GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

FAUX news should be ashamed that they are misleading and outright lying to their viewers. They are the most dishonest new channel.

Just put me down for whatever Nelson Muntz would say.

FAUX news should be ashamed that they are misleading and outright lying to their viewers. They are the most dishonest new channel.

Nobody cares about McConnell and nobody cares about you.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.


FAUX news should be ashamed that they are misleading and outright lying to their viewers. They are the most dishonest new channel.

The only decent thing McConnell's ever done was to keep that Nazi Garland off SCOTUS
A progbot when the UNiparty reveals itself to battle a common foe


FAUX news should be ashamed that they are misleading and outright lying to their viewers. They are the most dishonest new channel.

The Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" all know what happened. Romney could hardly keep from laughing when he called for Pence to be installed. The 1/6 hate hoax is just the tip of the iceberg of the treason and corruption of the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd. They all were long gold oil defense stocks and the long bond on 910

911 Truthers are 100% vindicated = Osama was Col Tom/Tim Os(s)man ...

The Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" all know what happened. Romney could hardly keep from laughing when he called for Pence to be installed. The 1/6 hate hoax is just the tip of the iceberg of the treason and corruption of the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd. They all were long gold oil defense stocks and the long bond on 910

911 Truthers are 100% vindicated = Osama was Col Tom/Tim Os(s)man ...

This Zionist would give 10 years pay to see those Liberal Socialist traitors hang by the hundreds.
The only decent thing McConnell's ever done was to keep that Nazi Garland off SCOTUS

Given what a corrupt piece of shit Garland is showing itself to be as AG, keeping it off of the Supreme Court certainly ought to be worth some considerable respect. As AG, it will be tossed out on its ear once a non-corrupt President takes office, whereas, as a Supreme Court Justice, it would have held that position for life.

FAUX news should be ashamed that they are misleading and outright lying to their viewers. They are the most dishonest new channel.
Fox viewers are just as bad – just as wrong, reprehensible, and dishonest.

Mitch supports Schumer’s depiction of the day ......Huh, I’m totally shocked.

That's quite telling, really.......Don't report what happened, report what our guy thinks happened......That's literally what he's saying.

Mitch McConnell is the embodiment of what is wrong with the Republican party.

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