Supreme Court Allows Biden To Withold Federal Funding Over Abortion Dispute

What for? The states have enacted their own laws, where it's "legal" to murder babies in some and not in others, douchebag.
Are you stupid or somethin Forrest? They even sell the baby parts too doofus.
So, you really do know where babies are being murdered and you don`t act. You`re no better than the murderers.
What for? The states have enacted their own laws, where it's "legal" to murder babies in some and not in others, douchebag.
Are you stupid or somethin Forrest? They even sell the baby parts too doofus.
Well that's a dumb post.

Murder is a legal term. It is the unlawful taking of a life.

If abortion is legal then by definition, it can't be murder.

Good grief people. Common sense please.

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