Google's Homepage today, 2/7/2014

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Russia is homophobic. Good. No, make that "Excellent"! I now have more respect for Russia than I used to. You have to admire a country that loses tons of revenue by the media hype aimed at destroying their olympic games this Winter and stands by its convictions to protect it's children. Good old Mother Russia says to MSNBC etc. "No matter how much you abuse me and batter me and beat me up, I will NOT let you access my children with your cult values".

For this reason I respect Vladimir Putin. I also respect what he did swiping that superbowl ring from that guy right in front of I don't know why..can't quite put my finger on that...but it just tickles me no end. I guess it's just refreshing to see a leader who protects children, and who has enough balls to rip off an American schmuck right on camera.

True colors are shining. Never mind the corrupt government, the selling out of a population to powerful business interests, the economic ruin, and the starving peasants, Vladimir Putin - you believe - should be admired and respected because he condones the practice of shunning gays.


Even if you don't approve of the gay lifestyle personally, the fact that you overlook the corruption/hunger/human suffering caused by the notoriously thug-like government Putin sits at the top of, and go so far as to commend them simply because they "dislike gays" tells me that you're a person with very little brain power.

Sorry but that's the truth.
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Good for google. If someone is homophobic, that's their path in life not mine... However, when someone chooses the path of controlling others based on income levels, sex, sexuality or skin color, well, I suppose since I don't support life destroying power hungry progressive policy that it would make sense that I don't support them.

Homophobic...OK, let's take a really good look at that term, shall we?

Phobic, to be afraid of something. Fear is what humans exhibit when they intuit a danger.

Now, let's look at that danger to see why many people might, yes, be homophobic, and legitimately so. The cult values have gone far enough. Reasonable fear is a good and healthy human attribute. Reasonable fear to protect children is the most noble human attribute of all...:

The Russian government has every right to crack down on what it sees as a pernicious cult within the borders of its country. Especially when they see that cult as a direct threat to children. See my last post and signature for details..

San Francisco is situated in California where they have laws against endangering children. Like laws in each state and across the nation, if you suspect a cult or group of people or an individual pose a threat to children, you are mandated to report that threat and are by no means allowed to abet or enable that threat to go unnoticed. You can be prosecuted if you do. So, essentially, Google just committed a violation of the law as I read and understand it.

See my last post and my signature for details...

And this... [I think the Russians have mastered bonehead child psychology, "Monkey see, Monkey do.."]

CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People

Young people aged 13 to 24 made up about 26 percent of all new diagnoses in 2010, even as other demographics have remained relatively stable, according to new information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....

...Most young people diagnosed with HIV today contract the disease through sex. For most young men, it’s through sex with other men...

...A little more than 60 percent of black and Latino youth aged 15 to 24 — whose communities have been disproportionately affected by the disease — and 32 percent of white young people, said that HIV/AIDS is a “very serious issue” for their generation, according to a new survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which also came out today. CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People | ENDGAME: AIDS in Black America | FRONTLINE | PBS

And this...

Russia is homophobic. Good. No, make that "Excellent"! I now have more respect for Russia than I used to. You have to admire a country that loses tons of revenue by the media hype aimed at destroying their olympic games this Winter and stands by its convictions to protect it's children. Good old Mother Russia says to MSNBC etc. "No matter how much you abuse me and batter me and beat me up, I will NOT let you access my children with your cult values".

For this reason I respect Vladimir Putin. I also respect what he did swiping that superbowl ring from that guy right in front of I don't know why..can't quite put my finger on that...but it just tickles me no end. I guess it's just refreshing to see a leader who protects children, and who has enough balls to rip off an American schmuck right on camera.

Being gay is not a cult you hate filled homophobic dumb fuck. Being religious is a cult...
I have a feeling certain African and Middle Eastern Countries are faaar more "anti-gay" than Russia is. the difference is Russia is filled with mostly white people, and progressives are far more comfortable critisizing white people than brown people.

Hence "one of the most". I agree, there are African countries where by law gays can be put to death.

But we shouldn't downplay that Russians can lose their jobs, be cast out of society, and even physically beaten/assaulted for being gay. Now most people can probably agree that that is not a great way to run a society - whether or not you agree with gay marriage, etc.

