GOP congressman: Wives should “voluntarily submit” to their husbands"

And that means what Sherlock?

Government is their Daddy and Controller Watson.

I don't know if you heard about this, but that sort of welfare hasn't existed for 17 years now. :cuckoo:

How many single mothers on welfare are there?

10,025,000 in the US

More and more people consider that single motherhood is now becoming the new “norm”, even in the United States of America. According to U.S. Census Bureau, there are approximately 10025000 single mothers in the US. Moreover, out of 12.2 million single parent families in 2012, more than 80% were headed by single mothers. Believe it or not, 1 in 3 children are raised these days without a mother. Studies show that about two thirds of the single mothers are White, one third Black and one quarter Hispanic.
Bi polar lefties defended a former president who was accused of rape by a credible victim but they are horrified about a Bible verse. Democrats are set to nominate the wife of the same former president who abused government authority by organizing a gang that threatened women their lives would be ruined if they came forward with stories of abuse at the hands of Bill Clinton and the liberal media giggled about the name, "Hillary's bimbo eruption squad".
And that means what Sherlock?

Government is their Daddy and Controller Watson.

I don't know if you heard about this, but that sort of welfare hasn't existed for 17 years now. :cuckoo:

Depends on the State.
California Welfare laws.
This was about 5 years ago. I don't know if it has been changed.
If you are living with the child's father and he is employed full time then you would be ineligible for cash assistance.
The Republican "Outreach" continues!

It’s a well-established reality of contemporary American politics: The Republican Party is struggling to find ways to better connect with female voters. The “War on Women” and all that.

Well, here’s some unsolicited advice to the GOP on how it could perhaps have more success convincing women that they, too, care about their freedom and autonomy — tell New Mexico Rep. Steve Pearce to go far, far away.

In his initially little-noticed memoir —”Just Fly the Plane, Stupid!” — Steve Pearce argues that, like the military’s chain of command, every household should be run according to a rigid hierarchy. And, wouldn’t you know it, guess who Pearce imagines should be at the tippy-top of the family pyramid? Steve Pearce!

Not just Pearce, of course, but rather all men, in the Republican’s opinion, should be the clear and undisputed masters of their families and homes. And best of all, it’s all based on the Bible. (For more on this disturbingly widespread belief within the right-wing Christian fundamentalist community, check out this report from Mother Jones.)

“The wife is to voluntarily submit, just as the husband is to lovingly lead and sacrifice,” Pearce writes. ”The husband’s part is to show up during the times of deep stress, take the leadership role and be accountable for the outcome, blaming no one else.”
GOP congressman: Wives should ?voluntarily submit? to their husbands -


Please keep this up until November!

Dude. I was drinking coffee. Give a gal a warning next time, wouldja?

Why is it so wrong for the husband to take a leadership role in times of stress and trouble, while the woman voluntarily lets him be the leader.?
It's not like he is wanting to make it into a law.

It's better than what the Dems have done to women who did pass laws, to make them dependent on Government as the leadership role.

Because how anybody else lives their marriage is NONE of his business.

That's why.
I never knew Christians were so nosy. Seriously. They take everything that isn't their business, has nothing to do with them, has never been their business, will never be their business, and stick their collective nose in it and meddle like meddling is their only reason for living.

I don't think this is normal.
Bi polar lefties defended a former president who was accused of rape by a credible victim but they are horrified about a Bible verse. Democrats are set to nominate the wife of the same former president who abused government authority by organizing a gang that threatened women their lives would be ruined if they came forward with stories of abuse at the hands of Bill Clinton and the liberal media giggled about the name, "Hillary's bimbo eruption squad".

that's why I call them TWO FACED hypocrites
Seriously... you need this explained to you?

Yes...Annnd go

Well, ok, it doesn't require you to be single... that point I concede.. but it certainly encourages it by paying higher amounts if you are single. All one has to do is look at status of the black family prior to the Great Society vs. post Great Society. the foundation is rotten but your house is sound? lol.

I looked at the Great Society vs Post. What about it? Is there a point besides you were wrong?
No the Dems want us to be unhappy and miserable.

