Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.

I observe whatever the liberals, leftists, Democrats, and progressives are saying on here. Then I accept that the opposite of whatever they're saying is the truth.

That seems to work 99% of the time. :biggrin:
Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.

And Twitter permabans people who tell the truth.
Check out how they even ban the leader of a political party in Britain.

Censorship on social media continues, this time with Twitter banning a UK political leader for mentioning that Muslims are raping British girls.

Anne Marie Waters, the leader of the British party “For Britain”, was permanantly banned by Twitter for tweeting facts. “For Britain” is a British political party that is very vocal against Sharia law and the dangers of Islam to British society. This is Waters’ tweet that got her banned:

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.
According to Breitbart.
There's a real movement across the country to label all major news outlets as fake news. The President and now much of congress is labeling any opposition piece as fake news. News outlets have started doing the same thing to their competition. All news media is fast becoming fake news in the eyes of the public.

The Russians have been working at this for years in many countries. The one thing that can't be allowed in a totalitarian government is a free independent press. The Russian's idea is to convince the public that traditional news services can not be trusted. Once the public accepts that, then it will be an easy step to establish a government controlled news service. Then all that is need for a coup is the right leadership in the presidency and congress.
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Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.
According to Breitbart.
There's a real movement across the country to label all major news outlets as fake news. The President and now much of congress is labeling any opposition piece as fake news. News outlets have started doing the same thing to their competition. All news media is fast becoming fake news in the eyes of the public.

The Russians have been working at this for years in many countries. Their idea is to convince the public that traditional news services can not be trusted. Once the public accepts that then it will be an easy step to establish a government controlled news service. Then all that is need for a coup is the right leadership in the presidency and congress.

Oh really? Too bad you people didn't feel that way when Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn you, back in the 50's.

It's a little late now, but thanks for your concern and your new-found sense of patriotism.
Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.
According to Breitbart.
There's a real movement across the country to label all major news outlets as fake news. The President and now much of congress is labeling any opposition piece as fake news. News outlets have started doing the same thing to their competition. All news media is fast becoming fake news in the eyes of the public.

The Russians have been working at this for years in many countries. The one thing that can't be allowed in a totalitarian government is a free independent press. The Russian's idea is to convince the public that traditional news services can not be trusted. Once the public accepts that, then it will be an easy step to establish a government controlled news service. Then all that is need for a coup is the right leadership in the presidency and congress.

Report: Google's Chinese Search Prototype Logs Phone Numbers, Hides Unapproved Pollution Data
Google’s widely reported search engine prototype for China, which is allegedly code-named Dragonfly, not only blacklists search terms to comply with the wishes of government censors but ties all searches to devices’ phone numbers, according to a report on Friday from the Intercept.
Google pulled out of China in 2010 amid censorship concerns and a cyberattack that compromised some human rights activists’ accounts, but it is reportedly planning a return to cash in on a massive market that has been overtaken by rivals. To do so, though, they need to comply with the whims of Chinese authorities. The Intercept wrote that internal documents show “Google compiled a censorship blacklist that included terms such as ‘human rights,’ ‘student protest,’ and ‘Nobel Prize’ in Mandarin” for use in the Dragonfly project. It also added in features that appear to have been developed for the sole purpose of making it as easy as possible for the government to swoop in on anyone searching for that kind of thing:


The question is, has Google developed the same censorship program for America?
Make no mistake - Google has become a fascist corporation in bed with the communists of all nations - in China... and the Democrats here. They are for oppressing the people. Use them at your peril.

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.
According to Breitbart.
There's a real movement across the country to label all major news outlets as fake news. The President and now much of congress is labeling any opposition piece as fake news. News outlets have started doing the same thing to their competition. All news media is fast becoming fake news in the eyes of the public.

The Russians have been working at this for years in many countries. The one thing that can't be allowed in a totalitarian government is a free independent press. The Russian's idea is to convince the public that traditional news services can not be trusted. Once the public accepts that, then it will be an easy step to establish a government controlled news service. Then all that is need for a coup is the right leadership in the presidency and congress.

