Black GOP Official Resigns, Citing Arizona Tea Party Threats

If what you are seeking is legislation that ensures equality as it pertains to the legal system, I agree whole hearetedly. Yes, it seems that blacks are not afforded the right to plea bargain as often as whites...nd I say that based on what I see here in NY.

But do you see either party pushing for such legislation?

I doubt I will ever see the GOP say "I disagree with that legislation as it will give all people the same rights"..

You are not seeking a leg are seeking an equal playing field.

Ironically, that is what the GOP stands for. I see the DEM as pushing for a leg up for minorities.

If there is going to be any party .. outside of the Green Party .. that is going to address this blantant issue of racism in American courts, then that party will be the Democratic Party.

Surely you know the Republican Party won't go anywhere near that issue.

My admonition to the rest of us who fight this issue is that we must fight it on economic terms. We cannot depend on American sense of justice, sense of humanity, or any concern for the communities and families it devstates. This is America, we don't have that.

The issue must be fought on the question of how much does it cost taxpayers to be the greatest prison nation the world has ever known?

How many taxpayer dollars are going into supporting the prison / industrial complex and the corporations that rake the profits from it?

How many American workers are losing their jobs to America's slave industry?

We have to stop appealing to a consciousness that does not exist. Fight it on terms America understands, money.

The GOP may not go anywahere near such legislation...but they would never dare run away from it.

Yours is a passionate argument and I have no doubt you have analyzed this in many different ways....and thus I am sure there is truth to it.

But I can not debate it...or concur as I need to research it myself as well.

I will say, however, I find it quite an interesting hypothesis....and your argument is compelling.

Thank you brother.

If all conservatives were as open-minded as you .. I might consider joining. :0)

Always a pleasure talking to you.
It is not a hidden fact that if you are in the public eye you are likely to be loved by many and hated by many.

I am not in the public eye. So very few hate me and very few love me.

He was foolish to choose his career if he was concerned that he may be hated by people....

Assisantions and assisination attempts of elected officials is nothing new. This new "hate rhetoric" is nothing new either.

Many have suggested that I run for town legislator. I refuse. I know that my opponents will do what they can to discredit me and my family.

According to CaliforniaGirl, you are an irrational coward.

I guess you'll just have to live with that, Jarhead. I hope you find the strength to go on.

No. She didnt say that. You simply opted to perceive what she said as saying that.

She is saying he is irrational to think that becuase of what happened in Arizona, he is concerned it will happen to him or his family.

THAT was irrational thinking and I agree.

Nothing has changed since he opted for a life in politics now he is irrational to think he is in any more danger today than he was a week ago.

And here I was, thinking I was discussing this with someone who had actually read the OP. My bad.

The first and only African-American to hold the party's precinct chairmanship, Miller said he has been called "McCain's boy," and during the campaign saw a critic form his hand in the shape of a gun and point it at him.

The newly-elected Dist. 20 Republican secretary, Sophia Johnson of Ahwatukee, first vice chairman Roger Dickinson of Tempe and Jeff Kolb, the former district spokesman from Ahwatukee, also quit. "This singular focus on 'getting' Anthony (Miller) was one of the main reasons I chose to resign," Kolb said in an e-mail to another party activist. Kolb confirmed the contents of the e-mail to the Republic.

District 20 includes parts of Chandler, south Tempe and Ahwatukee Foothills. Republican state Rep. Bob Robson of Chandler and Sen. John McComish of Ahwatukee said they had supported Miller as chairman and were sorry to see him go. "It's too bad," McComish said. "He didn't deserve to be hounded out of office."

A longtime Republican activist, McComish said contentious battles for local party leadership posts are nothing new, but this one appears to be more extreme, especially since there are no partisan elections in 2011 and by next year district boundaries will change.​
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Yeah, this is as about as relevant as the organization that outed Mark Foley, this guy is about 7 minutes into his 15 minutes of fame
America is the greatest prison nation in human existence. Our prison population dwarfs all the totalitarian nations we look down our noses at. It's a business, and lots of peopple and corporations profit from it.

Q: Who was the biggest campaign backer of Teabagger Psycho Sharron Angle?

A: The Nevada Corrections Union.


Obviously counting on a rush of mexican slaves.
Black GOP Official Resigns, Citing Arizona Tea Party Threats -

I was never a big fan of Ronald Reagan, but his "big tent" approach to politics and ability to bridge differences were obviously winning strategies.

Palin and The Tea Party, in their infinite wisdom, are systematically alienating the very people (the black GOP official, McCain supporters, moderate Republicans) they need to broaden their political base.

Palin missed her big opportunity to elevate herself above the uproar, demonstrate real "statesmanship" and articulate a vision of attempting the heal the political divisions - unfortunately all the nation got was a lecture on "blood libel" instead!

footnote: Blood libel (blood accusation) refers to a false accusation or claim that religious minorities, usually Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays ..... The libels typically allege that Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos for Passover. The accusations often assert that the blood of Christian children is especially coveted, and, historically, blood libel claims have been made to account for otherwise unexplained deaths of children. In some cases, the alleged victim of human sacrifice has become venerated as a martyr, a holy figure around whom a martyr cult might arise .....
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