GOP congressman: Wives should “voluntarily submit” to their husbands"

I don't think people think. They just yodel "for the Bible tells me so!" and then they vote accordingly.

And the dims simply go to ThinkProgress and download party orders.

So the demagogues at Salon accomplished nothing with this silly attack. democrats oppose freedom of religion and feel the need to attack in hopes of silencing those who hold faith, but I can't see that a single vote changed because of this.
The Republican "Outreach" continues!

It’s a well-established reality of contemporary American politics: The Republican Party is struggling to find ways to better connect with female voters. The “War on Women” and all that.

Well, here’s some unsolicited advice to the GOP on how it could perhaps have more success convincing women that they, too, care about their freedom and autonomy — tell New Mexico Rep. Steve Pearce to go far, far away.

In his initially little-noticed memoir —”Just Fly the Plane, Stupid!” — Steve Pearce argues that, like the military’s chain of command, every household should be run according to a rigid hierarchy. And, wouldn’t you know it, guess who Pearce imagines should be at the tippy-top of the family pyramid? Steve Pearce!

Not just Pearce, of course, but rather all men, in the Republican’s opinion, should be the clear and undisputed masters of their families and homes. And best of all, it’s all based on the Bible. (For more on this disturbingly widespread belief within the right-wing Christian fundamentalist community, check out this report from Mother Jones.)

“The wife is to voluntarily submit, just as the husband is to lovingly lead and sacrifice,” Pearce writes. ”The husband’s part is to show up during the times of deep stress, take the leadership role and be accountable for the outcome, blaming no one else.”
GOP congressman: Wives should ?voluntarily submit? to their husbands -


Please keep this up until November!

the link at salon takes you to the article which was published in 2009 and was the topic of several threads here .....:eusa_eh:

But who is trying to run other people's marriages here? Cuz it sure as shit isn't the Dems.

But then dems have their heads stuck up in every orifice of our lives, taxes, gun laws, first amendment, healthcare.....with actual legislation and law.

But who is trying to run other people's marriages here? Cuz it sure as shit isn't the Dems.

But then dems have their heads stuck up in every orifice of our lives, taxes, gun laws, first amendment, healthcare.....with actual legislation and law.

I like the Booper but not the sharpest when it comes to politics
more a follower than a leader
In the last election Alan Grayon's opponent was asked what part of the Bible do you not believe.
The response was...The part where it says the wife must submit to her husband....

Alan Grayson's campaign ran an ad over and over again edited so it seemed his opponent said...

"a wife must submit to her husband"....

The Libs and the media never went after Alan Grayson over this....

BTW Husbands should love their wives like Christ loves the Church. Which means you are willing to serve her even to the point of laying down your life to protect her.

People love their dogs and will even sacrifice their lives to rescue them from a fire, or getting stuck in an iced over lake, or drowning, etc. But their dogs, though deeply loved, are not equals in the home and relationship, as a wife should be. So just because a man 'loves' his wife, it does not mean she should accept being secondary in the realtionship, submit to him, and he rules the roost.
The Republican "Outreach" continues!

It’s a well-established reality of contemporary American politics: The Republican Party is struggling to find ways to better connect with female voters. The “War on Women” and all that.

Well, here’s some unsolicited advice to the GOP on how it could perhaps have more success convincing women that they, too, care about their freedom and autonomy — tell New Mexico Rep. Steve Pearce to go far, far away.

In his initially little-noticed memoir —”Just Fly the Plane, Stupid!” — Steve Pearce argues that, like the military’s chain of command, every household should be run according to a rigid hierarchy. And, wouldn’t you know it, guess who Pearce imagines should be at the tippy-top of the family pyramid? Steve Pearce!

Not just Pearce, of course, but rather all men, in the Republican’s opinion, should be the clear and undisputed masters of their families and homes. And best of all, it’s all based on the Bible. (For more on this disturbingly widespread belief within the right-wing Christian fundamentalist community, check out this report from Mother Jones.)

“The wife is to voluntarily submit, just as the husband is to lovingly lead and sacrifice,” Pearce writes. ”The husband’s part is to show up during the times of deep stress, take the leadership role and be accountable for the outcome, blaming no one else.”
GOP congressman: Wives should ?voluntarily submit? to their husbands -


Please keep this up until November!

the link at salon takes you to the article which was published in 2009 and was the topic of several threads here .....:eusa_eh:


[ame=]Mike Huckabee Women 'Can't Control Their Libido' Without Birth Control from 'Uncle Sugar' - YouTube[/ame]

Foot inserted directly into
I don't think people think. They just yodel "for the Bible tells me so!" and then they vote accordingly.

And the dims simply go to ThinkProgress and download party orders.

So the demagogues at Salon accomplished nothing with this silly attack. democrats oppose freedom of religion and feel the need to attack in hopes of silencing those who hold faith, but I can't see that a single vote changed because of this.

Nobody opposes "Freedom of Religion" the opposition is to "Imposing your religion on the rest of us".

I will not submit to Christianity..even though they have a policy of killing folks that do not convert.
I don't think people think. They just yodel "for the Bible tells me so!" and then they vote accordingly.

And the dims simply go to ThinkProgress and download party orders.

So the demagogues at Salon accomplished nothing with this silly attack. democrats oppose freedom of religion and feel the need to attack in hopes of silencing those who hold faith, but I can't see that a single vote changed because of this.

Nobody opposes "Freedom of Religion" the opposition is to "Imposing your religion on the rest of us".

I will not submit to Christianity..even though they have a policy of killing folks that do not convert.

