GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq


And yet this thread about 2 or 3 idiots in a crowd of 5000 keeps rolling right along. And you wonder why our country is fucked up.


It's fucked up because you have a certain group of people in your country called uber conservatives....where it's all about 'me, me me'.....
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Ah, no they shouldnt have gotten out. They should have continued to serve despite the persecution.

Oh well, those days are over.

You know who has the right to be open about their sexuality in the military now?


The bigots lost.

Once again conservatives are on the wrong side of history.

The Visigoths and the Vandals also believe they were on "the right side of history."

1000 years of barbarism was the result.

Civilization is swirling down the toilet bowl because of ignorant savages like you.
From women's rights to civil rights to gay rights to alternative energy, conservatives are always on the wrong side of history.
But on the correct side of LIBERTY...But you keep lumping people into groups. THAT is why you leftists FAIL.

You don't belive in individual Humans Chrissy.

DADT is on the correct side of liberty?


Pardon me while I yurt.

No answer, Tommy Toughpants?

Didn't think so.

You wouldn't know liberty if it were 80 proof and came in a red, white, and blue bottle.
Ah, no they shouldnt have gotten out. They should have continued to serve despite the persecution.

Oh well, those days are over.

You know who has the right to be open about their sexuality in the military now?


The bigots lost.

Once again conservatives are on the wrong side of history.

The Visigoths and the Vandals also believe they were on "the right side of history."

1000 years of barbarism was the result.

Civilization is swirling down the toilet bowl because of ignorant savages like you.

So you believe in less freedom for the individual?

And yet this thread about 2 or 3 idiots in a crowd of 5000 keeps rolling right along. And you wonder why our country is fucked up.



He wasn't insulting me during his speech so I'm good. I kinda doubt he was talking to you either so your lack of concern is no surprise.

And ill take a couple cookies in place of the tissue if you don't mind. Peanutbutter should suffice
From women's rights to civil rights to gay rights to alternative energy, conservatives are always on the wrong side of history.

When has the leftwing position on any of these issues been proven to be "the right side of history?"

BTW, Republicans vote for the Civil rights bills in greater numbers than Democrats.

There is a thread about this are just trying to deflect and it's obvious.

No need to deflect really.... If ya listen to the audio, no one boo'd the soldier. Two people in the crowd boo'd his question. He said he was a gay soldier at about 12 seconds in. The "two boo's came at about 21 seconds in.... thats 9 seconds folks. Bad form, but it is what it is...the soldier wasnt boo'd. His question was.

God bless him for serving... gay or not, he is a true patriot for serving

[ame=]Republican Crowd Boos Soldier During Debate - YouTube[/ame]

There is a thread about this are just trying to deflect and it's obvious.

No need to deflect really.... If ya listen to the audio, no one boo'd the soldier. Two people in the crowd boo'd his question. He said he was a gay soldier at about 12 seconds in. The "two boo's came at about 21 seconds in.... thats 9 seconds folks. Bad form, but it is what it is...the soldier wasnt boo'd. His question was.

God bless him for serving... gay or not, he is a true patriot for serving

[ame=]Republican Crowd Boos Soldier During Debate - YouTube[/ame]

I guess these conservatives are overreacting too, right infant brain?

- Former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer: “Booing a soldier serving our nation is uncalled for. If I were on stage, I would make that point.”

- Christian Post: “Santorum, who has never served in the armed forces, did not address the boos, but explained his position by saying ‘sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military.’”

- National Review: “Whatever you think of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” or homosexuality, Hill is risking his life on behalf of his country. It is troubling, and revealing, that Santorum’s answer entirely defined Hill as a gay man first and as a soldier second, if at all.”

- GOProud: “Tonight, Rick Santorum disrespected our brave men and women in uniform, and he owes Stephen Hill, the gay soldier who asked him the question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal, an immediate apology. That brave gay soldier is doing something Rick Santorum has never done – put his life on the line to defend our freedoms and our way of life. It is telling that Rick Santorum is so blinded by his anti-gay bigotry that he couldn’t even bring himself to thank that gay soldier for his service.”

- Log Cabin Republicans: “Unfortunately, for many Americans the take-away from last night’s debate was not that Republicans have the solutions our country needs, but that too many in our party are clinging so strongly to a failed and discriminatory law that they are willing to disrespect a man in uniform. As a current Army Reserve officer and an Iraq combat veteran, I found it appalling that a soldier serving down range would be disrespected in such a fashion.”

The truth is no one from among this group of candidates had the courage or leadership to stand up to the hideous this debate or the last one. And these people want to become the leader of our nation?
There is a thread about this are just trying to deflect and it's obvious.

