GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

Dear Defenders of the Indefensible;

If the audience did nothing wrong, then why are Huntsman and Johnson sounding off now?

Huntsman, Johnson say booing of gay soldier not appropriate | Iowa Independent

“It was unfortunate,” Jon Huntsman told Talking Points Memo. “You know, we’re all Americans, and the fact that he is an American who put on the uniform says something good about him.”

Gary Johnson said, “In my opinion, when you have booing this is not indicative of Republicans,” he said. “This is not the Republican Party that I belong to.

Dear BDB.

Since when did you decide that Huntsman and Johnson are the moral authority of the GOP?

I think all the pro-gay people and anti-gay people all just need to get over it.

Ok ok your gay, so what big f-ing deal
Ok OK your not gay, so what big f-ing deal.

GET OVER IT EVERYONE! Boths sides just shut the fuck up already....I dont care if your gay and I dont care if you can't stand gays y'all just need to get over yourselves!

Sorry... I'm off the soapbox :D
[So if he didn't enlist prior to 1993, he didn't have to lie to join...only to his coworkers.

It's also pretty presumptuous to assume that they knew he was gay. I can tell you from personal experience that people are pretty clueless. If your front story is good enough, few people look any deeper.

We agree that DADT was a bad policy. I wish it had ended before I retired.

I have no problem with ending it, but it was politics, not necessity.

You had an experience with ONE person and you think that is representative of all?

Hundreds of gays and lesbians serve in combat units and don't get beat up...many of them with the full knowledge of their unit members.

I usually go with what I see, not hypotheticals. What I saw of gays in the service when I was in was that their presense caused disruptions. So the question is, how many people with homophobic attitudes are you willing to drive out of the military in order to accommedate those who are gay? These guys who beat the crap out of "Odd Todd" as we called him were having a reaction. They didn't like being touched. Today they'd probably have had them all up on charges.

I had to do a lot of work as an NCO to keep this kid from getting his ass beat. That wasn't what the Army was paying me for.

You must remember that the people joining the military today probably already KNOW someone who is gay or lesbian. They went to High Schools with gay/straight alliances. They might have a family member they know is gay. They showered in HS gyms with gays. It's not a big deal these days and the likelihood of someone being "beaten up" for it is minimal...and if there are still raging homophobes that think it will be fun to "roll the queer", will find their careers ending.

Quite right. We should totally destroy someone's career because he doesn't hold the right attitudes. I mean, seriously, how far do you want the thought police to go? They send kids to "tolerance class" if they use the slang "That's so Gay".

You are shifting the goal posts, Joe. The military was overwhelmingly opposed to blacks serving alongside whites. They even wanted, by a large majority, separate movies, PX times, etc. It was done anyway because it was the right thing to do.

But the point was that they served. All the way back to the Civil War.

Careers were ruined during Tailhook because of horrible behavior, not political correctness. Sorry that the "boys" can't be "boys" and have to be, no I'm not sorry that they have to be professionals and not act like adolescent boys at the Chicken Ranch. That's a good thing.

I don't see it as a "good thing". We threw away millions of dollars in training, people who hadn't done anything wrong, like the officer who was there to collect an award for his squadren and left before the party started, but still had their careers tanked. And why? Because Patsy Schroeder had an agenda. Fuck national defense. She has an agenda.

We aren't at war with Muslims and your statement is offensive.

When people say, "I'm offended", I usually read that as "You've just hit me with an obvious truth I didn't want to hear."

Of course we are at war with Islam. If Al Qaeda were a bunch of Jerkwads giving Muslims a bad name, it would not have taken a decade to get Bin Laden. Muslims would have delivered his head to an embassy doorstep.

Smells like speculation. Have the 25 other countries that have lifted their bans had this problem?

YOu mean our worthless as shit European Allies? Most of them have already rejected Christianity. There will be Abayas in their future when the muslims who they just didn't think were mad at them overrun their cities.

THis joker can't chew gum or walk. He's messed up the economy six ways to sunday. And even this isn't that great of an accomplishment. He put in a change he promised two years earlier five minutes before a court was about to impose one on him. That's hardly "Profiles in Courage".

This President has done nothing of the sort. The economy was already messed and things he has done, policies he put in place actually SAVED what was left of it. That we haven't recovered to the extent that we would all like, is not because of anything he has done or not done.

Uh, no, actually, he has done things that have hampered recovery. A recent survey of employers said the number one reason they aren't adding to headcount is ObamaCare.

He took a bad economy and made it worse, and what is obvious now is that big business is putting all their chips behind Romney.

DADT was ended the way it began, through Congressional action. We'll keep those court cases in the pocket...just in case.

Stories From the Front Lines[/QUOTE]
On what grounds? DADT doesnt take away anyone's rights.

A Federal Judge has already ruled DADT unconstitutional.

Here's the challenge. Using the Constitution, show me where it is unconstitutional.

When you stop and think about it? The Military has it's own set of rules that are governed BY the Congress. Say like the UCMJ?

