GOP congressman: Wives should “voluntarily submit” to their husbands"

Shallow, ashamed of out demagogueing Josef Goebbels? Hell, he's proud of it.

Slander and libel are the only things democrats have to offer America.

I know it and it's disgusting and they are THE ONES who is tearing this country apart with crap like this from Salon

you're right. Citizens should not have this information. (facepalm)

Uhm, the point is that anyone would even consider this information. I also remember some democrat dimwit thinking that Guam was going to tip over. That's about as fucking retarded as it gets... this is just one man's goofy opinion on a personal matter.
BTW Husbands should love their wives like Christ loves the Church. Which means you are willing to serve her even to the point of laying down your life to protect her.

They wouldn't understand things like that, Salon never preaches it

And also irrelveant to the notion of whether husbands and wives should have equal power in a relationship, and whether a maj of women would vote for a guy with this view of society and relationships to be in a position of having any power over them.
Let us know when a highly visible Republican comes out and disowns him and the comment.


You think we should ALL voluntarily submit to Obama...

And I didn't marry that flouncing fairy.

Standard Disclaimer: Vlad Putin has my eternal gratitude for describing Obama as "that flouncing fairy," it fits so well...
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I know it and it's disgusting and they are THE ONES who is tearing this country apart with crap like this from Salon

you're right. Citizens should not have this information. (facepalm)

Uhm, the point is that anyone would even consider this information. I also remember some democrat dimwit thinking that Guam was going to tip over. That's about as fucking retarded as it gets... this is just one man's goofy opinion on a personal matter.

Everything is information even the shit about Guam. Stop crying about it like someone is supposed to run these stories by you first...the Arbiter of Valid Information
He supports a patriarchal system? You mean the one has existed in the West and throughout the world for thousands of years?

What an extremist!
I know it and it's disgusting and they are THE ONES who is tearing this country apart with crap like this from Salon

you're right. Citizens should not have this information. (facepalm)

Uhm, the point is that anyone would even consider this information. I also remember some democrat dimwit thinking that Guam was going to tip over. That's about as fucking retarded as it gets... this is just one man's goofy opinion on a personal matter.

Whether one considers information is an individual choice, and key component of the founding of the Republic, yet Stephanie opines it should not be reported because "it tears the country apart." If it's true, it's relevant to public discourse - First Amend 101

As to Guam, I'd consider the quote if it was put up. There's valid scietific concern that inhabitied islands in the pacific will go underwater.
Ever Seen a Honey Do List made by a husband? Want to know why not? Because women now a days dont want to be responsible for anything.
BTW Husbands should love their wives like Christ loves the Church. Which means you are willing to serve her even to the point of laying down your life to protect her.

They wouldn't understand things like that, Salon never preaches it

And also irrelveant to the notion of whether husbands and wives should have equal power in a relationship, and whether a maj of women would vote for a guy with this view of society and relationships to be in a position of having any power over them.

that's up to the people in his STATE, other than that not a damn thing any of you can do about it, but post slander about what he said like Salon does and attribute it as if that is how ALL Republicans thinks...That is what I was talking about..I could care less about this information as it has no bearing on our lives
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BTW Husbands should love their wives like Christ loves the Church. Which means you are willing to serve her even to the point of laying down your life to protect her.

They wouldn't understand things like that, Salon never preaches it

And also irrelveant to the notion of whether husbands and wives should have equal power in a relationship, and whether a maj of women would vote for a guy with this view of society and relationships to be in a position of having any power over them.

And yet you're comfortable with a president that cannot even pronounce corpsman, on a moments notice thinks there are 58 states, thinks unemployment creates jobs, lied for three years about the ACA, thinks Hawaii is in Asia or a VP who thinks FDR gave TV speeches.
You could have expected these Media Matters scoops after the freaking governor of NY told Catholics, NRA members and other so-called "extremest rightwingers" that they are "not welcome in the Empire state". Lefties are so detached from reality and filled with hatred that they pretend to be outraged by a Bible quotation while the person they intend to run for president was at war with women by ruining the lives of women who were seduced, molested or raped her philandering sleaze bag husband if they dared tell the truth.
Far right and far left are equally guilty of trying to pull down the country.

Sooner than later the center (left of center to right of center) will rise up and smite both wings.
Ever Seen a Honey Do List made by a husband? Want to know why not? Because women now a days dont want to be responsible for anything.

Actually, I've made many chore lists for my wife, as she has for me. It's all a matter of who has the time...
you're right. Citizens should not have this information. (facepalm)

Uhm, the point is that anyone would even consider this information. I also remember some democrat dimwit thinking that Guam was going to tip over. That's about as fucking retarded as it gets... this is just one man's goofy opinion on a personal matter.

Whether one considers information is an individual choice, and key component of the founding of the Republic, yet Stephanie opines it should not be reported because "it tears the country apart." If it's true, it's relevant to public discourse - First Amend 101

As to Guam, I'd consider the quote if it was put up. There's valid scietific concern that inhabitied islands in the pacific will go underwater.

Well, whether it is reported or not, whatever... I'm ok either way.

As for Hank Johnson... here ya have it. This guy is much scarier...

[ame=]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
you're right. Citizens should not have this information. (facepalm)

Uhm, the point is that anyone would even consider this information. I also remember some democrat dimwit thinking that Guam was going to tip over. That's about as fucking retarded as it gets... this is just one man's goofy opinion on a personal matter.

Whether one considers information is an individual choice, and key component of the founding of the Republic, yet Stephanie opines it should not be reported because "it tears the country apart." If it's true, it's relevant to public discourse - First Amend 101

As to Guam, I'd consider the quote if it was put up. There's valid scietific concern that inhabitied islands in the pacific will go underwater.

In a million years it may be under water due to geological processes but moving the base to another part of the island isn't going to make it tip over. Come on.
Seriously, do not click on salon and give them your support to keep that type of hate site running

That's all I'm going to say on this dumb thread...have at it
Seriously, do not click on salon and give them your support to keep that type of hate site running

That's all I'm going to say on this dumb thread...have at it

Of course it is...without personal demonization you'd have nothing to add at all

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