Black GOP Official Resigns, Citing Arizona Tea Party Threats

Another McCain malcontent. He needs to hitch his wagon to a national figure who isn't a loser.

McCain's a loser? I can think of a lot of things to call McCain, but loser isn't one of them. His one loss is meaningless, because the Democratic candidate was going to win, whether it was President Obama or Secretary Clinton. McCain was just the sacrificial lamb, like Dole was in 1996, and Mondale was in 1984.

And remember: McCain was the best that the conservatives had to offer. That's why he was the nominee. He didn't steal it, or engage in smear, Rovian politics. He was just the last man standing. GET BETTER CANDIDATES!

Yes, he's a loser. His message of reaching across the aisle to Democrats is always a loser in national elections.
Another McCain malcontent. He needs to hitch his wagon to a national figure who isn't a loser.

McCain's a loser? I can think of a lot of things to call McCain, but loser isn't one of them. His one loss is meaningless, because the Democratic candidate was going to win, whether it was President Obama or Secretary Clinton. McCain was just the sacrificial lamb, like Dole was in 1996, and Mondale was in 1984.

And remember: McCain was the best that the conservatives had to offer. That's why he was the nominee. He didn't steal it, or engage in smear, Rovian politics. He was just the last man standing. GET BETTER CANDIDATES!

Yes, he's a loser. His message of reaching across the aisle to Democrats is always a loser in national elections.
How old are you?
If he's not a coward he should name names and persue the persons who attacked him. But to make accusations without the facts to back it up is just more of the same political hackery.
The Tea Party, home of the "birthers," is now lecturing its critics that to "make accusations without the facts to back it up is just more of the same political hackery!"

Its the "birthers" have spent the last 2 years ignoring the facts - now that they've been finally put on the defensive, they suddenly want to change the rules!
Tea Party Mission Statement
First of all, please allow us to explain a common misunderstanding about the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party movement is not a political party and instead is a grassroots movement of millions of like-minded Americans from all backgrounds and political parties that share similar core principles of supporting the original US Constitution as the founders intended of limited federal government, individual liberty and freedom, personal responsibility, free markets and ultimately giving the power to the States’ and the people themselves. The Tea Party as a movement is not a political party nor is looking to form a third political party any time soon. The Tea Party movement is instead about reforming all political parties and government to follow those core principles mentioned above. is a national resource for all people to use that support the Tea Party movement so they can start a tea party, find a local Tea Party in their area, get a free Tea Party website, start a free Tea Party blog, get the daily Tea Party newsletter of event information, register to vote, communicate with others in the Tea Party movement and much more. Join and/or support the Tea Party movement and its core principles by filling out the form above.

The mission of is simple; return the United States to the States and the people to which the US Constitution was written to do. The US Constitution was written by our founders to limit the powers of the federal government and instead give the power to the people and the States. As a committed group of ordinary Americans, we will achieve this by promoting candidates who commit to the original founding principles of the US Constitution of limited Federal Government, States rights, balanced budgets, individual liberty, freedom and personal responsibility. We will also expose the candidates that do not adhere to these basic US Constitutional principles. We will also support and promote the "New Contract From America" for each Senator and Congressman/woman to commit to and sign each year. For those who refuse to sign the new Contract From America, we will expose those candidates or current politicians who will not commit to these basic principles of Freedom and Liberty and instead believe it is Government who "knows best". We believe most of Americans do not want out of control spending in Washington, bailouts, government controls of private businesses, socializing of Americans health care and other government ran services. Our mission is based on US Constitution original principles and not political party. We will support candidates from any party that commit to these principles and expose those who do not and let the people decide on Election Day. In a nutshell, we need American patriots help by joining the movement, donating if you are able to and passing the movement on to your family, friends and neighbors. If we all grow together and do this, we WILL save the Freedom and Liberty that is so precious to all of us and to our founding principles. Thank you for your support and may God Bless America!

Join The Tea Party

That said, I have no issue with you or anyone else outing Racism wherever you find it. There are many forms it takes. Try to remember that.

These people have the right to their beliefs. But not the right to say they know what most Americans believe. They are very naive and ignore so many dangers to a free and open society, that they are really dangerous to this nation. There are some beliefs they expound that all Americans can agree on. But there are many trap doors they are totally oblivious to. Corporations and their power to buy legislation that makes wrong 'lawful' is the most obvious. They have a naive belief that if government just gets out of the way America will be a utopia. History says it will be a nightmare for all but the wealthiest elite. We tried unregulated corporations from the Civil War through the turn of the 19th century. It was called the Gilded age.

