GOP Debating Making Biden Impeachment Witness #2

The moment Schity Schiff takes the fifth amendment to keep from outing his criminal conduct, the trial will be over as everything from that point on will be fruit of the poisonous tree..
Today, U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), co-chairs of the bipartisan Senate Ukraine Caucus, and Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on European Affairs spearheaded a letter expressing concern to Ukrainian President Poroshenko regarding the recent resignation of Minister of Economy Aivaras Abromaviius, who has alleged that corruption remains a dire challenge within the Ukrainian political system.


The letter was also signed by Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH).


We similarly urge you to press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary. The unanimous adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Basic Principles and Action Plan is a good step.

Portman, Durbin, Shaheen, and Senate Ukraine Caucus Reaffirm Commitment to Help Ukraine Take on Corruption | Senator Rob Portman

Biden: "And that is I’m desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of Kiev in terms of corruption. They made—I mean, I’ll give you one concrete example. I was—not I, but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones. And so I got Ukraine. And I remember going over, convincing our team, our leaders to—convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t."

Notice how Biden and the Republicans statements are so similar in tone?

You dipshits have been punked by your propagandists. You better hurry back for refills of your piss cups to find out what other bullshit you need to parrot.

The moment Schity Schiff takes the fifth amendment to keep from outing his criminal conduct, the trial will be over as everything from that point on will be fruit of the poisonous tree..
Not gonna happen. You are being punked, dumbass. Wake the fuck up.
The moment Schity Schiff takes the fifth amendment to keep from outing his criminal conduct, the trial will be over as everything from that point on will be fruit of the poisonous tree..
Not gonna happen. You are being punked, dumbass. Wake the fuck up.
The only dumbass here is you... You dont know the law and your making wild ass claims you can not support...
The moment Schity Schiff takes the fifth amendment to keep from outing his criminal conduct, the trial will be over as everything from that point on will be fruit of the poisonous tree..
Not gonna happen. You are being punked, dumbass. Wake the fuck up.
The only dumbass here is you... You dont know the law and your making wild ass claims you can not support...
And yet no one has yet been able to produce the clip where Biden admits to a crime. Once again, you have been caught projecting. :lol:
Why Poroshenko’s Support for Shokin Is Dangerous - Atlantic Council

The current imbroglio centers on Shokin, a Poroshenko ally and protector of the country’s corrupt old guard. Ukrainian reformers, including prominent civil society organizations and more than 100 members of the Verkhovna Rada, have demanded that Poroshenko fire Shokin—a request Poroshenko has ignored.


In a recent Brussels meeting with the President of the European Commission, Poroshenko received a promise that in exchange for implementing graft-fighting measures, the European Union would eliminate visa requirements for Ukraine’s 46 million citizens. In return, Ukraine would implement a series of anti-corruption reforms. At the top of the list is the nomination of a new independent prosecutor tasked with bringing down corrupt government officials. An eleven member selection panel—seven nominated by the Verkhovna Rada and four by Shokin—are to choose the best candidate for the post.

Shokin’s nominees are closely associated with the old system. At the Prosecutor General’s Office, Yury Hryshchenko managed Volodymyr Shapakin, the so-called “diamond prosecutor” who was arrested earlier this year in a sting operation for bribery with $400,000 dollars of cash in his office and $100,000 of diamonds in his home. First Deputy Prosecutor General Yury Sevruk has stymied reforms in the Prosecutor General’s Office. Reformers believe that making anti-reform individuals like Hryshchenko and Sevruk directly responsible for selecting the most important anti-corruption figure makes the process a mockery.

But it gets even worse. After Jan Tombinski, the European Union’s Ambassador to Ukraine, criticized Shokin’s appointments, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry sent a letter to the National Council on Reform urging Shokin to replace his appointees to the selection panel with qualified candidates.
Republican lawmakers are quietly discussing whether to call Joe and Hunter Biden as witnesses in the event of an impeachment trial in the Senate

"House Democrats passed a partisan impeachment inquiry resolution last week aimed to outline the procedures in their inquiry moving forward – an inquiry that was never officially authorized by a full House vote. While House Democrats are moving forward with the inquiry under what Republicans say is the guise of transparency, Senate Republicans are quietly preparing for the possibility of a trial in the Senate and weighing if they should call the Bidens as witnesses, if it comes to that point."




....the Democrats are going to Schiff themselves.....


