GOP and trump considering Medicare cuts in his second term

Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....

Let the fear mongering begin! You liberals never deviate from the you, Jim? It tells me you don't have any solutions to the problems we face so you're going to go with the old "push grandma off a cliff" routine. The truth is we can't pay for the entitlements we have now but you on the left are running on Medicare for all, free college educations and the Green New Deal. How is it exactly that we're supposed to come up with the money for all of this, Jim?

Sanders advocates for things like Universal Health care and better access to higher education. He lays out how it will be paid for. You have to twist that in the way you do above.

Trump adds billions to the military and for bail outs for farmers and pays for none of it. He actually does the opposite but that is good.

Oh, bullshit! Sanders has never even come CLOSE to laying out how it will be paid for! You see the "goodies" he's promising and you've looked the other way when it comes to his explanations on how it will be paid for!

Now how is Trump paying for his increased spending?

So Bernie is going to impose a "Robin Hood tax" on Wall Street? Good luck getting that passed! Bottom line is this (and it never changes!)…to pay for all the new entitlements that you progressives want...taxes WILL have to be raised and not by just a little! So be honest with America for a change. Tell the average American how much their share is going to be in order for you to have your progressive agenda put into place and let them make up their minds about whether that's something they really want!
Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....

Let the fear mongering begin! You liberals never deviate from the you, Jim? It tells me you don't have any solutions to the problems we face so you're going to go with the old "push grandma off a cliff" routine. The truth is we can't pay for the entitlements we have now but you on the left are running on Medicare for all, free college educations and the Green New Deal. How is it exactly that we're supposed to come up with the money for all of this, Jim?

Sanders advocates for things like Universal Health care and better access to higher education. He lays out how it will be paid for. You have to twist that in the way you do above.

Trump adds billions to the military and for bail outs for farmers and pays for none of it. He actually does the opposite but that is good.

Oh, bullshit! Sanders has never even come CLOSE to laying out how it will be paid for! You see the "goodies" he's promising and you've looked the other way when it comes to his explanations on how it will be paid for!

Now how is Trump paying for his increased spending?

So Bernie is going to impose a "Robin Hood tax" on Wall Street? Good luck getting that passed! Bottom line is this (and it never changes!)…to pay for all the new entitlements that you progressives want...taxes WILL have to be raised and not by just a little! So be honest with America for a change. Tell the average American how much their share is going to be in order for you to have your progressive agenda put into place and let them make up their minds about whether that's something they really want!

No, we can discuss the program but the bottom line is you were wrong.
Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....

Well Obama did want to do the same thing and the republican congress would have no part of it. Oh how things flip flop trump now going what the progressive route was 4 years ago. He has had more progressive views than his base realizes.

He has stepped on decades of Republican policies...and the mindless idiots that voted for him don't realize it.

Deficits Don't Matter when there is a GOP running the deficit up...l

As soon as the next Dem is elected to the Presidency....suddenly DEFICITS MATTER!

The hypocrisy of The Republican Party is mind boggling....
If they cut them back much, they might as well not even have them. Trump got A LOT of the older people because he PROMISED not to touch Social Security or Medicare. He's a liar, and this is the kind of thing that can swing an election.

Who said he was going to touch it? Raising the retirement age is a good idea. What would your solution be?

How far are we going to raise the retirement age? 80? 85? 90?

Mine is already 67 and I doubt I make it that long.

My father drew what little SS he had for 10 years before he died, and he still worked to supplement his paltry retirement from GE after 27 years with the company.

70 for you and 72 for me. I am willing to do my part to help the country and work longer.

So, I will be able to collect SS after I am likely dead and buried?

We have two major groups of employees where I work. The older farts like myself who spend almost as much time in doctor's offices and VA as we do at work, just trying to hold it together until we hit 67, and then the youngsters (late 20s to early 30s) that are already on some percentage of disability, and all of that is due to military service.

I guess I can draw over $3000 a month VA disability versus $1800 a month SS rather than work.
You would not be impacted as you're over 55. My proposal would be those 55 and under must retire at 70 and those under 30 at 72. People are living much longer now and we have gyms, knowledge about diet, etc. to keep in better shape for when we do get older. Thank you for your service. NEVER FORGET.

That might be workable for some professions.
Who said he was going to touch it? Raising the retirement age is a good idea. What would your solution be?

How far are we going to raise the retirement age? 80? 85? 90?

Mine is already 67 and I doubt I make it that long.

