GOP Debate Thread 9/16...Here we go!

when an idiot says "WORST US President in hsitory" that idiot at a MINIMUM should at least be able to say what of the polices that qualify him for the title of worst president that your own party
Reagan kicked the commies in the balls so hard they had to quit. Liberals will NEVER forgive him for that.
reagan biggest myth ... tear down the wall Mikhail Gorbachev ... it came to Reagan's attention that the russians were going to tear down the Berlin wall ....... like everything Reagan did, or republicans in general, Reagan jumped on to the band wagon 1989, a series of radical political changes occurred in the Eastern Bloc, associated with the liberalization of the Eastern Bloc's authoritarian systems and the erosion of political power in the pro-Soviet governments in nearby Poland and Hungary. After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government announced on 9 November 1989 that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. Crowds of East Germans crossed and climbed onto the wall, joined by West Germans on the other side in a celebratory atmosphere. Over the next few weeks, euphoric people and souvenir hunters chipped away parts of the wall; the governments later used industrial equipment to remove most of what was left. Contrary to popular belief the wall's actual demolition did not begin until the summer of 1990 and was not completed until 1992.[1] The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990. So when Reagan Said Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev tear down the wall it was already decided before reagan jumped in taking credit...
They tore down the wall because one country after the other was being lost to communism.

Keep rockin on billeey.
they tore down the wall because the russians couldn't afford to stay there any more ... it was the mayer of east berlin at that time who open the doors to west berlin... the russians pulled out .... reagan had nothing to do with the russians pulling out ... the russians were going broke because of the war they had in Afghanistan ... the US had nothing to do with it Iceweeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasle!!!
They couldn't afford it because most of their GNP went to trying to keep up with Reagan's arms race while we were spending 6%.
i am simply amazed at the capacity for denial in hardcore left-wing losers you see posting here

leftard admits russia gave up; just that Reagan and and his Iron will have nothing to do with it..

simply laughable. billy and a hundred other left-wingers here exist as far as im concerned only to be laughed at!!

the jackass if you
here are just SOME of the inconveniant facts"

2. THEY WERE HERE FOR YEARS unoticed and...............
3. clinton handed over the country to bush never knowing they were already here and in the last phases of a terrible plot
The conservative response to Clinton seeking to expand counter-terrorism...

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget.We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.
when an idiot says "WORST US President in hsitory" that idiot at a MINIMUM should at least be able to say what of the polices that qualify him for the title of worst president that your own party
Reagan kicked the commies in the balls so hard they had to quit. Liberals will NEVER forgive him for that.
reagan biggest myth ... tear down the wall Mikhail Gorbachev ... it came to Reagan's attention that the russians were going to tear down the Berlin wall ....... like everything Reagan did, or republicans in general, Reagan jumped on to the band wagon 1989, a series of radical political changes occurred in the Eastern Bloc, associated with the liberalization of the Eastern Bloc's authoritarian systems and the erosion of political power in the pro-Soviet governments in nearby Poland and Hungary. After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government announced on 9 November 1989 that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. Crowds of East Germans crossed and climbed onto the wall, joined by West Germans on the other side in a celebratory atmosphere. Over the next few weeks, euphoric people and souvenir hunters chipped away parts of the wall; the governments later used industrial equipment to remove most of what was left. Contrary to popular belief the wall's actual demolition did not begin until the summer of 1990 and was not completed until 1992.[1] The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990. So when Reagan Said Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev tear down the wall it was already decided before reagan jumped in taking credit...
They tore down the wall because one country after the other was being lost to communism.

