GOP conflicted on abortion. As supreme court sides with Biden.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

On the face of it this is a slam dunk for the Biden govt. But you never know with this partisan crazy supreme court.

Even in this climate where the GOP is terrified about abortion the wing nut judges Alito and Thomas voted for Oklahoma.

Even more astonishing the Oklahoma straw suckers still pushed this case. It revolves around providing neutral info to pregnant women including access to abortion.

The court backed biden 6 to 3.

So its 2 months before the election and the GOP are still intent on pursuing this unpopular policy. Even on a demonstrably marginal issue.

It beggars belief.

Trump is in a bind over abortion. I dont believe he gives a shit about it but he welcomes the support of theextremist faux christians who are obsessed with it..

But I think he made a calculation about their support. He decided that they would never vote for Kamala anyway. The danger for him is that they may not vote at all.

On the face of it this is a slam dunk for the Biden govt. But you never know with this partisan crazy supreme court.

Even in this climate where the GOP is terrified about abortion the wing nut judges Alito and Thomas voted for Oklahoma.

Even more astonishing the Oklahoma straw suckers still pushed this case. It revolves around providing neutral info to pregnant women including access to abortion.

The court backed biden 6 to 3.

So its 2 months before the election and the GOP are still intent on pursuing this unpopular policy. Even on a demonstrably marginal issue.

It beggars belief.

Trump is in a bind over abortion. I dont believe he gives a shit about it but he welcomes the support of theextremist faux christians who are obsessed with it..

But I think he made a calculation about their support. He decided that they would never vote for Kamala anyway. The danger for him is that they may not vote at all.

The party of misery.
Well, it's understandable when foreigners have no fucking idea what the U.S. Constitution means...not so understandable for Americans...a fucking tragedy when half the country lacks basic Constitutional understanding.

The U.S. Supreme Court DID NOT shift the issue of abortion to the states. It has no such power. The U.S. Constitution reserves certain specific powers to the national government, and EVERYTHING ELSE is a matter for the States to decide (See below). The infamous Roe v. Wade decision was the codification of one Leftist judge. It was doomed from the moment the ink dried on its pages - only a question of time before enough members of the Court actually respected the Constitution.

Should the People of the United States decide that they want the Federal government to make abortion policy, there is a way of doing so. They have to petition their Congressional representatives to introduce a Constitutional Amendment to that effect, and then go through a process that requires a super-majority to pass, a majority which DOES NOT NOW EXIST, which is why no such Amendment has even been proposed.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

On the face of it this is a slam dunk for the Biden govt. But you never know with this partisan crazy supreme court.

Even in this climate where the GOP is terrified about abortion the wing nut judges Alito and Thomas voted for Oklahoma.

Even more astonishing the Oklahoma straw suckers still pushed this case. It revolves around providing neutral info to pregnant women including access to abortion.

The court backed biden 6 to 3.

So its 2 months before the election and the GOP are still intent on pursuing this unpopular policy. Even on a demonstrably marginal issue.

It beggars belief.

Trump is in a bind over abortion. I dont believe he gives a shit about it but he welcomes the support of theextremist faux christians who are obsessed with it..

But I think he made a calculation about their support. He decided that they would never vote for Kamala anyway. The danger for him is that they may not vote at all.
What is with you guys who want to murder the most innocent beings ever created by God? Oh, yeah, you are a fudge packer so cannot naturally produce a baby.

Well, it's understandable when foreigners have no fucking idea what the U.S. Constitution means...not so understandable for Americans...a fucking tragedy when half the country lacks basic Constitutional understanding.

The U.S. Supreme Court DID NOT shift the issue of abortion to the states. It has no such power. The U.S. Constitution reserves certain specific powers to the national government, and EVERYTHING ELSE is a matter for the States to decide (See below). The infamous Roe v. Wade decision was the codification of one Leftist judge. It was doomed from the moment the ink dried on its pages - only a question of time before enough members of the Court actually respected the Constitution.

Should the People of the United States decide that they want the Federal government to make abortion policy, there is a way of doing so. They have to petition their Congressional representatives to introduce a Constitutional Amendment to that effect, and then go through a process that requires a super-majority to pass, a majority which DOES NOT NOW EXIST, which is why no such Amendment has even been proposed.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Something needs to be done to stop the savagery in places like Texas.
Well, it's understandable when foreigners have no fucking idea what the U.S. Constitution means...not so understandable for Americans...a fucking tragedy when half the country lacks basic Constitutional understanding.

