one asshole. Even the left distances themselves from him.

The second article is just spin and distortion and in most cases, it seems that is nothing ore than extreme lefties boxing with extreme righties spewing hateful insults at one another. Neither of which I put much credence in.

Those links are from GOOGLE, baby ... the same place the descriptive sentence (not definition) of "bigotry" came from. Frankly, only a fool would define bigotry as a right wing function.
If you look on the Political spectrum you will see bigotry sitting there on the right. I thought everyone already knew this.


Far-right politics or extreme-right politics are right-wing politics that are considered to be to the right of the mainstream centre right on the traditional left-right spectrum. They usually involve support for social inequality and social hierarchy, elements of social conservatism, and opposition to most forms of liberalism and socialism. The terms are commonly used to describe fascism, neo-fascism and other ideologies or organizations that feature extreme nationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, racist or reactionary views.[1] Some far-right movements, such as the Nazis, have pursued oppression and genocide against groups of people on the basis of their alleged inferiority.
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If you look on the Political spectrum you will see bigotry sitting there on the right. I thought everyone already knew this.


Far-right politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Far-right politics or extreme-right politics are right-wing politics that are considered to be to the right of the mainstream centre right on the traditional left-right spectrum. They usually involve support for social inequality and social hierarchy, elements of social conservatism, and opposition to most forms of liberalism and socialism. The terms are commonly used to describe fascism, neo-fascism and other ideologies or organizations that feature extreme nationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, racist or reactionary views.[1] Some far-right movements, such as the Nazis, have pursued oppression and genocide against groups of people on the basis of their alleged inferiority.

Oh that's your problem you can only see in one spectrum. ROFL What's it like being so narrow minded?
hopefully someone has pointed out that google doesn't define bigotry as right wing and that the thread title is a lie.
If you look on the Political spectrum you will see bigotry sitting there on the right. I thought everyone already knew this.

Plenty of bigotry exists on both ends of the spectrum.

Anyone whose eyes are not closed by partisan ideology sees this.


Agreed 100%. Bigotry is unfortunate, BUT it's a part of humanity. It exists in every group/region of people all across the globe. It's not a right/left issue.

Not everything is a right/left issue....but the people who're obsessed with that right/left ideology wont understand that very simple concept.
Bigotry is part of human nature. It's how tribes evolved and survived. Birds of a feather flock together...for survival.

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