Our founding fathers created a entity to address the common good of the people...they called it government.

The original Tea Party in Boston harbor was a protest over corporate subsidies to the British East India Company...the 1776 version of Walmart.

We are all entitled to our opinions. The Tea Party is more Madison Federalism, than anti Government. The Corporations you are so much worried about have more ties to Big Government than you and I, Bfgrn, be it by contract or investment. Both are tools of the Oligarchy Class which impose their will on us by contract, fiat, or dictate. Monopolies are joined at the hip with controlling authorities. Your Union seat at that table, may partake in that feast, but it does not rock the boat in supporting change. We suffer in the end. State Capitalism is not the Free Market, nor is the Free Market license to steal, defraud, or pollute. We can have rules that govern impartially without the Government picking the winners and losers in place of merit. Predetermined outcome is not what we are about, fair play is the Referee's focus, integrity of the playing field, not the score board. It started with Hamilton and it hasn't stopped. No Mechanism is of more value than the Purpose it serves. The End does not justify the means. Principle, Value, Ideal, stand on their own. There, Government needs to get out of the way. When Government finds cause to intervene it is in the service of Justice, that means is dictated by necessity and reason, to remedy and restore balance. That power is not unlimited, nor without account and transparency.

I think you and I have a similar understanding of the balance required, but I am not convinced any of the tea partiers share that understanding. I don't ever hear anyone from that group voice an awareness of the dangers of corporations buying license to to steal, defraud, or pollute, concern over regulatory capture, corporate welfare, corporate subsidies or cost externalizations.

I am not enamored with the current Democrats either, but I do know that the only place any of that awareness exists in on the left. The Republican party has moved so far to the right that words like fascism are not over exaggerations. The party has been taken over by authoritarians, theocrats and neocons, and the tea party is even farther to the right.

"The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Modern times have the signal advantage, too, of having discovered the only device by which these rights can be secured, to wit: government by the people, acting not in person, but by representatives chosen by themselves, that is to say, by every man of ripe years and sane mind, who contributes either by his purse or person to the support of his country." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:482
He's an idiot. The shooting had no connection to the TEA Parties. I dare say the GOP is better off without cowardly, irrational representatives.

He's an idiot? Does he have children? Children make all the difference. Too bad you can't understand that.
Nor does your silly ass thread mean a damn thing.

You don't have a clue of what you're talking about and you ran from the questions.

As I demonstrated, there are thousands of African-American elected officials. How many of them are republican?

Democrats had more African-Americans in congress in 1968 then republicans will ever have.

You have no answers for that, just ancient history hundreds of years old.

Dude, I told you I had no interest in your thread, I told you I knew that history better than you.

So what does that prove? That proves nothing. You can't even tell me what you're party has done for African Americans can you? And the way you just dismiss over 400,000 black babies killed every year is truly pathetic look what you're liberal policies have done to the black family in the inner city I know I've lived it. Please... I'm begging you tell me what you're party has done for African Americans?

You mean besides supporting and helping to elect thousands of African-American legislators .. who were then able to address the problems and agenda of the African-American community?

You mean besides addressing issues like job discrimination, healthcare and housing, open access to opportunity, creating laws and policies that benefit our community .. all isues that republican will not address.

You mean like being in and involved in our communities and our issues?

I've worked for the congress .. the racial makeup of both sides of the aisle is like night and day. Minorities are abundant in every position.

Now you tell me what republicans have done for African-Americans beyond 1965.

Republicans try to do for the American People.
They do not come up with ideas that benefits one racial group over the other.
They do not pander to any group.

You do not have to agree with their ideas.

But their ideas are based on what they believe is good for the iindividual...regardless of race.

Sure, you can feel that The African American needs a leg up to be on an equal playing field.

But here in NYC? I see many African Americans that have acheived much greater succeess than I.

And can say that those African Americans that acheive great success had to work so much harder than those whites for the same results. I disagree. White or black, we all have to bust our butts to acheive success.

I am sorry. I dont believe in any legislation that benefits one race over the other.
He's an idiot. The shooting had no connection to the TEA Parties. I dare say the GOP is better off without cowardly, irrational representatives.

