GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

I wonder how those fellow soldiers and civilians who have been saved by gay service men and women feel about your churlish comments....

Name one.

Look, on a scale of dumbfuckery you're pretty high on the list, but are you telling me out of all the wars and 'police' actions the US has been in since your war of independence that the chances of a gay person in the military having saved lives is nil? Nada? Not a hope in hell?

As stated, you're pretty high up on the list of dumbfuckery, but I'll be damned if you ain't shooting for the top spot.

Oh and if you DON'T think that has ever happened, I have a bridge to sell you in Alaska...
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The fact that Republicans would boo a soldier fighting overseas just because he is gay shows just how bigoted they are.

But bigotry is the core Republican value.

It's what they do.
We all knew you couldn't name one.

Thanks for confirming the fact.

Name one.

Look, on a scale of dumbfuckery you're pretty high on the list, but are you telling me out of all the wars and 'police' actions the US has been in since your war of independence that the chances of a gay person in the military having saved lives is nil? Nada? Not a hope in hell?

As stated, you're pretty high up on the list of dumbfuckery, but I'll be damned if you ain't shooting for the top spot.

Oh and if you DON'T think that has every happened, I have a bridge to sell you in Alaska...
We all knew you couldn't name one.

Thanks for confirming the fact.

Name one.

Look, on a scale of dumbfuckery you're pretty high on the list, but are you telling me out of all the wars and 'police' actions the US has been in since your war of independence that the chances of a gay person in the military having saved lives is nil? Nada? Not a hope in hell?

As stated, you're pretty high up on the list of dumbfuckery, but I'll be damned if you ain't shooting for the top spot.

Oh and if you DON'T think that has every happened, I have a bridge to sell you in Alaska...

Let me help you understand something bripat. Under DODT and prior if a gay troop saved someone and mentioned he was a gay troop, they were bound by law to remove him from the military. Why do you think they would come out under the light of saving someone to get discharged? Explain why they should risk their military service for a slip up like that?
Thou shalt not eat shellfish, it is an abomination unto the Lord????

According to the Old Testament it is...the same OT that religious extremists like to bludgeon gays and lesbians with.

Actually when you look to the fact that shellfish has been discovered to contain high levels of mercury when compared to fresh water fish, there's some useful purpose in some of the Bibles "standards" (being it was written 2000 years ago before this medical fact was known, makes it even more interesting).

Are you really trying to claim that the men that wrote the bible knew that MAN was going to poison water to the extent that fish would contain mercury in the future? Don't bogart that joint, my friend...
We've already established the fact that you can't name one.

There's nothing stopping gays from talking after their enlistment is over.

We all knew you couldn't name one.

Thanks for confirming the fact.

Look, on a scale of dumbfuckery you're pretty high on the list, but are you telling me out of all the wars and 'police' actions the US has been in since your war of independence that the chances of a gay person in the military having saved lives is nil? Nada? Not a hope in hell?

As stated, you're pretty high up on the list of dumbfuckery, but I'll be damned if you ain't shooting for the top spot.

Oh and if you DON'T think that has every happened, I have a bridge to sell you in Alaska...

Let me help you understand something bripat. Under DODT and prior if a gay troop saved someone and mentioned he was a gay troop, they were bound by law to remove him from the military. Why do you think they would come out under the light of saving someone to get discharged? Explain why they should risk their military service for a slip up like that?
He wasn't booed because he was gay, that's the "spin" that's currently being projected. It was a boo from a select few in a crowd towards their view of the QUESTION being asked. Does the left also view anti-military groups as being unpatriotic, because they choose to stand up for what THEY believe is their right to free speech? Where was the outrage then? I might not agree with the views of a select few, but that's why we have the freedom to choose who it is we will vote for and support. Why is the left always so quick to call out and try to suppress the Constitutional rights of those they don't happen to agree with?

The overwhelming number of queers are not only liberals, but being abnormal .... they are extreme liberals.

