Google's Finally Being Honest: Drops "Don't Be Evil"


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Google has officially dropped "Don't Be Evil" from its corporate values. This honesty is surprisingly and unexpectedly refreshing!


Alphabet, which took over as Google’s new holding company on Friday, has dropped the tech giant’s “Don’t Be Evil” mantra from its code of conduct.

“Employees of Alphabet and its subsidiaries and controlled affiliates should do the right thing—follow the law, act honorably, and treat each other with respect,” the new code reads, noticeably dropping the famous motto....

Google Parent Company Alphabet Drops 'Don't Be Evil' Motto
Wow! Cooler me shocked, someone who hates Google. Next thing I know I'll find someone who hates Yahoo, Microsoft, Linux, Apple, Firefox, IE, Chrome, etc, etc.......
Google added that to avoid being like Apple - the most evil company in human history. But evil pays, so Google has decided to embrace it.
The devil made me do it...

The Reality of Evil
November 5, 2015 - In the last few years, countless scholarly articles and books posit the view that the human will is an illusion. They see men and women as machines — able to do only what their genetic and environmental programming tells them to do. Remove moral choice from the equation, and humans would not have the capacity for evil. They would simply act and respond according to set laws.
A 2011 article in Slate Magazine written by Ron Rosenbaum asked, “Is evil over? Has science finally driven a stake through its dark heart?… Yes, according to many neuroscientists, who are emerging as the new high priests of the secrets of the psyche.” In the last few years, countless scholarly articles and books posit the view that the human will is an illusion. They see men and women as machines — able to do only what their genetic and environmental programming tells them to do. Remove moral choice from the equation, and humans would not have the capacity for evil. They would simply act and respond according to set laws.
We all recognize that we would be different if we had different parents, or grew up in another culture. Many things influence us. But these people are talking about more than influence. They’re talking about a complete inability to make choices. To them, the murderer does not decide to kill. He just follows his programming. They see the child molester as merely doing what nature and nurture have programmed him to do. Since this is fast becoming the prevailing view at universities, we can expect it to spread through society. What happens when parents, schools, and government see human beings as machines without choice? How could you punish anyone? What are the consequences of a “no consequence” society?
And what happens when people see themselves as helpless puppets unable to choose? What would the world look like if people ceased to take responsibility for their actions, or hold one another accountable? “It wasn’t my choice. It was my programming.” Satan’s job would be all but over. People would give in to every temptation believing they have no choice in the matter, and therefore no culpability for any of their actions. You would also have people being thrown into re-education camps meant to “fix” their programming. A few elites would take it on themselves to determine right and wrong for everyone.


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