He's an idiot? Does he have children? Children make all the difference. Too bad you can't understand that.

It is not a hidden fact that if you are in the public eye you are likely to be loved by many and hated by many.

I am not in the public eye. So very few hate me and very few love me.

He was foolish to choose his career if he was concerned that he may be hated by people....

Assisantions and assisination attempts of elected officials is nothing new. This new "hate rhetoric" is nothing new either.

Many have suggested that I run for town legislator. I refuse. I know that my opponents will do what they can to discredit me and my family.
He's an idiot. The shooting had no connection to the TEA Parties. I dare say the GOP is better off without cowardly, irrational representatives.

He's an idiot? Does he have children? Children make all the difference. Too bad you can't understand that.

She's not likely to ever have children, so she will never grasp your point.
He's an idiot. The shooting had no connection to the TEA Parties. I dare say the GOP is better off without cowardly, irrational representatives.

He's an idiot? Does he have children? Children make all the difference. Too bad you can't understand that.

It is not a hidden fact that if you are in the public eye you are likely to be loved by many and hated by many.

I am not in the public eye. So very few hate me and very few love me.

He was foolish to choose his career if he was concerned that he may be hated by people....

Assisantions and assisination attempts of elected officials is nothing new. This new "hate rhetoric" is nothing new either.

Many have suggested that I run for town legislator. I refuse. I know that my opponents will do what they can to discredit me and my family.

According to CaliforniaGirl, you are an irrational coward.

I guess you'll just have to live with that, Jarhead. I hope you find the strength to go on.
He's an idiot? Does he have children? Children make all the difference. Too bad you can't understand that.

It is not a hidden fact that if you are in the public eye you are likely to be loved by many and hated by many.

I am not in the public eye. So very few hate me and very few love me.

He was foolish to choose his career if he was concerned that he may be hated by people....

Assisantions and assisination attempts of elected officials is nothing new. This new "hate rhetoric" is nothing new either.

Many have suggested that I run for town legislator. I refuse. I know that my opponents will do what they can to discredit me and my family.

According to CaliforniaGirl, you are an irrational coward.

I guess you'll just have to live with that, Jarhead. I hope you find the strength to go on.

No. She didnt say that. You simply opted to perceive what she said as saying that.

She is saying he is irrational to think that becuase of what happened in Arizona, he is concerned it will happen to him or his family.

THAT was irrational thinking and I agree.

Nothing has changed since he opted for a life in now he is irrational to think he is in any more danger today than he was a week ago.
So what does that prove? That proves nothing. You can't even tell me what you're party has done for African Americans can you? And the way you just dismiss over 400,000 black babies killed every year is truly pathetic look what you're liberal policies have done to the black family in the inner city I know I've lived it. Please... I'm begging you tell me what you're party has done for African Americans?

You mean besides supporting and helping to elect thousands of African-American legislators .. who were then able to address the problems and agenda of the African-American community?

You mean besides addressing issues like job discrimination, healthcare and housing, open access to opportunity, creating laws and policies that benefit our community .. all isues that republican will not address.

You mean like being in and involved in our communities and our issues?

I've worked for the congress .. the racial makeup of both sides of the aisle is like night and day. Minorities are abundant in every position.

Now you tell me what republicans have done for African-Americans beyond 1965.

Republicans try to do for the American People.
They do not come up with ideas that benefits one racial group over the other.
They do not pander to any group.

You do not have to agree with their ideas.

But their ideas are based on what they believe is good for the iindividual...regardless of race.

Sure, you can feel that The African American needs a leg up to be on an equal playing field.

But here in NYC? I see many African Americans that have acheived much greater succeess than I.

And can say that those African Americans that acheive great success had to work so much harder than those whites for the same results. I disagree. White or black, we all have to bust our butts to acheive success.

I am sorry. I dont believe in any legislation that benefits one race over the other.

I disagree with your view of the republican agenda.

I have no problem with what you believe brother, but we were a people in crisis. We have endured hundreds of years of oppression and overt racism. Our survival was dependent on circling the wagons and using our collective poliical power to find a path to the relative freedom we have today. Isn't that called "democracy?"

The same is true of every oppressed group in America, including women. They used they're collective political power to find a path to equality that had been denied mostly by people on your side of the fence .. republicans. No differently than gays are doing today.