My father drew what little SS he had for 10 years before he died, and he still worked to supplement his paltry retirement from GE after 27 years with the company.

70 for you and 72 for me. I am willing to do my part to help the country and work longer.

So, I will be able to collect SS after I am likely dead and buried?

We have two major groups of employees where I work. The older farts like myself who spend almost as much time in doctor's offices and VA as we do at work, just trying to hold it together until we hit 67, and then the youngsters (late 20s to early 30s) that are already on some percentage of disability, and all of that is due to military service.

I guess I can draw over $3000 a month VA disability versus $1800 a month SS rather than work.
You would not be impacted as you're over 55. My proposal would be those 55 and under must retire at 70 and those under 30 at 72. People are living much longer now and we have gyms, knowledge about diet, etc. to keep in better shape for when we do get older. Thank you for your service. NEVER FORGET.

Actually... last year was the first time in several decades that the average U.S. life-span went DOWN.

Your argument for retiring at a higher age only makes sense if the people retiring at that age can stay healthy... so you just made the argument for Medicare for all! Congrats you just argued away one social program to institute another.

Nope. I did not. We are not as healthy because we are fat. Stop eating so damn much. Most persons have private pay nothing wrong with that but those who don't have it and are indigent and are citizens have medicaid. You're just trolling now. Congrats for being a douche.
Who said he was going to touch it? Raising the retirement age is a good idea. What would your solution be?

How far are we going to raise the retirement age? 80? 85? 90?

Mine is already 67 and I doubt I make it that long.

My father drew what little SS he had for 10 years before he died, and he still worked to supplement his paltry retirement from GE after 27 years with the company.

70 for you and 72 for me. I am willing to do my part to help the country and work longer.

So, I will be able to collect SS after I am likely dead and buried?

We have two major groups of employees where I work. The older farts like myself who spend almost as much time in doctor's offices and VA as we do at work, just trying to hold it together until we hit 67, and then the youngsters (late 20s to early 30s) that are already on some percentage of disability, and all of that is due to military service.

I guess I can draw over $3000 a month VA disability versus $1800 a month SS rather than work.
You would not be impacted as you're over 55. My proposal would be those 55 and under must retire at 70 and those under 30 at 72. People are living much longer now and we have gyms, knowledge about diet, etc. to keep in better shape for when we do get older. Thank you for your service. NEVER FORGET.

That might be workable for some professions.

Yes, thank you. My dad is 78. Retired at 66 and then found a 2nd profession. He is in great shape (knock on wood), super handy and not remotely ready to retire. He may be an anomaly as my mom retired at 70 but it can be done.
How far are we going to raise the retirement age? 80? 85? 90?

Mine is already 67 and I doubt I make it that long.

My father drew what little SS he had for 10 years before he died, and he still worked to supplement his paltry retirement from GE after 27 years with the company.

70 for you and 72 for me. I am willing to do my part to help the country and work longer.

So, I will be able to collect SS after I am likely dead and buried?

We have two major groups of employees where I work. The older farts like myself who spend almost as much time in doctor's offices and VA as we do at work, just trying to hold it together until we hit 67, and then the youngsters (late 20s to early 30s) that are already on some percentage of disability, and all of that is due to military service.

I guess I can draw over $3000 a month VA disability versus $1800 a month SS rather than work.
You would not be impacted as you're over 55. My proposal would be those 55 and under must retire at 70 and those under 30 at 72. People are living much longer now and we have gyms, knowledge about diet, etc. to keep in better shape for when we do get older. Thank you for your service. NEVER FORGET.

Actually... last year was the first time in several decades that the average U.S. life-span went DOWN.

Your argument for retiring at a higher age only makes sense if the people retiring at that age can stay healthy... so you just made the argument for Medicare for all! Congrats you just argued away one social program to institute another.

Nope. I did not. We are not as healthy because we are fat. Stop eating so damn much. Most persons have private pay nothing wrong with that but those who don't have it and are indigent and are citizens have medicaid. You're just trolling now. Congrats for being a douche.

Nice try, but no cigar. Your argument is that people need to work longer in order to retire older. In order for that to work people are going to need better healthcare and the ability to afford their medicines.

Then you pivot into eating better and being less obese. Well... if you want that to work you are going to need some more programs to send people to eating the right foods, getting federal hands into the fast food restaurants forcing them to serve healthier food, and spending lots of extra money on proper exercise awareness, especially in youth.

You see where this is going? You are arguing for supplementing a social program with more social programs.