The military is under attack like every other segment of soiety for the purpose of Social Engineering.

NOT the place to be doing such things. These folks already have a tremendous weight on thier shoulders, and have sworn to give thier lives and fortunes for the cause of liberty.
They should have.

The Constitution doesn't take rights away from people.

On what grounds? DADT doesnt take away anyone's rights.

Shut the fuck up.

Lol, more desktop bravado. What do yo think yo accomplish with that kind of crap?

DADT forces homosexuals in the military to live a secret life for fear of discharge.

Then get the hell out.

No one has a right to serve in the military.Period.
Shut the fuck up.

Lol, more desktop bravado. What do yo think yo accomplish with that kind of crap?

DADT forces homosexuals in the military to live a secret life for fear of discharge.

Then get the hell out.

No one has a right to serve in the military.Period.

Then get the hell out?

Yes, during DADT and before any homosexual, who was not supposed to be in the military to start with, if they were feeling so persecuted as yo seem to think, then they should get out.

No one has a right to serve in the military.

That help?
Lol, more desktop bravado. What do yo think yo accomplish with that kind of crap?

Then get the hell out.

No one has a right to serve in the military.Period.

Then get the hell out?

Yes, during DADT and before any homosexual, who was not supposed to be in the military to start with, if they were feeling so persecuted as yo seem to think, then they should get out.

No one has a right to serve in the military.

That help?

Ah, no they shouldnt have gotten out. They should have continued to serve despite the persecution.

Oh well, those days are over.

You know who has the right to be open about their sexuality in the military now?


The bigots lost.

Once again conservatives are on the wrong side of history.
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Then get the hell out?

Yes, during DADT and before any homosexual, who was not supposed to be in the military to start with, if they were feeling so persecuted as yo seem to think, then they should get out.

No one has a right to serve in the military.

That help?

Ah, no they shouldnt have gotten out. They should have continued to serve despite the persecution.

Oh well, those days are over.

You know who has the right to be open about their sexuality in the military now?


The bigots lost.

Once again conservatives are on the wrong side of history.

From women's rights to civil rights to gay rights to alternative energy, conservatives are always on the wrong side of history.
Yes, during DADT and before any homosexual, who was not supposed to be in the military to start with, if they were feeling so persecuted as yo seem to think, then they should get out.

No one has a right to serve in the military.

That help?

Ah, no they shouldnt have gotten out. They should have continued to serve despite the persecution.

Oh well, those days are over.

You know who has the right to be open about their sexuality in the military now?


The bigots lost.

Once again conservatives are on the wrong side of history.

From women's rights to civil rights to gay rights to alternative energy, conservatives are always on the wrong side of history.
But on the correct side of LIBERTY...But you keep lumping people into groups. THAT is why you leftists FAIL.

You don't belive in individual Humans Chrissy.
Ah, no they shouldnt have gotten out. They should have continued to serve despite the persecution.

Oh well, those days are over.

You know who has the right to be open about their sexuality in the military now?


The bigots lost.

Once again conservatives are on the wrong side of history.

From women's rights to civil rights to gay rights to alternative energy, conservatives are always on the wrong side of history.
But on the correct side of LIBERTY...But you keep lumping people into groups. THAT is why you leftists FAIL.

You don't belive in individual Humans Chrissy.

No, conservative bigots lump people into groups, Tissy.

That is why they always fail.
Ah, no they shouldnt have gotten out. They should have continued to serve despite the persecution.

Oh well, those days are over.

You know who has the right to be open about their sexuality in the military now?


The bigots lost.

Once again conservatives are on the wrong side of history.

From women's rights to civil rights to gay rights to alternative energy, conservatives are always on the wrong side of history.
But on the correct side of LIBERTY...But you keep lumping people into groups. THAT is why you leftists FAIL.

You don't belive in individual Humans Chrissy.

Liberty for who?
Ah, no they shouldnt have gotten out. They should have continued to serve despite the persecution.

Oh well, those days are over.

You know who has the right to be open about their sexuality in the military now?


The bigots lost.

Once again conservatives are on the wrong side of history.

From women's rights to civil rights to gay rights to alternative energy, conservatives are always on the wrong side of history.
But on the correct side of LIBERTY...But you keep lumping people into groups. THAT is why you leftists FAIL.

You don't belive in individual Humans Chrissy.

DADT is on the correct side of liberty?

Lol, more desktop bravado. What do yo think yo accomplish with that kind of crap?

Then get the hell out.

No one has a right to serve in the military.Period.

Then get the hell out?

Yes, during DADT and before any homosexual, who was not supposed to be in the military to start with, if they were feeling so persecuted as yo seem to think, then they should get out.

No one has a right to serve in the military.

That help?

I wonder how those fellow soldiers and civilians who have been saved by gay service men and women feel about your churlish comments....

And yet this thread about 2 or 3 idiots in a crowd of 5000 keeps rolling right along. And you wonder why our country is fucked up.


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