Every politician distorts, or lies more than the average person. However the Dems, especially with the bizzarely arrogant almost pathological El Supremo LIAR Obama as their leader, are light years beyond the distorting and the lying of the average Republicans for no other reason that the overwhelming number of Republicans are usually extremely religious, or more religious, than the average Dem, and they have an exaggerated fear of the fantasy of otherworldly punishment.

But when it comes to the liberal Dems, and what's worse, the extreme Liberal Dems amongst whom are usually the abnormals, i.e. queers, then you have reactions and agendas that are not only blatantly self-serving and palpably unacceptable but ludicrous in their attempts to distort and twist reality into a bizarre fantasy pretzel.

Homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges or a form of latent homosexuality.

There are many reasons for homophobia. For instance, the despicable Nazis are one could say if one justifiably hates those humans (nazis) then one is a "homophobe".

It is justifiable to point out the fact that the fucking queers are constantly trying to bludgeon the normals to follow their self-serving agenda of aggrandizing special privileges and thrusting their own welfare at the expense of the rest of the public. It is unacceptable and is rightfully condemned without getting the stigma of being "homophobic"..

So stick your homophobia up your homophobic arse ..... and flush yourself down the nearest toilet bowl while you're at it.
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Oh please. The soldier was not booed because he was serving in Iraq. That's something liberals do. That's when they aren't spitting on them. Neither was he booed by many people. Not like at a liberal gathering where the stage is stormed.

He was booed by a couple of people because he chose to announce on a national stage that he was gay. This was a debate among presidential candidates for the purpose of hearing what THEY had to say, not for the benefit of one homosexual soldier who chose this time and place to humiliate his family. He was booed because he turned a presidential debate into an episode of the Jerry Springer show.
He wasn't booed because he was gay, that's the "spin" that's currently being projected. It was a boo from a select few in a crowd towards their view of the QUESTION being asked. Does the left also view anti-military groups as being unpatriotic, because they choose to stand up for what THEY believe is their right to free speech? Where was the outrage then? I might not agree with the views of a select few, but that's why we have the freedom to choose who it is we will vote for and support. Why is the left always so quick to call out and try to suppress the Constitutional rights of those they don't happen to agree with?

The overwhelming number of queers are not only liberals, but being abnormal .... they are extreme liberals.

Every politician distorts, or lies more than the average person. However the Dems, especially with the bizzarely arrogant almost pathological El Supremo LIAR Obama as their leader, are light years beyond the distorting and the lying of the average Republicans for no other reason that the overwhelming number of Republicans are usually extremely religious, or more religious, than the average Dem, and they have an exaggerated fear of the fantasy of otherworldly punishment.

But when it comes to the liberal Dems, and what's worse, the extreme Liberal Dems amongst whom are usually the abnormals, i.e. queers, then you have reactions and agendas that are not only blatantly self-serving and palpably unacceptable but ludicrous in their attempts to distort and twist reality into a bizarre fantasy pretzel.

Homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges or a form of latent homosexuality.

That person you are responding to? WTF is their diagnosis!? Surely it's treatable.
Oh please. The soldier was not booed because he was serving in Iraq. That's something liberals do. That's when they aren't spitting on them. Neither was he booed by many people. Not like at a liberal gathering where the stage is stormed.

He was booed by a couple of people because he chose to announce on a national stage that he was gay. This was a debate among presidential candidates for the purpose of hearing what THEY had to say, not for the benefit of one homosexual soldier who chose this time and place to humiliate his family. He was booed because he turned a presidential debate into an episode of the Jerry Springer show.

Oh, good to see you. Because we just can't get enough mentally ill people on this board.
The overwhelming number of queers are not only liberals, but being abnormal .... they are extreme liberals.

Every politician distorts, or lies more than the average person. However the Dems, especially with the bizzarely arrogant almost pathological El Supremo LIAR Obama as their leader, are light years beyond the distorting and the lying of the average Republicans for no other reason that the overwhelming number of Republicans are usually extremely religious, or more religious, than the average Dem, and they have an exaggerated fear of the fantasy of otherworldly punishment.