Either that or we let the unhealthy people that can not work yet aren't old enough to retire, to be left out in the cold and die, or spend federal money to open assisted suicide centers to get these leeches off the government tit! Congrats, you are just as much a socialist as they people you hate.
Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....
What second term?
Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....

Well Obama did want to do the same thing and the republican congress would have no part of it. Oh how things flip flop trump now going what the progressive route was 4 years ago. He has had more progressive views than his base realizes.

He has stepped on decades of Republican policies...and the mindless idiots that voted for him don't realize it.

Deficits Don't Matter when there is a GOP running the deficit up...l

As soon as the next Dem is elected to the Presidency....suddenly DEFICITS MATTER!

The hypocrisy of The Republican Party is mind boggling....

Democrats were the same way with Obama and war.
70 for you and 72 for me. I am willing to do my part to help the country and work longer.

So, I will be able to collect SS after I am likely dead and buried?

We have two major groups of employees where I work. The older farts like myself who spend almost as much time in doctor's offices and VA as we do at work, just trying to hold it together until we hit 67, and then the youngsters (late 20s to early 30s) that are already on some percentage of disability, and all of that is due to military service.

I guess I can draw over $3000 a month VA disability versus $1800 a month SS rather than work.
You would not be impacted as you're over 55. My proposal would be those 55 and under must retire at 70 and those under 30 at 72. People are living much longer now and we have gyms, knowledge about diet, etc. to keep in better shape for when we do get older. Thank you for your service. NEVER FORGET.

Actually... last year was the first time in several decades that the average U.S. life-span went DOWN.

Your argument for retiring at a higher age only makes sense if the people retiring at that age can stay healthy... so you just made the argument for Medicare for all! Congrats you just argued away one social program to institute another.

Nope. I did not. We are not as healthy because we are fat. Stop eating so damn much. Most persons have private pay nothing wrong with that but those who don't have it and are indigent and are citizens have medicaid. You're just trolling now. Congrats for being a douche.

Nice try, but no cigar. Your argument is that people need to work longer in order to retire older. In order for that to work people are going to need better healthcare and the ability to afford their medicines.

Then you pivot into eating better and being less obese. Well... if you want that to work you are going to need some more programs to send people to eating the right foods, getting federal hands into the fast food restaurants forcing them to serve healthier food, and spending lots of extra money on proper exercise awareness, especially in youth.

You see where this is going? You are arguing for supplementing a social program with more social programs.

Either that or we let the unhealthy people that can not work yet aren't old enough to retire, to be left out in the cold and die, or spend federal money to open assisted suicide centers to get these leeches off the government tit! Congrats, you are just as much a socialist as they people you hate.

#1) You assume old people need meds. My parents are old (71 and 78) and don't take meds.

#2) People know how to eat and most companies provide free gym memberships or reimburse their employees. There is zero excuse for being out of shape sans laziness.

#3) I am saying people retire later so they collect SSI later and get on medicate later. Stay on their private insurance longer.

#4) If you're fat and cannot work anymore but you're too young to retire that is a you problem. Take better care of yourself.
So, I will be able to collect SS after I am likely dead and buried?

We have two major groups of employees where I work. The older farts like myself who spend almost as much time in doctor's offices and VA as we do at work, just trying to hold it together until we hit 67, and then the youngsters (late 20s to early 30s) that are already on some percentage of disability, and all of that is due to military service.

I guess I can draw over $3000 a month VA disability versus $1800 a month SS rather than work.
You would not be impacted as you're over 55. My proposal would be those 55 and under must retire at 70 and those under 30 at 72. People are living much longer now and we have gyms, knowledge about diet, etc. to keep in better shape for when we do get older. Thank you for your service. NEVER FORGET.

Actually... last year was the first time in several decades that the average U.S. life-span went DOWN.

Your argument for retiring at a higher age only makes sense if the people retiring at that age can stay healthy... so you just made the argument for Medicare for all! Congrats you just argued away one social program to institute another.

Nope. I did not. We are not as healthy because we are fat. Stop eating so damn much. Most persons have private pay nothing wrong with that but those who don't have it and are indigent and are citizens have medicaid. You're just trolling now. Congrats for being a douche.

Nice try, but no cigar. Your argument is that people need to work longer in order to retire older. In order for that to work people are going to need better healthcare and the ability to afford their medicines.

Then you pivot into eating better and being less obese. Well... if you want that to work you are going to need some more programs to send people to eating the right foods, getting federal hands into the fast food restaurants forcing them to serve healthier food, and spending lots of extra money on proper exercise awareness, especially in youth.