Here we have some people that may not want to beat people up for opposing the gay lifestyle, but certainly want to have them lose their jobs (the bakers in NM, photographers elsewhere) or be cast out from society. If its not a great way to run a society one way, How can it be when the shoe is on the other foot?

Look, I get that there's pressure on both sides of the spectrum to push their views. I don't deny that.

But the fact is the bakers, photographers are not losing their jobs because they're straight - right? It's not apples to apples. They may lose their job because they refused service to a gay couple and public opinion doesn't like that all that much in some areas and won't use them for business anymore. A photographer might lose his job for outspoken anti-gay comments because AP doesn't want a scandal on their hands. But they're not losing their jobs due to simply sexual orientation.

We have a situation in Russia where a gay man might be fired, shunned, or even beaten SIMPLY because he's gay. He can be quiet about it, introverted, and not pushing any sort of agenda.

When was the last time you heard of a person getting the shit kicked out of them because they "were straight"? I can give you a few thousand examples on the other end of the spectrum...
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Ha! Is this thread homophobic or what?
It seems people are reading into anything that has rainbow colors, as support of gayness. I've been to Google several times today and the thought of gayness never entered my train of thought. But then I don't spend my life looking for symbolic support of gayness to cause me anxiety, I was too busy looking up something more important, like "what's the best way to make fish tacos?"
Hence "one of the most". I agree, there are African countries where by law gays can be put to death.

But we shouldn't downplay that Russians can lose their jobs, be cast out of society, and even physically beaten/assaulted for being gay. Now most people can probably agree that that is not a great way to run a society - whether or not you agree with gay marriage, etc.

Here we have some people that may not want to beat people up for opposing the gay lifestyle, but certainly want to have them lose their jobs (the bakers in NM, photographers elsewhere) or be cast out from society. If its not a great way to run a society one way, How can it be when the shoe is on the other foot?

Look, I get that there's pressure on both sides of the spectrum to push their views. I don't deny that.

But the fact is the bakers, photographers are not losing their jobs because they're straight - right? It's not apples to apples. They may lose their job because they refused service to a gay couple and public opinion doesn't like that all that much in some areas and won't use them for business anymore. A photographer might lose his job for outspoken anti-gay comments because AP doesn't want a scandal on their hands. But they're not losing their jobs due to simply sexual orientation.

We have a situation in Russia where a gay man might be fired, shunned, or even beaten SIMPLY because he's gay. He can be quiet about it, introverted, and not pushing any sort of agenda.

When was the last time you heard of a person getting the shit kicked out of them because they "were straight"? I can give you a few thousand examples on the other end of the spectrum...

Losing your job for an opinion that has zero impact on another person's life is far worse. I already noted that people who think homosexuality are not being beaten up here, that point is easy and right to concede. But just because the pro-LGBT people are not violent does not make them trying to ruin people because of their opinions any better in any sense at all.

Considering most of people's problems with homosexuality are religious in nature, is it better to be oppressive against a person because they are Muslim/Catholic/Jewish than to be oppressive based on who someone is buggering?
Ha! Is this thread homophobic or what?
It seems people are reading into anything that has rainbow colors, as support of gayness. I've been to Google several times today and the thought of gayness never entered my train of thought. But then I don't spend my life looking for symbolic support of gayness to cause me anxiety, I was too busy looking up something more important, like "what's the best way to make fish tacos?"

It looks like the CSM came to the same conclusion.

Google doodle points to Olympic Charter in defending all athletes (+video) -

If Google is indeed doing this, why is it somehow homophobic to point it out?
Ha! Is this thread homophobic or what?
It seems people are reading into anything that has rainbow colors, as support of gayness. I've been to Google several times today and the thought of gayness never entered my train of thought. But then I don't spend my life looking for symbolic support of gayness to cause me anxiety, I was too busy looking up something more important, like "what's the best way to make fish tacos?"

It looks like the CSM came to the same conclusion.

Google doodle points to Olympic Charter in defending all athletes (+video) -

If Google is indeed doing this, why is it somehow homophobic to point it out?