Report: Google's Chinese Search Prototype Logs Phone Numbers, Hides Unapproved Pollution Data
Google’s widely reported search engine prototype for China, which is allegedly code-named Dragonfly, not only blacklists search terms to comply with the wishes of government censors but ties all searches to devices’ phone numbers, according to a report on Friday from the Intercept.
Google pulled out of China in 2010 amid censorship concerns and a cyberattack that compromised some human rights activists’ accounts, but it is reportedly planning a return to cash in on a massive market that has been overtaken by rivals. To do so, though, they need to comply with the whims of Chinese authorities. The Intercept wrote that internal documents show “Google compiled a censorship blacklist that included terms such as ‘human rights,’ ‘student protest,’ and ‘Nobel Prize’ in Mandarin” for use in the Dragonfly project. It also added in features that appear to have been developed for the sole purpose of making it as easy as possible for the government to swoop in on anyone searching for that kind of thing:


The question is, has Google developed the same censorship program for America?
Make no mistake - Google has become a fascist corporation in bed with the communists of all nations - in China... and the Democrats here. They are for oppressing the people. Use them at your peril.

Google complied with the censorship requirements of China because China is the largest consumer market in the world. If they walked away from China again they would be walking away from billions of dollars in future revenue. So hell yes they complied with the Chinese requirements, as do tens of thousands of other companies that do business in China.

There is no reason why Google should apply that degree of censorship in the US. There's nothing to be gained and much to be lost.
Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.
According to Breitbart.
There's a real movement across the country to label all major news outlets as fake news. The President and now much of congress is labeling any opposition piece as fake news. News outlets have started doing the same thing to their competition. All news media is fast becoming fake news in the eyes of the public.

The Russians have been working at this for years in many countries. The one thing that can't be allowed in a totalitarian government is a free independent press. The Russian's idea is to convince the public that traditional news services can not be trusted. Once the public accepts that, then it will be an easy step to establish a government controlled news service. Then all that is need for a coup is the right leadership in the presidency and congress.

Report: Google's Chinese Search Prototype Logs Phone Numbers, Hides Unapproved Pollution Data
Google’s widely reported search engine prototype for China, which is allegedly code-named Dragonfly, not only blacklists search terms to comply with the wishes of government censors but ties all searches to devices’ phone numbers, according to a report on Friday from the Intercept.
Google pulled out of China in 2010 amid censorship concerns and a cyberattack that compromised some human rights activists’ accounts, but it is reportedly planning a return to cash in on a massive market that has been overtaken by rivals. To do so, though, they need to comply with the whims of Chinese authorities. The Intercept wrote that internal documents show “Google compiled a censorship blacklist that included terms such as ‘human rights,’ ‘student protest,’ and ‘Nobel Prize’ in Mandarin” for use in the Dragonfly project. It also added in features that appear to have been developed for the sole purpose of making it as easy as possible for the government to swoop in on anyone searching for that kind of thing:


The question is, has Google developed the same censorship program for America?
Make no mistake - Google has become a fascist corporation in bed with the communists of all nations - in China... and the Democrats here. They are for oppressing the people. Use them at your peril.

OMG, a private company providing free market services to a country and following that countries laws.
Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.

Wow, now there is news. Individuals in a private company have political views.

Doesn't Citizen's United say that "Political spending is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment, and the government may not keep corporations or unions from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections."?

So the problem here would be that what? Maybe you should vote with your pocket book and use Bing.
Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.
According to Breitbart.
There's a real movement across the country to label all major news outlets as fake news. The President and now much of congress is labeling any opposition piece as fake news. News outlets have started doing the same thing to their competition. All news media is fast becoming fake news in the eyes of the public.

The Russians have been working at this for years in many countries. Their idea is to convince the public that traditional news services can not be trusted. Once the public accepts that then it will be an easy step to establish a government controlled news service. Then all that is need for a coup is the right leadership in the presidency and congress.

Oh really? Too bad you people didn't feel that way when Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn you, back in the 50's.

It's a little late now, but thanks for your concern and your new-found sense of patriotism.

Hmm..., You people? Who are those "You People" that you're writing about? I don't know about you, but I was in Public School/High School when Senator McCarthy held court in the Senate. Where you even a gleam in your parents eyes?
If you want to go back into history, Why didn't you go back to the WWI, under Wilson, and the Russian Revolution and the exportation of Socialist Marxism, the Democrat's acceptance of the Nazi Bunds, or the FDR, LBJ eras ?
Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.
According to Breitbart.
There's a real movement across the country to label all major news outlets as fake news. The President and now much of congress is labeling any opposition piece as fake news. News outlets have started doing the same thing to their competition. All news media is fast becoming fake news in the eyes of the public.

The Russians have been working at this for years in many countries. The one thing that can't be allowed in a totalitarian government is a free independent press. The Russian's idea is to convince the public that traditional news services can not be trusted. Once the public accepts that, then it will be an easy step to establish a government controlled news service. Then all that is need for a coup is the right leadership in the presidency and congress.