You see where this is going? You are arguing for supplementing a social program with more social programs.

Either that or we let the unhealthy people that can not work yet aren't old enough to retire, to be left out in the cold and die, or spend federal money to open assisted suicide centers to get these leeches off the government tit! Congrats, you are just as much a socialist as they people you hate.

#1) You assume old people need meds. My parents are old (71 and 78) and don't take meds.

#2) People know how to eat and most companies provide free gym memberships or reimburse their employees. There is zero excuse for being out of shape sans laziness.

#3) I am saying people retire later so they collect SSI later and get on medicate later. Stay on their private insurance longer.

#4) If you're fat and cannot work anymore but you're too young to retire that is a you problem. Take better care of yourself.

#1. Using just your parents as an example against the majority of the country is insanely idiotic and illogical.

#2. You need to back up this outrageous statement with FACTS because it is patently false.

#3. People don't just magically retire at an older age because you want them to. It takes sweeping change which I already mentioned.

#4. If you think all obesity and inability to work is the individuals fault, you are either beyond ignorant, lived in a bubble all your life, or are just a troll. You can answer that one to yourself as it is rhetorical... you are obviously all 3.
You would not be impacted as you're over 55. My proposal would be those 55 and under must retire at 70 and those under 30 at 72. People are living much longer now and we have gyms, knowledge about diet, etc. to keep in better shape for when we do get older. Thank you for your service. NEVER FORGET.

Actually... last year was the first time in several decades that the average U.S. life-span went DOWN.

Your argument for retiring at a higher age only makes sense if the people retiring at that age can stay healthy... so you just made the argument for Medicare for all! Congrats you just argued away one social program to institute another.

Nope. I did not. We are not as healthy because we are fat. Stop eating so damn much. Most persons have private pay nothing wrong with that but those who don't have it and are indigent and are citizens have medicaid. You're just trolling now. Congrats for being a douche.

Nice try, but no cigar. Your argument is that people need to work longer in order to retire older. In order for that to work people are going to need better healthcare and the ability to afford their medicines.

Then you pivot into eating better and being less obese. Well... if you want that to work you are going to need some more programs to send people to eating the right foods, getting federal hands into the fast food restaurants forcing them to serve healthier food, and spending lots of extra money on proper exercise awareness, especially in youth.

You see where this is going? You are arguing for supplementing a social program with more social programs.

Either that or we let the unhealthy people that can not work yet aren't old enough to retire, to be left out in the cold and die, or spend federal money to open assisted suicide centers to get these leeches off the government tit! Congrats, you are just as much a socialist as they people you hate.

#1) You assume old people need meds. My parents are old (71 and 78) and don't take meds.

#2) People know how to eat and most companies provide free gym memberships or reimburse their employees. There is zero excuse for being out of shape sans laziness.

#3) I am saying people retire later so they collect SSI later and get on medicate later. Stay on their private insurance longer.

#4) If you're fat and cannot work anymore but you're too young to retire that is a you problem. Take better care of yourself.

#1. Using just your parents as an example against the majority of the country is insanely idiotic and illogical.

#2. You need to back up this outrageous statement with FACTS because it is patently false.

#3. People don't just magically retire at an older age because you want them to. It takes sweeping change which I already mentioned.

#4. If you think all obesity and inability to work is the individuals fault, you are either beyond ignorant, lived in a bubble all your life, or are just a troll. You can answer that one to yourself as it is rhetorical... you are obviously all 3.

#1) Why? If they can do it anyone can. They came here with nothing as immigrants and didn't speak the language.

#2) Everyone has a smart phone and most chain restaurants list calories. If people are stupid and don't know that fatty foods are bad for them then its on them. Its like saying people don't know its dangerous to smoke or drink.

#3) Yeah so anyone under 55 has to wait 2.5 more years. And anyone under 30...has to be 72. I just gave them 42 years+ of notice.

#4) F U. People need to take personal responsibility. You're such a coward and a wimp. Not my fault you're fat. Join a gym. Did I hit a nerve?
Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....
/——-/ I’m “considering” buying a Powerball ticket and need to “consider” what I’ll do with the money if I win.

Someone needs to pay for trump's corporate tax cuts....THEY DID NOT PAY FOR THEMSELVES!

Might as well be the disabled and old people....
Those taxes were never even there, uncollected taxes mean nothing and show for nothing.
And the taxes that do show up to Washington never leave Washington you fucking retard

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