I'd say this whole thing is as case of "in the eyes of the beholder".:eusa_whistle: Also, I'm not homophobic, so I think that plays into it too!
Hey, anybody have some good recipes for fish tacos?
Ha! Is this thread homophobic or what?
It seems people are reading into anything that has rainbow colors, as support of gayness. I've been to Google several times today and the thought of gayness never entered my train of thought. But then I don't spend my life looking for symbolic support of gayness to cause me anxiety, I was too busy looking up something more important, like "what's the best way to make fish tacos?"

It looks like the CSM came to the same conclusion.

Google doodle points to Olympic Charter in defending all athletes (+video) -

If Google is indeed doing this, why is it somehow homophobic to point it out?

One poster here is claiming getting rid of gays is to protect the children... You don't get more full of crap, hate and ignorance than that... What are you gonna do withe these gays, put them in camps, burn them in ovens maybe?

Fucking sick people out there, history repeats and it's easy to see why.
Losing your job for an opinion that has zero impact on another person's life is far worse. I already noted that people who think homosexuality are not being beaten up here, that point is easy and right to concede. But just because the pro-LGBT people are not violent does not make them trying to ruin people because of their opinions any better in any sense at all.

Considering most of people's problems with homosexuality are religious in nature, is it better to be oppressive against a person because they are Muslim/Catholic/Jewish than to be oppressive based on who someone is buggering?

Let's just say this, I think you're approaching this discussion from a US perspective where generally gays are protected in many respects and the battle is over "accepting" a certain lifestyle. I understand your points and concerns and too believe that the left is extremely harsh on Christians - not just for the gay stuff but also things like believing in "creation" and "supernatural occurrences". It's okay to call a Christian "an idiot" for believing X, but it's not okay to call a left leaner X because they believe in Y. I get it.

I - however - are approaching this from the Russian lens where gays are brutally oppressed just for being gay. There are anti-gay laws on the books, and homosexuals are beaten up on a regular basis. Google was (obviously) targeting Russia, and I thought that was our main topic of discussion here..

We're not talking about Google doing a show of support for gays in San Francisco being shunned by cakemakers are we? That would be a different talk...
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Good for google. If someone is homophobic, that's their path in life not mine... However, when someone chooses the path of controlling others based on income levels, sex, sexuality or skin color, well, I suppose since I don't support life destroying power hungry progressive policy that it would make sense that I don't support them.

Homophobic...OK, let's take a really good look at that term, shall we?

Phobic, to be afraid of something. Fear is what humans exhibit when they intuit a danger.

Now, let's look at that danger to see why many people might, yes, be homophobic, and legitimately so. The cult values have gone far enough. Reasonable fear is a good and healthy human attribute. Reasonable fear to protect children is the most noble human attribute of all...:

The Russian government has every right to crack down on what it sees as a pernicious cult within the borders of its country. Especially when they see that cult as a direct threat to children. See my last post and signature for details..

San Francisco is situated in California where they have laws against endangering children. Like laws in each state and across the nation, if you suspect a cult or group of people or an individual pose a threat to children, you are mandated to report that threat and are by no means allowed to abet or enable that threat to go unnoticed. You can be prosecuted if you do. So, essentially, Google just committed a violation of the law as I read and understand it.

See my last post and my signature for details...

And this... [I think the Russians have mastered bonehead child psychology, "Monkey see, Monkey do.."]

CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People

Young people aged 13 to 24 made up about 26 percent of all new diagnoses in 2010, even as other demographics have remained relatively stable, according to new information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....

...Most young people diagnosed with HIV today contract the disease through sex. For most young men, it’s through sex with other men...

...A little more than 60 percent of black and Latino youth aged 15 to 24 — whose communities have been disproportionately affected by the disease — and 32 percent of white young people, said that HIV/AIDS is a “very serious issue” for their generation, according to a new survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which also came out today. CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People | ENDGAME: AIDS in Black America | FRONTLINE | PBS

And this...

Russia is homophobic. Good. No, make that "Excellent"! I now have more respect for Russia than I used to. You have to admire a country that loses tons of revenue by the media hype aimed at destroying their olympic games this Winter and stands by its convictions to protect it's children. Good old Mother Russia says to MSNBC etc. "No matter how much you abuse me and batter me and beat me up, I will NOT let you access my children with your cult values".