Report: Google's Chinese Search Prototype Logs Phone Numbers, Hides Unapproved Pollution Data
Google’s widely reported search engine prototype for China, which is allegedly code-named Dragonfly, not only blacklists search terms to comply with the wishes of government censors but ties all searches to devices’ phone numbers, according to a report on Friday from the Intercept.
Google pulled out of China in 2010 amid censorship concerns and a cyberattack that compromised some human rights activists’ accounts, but it is reportedly planning a return to cash in on a massive market that has been overtaken by rivals. To do so, though, they need to comply with the whims of Chinese authorities. The Intercept wrote that internal documents show “Google compiled a censorship blacklist that included terms such as ‘human rights,’ ‘student protest,’ and ‘Nobel Prize’ in Mandarin” for use in the Dragonfly project. It also added in features that appear to have been developed for the sole purpose of making it as easy as possible for the government to swoop in on anyone searching for that kind of thing:


The question is, has Google developed the same censorship program for America?
Make no mistake - Google has become a fascist corporation in bed with the communists of all nations - in China... and the Democrats here. They are for oppressing the people. Use them at your peril.

Google complied with the censorship requirements of China because China is the largest consumer market in the world. If they walked away from China again they would be walking away from billions of dollars in future revenue. So hell yes they complied with the Chinese requirements, as do tens of thousands of other companies that do business in China.

There is no reason why Google should apply that degree of censorship in the US. There's nothing to be gained and much to be lost.

However, the Video shows that the political ideological view of the hierarchy will and has been using their position and algorithms to sway the views and thinking of their users in the U.S. More than likely you yourself. Notwithstanding the fact their reporting information to and support of the Progressive Democrat Left.
Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.
According to Breitbart.
There's a real movement across the country to label all major news outlets as fake news. The President and now much of congress is labeling any opposition piece as fake news. News outlets have started doing the same thing to their competition. All news media is fast becoming fake news in the eyes of the public.

The Russians have been working at this for years in many countries. Their idea is to convince the public that traditional news services can not be trusted. Once the public accepts that then it will be an easy step to establish a government controlled news service. Then all that is need for a coup is the right leadership in the presidency and congress.

Oh really? Too bad you people didn't feel that way when Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn you, back in the 50's.

It's a little late now, but thanks for your concern and your new-found sense of patriotism.

Hmm..., You people? Who are those "You People" that you're writing about? I don't know about you, but I was in Public School/High School when Senator McCarthy held court in the Senate. Where you even a gleam in your parents eyes?
If you want to go back into history, Why didn't you go back to the WWI, under Wilson, and the Russian Revolution and the exportation of Socialist Marxism, the Democrat's acceptance of the Nazi Bunds, or the FDR, LBJ eras ?

I mis-quoted and the response was suppose to be directed to someone else.

And yes, I do remember the McCarthy hearings.
Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News | Breitbart
Although it feels as though every corner of the media has been politicized, there are still a whole lot of people who just want to know what’s going on in the world. These are people like myself (when I’m off the clock) who are news consumers, who want basic information..... Information is important, and therefore the thinking used to be that even if you had to sit through CNN’s hate-fueled activism, the New York Times’ phony sources, and the latest outrage Fox News has dug up to increase your blood pressure, it was worth it because in-between all the spectacle, actual news managed to creep in.... Unfortunately, we now know that is no longer true, we now know the era is over in which CNN, the New York Times, and even Fox News can argue they (at the very least) dutifully inform the public of everything. …. We know this era of over because of the Google Tape.
To recap, the Google Tape reveals the following:
While I am in no way arguing Fox is equivalent to CNN and the New York Times, what I do know is that if you want to know what’s going on the world, for some indefensible reason, all three of these outlets are willing to withhold information from you.

We can't even trust The WEATHER channel, or the Cartoon Network for crying out loud. Even they spout political ideology .
Although the left loves to excoriate Breitbart ,it is one of the few places that is like the British wireless news during WWII where they put out the truth even if it wasn't going their way just so they would keep being able to be a trusted source of news.
The National Socialists on the other hand kept reporting bigger and bigger victories closer and closer to Germany and pretty soon the people all knew how to read the Very Fake News. Same in the USSR.
According to Breitbart.
There's a real movement across the country to label all major news outlets as fake news. The President and now much of congress is labeling any opposition piece as fake news. News outlets have started doing the same thing to their competition. All news media is fast becoming fake news in the eyes of the public.

The Russians have been working at this for years in many countries. The one thing that can't be allowed in a totalitarian government is a free independent press. The Russian's idea is to convince the public that traditional news services can not be trusted. Once the public accepts that, then it will be an easy step to establish a government controlled news service. Then all that is need for a coup is the right leadership in the presidency and congress.

