GOP aiming for Friday trade vote, but snag remains


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Well I guess the left wing will now be praising the Republicans for working with Obama to give him even more of their power. If this passes and the content of this bill is not released to the public before it is voted on then if either side of the spectrum has an ounce of integrity we would become independents.

House leaders, confident but not yet certain they have the support to pass sweeping trade legislation, are aiming to bring the package to a floor vote by the end of this week — even as they rush to resolve a last-minute hangup over how to pay for aid to displaced workers.

The vote to grant President Barack Obama fast-track authority to negotiate a massive Pacific Rim trade deal will be extremely tight by all accounts. Senior aides and lawmakers in GOP leadership are intent on scheduling the vote at the moment they believe they have the votes locked up — ideally by Friday, to spare supportive lawmakers the possibility of another weekend of attacks by trade foes back in their districts.

Read more: GOP aiming for Friday trade vote but snag remains - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan - POLITICO
It blows my mind how our government can be colluding in secret to pass laws and treaties that the public isn't even allowed to see.

This cannot be a good thing.

It blows my mind how our government can be colluding in secret to pass laws and treaties that the public isn't even allowed to see.

This cannot be a good thing.

Why would they not reveal the content of any bill before a vote? Why did they not with Obamacare? Not that it matters much because it was Soooooooooooooooooooo big that neither you or I would have ever had time to read it nor understand it. That largess is another way they get things over on people. For example, rules for service at various sites. All the site has to do is load the rhetoric with a whole bunch of boring stuff and then they could include swearing alliance to Mein Kampf and people would sign in agreement with out reading it.

That said, my not reading it or understanding it is a whole lot different then them not providing it to be read or understood. I assume they don't release it to the public because they want to remove language that the public might misunderstand. That is me being generous. I read that they have been working on this for 6 years, secretly. Intesting, what else happened 6 years ago?
Well I guess the left wing will now be praising the Republicans for working with Obama to give him even more of their power.
Correction: the left fucking hates this thing with every fiber of their being. Watch as the only significant opposition comes from progressives.
Well I guess the left wing will now be praising the Republicans for working with Obama to give him even more of their power.
Correction: the left fucking hates this thing with every fiber of their being. Watch as the only significant opposition comes from progressives.

But it will pass because Obama will pressure the democrats. As he did with the corn husker kickback the money will be flowing. Clinton did the same when his "free" trade agreements passed and ended up screwing the working man just as was predicted.

Maybe the bill is completely benign, but if it is why hide it?
There really should be no law more than a few pages thick. Some of these laws require a degree's worth of study to fully understand. There shouldn't be lawyers who have to specialize in tax law, environmental law, drug law, criminal law... ETC.

The fact that the EPA, and DEA for instance what their very own legal branches complete with judges should indicate that the feds have complicated governing for no other purpose than to empower themselves. We need generations of libertarians to tear it down and make it manageable.

Well I guess the left wing will now be praising the Republicans for working with Obama to give him even more of their power.
Correction: the left fucking hates this thing with every fiber of their being. Watch as the only significant opposition comes from progressives.

But it will pass because Obama will pressure the democrats. As he did with the corn husker kickback the money will be flowing. Clinton did the same when his "free" trade agreements passed and ended up screwing the working man just as was predicted.

Maybe the bill is completely benign, but if it is why hide it?
The explanation is that public discussion of the draft text will spoil on-going negotiations. Maybe they will release it in it's final form when the deal is signed by our trading partners but before it is ratified by congress but that remains to be seen.
Well I guess the left wing will now be praising the Republicans for working with Obama to give him even more of their power.
Correction: the left fucking hates this thing with every fiber of their being. Watch as the only significant opposition comes from progressives.

But it will pass because Obama will pressure the democrats. As he did with the corn husker kickback the money will be flowing. Clinton did the same when his "free" trade agreements passed and ended up screwing the working man just as was predicted.

Maybe the bill is completely benign, but if it is why hide it?
The explanation is that public discussion of the draft text will spoil on-going negotiations. Maybe they will release it in it's final form when the deal is signed by our trading partners but before it is ratified by congress but that remains to be seen.

Do you agree with that explanation, and how would it spoil negotiations? The only way I see is if there is something in the draft that will screw the American workers once again.
I really can't believe there are people who can come up with excuses for how our government can pass laws and treaties in secret.

How can you possibly trust it?

I know one things for sure, if a republicrat was in the WH the wailing and gnashing of teeth would cause earthquakes.

Well I guess the left wing will now be praising the Republicans for working with Obama to give him even more of their power.
Correction: the left fucking hates this thing with every fiber of their being. Watch as the only significant opposition comes from progressives.

But it will pass because Obama will pressure the democrats. As he did with the corn husker kickback the money will be flowing. Clinton did the same when his "free" trade agreements passed and ended up screwing the working man just as was predicted.

Maybe the bill is completely benign, but if it is why hide it?
The explanation is that public discussion of the draft text will spoil on-going negotiations. Maybe they will release it in it's final form when the deal is signed by our trading partners but before it is ratified by congress but that remains to be seen.

Do you agree with that explanation, and how would it spoil negotiations? The only way I see is if there is something in the draft that will screw the American workers once again.
Of course there is but I feel their biggest fear is the internet shitstorm that will erupt when the anti-piracy/intellectual property provisions come to light, Wikileaks has offered a $100,000 bounty for the full text so maybe we will see it soon.
I really can't believe there are people who can come up with excuses for how our government can pass laws and treaties in secret.

How can you possibly trust it?

I know one things for sure, if a republicrat was in the WH the wailing and gnashing of teeth would cause earthquakes.

It would never pass if a Republican was in office.
It shouldn't even be considered no matter who was in office. I find it perplexing that the media, which is supposed to be the watchdogs of government, isn't standing on rooftops banging drums and calling for mobs to gather with pitchforks and torches.

It should be inconcieveable that our elected officials are passing laws in secret. Wasn't that sort of shit going on in the eastern hemisphere in the 1920's and 30's? It didn't work out very well, I doubt it will this time either.

Rep leaders tell us we have o pass the bill to see whats in it. seems to happen alot. my guess is amnesty is in it.
If a REPUBLICAN President was doing something like this, was being done in Secret, behind closed doors. HEADS would be exploding. but since it's OBAMA making TRADE deals for us and our country. you know that man that promised the MOST TRANSPARENT administration EVER

we have a dictator. who the hell needs elections or A CONGRESS. lets get rid of them (you know those people that is suppose to LISTEN to you and your in put on things so they can REPRESENT you). what the hell are we paying them for.

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I am fond of saying that the only thing worse than a Republican is a Democrat. It seems of late the Republicans are seeking complete equality.

"You were supposed to defeat the Sith, not join them!"
I am fond of saying that the only thing worse than a Republican is a Democrat. It seems of late the Republicans are seeking complete equality.

"You were supposed to defeat the Sith, not join them!"

I think they're (republican/Democrats/this Government) doing a coup on: we the people
Not much they stand in the dictator Obama's way.
I am fond of saying that the only thing worse than a Republican is a Democrat. It seems of late the Republicans are seeking complete equality.

"You were supposed to defeat the Sith, not join them!"

I think they're (republican/Democrats/this Government) doing a coup on: we the people
Not much they stand in the dictator Obama's way.
Dictator hell, he knuckled under to big business, it's why "business friendly" politicians are suddenly his biggest supporters on this. The real dictators sit on boards of the biggest corporations and you have never heard their names.

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