Google Gulag

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012

GREENFIELD: The Google Gulag
Google is a search engine monopoly that makes its money from search ads. It began with a revolutionary idea from young engineers much like Damore. Then the engineers became billionaires. And the company that began in a garage hired a Vice President of Diversity to get rid of the brilliant young engineers.

The idea that made Google some twenty years ago was PageRank. It was ahead of its time in utilizing social technology to rate the relevance of a page. The idea has since been cannibalized as Google’s search algorithm favors its own products. And increasingly it also favors its own political views.

As the company swings left, it isn’t interested in the “wisdom of crowds”, only in its own agenda.

Google has embedded partisan attacks on conservatives into its search and news territories under the guise of “fact checks”. It has fundamentally shifted results for terms such as “Jihad” to reflect Islamist propaganda rather than the work of counterterrorism researchers such as Robert Spencer. And it wasn’t the first time. Google had been previously accused of manipulating search results during Brexit.

And then there is this story from a former google employee...........

James Damore, whose manifesto criticizing the politically correct corporate culture at Google prompted outrage from left-wing employees and social justice warriors online, revealed that he had been fired in an email to Breitbart Tech on Monday evening.

In his email to Breitbart Tech, Damore claimed, “They just fired me for ‘perpetuating gender stereotypes.'”

Damore’s writing has revealed a divided Google, in which some employees agree with his outlook, but are afraid to speak out for fear of repercussions from social justice warriors in the company, such as being added to blacklists.

Google Fires Viewpoint Diversity Manifesto Author James Damore - Breitbart
In a memo sent to employees, Google CEO Sundar Pichai reportedly claimed that Damore had violated their Code of Conduct.

Earlier in the day we reported on free speech social media platform Gab, which expressed interest in hiring Damore if he was fired from Google.

Censorship by Google is becoming a trend and the only right response is to refuse to use their services any longer. Contact Google and tell them you are not going to tolerate their censorship and let them know that they are now being referred to as The Google Gulag. If they don't know what Gulag means tell them to Google it.
Last edited:, the social media platform that was built as an alternative to Twitter, was banned on Google’s Play Store Thursday.

The move will make it impossible for users on Android phones and other Android-powered devices to use the app. According to Google Play Support, the app has been suspended and removed from Google Play as a “policy strike because it violates the hate speech policy” with links to the policy in question. Google Play Bans Twitter Alternative App Over 'Hate Speech'
Another reason to regulate them into submission.....hate speech my ass
EU hits Google with 4.3Bn fine...

Google hit with €4.3bn Android fine from EU

18 July,`18 - Google has been fined a record €4.34bn ($5bn; £3.9bn) over Android.
The European Commission said the firm had used the mobile operating system to illegally "cement its dominant position" in search. The firm's parent Alphabet has been given 90 days to change its business practices or face further penalties of up to 5% of its average global daily turnover. It has said it plans to appeal. However, it could easily afford the fine if required - its cash reserves totalled nearly $103bn at the end of March. At a press conference in Brussels, Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said consumers needed choice.

And she suggested the ruling could lead manufacturers to sell smart devices using different versions of the Android operating system to Google's, such as Amazon's Fire OS, which she said they had been prevented from doing. "This will change the market place," she said. Google's chief executive Sundar Pichai has blogged in response. "Rapid innovation, wide choice, and falling prices are classic hallmarks of robust competition and Android has enabled all of them," he wrote. "Today's decision rejects the business model that supports Android, which has created more choice for everyone, not less."

Ms Vestager previously fined Google €2.4bn ($2.8bn; £2.1bn) over a separate probe into its shopping comparison service - a ruling the tech firm is in the process of appealing against. In addition, her team has a third investigation underway into Google's advert-placing business AdSense.

What is the case against Google?

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