GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6

How do we get the word out that those things are a farce? The world needs to know.
That's what the J6 report 'narrative' was all about, selectively edited presentations. Lets call it what it really is, another impeachment.

I've said previously those who broke the law need to be held accountable.

Labeling everyone involved in violence that day, particularly the breaching of the building looks more like outside agitators followed by some reckless Trump supporters, followed by a bus tour of people with no bad intent.

Not sure if anyone noticed, but those who presented the J6 report, to show America what happened, somehow forgot all about the security failures that helped this event get out of hand.

Wonder why they could forget something that important....?

Oh, it true security is dealt with by both parties??
LW MSM is coming unglued as well as all the embedded two faces in congress.

Just wait until GOP does an analysis of the J6 report.....Oy Vey.
Let's pretend for a moment that Tucker showing the shaman being escorted around by police does not negate the live feed video we all saw, and testimony we all had access too.

Why would the MSM be coming unglued?

Please explain this.
That's what the J6 report 'narrative' was all about, selectively edited presentations. Lets call it what it really is, another impeachment.

I've said previously those who broke the law need to be held accountable.

Labeling everyone involved in violence that day, particularly the breaching of the building looks more like outside agitators followed by some reckless Trump supporters, followed by a bus tour of people with no bad intent.

Who has claimed that every person at the capital was violent?

Please link me that article because I agree, it would be bullshit.

Not sure if anyone noticed, but those who presented the J6 report, to show America what happened, somehow forgot all about the security failures that helped this event get out of hand.
Nobody has forgot about the lack of security. I expect that security breaches have likely been looked into and will be fixed, if many haven't already.

That said, lack of security doesn't break the law and it doesn't justify what happened that day.

Wonder why they could forget something that important....?

Oh, it true security is dealt with by both parties??
Security was not a part of the Jan 6 hearings but that doesn't mean it wasn't addressed.

"Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger said in a news release that the department is "clearly better off" than what it was before the events of Jan. 6, 2021, when more than 2,000 protesters outside the U.S. Capitol breached the building in an effort to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election. More than 140 officers were injured, and Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died from multiple strokes after he was sprayed with a chemical substance during the riot."

"Some of the improvements highlighted by Manger include creating relationships with police departments in and around the Washington, D.C. area and bringing on law enforcement officials with knowledge of national security events. Congress has also passed legislation that will allow Capitol police to call in the National Guard, instead of waiting for prior approval. On Jan. 6, National Guard troops didn't arrive on the scene for several hours."

I know. You're welcome to keep painting yourself as the nastiest little leftard fuck on the forum. No skin off my nose. :p
You sound exactly like a whiny left wing wackadoo to me. I call out magaturds on their lies. Disagreeing doesn't make me left. It simply makes you fucking stupid. No fucks given if it triggers your delicate sensibilities, wackadoo.
False. Criminal mischief is any damage to property caused intentionally.

No. It isn’t.

No. It isn’t. Violence is an action of force against people (and animals). Force used against mere property isn’t violence.

He was being crushed half way in and half way out as I noted correctly earlier. The ones pushing on the door were outside.

Again. You are alluding to actions being taken against physical property. And it was completely indefensible for that cop to have shot an unarmed woman in that situation. Her name was Ashlii Babbit.
You don't get to make up your own definitions

  1. behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
    brute force
    • strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force:
      "the violence of her own feelings"
      great force
    • LAW
      the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force.
You don't get to make up your own definitions

  1. behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
    brute force

    • strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force:
      "the violence of her own feelings"
      great force
    • LAW
      the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force.

Your side does it constantly.

Don't like it?

Read my mind.

You don't get to make up your own definitions

  1. behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
    brute force

    • strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force:
      "the violence of her own feelings"
      great force
    • LAW
      the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force.
No in fact. I don’t. Neither do you.

You can’t intimidate properly. And definition #1 is somewhat clear.

“behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.”
But let’s see what another respected dictionary has to say:
noun [ U ]


/ˈvaɪə.ləns/ US


actions or words that are intended to hurt people:
violence (emphasis added).

Unlike you, I cite my source.
You don't get to make up your own definitions

  1. behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
    brute force

    • strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force:
      "the violence of her own feelings"
      great force
    • LAW
      the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force.
As I wrote in another thread:

The entire thing is crumbling around the DC Mob. Thus they close ranks like Mob bosses, as we had both Schumer, on the Senate floor no less, and McConnell, decrying Tucker and FOX.

I suggest seppuku instead of further disgracing themselves; be honorable.
No in fact. I don’t. Neither do you.

You can’t intimidate properly. And definition #1 is somewhat clear.

“behavior involving physical force intend to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.”
But let’s see what another respected dictionary has to say:

violence (emphasis added).

Unlike you, I cite my source.
No in fact. I don’t. Neither do you.

You can’t intimidate properly. And definition #1 is somewhat clear.

“behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.”
But let’s see what another respected dictionary has to say:

violence (emphasis added).

Unlike you, I cite my source.
From your link

"extremely forceful actions that are intended to hurt people or are likely to cause damage:"

Those MAGArats were violent...whether it was in attacking police or in smashing their way into the building
The Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" all know what happened. Romney could hardly keep from laughing when he called for Pence to be installed. The 1/6 hate hoax is just the tip of the iceberg of the treason and corruption of the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd. They all were long gold oil defense stocks and the long bond on 910

911 Truthers are 100% vindicated = Osama was Col Tom/Tim Os(s)man ...

Oh, look, Mommy... a real-life Jew Baiter...'re full of shit and YOU proved it. Quit while you're behind
I proved you’re a dolt. And since I’ve done laps around your weak ass contributions, you should keep your advice to yourself.

Go viciously kick a rock and try to damage it. I’ll be happy to call it an act of “violence” if that makes you feel all better!

I proved you’re a dolt. And since I’ve done laps around your weak ass contributions, you should keep your advice to yourself.

Go viciously kick a rock and try to damage it. I’ll be happy to call it an act of “violence” if that makes you feel all better!

🤣😂're a joke and everyone can see it. You pwned your sorry self AGAIN

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