But when it comes to the liberal Dems, and what's worse, the extreme Liberal Dems amongst whom are usually the abnormals, i.e. queers, then you have reactions and agendas that are not only blatantly self-serving and palpably unacceptable but ludicrous in their attempts to distort and twist reality into a bizarre fantasy pretzel.

Homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges or a form of latent homosexuality.

That person you are responding to? WTF is their diagnosis!? Surely it's treatable.

Bfgrn is just another queer spewing his crap to suppress justifiable normal people's reaction by demonizing them as supposedly fellow queers in disguise.

Yep, these queers are pathetic creatures.

Homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges or a form of latent homosexuality.

That person you are responding to? WTF is their diagnosis!? Surely it's treatable.

Bfgrn is just another queer spewing his crap to suppress justifiable normal people's reaction by demonizing them as supposedly fellow queers in disguise.

Yep, these queers are pathetic creatures.


bodisattva, won't you take me by the hand.
That person you are responding to? WTF is their diagnosis!? Surely it's treatable.

Bfgrn is just another queer spewing his crap to suppress justifiable normal people's reaction by demonizing them as supposedly fellow queers in disguise.

Yep, these queers are pathetic creatures.


bodisattva, won't you take me by the hand.


I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, or a therapist.

I deal primarily with the liberal psychos (there are no other kind), and Islamofascist freaks.

Queers, when they annoy me.

My wife is a psychiatrist, but she doesn't specialize in queers unless it's by chance.
Bfgrn is just another queer spewing his crap to suppress justifiable normal people's reaction by demonizing them as supposedly fellow queers in disguise.

Yep, these queers are pathetic creatures.


bodisattva, won't you take me by the hand.


I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, or a therapist.

I deal primarily with the liberal psychos (there are no other kind), and Islamofascist freaks.

Queers, when they annoy me.

My wife is a psychiatrist, but she doesn't specialize in queers unless it's by chance.

Go away bigot.... your views regarding "queers" are embarrassing to say the least.
Homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges or a form of latent homosexuality.

That person you are responding to? WTF is their diagnosis!? Surely it's treatable.

Bfgrn is just another queer spewing his crap to suppress justifiable normal people's reaction by demonizing them as supposedly fellow queers in disguise.

Yep, these queers are pathetic creatures.


You dont speak for my side of the aisle!
bodisattva, won't you take me by the hand.


I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, or a therapist.

I deal primarily with the liberal psychos (there are no other kind), and Islamofascist freaks.

Queers, when they annoy me.

My wife is a psychiatrist, but she doesn't specialize in queers unless it's by chance.

Go away bigot.... your views regarding "queers" are embarrassing to say the least.

Hmmmmmm ........ you must be one of those repressed queers Bfgtrxz mentioned.

Get outa the closet and be a real faggot !!!
That person you are responding to? WTF is their diagnosis!? Surely it's treatable.

Bfgrn is just another queer spewing his crap to suppress justifiable normal people's reaction by demonizing them as supposedly fellow queers in disguise.

Yep, these queers are pathetic creatures.


You dont speak for my side of the aisle!

If you happen to be one of the anti-liberals who is a queer, you know that there's only a few of you on my side of the aisle doncha ?
We all knew you couldn't name one.

Thanks for confirming the fact.

Name one.

Look, on a scale of dumbfuckery you're pretty high on the list, but are you telling me out of all the wars and 'police' actions the US has been in since your war of independence that the chances of a gay person in the military having saved lives is nil? Nada? Not a hope in hell?

As stated, you're pretty high up on the list of dumbfuckery, but I'll be damned if you ain't shooting for the top spot.

Oh and if you DON'T think that has every happened, I have a bridge to sell you in Alaska...

Vacuous pathetic argument..

I can't name one SEAL that took out OBL, but I'm sure they did..

Dumb ignorant fuck...:cool:

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