Report: GOP Discussing Whether to Include Bidens in Impeachment Trial



Put the Bidens on the stand! :banana:
Corruption in Ukraine is so bad, a Nigerian prince would be embarrassed

United States Vice President Joe Biden has never been one to hold his tongue. He certainly didn’t in his recent trip to Kiev. In a speech before Ukraine’s Parliament, Biden told legislators that corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer,” and warned Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that Ukraine had “one more chance” to confront corruption before the United States cuts off aid.

Biden’s language was undiplomatic, but he’s right: Ukraine needs radical reforms to root out graft. After 18 months in power, Poroshenko still refuses to decisively confront corruption. It’s time for Poroshenko to either step up his fight against corruption — or step down if he won’t.

When it comes to Ukrainian corruption, the numbers speak for themselves. Over $12 billion per year disappears from the Ukrainian budget, according to an adviser to Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau. And in its most recent review of global graft, anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International ranked Ukraine 142 out of 174 countries on its Corruption Perceptions Index — below countries such as Uganda, Nicaragua and Nigeria. Ordinary Ukrainians also endure paying petty bribes in all areas of life. From vehicle registration, to getting their children into kindergarten, to obtaining needed medicine, everything connected to government has a price.


To contain rising populist sentiment and preserve Western support, Poroshenko should take the following steps:

First, Poroshenko needs to immediately fire current Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. The United States’ Ambassador to Ukraine recently called out Shokin’s office for “openly and aggressively undermining reform,” and leading reformers in Ukraine’s parliament and civil society continue to demand Shokin’s ouster.
Joe will plead the 5th he's toast if he testifies.
He could always try to save himself with Bleach Bit and scrub 33,000 emails out of his account, or destroy 17 Electronic Devices, or like Lois Lerner, try to claim all her emails were on her desktop and irretrievably gone to buy her IT team, time to scrub their server and back up tapes,.or like Strozk, Page and Mueller, claim that texts between them were irretrievably erased, when The AG asked about them, and Mueller then wiped both Strozk and Page's phones prior to handing them over to The AG, who then was able to retrieve all the deleted texts from the service provider.

He could also do what Obama did and said he heard about it in The Newspaper and then immediately rush to seal all of his records.

Yah Biden should do something like that before his shit gets subpoenaed.
Why Poroshenko’s Support for Shokin Is Dangerous - Atlantic Council

The current imbroglio centers on Shokin, a Poroshenko ally and protector of the country’s corrupt old guard. Ukrainian reformers, including prominent civil society organizations and more than 100 members of the Verkhovna Rada, have demanded that Poroshenko fire Shokin—a request Poroshenko has ignored.


In a recent Brussels meeting with the President of the European Commission, Poroshenko received a promise that in exchange for implementing graft-fighting measures, the European Union would eliminate visa requirements for Ukraine’s 46 million citizens. In return, Ukraine would implement a series of anti-corruption reforms. At the top of the list is the nomination of a new independent prosecutor tasked with bringing down corrupt government officials. An eleven member selection panel—seven nominated by the Verkhovna Rada and four by Shokin—are to choose the best candidate for the post.

Shokin’s nominees are closely associated with the old system. At the Prosecutor General’s Office, Yury Hryshchenko managed Volodymyr Shapakin, the so-called “diamond prosecutor” who was arrested earlier this year in a sting operation for bribery with $400,000 dollars of cash in his office and $100,000 of diamonds in his home. First Deputy Prosecutor General Yury Sevruk has stymied reforms in the Prosecutor General’s Office. Reformers believe that making anti-reform individuals like Hryshchenko and Sevruk directly responsible for selecting the most important anti-corruption figure makes the process a mockery.

But it gets even worse. After Jan Tombinski, the European Union’s Ambassador to Ukraine, criticized Shokin’s appointments, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry sent a letter to the National Council on Reform urging Shokin to replace his appointees to the selection panel with qualified candidates.
Shokin is a Free Man, and the People he was Investigating Fled to Russia. Hunter Biden, Kerry, and Pelosi's sons, all quit their Highly Paid, Cushy but Corrupt positions with Burisma. Shokin still has his law practice and law license in the Ukraine. Hunter Biden had to also quit his cushy job serving as China's Puppet.

Shokin is still a lawyer with a law license, still practicing law.

YOU sound like a Russian or Corrupt Ukrainian from The Obama Era.

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