Keep rockin on billeey.
they tore down the wall because the russians couldn't afford to stay there any more ... it was the mayer of east berlin at that time who open the doors to west berlin... the russians pulled out .... reagan had nothing to do with the russians pulling out ... the russians were going broke because of the war they had in Afghanistan ... the US had nothing to do with it Iceweeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasle!!!
They couldn't afford it because most of their GNP went to trying to keep up with Reagan's arms race while we were spending 6%.
I just have shown you that the cost to the russians, the majority of the cost, was due to their war in Afghanistan ... nothing that reagan did caused them to tear down the wall in Berlin the republicans would like you to believe that bull shit but the facts are facts no matter how hard you try to spin it
i am simply amazed at the capacity for denial in hardcore left-wing losers you see posting here

leftard admits russia gave up; just that Reagan and and his Iron will have nothing to do with it..

simply laughable. billy and a hundred other left-wingers here exist as far as im concerned only to be laughed at!! should that be I'm not im being your the one with all the correction here on thes pages

should that be "I'm" and not "im" being you're the one with all the correction of grammar and writing here on these pages ... just sayin'
If you pulled your head out of your ASS bedwetter you would know that reagan had nothing to do with the wall coming down ... the reason they open the doors to east berlin was because the russians pulled out ... they pulled out from all the money they wasted in their war in Afghanistan ... it was claimed to be their Vietnam ... Reagan had nothing to do with the wall coming down ... go read some goddamn history.... maybe you should go and get your GED ... because you failed history here big time...bedwetter and hundred other right-wingers nut jobs here exist as far as I'm concerned only to be laughed at!
the jackass if you
here are just SOME of the inconveniant facts"

2. THEY WERE HERE FOR YEARS unoticed and...............
3. clinton handed over the country to bush never knowing they were already here and in the last phases of a terrible plot
The conservative response to Clinton seeking to expand counter-terrorism...

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget.We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.
it amazes me how ignorant bedwetter is ... after 911, here we have document after document in the 911 hearings ... showing that not only did bill clinton inform Bush and cheney he gave them in detail it even gave them some of the names of the people to watch ... go read some history bedwetter ... it was said that both bush and cheney ignored clinton when he turned the governent over to them its in the 911 hearings and bedwetter is trying to say here that clinton just left them in the dark ... really??? all the PDB's that bush got warning him and cheney its documented ... it amazes how ignorant bedwetter is ... clarke, a republican, working with bush, warned them time and time again ... where they stop letting him in to warn the president and his staff ... then when they shit hit the fan, clark came to the press and said they were warned and they ignoired all of the warnings ... every republican started trying to denounce Clark as being factual ... thats how bad the bush administration was..... the sad part here is bedwetter seems to forgotten the 911 hearings ... you know where condi said the never got a PDB that Al-Qaedia was attacking with Airliners .... she made a fool of her self, now didn't she !!!! its that selective memory you republicans seem to have... ... then when you republicans are confronted with it ,you come back on our poor Grammar ... never mine the fact, its just that way we write, their, there, They're, they're concerned with ... how special that is
the jackass if you
here are just SOME of the inconveniant facts"

2. THEY WERE HERE FOR YEARS unoticed and...............
3. clinton handed over the country to bush never knowing they were already here and in the last phases of a terrible plot
The conservative response to Clinton seeking to expand counter-terrorism...

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget.We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.
it amazes me how ignorant bedwetter is ... after 911, here we have document after document in the 911 hearings ... showing that not only did bill clinton inform Bush and cheney he gave them in detail it even gave them some of the names of the people to watch ... go read some history bedwetter ... it was said that both bush and cheney ignored clinton when he turned the governent over to them its in the 911 hearings and bedwetter is trying to say here that clinton just left them in the dark ... really??? all the PDB's that bush got warning him and cheney its documented ... it amazes how ignorant bedwetter is ... clarke, a republican, working with bush, warned them time and time again ... where they stop letting him in to warn the president and his staff ... then when they shit hit the fan, clark came to the press and said they were warned and they ignoired all of the warnings ... every republican started trying to denounce Clark as being factual ... thats how bad the bush administration was..... the sad part here is bedwetter seems to forgotten the 911 hearings ... you know where condi said the never got a PDB that Al-Qaedia was attacking with Airliners .... she made a fool of her self, now didn't she !!!! its that selective memory you republicans seem to have... ... then when you republicans are confronted with it ,you come back on our poor Grammar ... never mine the fact, its just that way we write, their, there, They're, they're concerned with ... how special that is

the saddest part here is after all of this deception from the bush administration, all they can come up with is hillary sent classified documents to her private server ... wow !!! is that the worst thing ever or what ??? never mind that 3000 people died ... never mind that the middle east in in turmoil because of the bush administration, Hillery sending supposedly classified document to her private server, thats worst[/QUOTE]
the jackass if you
here are just SOME of the inconveniant facts"