The U.S. Supreme Court DID NOT shift the issue of abortion to the states. It has no such power. The U.S. Constitution reserves certain specific powers to the national government, and EVERYTHING ELSE is a matter for the States to decide (See below). The infamous Roe v. Wade decision was the codification of one Leftist judge. It was doomed from the moment the ink dried on its pages - only a question of time before enough members of the Court actually respected the Constitution.

Should the People of the United States decide that they want the Federal government to make abortion policy, there is a way of doing so. They have to petition their Congressional representatives to introduce a Constitutional Amendment to that effect, and then go through a process that requires a super-majority to pass, a majority which DOES NOT NOW EXIST, which is why no such Amendment has even been proposed.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Roe v Wade was decided by a CONSERVATIVE COURT, and both Republicans and Democrats applauded the decision. Overnight, women stopped bleeding out in hospital emergency rooms, from botched illegal abortions.

Reagan added an anti-abortion plank to his platform in order to woo the evangelical right, and the anti-abortion vote. Reagan made a lot of promises to extremist groups to get elected, but kept few of them. He was more supportive of the white nationalists than the anti-abortionists, opposing affirmative action, and programs to lift minorities out of poverty. He also refused to move the Isreali Embassy to Jerusalem, although that was a promise made to evangelicals.

For years, Republican gave lip service to these promises to retain those fringe votes. The idea being to keep the crazies in check. Trump with the Federalist Court, are now legislating all of these promises to the whack jobs in the Party, through the Federalist Court.

Notice how Project 2025 doesn't have a section on reforming the Judiciary. That's because all of that work has already been completed. They already have the courts.

On the face of it this is a slam dunk for the Biden govt. But you never know with this partisan crazy supreme court.

Even in this climate where the GOP is terrified about abortion the wing nut judges Alito and Thomas voted for Oklahoma.

Even more astonishing the Oklahoma straw suckers still pushed this case. It revolves around providing neutral info to pregnant women including access to abortion.

The court backed biden 6 to 3.

So its 2 months before the election and the GOP are still intent on pursuing this unpopular policy. Even on a demonstrably marginal issue.

It beggars belief.

Trump is in a bind over abortion. I dont believe he gives a shit about it but he welcomes the support of theextremist faux christians who are obsessed with it..

But I think he made a calculation about their support. He decided that they would never vote for Kamala anyway. The danger for him is that they may not vote at all.

I think this reaches beyond the specific issue of abortion. By reaffirming the right of the federal government to withhold funding, which the courts have not always been so black and white on, they are probably anticipating that this will set the stage for future conservative controlled congress and President to bring left states like California and Oregon to heel using the power of the purse. I cannot point to a specific situation off the cuff, but I generally recall reading articles in the past where courts ruled that the federal government still had to provide funding even when states were not complying with some rule or the other within the general area the funding was related to. One that vaguely comes to mind is I think California refuses to collect and release any abortion statistics even though they were supposed to.
I think this reaches beyond the specific issue of abortion. By reaffirming the right of the federal government to withhold funding, which the courts have not always been so black and white on, they are probably anticipating that this will set the stage for future conservative controlled congress and President to bring left states like California and Oregon to heel using the power of the purse. I cannot point to a specific situation off the cuff, but I generally recall reading articles in the past where courts ruled that the federal government still had to provide funding even when states were not complying with some rule or the other within the general area the funding was related to. One that vaguely comes to mind is I think California refuses to collect and release any abortion statistics even though they were supposed to.
Thoughtful stuff. That wouldnt shock me at all.

On the face of it this is a slam dunk for the Biden govt. But you never know with this partisan crazy supreme court.

Even in this climate where the GOP is terrified about abortion the wing nut judges Alito and Thomas voted for Oklahoma.

Even more astonishing the Oklahoma straw suckers still pushed this case. It revolves around providing neutral info to pregnant women including access to abortion.

The court backed biden 6 to 3.

So its 2 months before the election and the GOP are still intent on pursuing this unpopular policy. Even on a demonstrably marginal issue.

It beggars belief.

Trump is in a bind over abortion. I dont believe he gives a shit about it but he welcomes the support of theextremist faux christians who are obsessed with it..

But I think he made a calculation about their support. He decided that they would never vote for Kamala anyway. The danger for him is that they may not vote at all.

Poor little commie, the decision of a State has nothing to do with Trump. It's up to the State if they want to follow the rules of this commie regime.


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