If you are saying that it is the goal of the Dems to take away our God given rights then I agree with you. :)

I'm saying the dims want to strip us of all civil rights.

The goal of the democrats is power - unbridled power. :)

But who is trying to run other people's marriages here? Cuz it sure as shit isn't the Dems.
I never knew Christians were so nosy. Seriously. They take everything that isn't their business, has nothing to do with them, has never been their business, will never be their business, and stick their collective nose in it and meddle like meddling is their only reason for living.

I don't think this is normal.

I never knew leftist were such demagogues and authoritarian thugs.

Oh wait, yes I did.

Carry on.

Serious question, do you think this hit piece actually worked? Do you think there is even a single voter out there who said "I really like civil rights and hate the war the democrats have on freedom of speech, religion, association, self-defense, and basic self-determination. But since Republicans allow Christians to run, I'm going to have to vote for the democrat."

I mean, really?

But who is trying to run other people's marriages here? Cuz it sure as shit isn't the Dems.

No one,

A Congress man stated a biblical view - he didn't propose legislation.

The demagogues attacked because they think they can distort and outright lie to the point that they can smear the opposition.

Demagoguery is the ONLY thing democrats offer this nation.
I never knew Christians were so nosy. Seriously. They take everything that isn't their business, has nothing to do with them, has never been their business, will never be their business, and stick their collective nose in it and meddle like meddling is their only reason for living.

I don't think this is normal.

I never knew leftist were such demagogues and authoritarian thugs.

Oh wait, yes I did.

Carry on.

Serious question, do you think this hit piece actually worked? Do you think there is even a single voter out there who said "I really like civil rights and hate the war the democrats have on freedom of speech, religion, association, self-defense, and basic self-determination. But since Republicans allow Christians to run, I'm going to have to vote for the democrat."

I mean, really?

I don't think people think. They just yodel "for the Bible tells me so!" and then they vote accordingly.

But who is trying to run other people's marriages here? Cuz it sure as shit isn't the Dems.

No one,

A Congress man stated a biblical view - he didn't propose legislation.

The demagogues attacked because they think they can distort and outright lie to the point that they can smear the opposition.

Demagoguery is the ONLY thing democrats offer this nation.

The left is famous for this type of dirty politics..And they have good teachers, all of the new Progressive/Democrat/commie party

why someone would want to be associated with this type of dirty stuff is beyond me

But who is trying to run other people's marriages here? Cuz it sure as shit isn't the Dems.

No one,

A Congress man stated a biblical view - he didn't propose legislation.

The demagogues attacked because they think they can distort and outright lie to the point that they can smear the opposition.

Demagoguery is the ONLY thing democrats offer this nation.

Frankly, I do not believe I am the only one who is sick of "Christians" running because "God told them to" so they could spout off about what is and isn't rape, how a marriage should be run, and all that other shit that keeps everybody from dealing with what actually needs doing.
This type of attack is done by the far right and far left: demagogues and the spiritual children of Smaug.

But who is trying to run other people's marriages here? Cuz it sure as shit isn't the Dems.

No one,

A Congress man stated a biblical view - he didn't propose legislation.

The demagogues attacked because they think they can distort and outright lie to the point that they can smear the opposition.

Demagoguery is the ONLY thing democrats offer this nation.

Nice hateful rhetoric. Why am I even talking to you? I'm a dem. Obviously you think less than nothing of me and mine.

Have a lovely.

But who is trying to run other people's marriages here? Cuz it sure as shit isn't the Dems.

No one,

A Congress man stated a biblical view - he didn't propose legislation.

The demagogues attacked because they think they can distort and outright lie to the point that they can smear the opposition.

Demagoguery is the ONLY thing democrats offer this nation.

Frankly, I do not believe I am the only one who is sick of "Christians" running because "God told them to" so they could spout off about what is and isn't rape, how a marriage should be run, and all that other shit that keeps everybody from dealing with what actually needs doing.

Christians no more than atheists or Jews or whatever get a pass in politics for preaching their beliefs.

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