GOP deserting from Trumpcare 2 bill support

When you watch the sausage being made you think it's gross. Hit me up when we have a bill that'll pass & I'll let you know what I think.
When you watch the sausage being made you think it's gross. Hit me up when we have a bill that'll pass & I'll let you know what I think.

If they hadn't invested their souls in repealing Obamacare, there is no reason a few quick fixes couldn't solve our healthcare problems. They are wanting to do it without using any of Obamacare, but that's where most of the good answers are.
When you watch the sausage being made you think it's gross. Hit me up when we have a bill that'll pass & I'll let you know what I think.

If they hadn't invested their souls in repealing Obamacare, there is no reason a few quick fixes couldn't solve our healthcare problems. They are wanting to do it without using any of Obamacare, but that's where most of the good answers are.
Unfortunately that would NEVER pass. I wish the democrats would come on board with that so the extremists of the "freedom caucus" can be told to fuck off.
Paul Ryan tries to rebrand new health care plan as more Republicans defect

And once again, it is NOT obstructionist democrats who are destroying Trump's agenda. It is the GOP. Perhaps Trump had failed to take into account that Congress works for their constituents, not him

/---- No one said fixing Obozo's screw ups would be easy. I say let Obozocare collapse under its own wait and let democRATS take the hit. Yes?

Eight years and 50 or so votes to repeal it by the GOP, and now with control of the House, Senate, the Presidency, and the S.Court judge, two more fails....

But, you are right. as soon as Medicare collapses, which the GOP has been predicting since 1966, then ACA will collapse.
Trump ran against the GOP establishment I don't know why anyone is surprised by their inaction.
sooner or later it will dawn on all of you little mental midgets Obamacare is here to stay. Ain't no politician in the country that wants to be responsible for taking healthcare away from 20 million people.

see my sig
Paul Ryan tries to rebrand new health care plan as more Republicans defect

And once again, it is NOT obstructionist democrats who are destroying Trump's agenda. It is the GOP. Perhaps Trump had failed to take into account that Congress works for their constituents, not him

/---- No one said fixing Obozo's screw ups would be easy. I say let Obozocare collapse under its own wait and let democRATS take the hit. Yes?

You're just parroting Trump. When he found out that the ACA was a bit more complicated than he thought, he decided then to leave it alone and let it collapse on it's own.

In other words, you support Trump doing nothing and playing golf.
Trump ran against the GOP establishment I don't know why anyone is surprised by their inaction.

Sure he did. He ran against Wall Street and Goldman Sachs too.

Yeah, he DID run against Wall St. and Goldman Sachs. He was scaring everyone by telling us that Hillary would sell us out to Wall St.

Well...........guess who is president, and who put 5 GOLDMAN SACHS CEO's in their cabinet?

Trump really showed Wall St.
Paul Ryan tries to rebrand new health care plan as more Republicans defect

And once again, it is NOT obstructionist democrats who are destroying Trump's agenda. It is the GOP. Perhaps Trump had failed to take into account that Congress works for their constituents, not him

/---- No one said fixing Obozo's screw ups would be easy. I say let Obozocare collapse under its own wait and let democRATS take the hit. Yes?

But if you can't come up with anything to replace it, the right will take the hit. It's already happening.
Trump started to go over the edge when he saw that he wasn't going to be able to get the ACA repealed.

But, that's because there is nothing to replace it with.

Wonder how bad he's gonna melt down after the 2nd ACA repeal bill gets shot down?
Trump started to go over the edge when he saw that he wasn't going to be able to get the ACA repealed.

But, that's because there is nothing to replace it with.

Wonder how bad he's gonna melt down after the 2nd ACA repeal bill gets shot down?

he may have to just move in the Kuntry Club, and start grabbin' ..
Paul Ryan tries to rebrand new health care plan as more Republicans defect

And once again, it is NOT obstructionist democrats who are destroying Trump's agenda. It is the GOP. Perhaps Trump had failed to take into account that Congress works for their constituents, not him

/---- No one said fixing Obozo's screw ups would be easy. I say let Obozocare collapse under its own wait and let democRATS take the hit. Yes?

Eight years and 50 or so votes to repeal it by the GOP, and now with control of the House, Senate, the Presidency, and the S.Court judge, two more fails....

But, you are right. as soon as Medicare collapses, which the GOP has been predicting since 1966, then ACA will collapse.
Maybe when they are actually in power they are seeing WE the people don't want the crap bill they are trying to pass...FIX obamacare and open up buying insurance across state lines.
Like I said, I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare…
This week was the ultimate slap in the face of the GOP when it came out that they wanted their own exemption from the new health care plan... where citizens with preexisting conditions would get fucked, but employees of Congress would still be covered. That's the ultimate dick move.
This week was the ultimate slap in the face of the GOP when it came out that they wanted their own exemption from the new health care plan... where citizens with preexisting conditions would get fucked, but employees of Congress would still be covered. That's the ultimate dick move.
People that want socialized medicine should pay for everyone can't afford medical care, and leave the rest of us out of it.
Paul Ryan tries to rebrand new health care plan as more Republicans defect

And once again, it is NOT obstructionist democrats who are destroying Trump's agenda. It is the GOP. Perhaps Trump had failed to take into account that Congress works for their constituents, not him

/---- No one said fixing Obozo's screw ups would be easy. I say let Obozocare collapse under its own wait and let democRATS take the hit. Yes?

But if you can't come up with anything to replace it, the right will take the hit. It's already happening.

Libwit Obamacare is a failure, its spiraling into the ground HELLO earth to libtards HELLO is there a brain in there somewhere?? You have nothing but a short term subsidized turd that's about to implode all by itself. If we don't replace it you will be left with nothing.

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