Report: Google's Chinese Search Prototype Logs Phone Numbers, Hides Unapproved Pollution Data
Google’s widely reported search engine prototype for China, which is allegedly code-named Dragonfly, not only blacklists search terms to comply with the wishes of government censors but ties all searches to devices’ phone numbers, according to a report on Friday from the Intercept.
Google pulled out of China in 2010 amid censorship concerns and a cyberattack that compromised some human rights activists’ accounts, but it is reportedly planning a return to cash in on a massive market that has been overtaken by rivals. To do so, though, they need to comply with the whims of Chinese authorities. The Intercept wrote that internal documents show “Google compiled a censorship blacklist that included terms such as ‘human rights,’ ‘student protest,’ and ‘Nobel Prize’ in Mandarin” for use in the Dragonfly project. It also added in features that appear to have been developed for the sole purpose of making it as easy as possible for the government to swoop in on anyone searching for that kind of thing:


The question is, has Google developed the same censorship program for America?
Make no mistake - Google has become a fascist corporation in bed with the communists of all nations - in China... and the Democrats here. They are for oppressing the people. Use them at your peril.

Google complied with the censorship requirements of China because China is the largest consumer market in the world. If they walked away from China again they would be walking away from billions of dollars in future revenue. So hell yes they complied with the Chinese requirements, as do tens of thousands of other companies that do business in China.

There is no reason why Google should apply that degree of censorship in the US. There's nothing to be gained and much to be lost.

However, the Video shows that the political ideological view of the hierarchy will and has been using their position and algorithms to sway the views and thinking of their users in the U.S. More than likely you yourself. Notwithstanding the fact their reporting information to and support of the Progressive Democrat Left.
The video shows no such thing. I watch the whole video. There is certainly no indication that Google is using it's software to sway public opinion. If there were you would expect a lot less alt-right web sites showing up in searches. I searched using headlines in this thread and I couldn't find one opposition article to the Breitbart article.

What the video showed was a lot very unhappy people at Google who put in a lot work to get Hillary elected.

It is very clever tactic to link Google to mainstream media but the fact is Google is not a content provider of news. If Google skewed search results to favor Democrats, it would be to the determinate of the company. Google rakes in over 31 billion a year and they certainly are not going to risk that by betraying the trust of large percent of their users.

Although the company employees definitely leans Left, in 2016 Google contribute more to republican candidates than democrats.
Google Inc Summary | OpenSecrets
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Google" is a profit oriented company. If they an get away with something, they will.
Being profit orientated, Google is not going to risk losing millions of user by trying to direct users away from conservative websites.

It is not only possible that the Google search engine will favor some sites over others but it's an almost certainty because that is exactly what it is designed to do. Let's take a look at how google goes about present pages to users.

In order to give the best results, Google searches through billions of pages and creates an index which is used by the search engines to supply results to the user. Google reported their index to be more than 100 million gigabytes. Google calls its’ searching and indexing machines Googlebots.
These bots use a complex algorithm to determine which websites to crawl. The bots will ignore damaged sites, those that have no activity, and junk sites; that is those with no information. They skip sites based on stats and physical characteristic, not site names or content.

The bots use an algorithm based on stats to determine how many pages to index and how deeply to search pages. Then it collects key content tags, words, and location of the words on the site. Then it collects the links, keys and location of the key words on the site.

In determining what to present and the ordering of the presentation the search engine uses over 200 criteria. A few things Google looks for in determining what to present and the order is the importance of the page. This is determined by the number of incoming links from other pages. Google also uses time on page, number of pages users view, etc.

The idea that some programmer would alter the algorithm to present more of less pages about a candidate would be counterproductive. For example, supporters of a candidate spend almost as much time looking at the opposition as they do their own candidate. So disfavoring a candidate in a search, would actually be hurting both sides, not to mention the possible of loss of users.

How Does Google Ranking Work?
Google's 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List (2018)
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Being profit orientated, Google is not going to risk losing millions of user by trying to direct users away from conservative websites.It is not only possible that the Google search engine will favor some sites over others but it's an almost certainty because that is exactly what it is designed to do. Let's take a look at <snipped for brevity>

One thing for sure, you are earning every penny you get from google.
Being profit orientated, Google is not going to risk losing millions of user by trying to direct users away from conservative websites.It is not only possible that the Google search engine will favor some sites over others but it's an almost certainty because that is exactly what it is designed to do. Let's take a look at <snipped for brevity>

One thing for sure, you are earning every penny you get from google.
I wish

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