GOP expands senate gap with win in Mississippi!

Mississippi Senate Election Results: Cindy Hyde-Smith vs. Mike Espy

Awesome. Officially puts those 2 RINO'S Murkowski and Collins on the back burner anytime they decide to go against the will of the people and vote with the democrap party....we now will have 53 Senators and even if they go rogue still got 51 and 1 to spare because we have VP for a tiebreaker!

It might make them a bit more loyal.

Murkowski took some heat back in Alaska.

Collins voted for Kavanaugh. The dems say they have raised over
2 mil to campaign against her in 2020. McConnell responded to that
by saying she would be "well-funded."

The promise of being well-funded might make her a bit more loyal.

The 3rd Senator though protects the GOP if Romney decides to take
Flake's spot from time to time. He's the one that's been damaged by
her winning tonight. He can't just come in and be a radical. McConnell
will keep him off of every committee and silence him.
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
tomorrow we will hear Al Shartpon before a crowd of braindead people....."Last night, waz poof ov ebindence dat weed still have slavery in da south!!! dem whitey azz racists elected a dumazz racist whitey biootch to da senate in Tennessee,,,oh waz it looziana? i forgot......etc. etc.
then he goes into one of his "Wee Much" speeches
tomorrow we will hear Al Shartpon before a crowd of braindead people....."Last night, waz poof ov ebindence dat weed still have slavery in da south!!! dem whitey azz racists elected a dumazz racist whitey biootch to da senate in Tennessee,,,oh waz it looziana? i forgot......etc. etc.
then he goes into one of his "Wee Much" speeches
And the KKK chimes in
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
Democrat party and its adherents support anti white racism every single day and in every policy they support so save me the faux outrage.
Glad she won and look forward to the GOP winning back the Alabama senate seat in 2020
what happened in Mississippi is proof that Trump actually won in 2016 by about 12 Million votes after u deduct the frauds
Wow! Mississippi just made an historic moment of change electing their first female senator! Change! But the unhinged demos are just blabbing out racist. Congrats to Mississippi!
This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.

Bless her heart.

It's now 12 points up with 71% of the vote counted
Bet it makes you guys proud.

Yes I am sure Mississippi is proud to have proved again that lies and vile disgusting racist character assassinations don’t work in their state. It should be the same everywhere. Too bad about Alabama, but that will be rectified in 2020. Along with the house. I can see it now OHYEAH QUADROPHENIA. Gimme some Roger!! You vile murdering disgusting racist criminal loving dimshits LOST and your pissy little house can throw all of the tantrums it wants. Boohooo.
i am so happy that tomorrow i just may go to wal mart and buy another white hooded outfit,,,and maybe even a new torch

... I wonder... do the race baiting leftist mongrel democraps EVER think about how INSANE and UNHINGED and FULL OF BULL SHIT they sound like to the rest of NORMAL America?

Guess not.
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.

You are just a liar plain and simple. You can go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are not a vile disgusting murdering liar, but you know you are. I am glad I don’t have to know I am as vile and corrupt as all of you labeling liars. Facts mean nothing to you just your oozing black corruption of hatred and filth pours out of your entire being. Ugg what filth.
Mississippi Senate Election Results: Cindy Hyde-Smith vs. Mike Espy

Awesome. Officially puts those 2 RINO'S Murkowski and Collins on the back burner anytime they decide to go against the will of the people and vote with the democrap party....we now will have 53 Senators and even if they go rogue still got 51 and 1 to spare because we have VP for a tiebreaker!
Lol I love how you people think it doesn’t matter the Dems had a blue wave in the House but picking up one more senate seat for republicans is somehow historic in red inbred Mississippi.

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