GOP anxiety over Trump now reaching Panice Mode

Haven't noticed anybody panicking.

But the GOP has been getting farther and farther away from what its conservative base wants, for many years now as it drifts further and further left. Maybe they're doing it because the far left and the media (same thing) will scream bloody murder at them if they don't, I don't know.

But the more the GOP pushes amnesty, medical entitlements, and govt programs like EPA and govt-forced Social Security, and fails to do anything about travisties like Bergdahl, Obamacare, and Obama admin lawbreaking, people will look more and more for someone who looks like he WILL do something about them.

Right now, Trump is the obvious frontrunner because of those things. Maybe Cruz will come up and compete too, who knows.

Best part is that, the more the media, the Democrats, and establishment Republicans scream at ATrump... the higher his ratings go among real Americans.

But the GOP is right to worry. They are losing - both to the Democrats, and to people like Trump, Cruz etc. who state flatly what they will do... things that the American public want, for a change.

Leftists such as the Democrats and the media, will never take the hint. But the Republican party should if they know what's good for them.
'About a week ago, the New York Times reported that among Republican insiders, “irritation is giving way to panic” as the prospect of Donald Trump’s nomination begins to appear “plausible.”'

Trump isn't going to be the nominee – but they're justified to panic as Trump's ignorance, hate, and stupidity is going to make it that much more difficult for the GOP nominee come next November.
Trump was for single payer before he was against it. .... assuming he is against it. He was for immigration too, and probably still is if it's cheap labor to build casinos. LOL
well I have no idea what panice is so, I have no clue the point of the thread.
The wording doesn't even make sense regardless of the spelling. "Latest polling to intensify republican party panic"? What does that mean? Does the angry MSNBC lesbian activist claim to read the future or is it just another liberal fantasy?

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