GOP Congressman says pregnancies from rape are rare


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
WASHINGTON -- GOP Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona reportedly said Wednesday that the incidences of pregnancy from rape are "very low," months after a similar comment led Todd Akin to lose a Senate race in Missouri.

The Washington Post reports Franks made his statement during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday on the Arizona congressman's bill to ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks gestation.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Report: GOP rep says pregnancies from rape are rare
How common are they?

And Todd Akin's problems was the "legitimate rape" aspect.
WASHINGTON -- GOP Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona reportedly said Wednesday that the incidences of pregnancy from rape are "very low," months after a similar comment led Todd Akin to lose a Senate race in Missouri.

The Washington Post reports Franks made his statement during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday on the Arizona congressman's bill to ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks gestation.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Report: GOP rep says pregnancies from rape are rare

He's right.
Id like to see some actual data instead of this faux emotional outrage.

Of course, considering the source, we wont get anything but nonsense.
WASHINGTON -- GOP Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona reportedly said Wednesday that the incidences of pregnancy from rape are "very low," months after a similar comment led Todd Akin to lose a Senate race in Missouri.

The Washington Post reports Franks made his statement during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday on the Arizona congressman's bill to ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks gestation.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Report: GOP rep says pregnancies from rape are rare

His statement is factual, numb-nuts.
What would the left do without Media Matters and the other tax exempt left wing propaganda sources that never sleep? Do you want to play the outrage game or face the facts? There are about 1,700,000 pregnancies by unwed mothers per year in the US. About 65,000 women claim rape or attempted rape per year. There aren't even any known statistics for pregnancy resulting from rape in the US. Since statistics indicate that there is a 5% chance of pregnancy in a single sexual encounter officials estimate that there are (about) 3,000 pregnancies that result from rape but they use faulty input in including attempted rape with rape statistics so the pregnancy rate is probably much lower and could be considered "very low" compared to the 1,700,000 unwed pregnancies.
It's rare.

How many pregnancies result from rape each year in the U.S.?

Two studies widely cited this week and first published in 1996 and 2000 put the number at 32,101 and 25,000, respectively. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, an anti-sexual violence nonprofit group based in Washington, D.C., estimates on its website that just 3,204 such pregnancies occurred annually in 2004-2005. An article published in Popular Science this week estimates the number is more than 83,000. John C. Willke, a Cincinnati doctor and antiabortion campaigner, wrote in 1999 the number is between 225 and 370. This compares with an estimate of 6.7 million pregnancies in the U.S. in 2006, published last fall in the journal

Factually a pregnancy from rape is just over 3,000 a year. Liberal propaganda is 83,000 a year. Compared to pregnancies per year of 6.7 million, pregnancy as a result of rape is either rare or exceedingly rare.

Pregnancies From Rape Prove Tough to Count -
It's rare.

How many pregnancies result from rape each year in the U.S.?

Two studies widely cited this week and first published in 1996 and 2000 put the number at 32,101 and 25,000, respectively. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, an anti-sexual violence nonprofit group based in Washington, D.C., estimates on its website that just 3,204 such pregnancies occurred annually in 2004-2005. An article published in Popular Science this week estimates the number is more than 83,000. John C. Willke, a Cincinnati doctor and antiabortion campaigner, wrote in 1999 the number is between 225 and 370. This compares with an estimate of 6.7 million pregnancies in the U.S. in 2006, published last fall in the journal

Factually a pregnancy from rape is just over 3,000 a year. Liberal propaganda is 83,000 a year. Compared to pregnancies per year of 6.7 million, pregnancy as a result of rape is either rare or exceedingly rare.

Pregnancies From Rape Prove Tough to Count -

So if we go with the 3,000 number the value is 0.04% and if we go with 83,000 the value is 1.24%. So even with the worst case scenario, the word "rare" does apply.
WASHINGTON -- GOP Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona reportedly said Wednesday that the incidences of pregnancy from rape are "very low," months after a similar comment led Todd Akin to lose a Senate race in Missouri.

The Washington Post reports Franks made his statement during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday on the Arizona congressman's bill to ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks gestation.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Report: GOP rep says pregnancies from rape are rare

What is YOUR definition of "very low"? Is 1% low enough for you?

Here are some other opinions:

Rape and Incest - Just 1% of All Abortions -

REAL Statistics

Facts of Life: Chapter 3: Exceptions for Aboriton: The Rarity of Pregnancies Resulting from Rape and Incest

Rape, Incest, and Abortion: Searching Beyond the Myths

Statistics about incest rape

Statistics on rape and pregnancy hard to find, often conflict ? Nation ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine
WASHINGTON -- GOP Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona reportedly said Wednesday that the incidences of pregnancy from rape are "very low," months after a similar comment led Todd Akin to lose a Senate race in Missouri.

The Washington Post reports Franks made his statement during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday on the Arizona congressman's bill to ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks gestation.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Report: GOP rep says pregnancies from rape are rare

Not to worry. Now that the "morning after" pill will be available, over-the-counter, to females of ALL ages, those pesky abortions will be a non-issue.
Isn't this some OLD crap..?
what? No scandals to talk about under the DEAR LEADER?

WASHINGTON -- GOP Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona reportedly said Wednesday that the incidences of pregnancy from rape are "very low," months after a similar comment led Todd Akin to lose a Senate race in Missouri.

The Washington Post reports Franks made his statement during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday on the Arizona congressman's bill to ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks gestation.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Report: GOP rep says pregnancies from rape are rare

He's right.

One would be enough.
We have a potus named Barak Hussein Obama, whose signature achievement is mandating a govt approved health insurance plan, that must be purchased with personal funds if not provided as an employment benefit, and he just got reelected with close to 300 EV.

And idiot men like this.

The gop cannot think, not even with a penis.

anyone else notice in all the articles lately they have Conservative Republican about some Unnamed guy from the IRS and now this article he is a SOCIAL conservative..

when do they write articles with so and so who is radical left wing Democrat or they are abortion lovers who are democrats?
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anyone else notice in all the articles lately they have Conservative Republican about some Unnamed guy from the IRS and now this article he is a SOCIAL conservative..

when do they write articles with so and so who is radical left wing Democrat or they are abortion lovers who are democrats?

Thanks for admitting that social conservatives are radical nutters.
anyone else notice in all the articles lately they have Conservative Republican about some Unnamed guy from the IRS and now this article he is a SOCIAL conservative..

when do they write articles with so and so who is radical left wing Democrat or they are abortion lovers who are democrats?

Thanks for admitting that social conservatives are radical nutters.

There was a time when social consevatism meant making sure stuff like health insurance was available because we believed informed people make correct decisions most of the time, and govt isn't good at making personal decisions. But we let Jesus nutters in.
anyone else notice in all the articles lately they have Conservative Republican about some Unnamed guy from the IRS and now this article he is a SOCIAL conservative..

when do they write articles with so and so who is radical left wing Democrat or they are abortion lovers who are democrats?

Thanks for admitting that social conservatives are radical nutters.

There was a time when social consevatism meant making sure stuff like health insurance was available because we believed informed people make correct decisions most of the time, and govt isn't good at making personal decisions. But we let Jesus nutters in.

wow, WE? let Jesus nutters in or you mean a TOLERANT person such as you did? and you/we are just too kind you let other people in who have DIFFERENT VIEWS ?
so talking about what is the truth you are now called a nutter..
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