GOP aiming for Friday trade vote, but snag remains

Start Contacting your damn CONGRESS critters


GOP Senator Warns: TPP Would Create “Pacific Union” – Will Give Obama New Powers to Organize

June 10, 2015 by Jim Hoft 13 Comments

Republicans want to fast-track the Obamatrade bill through the House on Friday.

** Contact your representative here.

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) sent out this urgent email late Wednesday.

Senator Sessions and Rep. Duncan Hunter say Obamatrade will create a Pacific Union like the European Union and will give Barack Obama new powers to organize.

U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, joined with U.S. Rep Duncan Hunter (R-CA) in issuing the following joint statement today regarding the impending vote on fast-track executive authority:

“When the Senate voted on fast-track, many Senators were unaware that they were voting to authorize the President to form a new transnational governance structure. The Trans-Pacific Partnership resembles a treaty more than a trade deal. And like a treaty, it confers the power to both compel and restrict changes to U.S. policy, to commit the U.S. to new international obligations, and to cede sovereign authority to a foreign body. Specifically, TPP calls for the formation of a permanent political and economic union known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission, which will have the power to issue regulations impacting not only trade but immigration, the environment, labor, and commerce. This global union would be able to add new member countries and, because TPP is a ‘living agreement,’ it will be able to change the agreement after its ratification.

ALL of it here:
GOP Senator Warns TPP Would Create Pacific Union - Will Give Obama New Powers to Organize - The Gateway Pundit
Start CONTACTING you damn Congresscritter
video of this nutjob at the site

OBAMA: Trade Bill Will Advance One of My Highest Priorities — “Climate Change” (VIDEO)

June 10, 2015 by Jim Hoft 18 Comments

Barack Obama told American Public Radio today that the Obamatrade bill will advance one of his highest priorities, “Climate Change.”

And Republican leaders are pushing this crap sandwich. reported:

In an interview with American Public Media’s Marketplace, President Obama says fast-tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bill would help him advance his climate change agenda, which he said is “one of my highest priorities.”

During the interview with host Kai Ryssdal of Marketplace, Obama said, “If we want to solve something like climate change, which is one of my highest priorities, then I’ve got to be able to get into places like Malaysia, and say to them, this is in your interest.”

“What leverage do I have to get them to stop deforestation?” he asked. “Well part of the leverage is, if I’m in a trade relationship with them, that allows me to raise standards, now they have to start thinking about how quick they’re chopping down their forests and what kinds of standards they need to apply to environmental conservation.”

ALL of it here:
OBAMA Trade Bill Will Advance One of My Highest Priorities - Climate Change VIDEO - The Gateway Pundit
It shouldn't even be considered no matter who was in office. I find it perplexing that the media, which is supposed to be the watchdogs of government, isn't standing on rooftops banging drums and calling for mobs to gather with pitchforks and torches.

It should be inconcieveable that our elected officials are passing laws in secret. Wasn't that sort of shit going on in the eastern hemisphere in the 1920's and 30's? It didn't work out very well, I doubt it will this time either.

I've actually reconsidered my stance on this. I've come to understand that the law being voted on is no secret at all. The trade deal is though, but it will be up for a vote in the senate.

With what looks like a majority of democrooks opposing it, and I would assume republicrat's phone lines are burning up, that the moonbat messiah's treaty is DOA.

I still contend that if a republicrat had a "secret" treaty deal and was trying to get it passed through the senate on an up or down vote, the media would be fomenting revolution.

Start CONTACTING you damn Congresscritter
video of this nutjob at the site

OBAMA: Trade Bill Will Advance One of My Highest Priorities — “Climate Change” (VIDEO)

June 10, 2015 by Jim Hoft 18 Comments

Barack Obama told American Public Radio today that the Obamatrade bill will advance one of his highest priorities, “Climate Change.”

And Republican leaders are pushing this crap sandwich. reported:

In an interview with American Public Media’s Marketplace, President Obama says fast-tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bill would help him advance his climate change agenda, which he said is “one of my highest priorities.”

During the interview with host Kai Ryssdal of Marketplace, Obama said, “If we want to solve something like climate change, which is one of my highest priorities, then I’ve got to be able to get into places like Malaysia, and say to them, this is in your interest.”

“What leverage do I have to get them to stop deforestation?” he asked. “Well part of the leverage is, if I’m in a trade relationship with them, that allows me to raise standards, now they have to start thinking about how quick they’re chopping down their forests and what kinds of standards they need to apply to environmental conservation.”

ALL of it here:
OBAMA Trade Bill Will Advance One of My Highest Priorities - Climate Change VIDEO - The Gateway Pundit

Obozo is stupid enough to believe these other countries would abide by his envirobullshit standards, but we all know they won't. They'll keep whatever benefit they get, and continue to pollute and ignore the useless "carbon caps".

Since a lot of democrooks oppose this, I'm really hoping the republicrats "compromise" and help them defeat it.

Start CONTACTING you damn Congresscritter
video of this nutjob at the site

OBAMA: Trade Bill Will Advance One of My Highest Priorities — “Climate Change” (VIDEO)

June 10, 2015 by Jim Hoft 18 Comments

Barack Obama told American Public Radio today that the Obamatrade bill will advance one of his highest priorities, “Climate Change.”

And Republican leaders are pushing this crap sandwich. reported:

In an interview with American Public Media’s Marketplace, President Obama says fast-tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bill would help him advance his climate change agenda, which he said is “one of my highest priorities.”

During the interview with host Kai Ryssdal of Marketplace, Obama said, “If we want to solve something like climate change, which is one of my highest priorities, then I’ve got to be able to get into places like Malaysia, and say to them, this is in your interest.”

“What leverage do I have to get them to stop deforestation?” he asked. “Well part of the leverage is, if I’m in a trade relationship with them, that allows me to raise standards, now they have to start thinking about how quick they’re chopping down their forests and what kinds of standards they need to apply to environmental conservation.”

ALL of it here:
OBAMA Trade Bill Will Advance One of My Highest Priorities - Climate Change VIDEO - The Gateway Pundit

Obozo is stupid enough to believe these other countries would abide by his envirobullshit standards, but we all know they won't. They'll keep whatever benefit they get, and continue to pollute and ignore the useless "carbon caps".

Since a lot of democrooks oppose this, I'm really hoping the republicrats "compromise" and help them defeat it.

some of them oppose it. but this man and his administration has a way of whipping them into votes. Like charging them with some crime, etc
But we still need to contact these Republicans. We don't need something else like: THEY NEED it passed to see what's in it BS like, Oscamcare

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