No need to deflect really.... If ya listen to the audio, no one boo'd the soldier. Two people in the crowd boo'd his question. He said he was a gay soldier at about 12 seconds in. The "two boo's came at about 21 seconds in.... thats 9 seconds folks. Bad form, but it is what it is...the soldier wasnt boo'd. His question was.

God bless him for serving... gay or not, he is a true patriot for serving

[ame=]Republican Crowd Boos Soldier During Debate - YouTube[/ame]

I guess these conservatives are overreacting too, right infant brain?

- Former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer: “Booing a soldier serving our nation is uncalled for. If I were on stage, I would make that point.”

- Christian Post: “Santorum, who has never served in the armed forces, did not address the boos, but explained his position by saying ‘sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military.’”

- National Review: “Whatever you think of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” or homosexuality, Hill is risking his life on behalf of his country. It is troubling, and revealing, that Santorum’s answer entirely defined Hill as a gay man first and as a soldier second, if at all.”

- GOProud: “Tonight, Rick Santorum disrespected our brave men and women in uniform, and he owes Stephen Hill, the gay soldier who asked him the question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal, an immediate apology. That brave gay soldier is doing something Rick Santorum has never done – put his life on the line to defend our freedoms and our way of life. It is telling that Rick Santorum is so blinded by his anti-gay bigotry that he couldn’t even bring himself to thank that gay soldier for his service.”

- Log Cabin Republicans: “Unfortunately, for many Americans the take-away from last night’s debate was not that Republicans have the solutions our country needs, but that too many in our party are clinging so strongly to a failed and discriminatory law that they are willing to disrespect a man in uniform. As a current Army Reserve officer and an Iraq combat veteran, I found it appalling that a soldier serving down range would be disrespected in such a fashion.”

The truth is no one from among this group of candidates had the courage or leadership to stand up to the hideous this debate or the last one. And these people want to become the leader of our nation?

They didn't stand up to them and what's more, they support all of the crazy stuff falling out of the candidate's mouths like the sheep they are.
I wonder how those fellow soldiers and civilians who have been saved by gay service men and women feel about your churlish comments....

Name one.

Major Alan G. Rogers.

"Major Alan G. Rogers (September 21, 1967 – January 27, 2008) was killed in Iraq by an improvised explosive device while on foot patrol in Baghdad. Rogers was the first known gay combat fatality of Operation Iraqi Freedom. According to his commanders, he shielded two others from the blast, sacrificing his own life for theirs."​

Remembering Gay Soldier Alan G. Rogers


No need to deflect really.... If ya listen to the audio, no one boo'd the soldier. Two people in the crowd boo'd his question. He said he was a gay soldier at about 12 seconds in. The "two boo's came at about 21 seconds in.... thats 9 seconds folks. Bad form, but it is what it is...the soldier wasnt boo'd. His question was.

God bless him for serving... gay or not, he is a true patriot for serving

Republican Crowd Boos Soldier During Debate - YouTube

I guess these conservatives are overreacting too, right infant brain?

- Former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer: “Booing a soldier serving our nation is uncalled for. If I were on stage, I would make that point.”

- Christian Post: “Santorum, who has never served in the armed forces, did not address the boos, but explained his position by saying ‘sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military.’”

- National Review: “Whatever you think of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” or homosexuality, Hill is risking his life on behalf of his country. It is troubling, and revealing, that Santorum’s answer entirely defined Hill as a gay man first and as a soldier second, if at all.”

- GOProud: “Tonight, Rick Santorum disrespected our brave men and women in uniform, and he owes Stephen Hill, the gay soldier who asked him the question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal, an immediate apology. That brave gay soldier is doing something Rick Santorum has never done – put his life on the line to defend our freedoms and our way of life. It is telling that Rick Santorum is so blinded by his anti-gay bigotry that he couldn’t even bring himself to thank that gay soldier for his service.”

- Log Cabin Republicans: “Unfortunately, for many Americans the take-away from last night’s debate was not that Republicans have the solutions our country needs, but that too many in our party are clinging so strongly to a failed and discriminatory law that they are willing to disrespect a man in uniform. As a current Army Reserve officer and an Iraq combat veteran, I found it appalling that a soldier serving down range would be disrespected in such a fashion.”

The truth is no one from among this group of candidates had the courage or leadership to stand up to the hideous this debate or the last one. And these people want to become the leader of our nation?

They didn't stand up to them and what's more, they support all of the crazy stuff falling out of the candidate's mouths like the sheep they are.

Sorry Sarah, that's not true. There are many of us Republican's that think Santorum is a wacka-doodle. As a matter of fact the support for repeal of DADT was at about 70% of Americans and 60% of Republicans.