2. THEY WERE HERE FOR YEARS unoticed and...............
3. clinton handed over the country to bush never knowing they were already here and in the last phases of a terrible plot
The conservative response to Clinton seeking to expand counter-terrorism...

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget.We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.
it amazes me how ignorant bedwetter is ... after 911, here we have document after document in the 911 hearings ... showing that not only did bill clinton inform Bush and cheney he gave them in detail it even gave them some of the names of the people to watch ... go read some history bedwetter ... it was said that both bush and cheney ignored clinton when he turned the governent over to them its in the 911 hearings and bedwetter is trying to say here that clinton just left them in the dark ... really??? all the PDB's that bush got warning him and cheney its documented ... it amazes how ignorant bedwetter is ... clarke, a republican, working with bush, warned them time and time again ... where they stop letting him in to warn the president and his staff ... then when they shit hit the fan, clark came to the press and said they were warned and they ignoired all of the warnings ... every republican started trying to denounce Clark as being factual ... thats how bad the bush administration was..... the sad part here is bedwetter seems to forgotten the 911 hearings ... you know where condi said the never got a PDB that Al-Qaedia was attacking with Airliners .... she made a fool of her self, now didn't she !!!! its that selective memory you republicans seem to have... ... then when you republicans are confronted with it ,you come back on our poor Grammar ... never mine the fact, its just that way we write, their, there, They're, they're concerned with ... how special that is

the saddest part here is after all of this deception from the bush administration, all they can come up with is hillary sent classified documents to her private server ... wow !!! is that the worst thing ever or what ??? never mind that 3000 people died ... never mind that the middle east in in turmoil because of the bush administration, Hillery sending supposedly classified document to her private server, thats worst

you know what amazes me leftard? that you're so obsessed with me. i'm all up in you head. i take a weekend off from these boards and i come back and see a long-winded rant from you. what a loser you are. i'm going to respond to your crybaby rant as i type this. .......................

if Clinton informed Bush; in ANY WAY, let alone "in detail" then why didnt he tell them where the 19 terrorists were in the USA?


AS FOR READING HISTORY: if you have some proof to offer that Clinton DID warn Bush of anything they you could answer the question above> Where were they?

ur just a pussy crybaby. you create this long rant insisting this and that and what do you offer to back up what you are saying, no INSISTING is so????? exactly nothing
if you posted that PDB you are reffering to you will make a fool of yourself; because it will refute the other points you made; and make the case for the other side that Clinton didnt tell the incoming Bush team anything Clinton didnt already know and fail to act on.

if you posted that PDB you are reffering to you will make a fool of yourself; because it will refute the other points you made; and make the case for the other side that Clinton didnt tell the incoming Bush team anything Clinton didnt already know and fail to act on.

So for the nearly 8 months Bush was in office, list the actions he took to deter terrorism inside our borders. Here, I'll even spot you 1 to get you started.....

1. Rejected a budget increase requested by the FBI for counter-terrorism.

2. ____________________
the jackass if you
here are just SOME of the inconveniant facts"

2. THEY WERE HERE FOR YEARS unoticed and...............
3. clinton handed over the country to bush never knowing they were already here and in the last phases of a terrible plot
The conservative response to Clinton seeking to expand counter-terrorism...