What path would you have suggested. Should African-Americans have simply waited on the "free market" for equality? Keep in mind we're talking about nearly 400 years of suffering.

That's a real question .. what should have been done other than what was done?
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You mean besides supporting and helping to elect thousands of African-American legislators .. who were then able to address the problems and agenda of the African-American community?

You mean besides addressing issues like job discrimination, healthcare and housing, open access to opportunity, creating laws and policies that benefit our community .. all isues that republican will not address.

You mean like being in and involved in our communities and our issues?

I've worked for the congress .. the racial makeup of both sides of the aisle is like night and day. Minorities are abundant in every position.

Now you tell me what republicans have done for African-Americans beyond 1965.

Republicans try to do for the American People.
They do not come up with ideas that benefits one racial group over the other.
They do not pander to any group.

You do not have to agree with their ideas.

But their ideas are based on what they believe is good for the iindividual...regardless of race.

Sure, you can feel that The African American needs a leg up to be on an equal playing field.

But here in NYC? I see many African Americans that have acheived much greater succeess than I.

And can say that those African Americans that acheive great success had to work so much harder than those whites for the same results. I disagree. White or black, we all have to bust our butts to acheive success.

I am sorry. I dont believe in any legislation that benefits one race over the other.

I have no problem with what you believe brother, but we were a people in crisis. We have endured hundreds of years of oppression and overt racism. Our survival was dependent on circling the wagons and using our collective poliical power to find a path to the relative freedom we have today.

The same is true of every oppressed group in America, including women. They used they're collective political power to find a path to equality that had been denied mostly by people on your side of the fence .. republicans.

What path would you have suggested. Should African-Americans have simply waited on the "free market" for equality? Keep in mind we're talking about nearly 400 years of suffering.

That's a real question .. what should have been done other than what was done?

I believe you may have misunderstood what I was saying.

Yes, there was much that needed to be done over the last century.

I believe policy of today does not need to cater to any one group. If anything, it stymies the eleimination of segregation.
Republicans try to do for the American People.
They do not come up with ideas that benefits one racial group over the other.
They do not pander to any group.

You do not have to agree with their ideas.

But their ideas are based on what they believe is good for the iindividual...regardless of race.

Sure, you can feel that The African American needs a leg up to be on an equal playing field.

But here in NYC? I see many African Americans that have acheived much greater succeess than I.

And can say that those African Americans that acheive great success had to work so much harder than those whites for the same results. I disagree. White or black, we all have to bust our butts to acheive success.

I am sorry. I dont believe in any legislation that benefits one race over the other.

I have no problem with what you believe brother, but we were a people in crisis. We have endured hundreds of years of oppression and overt racism. Our survival was dependent on circling the wagons and using our collective poliical power to find a path to the relative freedom we have today.

The same is true of every oppressed group in America, including women. They used they're collective political power to find a path to equality that had been denied mostly by people on your side of the fence .. republicans.

What path would you have suggested. Should African-Americans have simply waited on the "free market" for equality? Keep in mind we're talking about nearly 400 years of suffering.

That's a real question .. what should have been done other than what was done?

I believe you may have misunderstood what I was saying.

Yes, there was much that needed to be done over the last century.

I believe policy of today does not need to cater to any one group. If anything, it stymies the eleimination of segregation.

America is the greatest prison nation in human existence. Our prison population dwarfs all the totalitarian nations we look down our noses at. It's a business, and lots of peopple and corporations profit from it.

The majority of those we lock up, we lock up for non-violent crimes, specifically drugs.

The largest percentage of those who are incarcerated for drugs are non-white people.

The OVERWHELMING users, producers, sellers, and importers of illegal drugs in America are white people .. BY FAR.

The truth of the disparities in arrests, sentencing, and probation in our criminal injustuice system is well-known, studied up the ass, documented, and proven.

Once incarcerated, American prisoners become slaves, working for 25 cents an hour for major US corporations. If you've bought your wife something from Victoria's Secret, it was probably made in a prison in South Carolina. Some American companies are closing up shops outside of prison, laying off and firing workers, then re-opening inside a prison where they don't have to worrt about sick time, OSHA requirements, vacations, or strikes.

25 cents an hour .. and a target on the backs on non-white people.

Ironically, the prisoner/slaves of today look a lot like the slaves of our past.