The reality is that on a spectrum from left to right there are about 30-40% of the people that will vote Democrat no matter what, then there are 30-40% of that vote Republican no matter what with a good "chunk" for them being social authoritarians (social conservatives) which leaves the 20-40% of us who are near the center as the ones that actually are the deciding factor in elections.

So right now it's primary season and the GOP candidates are "playing to the base" to the right. The media is focusing on this in terms of social issues which causes the GOP candidates to move right as a means of winning "the base" for the primaries. The problem is that this movement is painting them into a corner for after the primaries and general election against Obama. If the SoCons in the GOP are happy with the candidate (extreme far right) then that candidate has a poor chance of winning against Obama, especially if in the next 13 months the economy starts to turn around. If over a year from now unemployment is still high and the economy is in the tank then we have a shot at getting rid of Obama. On the other hand if things have started to improve economically, then independent and libertarian minded voters are more likely to shy away from a wackadoodle instead of voting ABO (anybody but Obama).

I have no problem with ending it, but it was politics, not necessity.

That's really easy for someone to say that didn't live under the restrictions of DADT. Ask gay and lesbian service members if it was a necessity or not.

I usually go with what I see, not hypotheticals. What I saw of gays in the service when I was in was that their presense caused disruptions. So the question is, how many people with homophobic attitudes are you willing to drive out of the military in order to accommedate those who are gay? These guys who beat the crap out of "Odd Todd" as we called him were having a reaction. They didn't like being touched. Today they'd probably have had them all up on charges.

If Todd was inappropriately touching people, HE should have been brought up on charges. If someone is going to beat him up just for being gay, then yes, they should be brought up on charges. How many homophobes am I willing to drive out of the military? The same as the amount of racists I want to drive out...all of them.
Quite right. We should totally destroy someone's career because he doesn't hold the right attitudes. I mean, seriously, how far do you want the thought police to go? They send kids to "tolerance class" if they use the slang "That's so Gay".

Got a link? What "kids" were sent to "tolerance class" for using terms like "that's so gay"? Careers aren't destroyed because someone is a racist or a homophobe, careers are destroyed when they are assholes and act upon their racism or homophobia.

But the point was that they served. All the way back to the Civil War.

So did the gays.

I don't see it as a "good thing". We threw away millions of dollars in training, people who hadn't done anything wrong, just describe DADT to a "T".

like the officer who was there to collect an award for his squadren and left before the party started, but still had their careers tanked. And why? Because Patsy Schroeder had an agenda. Fuck national defense. She has an agenda.

Do you have a link? How was his career "tanked" as a result?

The Tailhook incident did not have to go as far as it did. After the incident, the Navy closed ranks and stymied investigations. If they hadn't, Congress wouldn't have had to get involved.

Do you have the slightest idea of how often women in the military are sexually harassed and assaulted? Do you have a clue how many are raped? Political correctness my ass. Expecting professionalism from our military isn't political correctness or an "agenda".

When people say, "I'm offended", I usually read that as "You've just hit me with an obvious truth I didn't want to hear."
Well, you need to get a new translator, 'cause you are reading things wrong. Sometimes offensive is just offensive. Saying that someone shouldn't be serving in the military because of their religion is offensive (and unconstitutional to boot). This soldier paid the ultimate sacrifice for his service, but you think he shouldn't have been serving at all. That's just plain offensive.


Of course we are at war with Islam. If Al Qaeda were a bunch of Jerkwads giving Muslims a bad name, it would not have taken a decade to get Bin Laden. Muslims would have delivered his head to an embassy doorstep.

That does not equate to us being at war with Islam. We were not attacked because they were Muslims and we aren't. We were attacked for our policies by religious extremists. That does not equate to being at war with Islam.

YOu mean our worthless as shit European Allies? Most of them have already rejected Christianity. There will be Abayas in their future when the muslims who they just didn't think were mad at them overrun their cities.

Impugning our allies doesn't answer the question, nor does ludicrous claims like none of them are Christians anyway. Canada, Australia, Great Britain...all have lifted their bans. Israel, where the OT is the way to go, has no ban on gays serving and hasn't had one for over a decade...and in none of those countries have the Chaplains had problems. I thought you said you don't like hypotheticals and yet are willing to dive right in to one that suits your purpose.

THis joker can't chew gum or walk. He's messed up the economy six ways to sunday. And even this isn't that great of an accomplishment. He put in a change he promised two years earlier five minutes before a court was about to impose one on him. That's hardly "Profiles in Courage".

Uh, no, actually, he has done things that have hampered recovery. A recent survey of employers said the number one reason they aren't adding to headcount is ObamaCare.

Link please.

The main reason U.S. companies are reluctant to step up hiring is scant demand, rather than uncertainty over government policies, according to a majority of economists in a new Wall Street Journal survey.​
Dearth of Demand Seen Behind Weak Hiring

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