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget.We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.
it amazes me how ignorant bedwetter is ... after 911, here we have document after document in the 911 hearings ... showing that not only did bill clinton inform Bush and cheney he gave them in detail it even gave them some of the names of the people to watch ... go read some history bedwetter ... it was said that both bush and cheney ignored clinton when he turned the governent over to them its in the 911 hearings and bedwetter is trying to say here that clinton just left them in the dark ... really??? all the PDB's that bush got warning him and cheney its documented ... it amazes how ignorant bedwetter is ... clarke, a republican, working with bush, warned them time and time again ... where they stop letting him in to warn the president and his staff ... then when they shit hit the fan, clark came to the press and said they were warned and they ignoired all of the warnings ... every republican started trying to denounce Clark as being factual ... thats how bad the bush administration was..... the sad part here is bedwetter seems to forgotten the 911 hearings ... you know where condi said the never got a PDB that Al-Qaedia was attacking with Airliners .... she made a fool of her self, now didn't she !!!! its that selective memory you republicans seem to have... ... then when you republicans are confronted with it ,you come back on our poor Grammar ... never mine the fact, its just that way we write, their, there, They're, they're concerned with ... how special that is

the saddest part here is after all of this deception from the bush administration, all they can come up with is hillary sent classified documents to her private server ... wow !!! is that the worst thing ever or what ??? never mind that 3000 people died ... never mind that the middle east in in turmoil because of the bush administration, Hillery sending supposedly classified document to her private server, thats worst

you know what amazes me leftard? that you're so obsessed with me. i'm all up in you head. i take a weekend off from these boards and i come back and see a long-winded rant from you. what a loser you are. i'm going to respond to your crybaby rant as i type this. .......................

if Clinton informed Bush; in ANY WAY, let alone "in detail" then why didnt he tell them where the 19 terrorists were in the USA?


AS FOR READING HISTORY: if you have some proof to offer that Clinton DID warn Bush of anything they you could answer the question above> Where were they?

ur just a pussy crybaby. you create this long rant insisting this and that and what do you offer to back up what you are saying, no INSISTING is so????? exactly nothing[/QUOTE]

first of all, you like most repub-lie-tard,, you too have this vision of yourself that we are all infatuated with your remarks ... thats the furtherest from the truth ... I realize you are ignorant here and you can't help your self ... heres why I respond to your post... when I come On line, there is this section on this site, at the right hand top of the page ... its called alerts ... I click on it because I too haven't been here every day... I just want just to see who responded to my post ... 99% of the time its you who is responding .... so what really amazing me here is you're too stupid to realize that it is you who is so obsessed with me. I'm all up in you head ... If anyone here is obsessed that would be you ...

when I see your total ignorance here and I do me total ignorance, repub-lie-tard like you have to be corrected
1) you asked if Clinton informed Bush; in ANY WAY, let alone "in detail" then why didnt he tell them where the 19 terrorists were in the USA ...
my answer: read the god damn 911 commission report in these matters ... it will tell you about these men it talks about Osama bin laden it talks about all these thing that you are uninformed about ... heres the web site
now read the god damn report and stop making a fool pout of yourself ...
heres' what clarke said
WIthin a few days after Bush's inauguration, Clarke approached Rice an effort to get her-- and a the new president-to give them terrorism very high priority and to act on the agenda that had pushed the last few months of the previous administration ... Clark summited a report on January 25 2001 of the threat of Al-Qaedia in the US ... RIce ignored the report from Clarke ... Clarke went to Cheney and gave him the same report...
Now go and read page 199 bedwetter where it show that Clinton talk to Bush and again with his people they wen to the ranch and gave him in detail what was going on ... Bush chose to ignore it ... like I said read the god damn report ...
if you posted that PDB you are reffering to you will make a fool of yourself; because it will refute the other points you made; and make the case for the other side that Clinton didnt tell the incoming Bush team anything Clinton didnt already know and fail to act on.

So for the nearly 8 months Bush was in office, list the actions he took to deter terrorism inside our borders. Here, I'll even spot you 1 to get you started.....

1. Rejected a budget increase requested by the FBI for counter-terrorism.

2. ____________________
Looks like bedwetter can't embellish on that list. :dunno:

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