Just one example of where we disagree on what has been acheived. We are only relatively free .. more free than in our past .. not as free as whites.

We don't actually exist within the same reality my brother. This is America where race still matters.
Maybe they should stop believing the bullshit from the liberal media.

Sometimes I respect what you say because you call BS on both sides but this time its gone too far. When four republican politicians resign its not because they watch too much "liberal media" in a predominantly republican state.

Sorry, but I am tired of people linking violence or racism to the TEA Parties. It simply does not fit the facts.

If they are afraid of lunatics, they should have the courage to say so. The shooter was not a TEA Partier. Tim McVeigh was not a right wing extremist. These people walk among us and they are just fucking nuts. They do not need a 'reason'.... it is us who need to find 'reasons'.

I couldn't let this blatant lie go uncorrected.

Timothy McVeigh WAS a right wing extremist.
I have no problem with what you believe brother, but we were a people in crisis. We have endured hundreds of years of oppression and overt racism. Our survival was dependent on circling the wagons and using our collective poliical power to find a path to the relative freedom we have today.

The same is true of every oppressed group in America, including women. They used they're collective political power to find a path to equality that had been denied mostly by people on your side of the fence .. republicans.

What path would you have suggested. Should African-Americans have simply waited on the "free market" for equality? Keep in mind we're talking about nearly 400 years of suffering.

That's a real question .. what should have been done other than what was done?

I believe you may have misunderstood what I was saying.

Yes, there was much that needed to be done over the last century.

I believe policy of today does not need to cater to any one group. If anything, it stymies the eleimination of segregation.

America is the greatest prison nation in human existence. Our prison population dwarfs all the totalitarian nations we look down our noses at. It's a business, and lots of peopple and corporations profit from it.

The majority of those we lock up, we lock up for non-violent crimes, specifically drugs.

The largest percentage of those who are incarcerated for drugs are non-white people.

The OVERWHELMING users, producers, sellers, and importers of illegal drugs in America are white people .. BY FAR.

The truth of the disparities in arrests, sentencing, and probation in our criminal injustuice system is well-known, studied up the ass, documented, and proven.

Once incarcerated, American prisoners become slaves, working for 25 cents an hour for major US corporations. If you've bought your wife something from Victoria's Secret, it was probably made in a prison in South Carolina. Some American companies are closing up shops outside of prison, laying off and firing workers, then re-opening inside a prison where they don't have to worrt about sick time, OSHA requirements, vacations, or strikes.

25 cents an hour .. and a target on the backs on non-white people.

Ironically, the prisoner/slaves of today look a lot like the slaves of our past.

Just one example of where we disagree on what has been acheived. We are only relatively free .. more free than in our past .. not as free as whites.

We don't actually exist within the same reality my brother. This is America where race still matters.

If what you are seeking is legislation that ensures equality as it pertains to the legal system, I agree whole hearetedly. Yes, it seems that blacks are not afforded the right to plea bargain as often as whites...nd I say that based on what I see here in NY.

But do you see either party pushing for such legislation?

I doubt I will ever see the GOP say "I disagree with that legislation as it will give all people the same rights"..

You are not seeking a leg are seeking an equal playing field.

Ironically, that is what the GOP stands for. I see the DEM as pushing for a leg up for minorities.
I believe you may have misunderstood what I was saying.

Yes, there was much that needed to be done over the last century.

I believe policy of today does not need to cater to any one group. If anything, it stymies the eleimination of segregation.

America is the greatest prison nation in human existence. Our prison population dwarfs all the totalitarian nations we look down our noses at. It's a business, and lots of peopple and corporations profit from it.

The majority of those we lock up, we lock up for non-violent crimes, specifically drugs.

The largest percentage of those who are incarcerated for drugs are non-white people.

The OVERWHELMING users, producers, sellers, and importers of illegal drugs in America are white people .. BY FAR.

The truth of the disparities in arrests, sentencing, and probation in our criminal injustuice system is well-known, studied up the ass, documented, and proven.

Once incarcerated, American prisoners become slaves, working for 25 cents an hour for major US corporations. If you've bought your wife something from Victoria's Secret, it was probably made in a prison in South Carolina. Some American companies are closing up shops outside of prison, laying off and firing workers, then re-opening inside a prison where they don't have to worrt about sick time, OSHA requirements, vacations, or strikes.

