GOP candidates give back white supremacist donations

The Council of Conservative Citizens has a lot of friends in high places.

For example, Tony Perkins. President of the Family Research Council.

Council of Conservative Citizens. Sounds like a bunch of Democrats to me!
Is your racist party going to give back all the money you get from the black panthers, the racist media, etc??? You do know that blacks kill twice as many whites every year, right? You do know that the media singles out every single white on black murder and generalizes all whites??? Right?

Maybe democrats need to give some money back.
Is your racist party going to give back all the money you get from the black panthers, the racist media, etc??? You do know that blacks kill twice as many whites every year, right? You do know that the media singles out every single white on black murder and generalizes all whites??? Right?

Maybe democrats need to give some money back.

Blah...Blah...Blah. If the poor people in Charleston had not been shot, that money would still be in the bank.
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“Republican presidential candidates, GOP lawmakers and the lone black Republican in the House are returning donations from the leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof or giving the money to charity.

Rep. Mia Love of Utah, an African-American Republican woman who was elected to the House last year, said through a spokesman that she had returned $1,000 in donations from Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens.”

This is going to be an ongoing problem for republican candidates, this illustrates why republican politicians are loath to address the issues of racism and hate crimes, because to do so will likely alienate a component of the conservative base who don't perceive racism and hate crimes as an issue, who neither see nor practice racism in their daily lives, and who frankly don't want to hear or talk about racism – and they certainly don't want to hear about racism from their republican representatives.
“Republican presidential candidates, GOP lawmakers and the lone black Republican in the House are returning donations from the leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof or giving the money to charity.

Rep. Mia Love of Utah, an African-American Republican woman who was elected to the House last year, said through a spokesman that she had returned $1,000 in donations from Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens.”

This is going to be an ongoing problem for republican candidates, this illustrates why republican politicians are loath to address the issues of racism and hate crimes, because to do so will likely alienate a component of the conservative base who don't perceive racism and hate crimes as an issue, who neither see nor practice racism in their daily lives, and who frankly don't want to hear or talk about racism – and they certainly don't want to hear about racism from their republican representatives.

Good point. Who do they wish to alienate? Do they want to lose the RW loons, many of whom harbor deep racist views. Or do they just give up totally on the minority vote? It will be interesting to see.
Its the same group as Roof mentioned in his "manifesto".

Funny that they can't get far enough away from it now.

Notice that the only Rs who have said the damn terrorist flag should come down are those who are NOT running for office. ('cept for Carson. Weird, that.) The very same ones who now say that's a "state issue" have never hesitated to weigh in on things like women's rights, marriage equality, health insurance for all, equal pay, minimum wage can't seem to figure out what Roof's motive was.

Cowards afraid of their own shadows. Probably can't change their own underwear without help to make the decision. Except, of course, when it comes time to screw over the working class.

What is it about Republicans that makes them so attractive to extremist hate groups?

You first need to establish that the CCC is an "extremist hate group."

And how about the genuinely extremist, and even racist, groups that support Democrats, such as La Raza (means The Race), the ADA, the ACLU, the New Black Panthers, Code Pink, several anti-Israeli American-Arab groups,, etc., etc.?

Who Funds the Radical Left In America
What is it about Republicans that makes them so attractive to extremist hate groups?
The willingness of many republicans to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the hate and racism; many racists know that although they may not be officially welcomed in the GOP, republicans aren't going to actively seek to force racists and extremists out, their votes are too valuable.
What is it about Republicans that makes them so attractive to extremist hate groups?
The willingness of many republicans to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the hate and racism; many racists know that although they may not be officially welcomed in the GOP, republicans aren't going to actively seek to force racists and extremists out, their votes are too valuable.

Coming from the democrat party of slavery and segregation.
The Democratic party elected a Black President...the Democratic Party is the party of all but two of the Black folks in is the GOP doing ...?
Yo...................Lord Brown Trout..............might wanna google "southern strategy" sometime and see how the GOP changed from being the party of Lincoln to being the cesspool that it is now.
What is it about Republicans that makes them so attractive to extremist hate groups?

You first need to establish that the CCC is an "extremist hate group."

And how about the genuinely extremist, and even racist, groups that support Democrats, such as La Raza (means The Race), the ADA, the ACLU, the New Black Panthers, Code Pink, several anti-Israeli American-Arab groups,, etc., etc.?

Who Funds the Radical Left In America

Done.....The CCC wants to keep the US European

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