GOP and their cheerleaders: do it our way or more hostage-taking


Jun 27, 2009
In a Bloomberg column, Ramesh Ponnuru makes an argument for Mitt Romney’s election that you are going to hear a lot more of soon: it’s the only way that partisan gridlock in Washington can be broken. The basic theory is that Republicans will not change from their current savage ideological course (which will actually get more savage if they lose this election they think themselves destined to win) and are very unlikely to lose enough congressional support to reduce their veto power over legislation. So if you want something new to happen, a President Romney and a Republican-controlled House and Senate (presumably using reconciliation to do whatever they want without Democratic support) are the only ticket.

Political Animal - ‘64 or Bust
"Savage" the new code word for the week? kool. Extreme didn't do it for ya now ya gonna up it to "Savage".. :lol::lol::lol:
In a Bloomberg column, Ramesh Ponnuru makes an argument for Mitt Romney’s election that you are going to hear a lot more of soon: it’s the only way that partisan gridlock in Washington can be broken. The basic theory is that Republicans will not change from their current savage ideological course (which will actually get more savage if they lose this election they think themselves destined to win) and are very unlikely to lose enough congressional support to reduce their veto power over legislation. So if you want something new to happen, a President Romney and a Republican-controlled House and Senate (presumably using reconciliation to do whatever they want without Democratic support) are the only ticket.

Political Animal - ‘64 or Bust

Maybe that's because only fools believe that Obama will suddenly develop leadership skills and learn how to work with others. Obama's job is to lead. He's completely ineffective if he can't figure out how to get people to follow him and implement his policies.
Best thing that can happen is an Obama win A republican win over the house and closing the gap in the senate or even a republican majority in the senate...complete gridlock...they can't get things through to fuck America up anymore.
In a Bloomberg column, Ramesh Ponnuru makes an argument for Mitt Romney’s election that you are going to hear a lot more of soon: it’s the only way that partisan gridlock in Washington can be broken. The basic theory is that Republicans will not change from their current savage ideological course (which will actually get more savage if they lose this election they think themselves destined to win) and are very unlikely to lose enough congressional support to reduce their veto power over legislation. So if you want something new to happen, a President Romney and a Republican-controlled House and Senate (presumably using reconciliation to do whatever they want without Democratic support) are the only ticket.

Political Animal - ‘64 or Bust

Whose "basic theory" is that? Some liberal "journalist's"?
It's just too damn hard to accept things at face value, admit that despite your own delusions MANY see Obama as an utter failure who if successful will take the nation places it doesn't want to go(See the largest tax increase in American history disguised as a federal healthcare take over, as if that were any better, which required the open purchase of the deciding votes), and stop with the lies already; Isn't it?
In a Bloomberg column, Ramesh Ponnuru makes an argument for Mitt Romney’s election that you are going to hear a lot more of soon: it’s the only way that partisan gridlock in Washington can be broken. The basic theory is that Republicans will not change from their current savage ideological course (which will actually get more savage if they lose this election they think themselves destined to win) and are very unlikely to lose enough congressional support to reduce their veto power over legislation. So if you want something new to happen, a President Romney and a Republican-controlled House and Senate (presumably using reconciliation to do whatever they want without Democratic support) are the only ticket.

Political Animal - ‘64 or Bust

Whose "basic theory" is that? Some liberal "journalist's"?
It's just too damn hard to accept things at face value, admit that despite your own delusions MANY see Obama as an utter failure who if successful will take the nation places it doesn't want to go(See the largest tax increase in American history disguised as a federal healthcare take over, as if that were any better, which required the open purchase of the deciding votes), and stop with the lies already; Isn't it?

Well, apparently a lot of people DON'T see it that way and wingnuts like yourself have a hard time acceptng THAT. And don't give us this horseshit about the 2010 election, either. They've pretty much admitted they're gonna be the same dickheads they were after 2008.

We'll find out soon enough where these views really stand.
Best thing that can happen is an Obama win A republican win over the house and closing the gap in the senate or even a republican majority in the senate...complete gridlock...they can't get things through to fuck America up anymore.

That you're an Obamabot is well known.

"Noams Neighing Ninnies for Obama unite!"

Whose "basic theory" is that? Some liberal "journalist's"?
It's just too damn hard to accept things at face value, admit that despite your own delusions MANY see Obama as an utter failure who if successful will take the nation places it doesn't want to go(See the largest tax increase in American history disguised as a federal healthcare take over, as if that were any better, which required the open purchase of the deciding votes), and stop with the lies already; Isn't it?

Well, apparently a lot of people DON'T see it that way and wingnuts like yourself have a hard time acceptng THAT. And don't give us this horseshit about the 2010 election, either. They've pretty much admitted they're gonna be the same dickheads they were after 2008.

We'll find out soon enough where these views really stand.

Indeed we will, however, being that your "obstructionist" narrative has been so beaten into the masses, people like you will be the first to claim that Democrats should resist any and all Republican attempts at reducing federal spending, slashing Obama's 30 year record on major new federal regulations, getting the fed the hell out of the peoples' pocket or anything else they attempt to do to correct the currently dismal state of the nation.

Make no mistake, Obama's radical approach to his punitive brand of leadership has not only been a detriment to the nation, but it's severely degraded our political discourse.

"Tit for tat", with no consideration for the reason behind Obama's lack of support from the right, will be seen as rational and deserved, the nation be damned.
Whose "basic theory" is that? Some liberal "journalist's"?
It's just too damn hard to accept things at face value, admit that despite your own delusions MANY see Obama as an utter failure who if successful will take the nation places it doesn't want to go(See the largest tax increase in American history disguised as a federal healthcare take over, as if that were any better, which required the open purchase of the deciding votes), and stop with the lies already; Isn't it?

Well, apparently a lot of people DON'T see it that way and wingnuts like yourself have a hard time acceptng THAT. And don't give us this horseshit about the 2010 election, either. They've pretty much admitted they're gonna be the same dickheads they were after 2008.

We'll find out soon enough where these views really stand.

Indeed we will, however, being that your "obstructionist" narrative has been so beaten into the masses, people like you will be the first to claim that Democrats should resist any and all Republican attempts at reducing federal spending, slashing Obama's 30 year record on major new federal regulations, getting the fed the hell out of the peoples' pocket or anything else they attempt to do to correct the currently dismal state of the nation.

Make no mistake, Obama's radical approach to his punitive brand of leadership has not only been a detriment to the nation, but it's severely degraded our political discourse.

"Tit for tat", with no consideration for the reason behind Obama's lack of support from the right, will be seen as rational and deserved, the nation be damned.

Well, considering how they pretty much want to get rid of a lot of things that are actually popular like Medicare (the REAL one) and Social Security, and want to make us more like the 3rd world countries where our jobs have been getting shipped off to, yeah, I think a bit of obstructing from them would be in order. But with any luck, that won't be necessary. :D
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