25 cents an hour .. and a target on the backs on non-white people.

Ironically, the prisoner/slaves of today look a lot like the slaves of our past.

Just one example of where we disagree on what has been acheived. We are only relatively free .. more free than in our past .. not as free as whites.

We don't actually exist within the same reality my brother. This is America where race still matters.

If what you are seeking is legislation that ensures equality as it pertains to the legal system, I agree whole hearetedly. Yes, it seems that blacks are not afforded the right to plea bargain as often as whites...nd I say that based on what I see here in NY.

But do you see either party pushing for such legislation?

I doubt I will ever see the GOP say "I disagree with that legislation as it will give all people the same rights"..

You are not seeking a leg are seeking an equal playing field.

Ironically, that is what the GOP stands for. I see the DEM as pushing for a leg up for minorities.

If there is going to be any party .. outside of the Green Party .. that is going to address this blantant issue of racism in American courts, then that party will be the Democratic Party.

Surely you know the Republican Party won't go anywhere near that issue.

My admonition to the rest of us who fight this issue is that we must fight it on economic terms. We cannot depend on American sense of justice, sense of humanity, or any concern for the communities and families it devstates. This is America, we don't have that.

The issue must be fought on the question of how much does it cost taxpayers to be the greatest prison nation the world has ever known?

How many taxpayer dollars are going into supporting the prison / industrial complex and the corporations that rake the profits from it?

How many American workers are losing their jobs to America's slave industry?

We have to stop appealing to a consciousness that does not exist. Fight it on terms America understands, money.
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America is the greatest prison nation in human existence. Our prison population dwarfs all the totalitarian nations we look down our noses at. It's a business, and lots of peopple and corporations profit from it.

The majority of those we lock up, we lock up for non-violent crimes, specifically drugs.

The largest percentage of those who are incarcerated for drugs are non-white people.

The OVERWHELMING users, producers, sellers, and importers of illegal drugs in America are white people .. BY FAR.

The truth of the disparities in arrests, sentencing, and probation in our criminal injustuice system is well-known, studied up the ass, documented, and proven.

Once incarcerated, American prisoners become slaves, working for 25 cents an hour for major US corporations. If you've bought your wife something from Victoria's Secret, it was probably made in a prison in South Carolina. Some American companies are closing up shops outside of prison, laying off and firing workers, then re-opening inside a prison where they don't have to worrt about sick time, OSHA requirements, vacations, or strikes.

25 cents an hour .. and a target on the backs on non-white people.

Ironically, the prisoner/slaves of today look a lot like the slaves of our past.

Just one example of where we disagree on what has been acheived. We are only relatively free .. more free than in our past .. not as free as whites.

We don't actually exist within the same reality my brother. This is America where race still matters.

If what you are seeking is legislation that ensures equality as it pertains to the legal system, I agree whole hearetedly. Yes, it seems that blacks are not afforded the right to plea bargain as often as whites...nd I say that based on what I see here in NY.

But do you see either party pushing for such legislation?

I doubt I will ever see the GOP say "I disagree with that legislation as it will give all people the same rights"..

You are not seeking a leg are seeking an equal playing field.

Ironically, that is what the GOP stands for. I see the DEM as pushing for a leg up for minorities.

If there is going to be any party .. outside of the Green Party .. that is going to address this blantant issue of racism in American courts, then that party will be the Democratic Party.

Surely you know the Republican Party won't go anywhere near that issue.

My admonition to the rest of us who fight this issue is that we must fight it on economic terms. We cannot depend on American sense of justice, sense of humanity, or any concern for the communities and families it devstates. This is America, we don't have that.

The issue must be fought on the question of how much does it cost taxpayers to be the greatest prison nation the world has ever known?

How many taxpayer dollars are going into supporting the prison / industrial complex and the corporations that rake the profits from it?

How many American workers are losing their jobs to America's slave industry?

We have to stop appealing to a consciousness that does not exist. Fight it on terms America understands, money.

The GOP may not go anywahere near such legislation...but they would never dare run away from it.

Yours is a passionate argument and I have no doubt you have analyzed this in many different ways....and thus I am sure there is truth to it.

But I can not debate it...or concur as I need to research it myself as well.

I will say, however, I find it quite an interesting hypothesis....and your argument is compelling.

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