Well, I agree.

But why is it OK to impose your socialist, er, excuse me, your progressive (wink, wink) agenda on the rest of us.

People love their dogs and will even sacrifice their lives to rescue them from a fire, or getting stuck in an iced over lake, or drowning, etc. But their dogs, though deeply loved, are not equals in the home and relationship, as a wife should be. So just because a man 'loves' his wife, it does not mean she should accept being secondary in the realtionship, submit to him, and he rules the roost.

Though you are a leftist, and thus feel endowed with the right to rule over others, how others structure their marriage and family, is none of your affair. Every family WILL have a leader. My experience is that the stronger personality will lead, regardless of gender.

I've known Christian families where the woman was unquestionably in charge. My Brother and Sister in law are complete whackjob Obamunists, but he is unquestionably in charge, and she is unquestionably obedient.
I don't think people think. They just yodel "for the Bible tells me so!" and then they vote accordingly.

And the dims simply go to ThinkProgress and download party orders.

So the demagogues at Salon accomplished nothing with this silly attack. democrats oppose freedom of religion and feel the need to attack in hopes of silencing those who hold faith, but I can't see that a single vote changed because of this.

Nobody opposes "Freedom of Religion" the opposition is to "Imposing your religion on the rest of us".

I will not submit to Christianity..even though they have a policy of killing folks that do not convert.

HEY LOOK! It's a common garden variety LIAR!

In truth, Christianity has absolutely no tenet which provides for the 'forcing of Christianity', let alone the killing of those who disagree.

Deceit <=> FRAUD <=> Ignorance
>>> >> S O C I A L I S M << <<<
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Nobody opposes "Freedom of Religion" the opposition is to "Imposing your religion on the rest of us".


Yeah, and the KKK is welcoming black members....

Dude, it's a little late to claim that you're not at war against Christians.

I will not submit to Christianity..even though they have a policy of killing folks that do not convert.

You will not tolerate Christianity. You will not abide Christians practicing their faith. Your party is at open war to end civil rights, starting with the 1st Amendment.

Bull Cuomo violated the 1st Amendment with his threats of violence against those who hold views different than his regime, but the flouncing fairy of 1600 Penn. is too busy trumping up bogus charges against political enemies to intervene on behalf of a Constitution he and the democratic party detest.
BTW Husbands should love their wives like Christ loves the Church. Which means you are willing to serve her even to the point of laying down your life to protect her.

People love their dogs and will even sacrifice their lives to rescue them from a fire, or getting stuck in an iced over lake, or drowning, etc. But their dogs, though deeply loved, are not equals in the home and relationship, as a wife should be. So just because a man 'loves' his wife, it does not mean she should accept being secondary in the realtionship, submit to him, and he rules the roost.

True a man has to be worthy of her submitting to him. The problem is that these new women see being submissive as being less than. They want to be equal except they dont want to be equal.

If I chop wood you chop it too! If I take out the garbage so do you!

But women dont want equality, they want a man who will be the captain.
BTW Husbands should love their wives like Christ loves the Church. Which means you are willing to serve her even to the point of laying down your life to protect her.

People love their dogs and will even sacrifice their lives to rescue them from a fire, or getting stuck in an iced over lake, or drowning, etc. But their dogs, though deeply loved, are not equals in the home and relationship, as a wife should be. So just because a man 'loves' his wife, it does not mean she should accept being secondary in the realtionship, submit to him, and he rules the roost.

You must have missed the word voluntarily.
The Republican "Outreach" continues!

It’s a well-established reality of contemporary American politics: The Republican Party is struggling to find ways to better connect with female voters. The “War on Women” and all that.

Well, here’s some unsolicited advice to the GOP on how it could perhaps have more success convincing women that they, too, care about their freedom and autonomy — tell New Mexico Rep. Steve Pearce to go far, far away.

In his initially little-noticed memoir —”Just Fly the Plane, Stupid!” — Steve Pearce argues that, like the military’s chain of command, every household should be run according to a rigid hierarchy. And, wouldn’t you know it, guess who Pearce imagines should be at the tippy-top of the family pyramid? Steve Pearce!

Not just Pearce, of course, but rather all men, in the Republican’s opinion, should be the clear and undisputed masters of their families and homes. And best of all, it’s all based on the Bible. (For more on this disturbingly widespread belief within the right-wing Christian fundamentalist community, check out this report from Mother Jones.)

“The wife is to voluntarily submit, just as the husband is to lovingly lead and sacrifice,” Pearce writes. ”The husband’s part is to show up during the times of deep stress, take the leadership role and be accountable for the outcome, blaming no one else.”
GOP congressman: Wives should ?voluntarily submit? to their husbands -


Please keep this up until November!
Or maybe wives should be like Lady Kaka and Miley Cyrus?

Imagine an irony as sweet as a. Ideological Leftist projecting that it's political opposition murders people who disagree.

Socialism is second only to disease in lethality to human beings. With the ideologic Left having murdered in excess of 150 million innocent human beings in just the 20 th century alone. A number which does not account the the 55 million humans it murdered in the is since the 1970s or those it killed as a result of the two world wars it started and lost.
Imagine an irony as sweet as a. Ideological Leftist projecting that it's political opposition murders people who disagree.

Socialism is second only to disease in lethality to human beings. With the ideologic Left having murdered in excess of 150 million innocent human beings in just the 20 th century alone. A number which does not account the the 55 million humans it murdered in the is since the 1970s or those it killed as a result of the two world wars it started and lost.

Get a ouija board and stfu

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