For this reason I respect Vladimir Putin. I also respect what he did swiping that superbowl ring from that guy right in front of I don't know why..can't quite put my finger on that...but it just tickles me no end. I guess it's just refreshing to see a leader who protects children, and who has enough balls to rip off an American schmuck right on camera.

Your straw man holds no weight with me. Gays worship child molesters?... what a crock of shit that is. Put down the bong dude. Being gay has nothing to do with child molestation.
Losing your job for an opinion that has zero impact on another person's life is far worse. I already noted that people who think homosexuality are not being beaten up here, that point is easy and right to concede. But just because the pro-LGBT people are not violent does not make them trying to ruin people because of their opinions any better in any sense at all.

Considering most of people's problems with homosexuality are religious in nature, is it better to be oppressive against a person because they are Muslim/Catholic/Jewish than to be oppressive based on who someone is buggering?

Let's just say this, I think you're approaching this discussion from a US perspective where generally gays are protected in many respects and the battle is over "accepting" a certain lifestyle. I understand your points and concerns and too believe that the left is extremely harsh on Christians - not just for the gay stuff but also things like believing in "creation" and "supernatural occurrences". It's okay to call a Christian "an idiot" for believing X, but it's not okay to call a left leaner X because they believe in Y. I get it.

I - however - are approaching this from the Russian lens where gays are brutally oppressed just for being gay. There are anti-gay laws on the books, and homosexuals are beaten up on a regular basis. Google was (obviously) targeting Russia, and I thought that was our main topic of discussion here..

We're not talking about Google doing a show of support for gays in San Francisco being shunned by cakemakers are we? That would be a different talk...

The topic was google's use of the rainbow and HR quote from the Olympic charter as being a sign of support for LGBT people at the Olympics and in Russia in general. The treatment of them in Russia was something you brought up in the normal progressive of thread development.
The topic was google's use of the rainbow and HR quote from the Olympic charter as being a sign of support for LGBT people at the Olympics and in Russia in general. The treatment of them in Russia was something you brought up in the normal progressive of thread development.

Yea, I was saying no one should be upset with this because by and large gay people do need some help in Russia. That's a fair statement, right?
The topic was google's use of the rainbow and HR quote from the Olympic charter as being a sign of support for LGBT people at the Olympics and in Russia in general. The treatment of them in Russia was something you brought up in the normal progressive of thread development.

Yea, I was saying no one should be upset with this because by and large gay people do need some help in Russia. That's a fair statement, right?

People can be upset all they want. As for me its all kind of meh. Gay people may need help in Russia, but the olympics has usually tried to shy away from politics such as this. That being said Google can do whatever the hell they want to.

Your statement is fair, i agree.
The Russian government has every right to crack down on what it sees as a pernicious cult within the borders of its country. Especially when they see that cult as a direct threat to children. See my last post and signature for details..

Well google is based in "San Francisco" so it would be no surprise that they have a huge hard-on for gay issues.

San Francisco is situated in California where they have laws against endangering children. Like laws in each state and across the nation, if you suspect a cult or group of people or an individual pose a threat to children, you are mandated to report that threat and are by no means allowed to abet or enable that threat to go unnoticed. You can be prosecuted if you do. So, essentially, Google just committed a violation of the law as I read and understand it.

See my last post and my signature for details...

And this... [I think the Russians have mastered bonehead child psychology, "Monkey see, Monkey do.."]

CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People

Young people aged 13 to 24 made up about 26 percent of all new diagnoses in 2010, even as other demographics have remained relatively stable, according to new information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....

...Most young people diagnosed with HIV today contract the disease through sex. For most young men, it’s through sex with other men...

...A little more than 60 percent of black and Latino youth aged 15 to 24 — whose communities have been disproportionately affected by the disease — and 32 percent of white young people, said that HIV/AIDS is a “very serious issue” for their generation, according to a new survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which also came out today. CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People | ENDGAME: AIDS in Black America | FRONTLINE | PBS

And this...

Give it up already, nobody is going to jail or being sued for supporting gays. Your premise is absurd.

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