GOP expands senate gap with win in Mississippi!

Yeah, it is their Constitutional right to say racist shit... just the same as it is my constitutional right to call them out for what they are. You need to go take your meds. Only someone missing a couple screws would call someone a murderer from what I've posted.

This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.

Everyone is racist, prejudiced to on degree or another. That's fact, as you know.

It is what you DO that makes all the difference.

Statically, only about seventeen percent of white Americans have little or no automatic preference to whites or blacks. Only twelve percent show a slight to strong preference of blacks to whites. This is part of the results and explained at the test. It is free and you can choose to register or not. It’s fun, but I have also seen people go off the handle which is why it comes with a warning.

It’s NATURAL to discriminate and be prejudiced; almost exclusively we all grew up with people like very much like ourselves. It is natural to trust those people more than people who are not like us. Obviously we also pick up racist attitudes and beliefs from our parents too. We discriminate and use prejudice every day. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. It is what we learn and what is in someone’s heart, and what we DO with those feelings that matters.

If you are curious about yourself, take this test. It is NOT based on questions which you could answer the way you THINK you should. Actually it is fun. You can chose from a number of different tests but they only take about 15 minutes.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.


It does carry this disclaimer:
I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit
Mississippi Senate Election Results: Cindy Hyde-Smith vs. Mike Espy

Awesome. Officially puts those 2 RINO'S Murkowski and Collins on the back burner anytime they decide to go against the will of the people and vote with the democrap party....we now will have 53 Senators and even if they go rogue still got 51 and 1 to spare because we have VP for a tiebreaker!
so outside of the 2, you expect the other Senators to walk lock step with President Trump on everything?

Why bother having Senators if they don't think on their own, and are just a bunch of lemmings?

BTW, unlike in 2018, in 2020 a load of Republican senators are up for reelection and few Democrats are up.... a reverse of 2018, where 26 democrats and only 9 repubs had to defend their seats, so Dems will pick up a few, if not win the majority.

No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
The problem is, she isn't a racist and the only thing you hang your hat on is a single comment that maybe...maybe, can be twisted to sound racist, but actually isn't.

So, you'll have to point to her policy votes, her running platform, and her entire life works to find racism and the only way you can find it is if you stretch the truth to mean something it does no mean.

So, without looking on the internet, tell us exactly what she ran on and what policies she supports.

Because I have more than an inkling that you make the claim because the DNC powers told you that you should make the claim.

She isn't? She said she would be there in the front row of a public hanging. She had her picture taken with a Confederate soldier hat on. She went to Jefferson Davis' house and talked about how big of a hero he was. It wasn't one thing... and she couldn't even give a REAL apology, she instead read off of notes.

I don't follow the DNC, I'm not like many idiots on this forum that would shove a finger up their ass if the leaders of their party told them to. I can think for myself and I vote for who I think is the best candidate regardless of what party they represent.
Joking about attending a public hanging is not racist. It's stupid but not racist. having your picture taken with a hat is not racist. Jefferson Davis is a hero and a war veteran. That is NOT racist. You haven't named a single thing that makes her a racist.

You do follow the DNC, or the mainstream media, or the convenient outraged mob that seems to have a permanent outrage on the left.

So, how about it? Without looking it up, what was her platform and promises to the people of Ole Miss?

Oh? How many people do you hear joke about wanting to be in the front row of a public hanging? :rolleyes:

In my 42 years of life, I've never heard someone say that as a joke.

I follow several different media sources. Hell I was watching Fox News a bit today and the lady named Dana on The Five seemed to believe that Manafort did meet with Assange... all while the main guy said all kinds of false shit, and Greg Gutfield said shit to make himself look like an idiot.

You could learn a lot from "The Five". It is an OPINION show, not the news. Important distinction.

Dana Perino is one of the most educated, well-informed people on television. She is a voice you should listen to, it will serve you well.

Greg Gutfeld is a best selling author, editor, producer and a fine writer. He does provide humor for The Five and has a great sense of humor.

Juan Williams is a far left Liberal and relishes sparing with the other cast members.

Jesse Waters, waters is the newest addition to the cast and is not the host but a co-host with all the other members. He probably is the most Conservative of the group and is usually dead on with his facts.

The Fifth chair has been a rotating host since Kimberly Guilfoil left the show to campaign with Eric Trump.

You should watch, you would learn something from both sides of the aisle.
Total win. I saw the Donald's rally on You Tube and it was great as usual. It is a blessing Hyde-Smith defeated that racist POS.
Mississippi Senate Election Results: Cindy Hyde-Smith vs. Mike Espy

Awesome. Officially puts those 2 RINO'S Murkowski and Collins on the back burner anytime they decide to go against the will of the people and vote with the democrap party....we now will have 53 Senators and even if they go rogue still got 51 and 1 to spare because we have VP for a tiebreaker!
By the way, this thread falsely says Republicans "expanded“ the Senate gap. It preserves it. Both senators in Mississippi were already Republican. Learn your senators.
Ted, please accept the fact the GOP (and The Donald) controls the Senate you butthurt punk.

No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.

You are just a liar plain and simple. You can go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are not a vile disgusting murdering liar, but you know you are. I am glad I don’t have to know I am as vile and corrupt as all of you labeling liars. Facts mean nothing to you just your oozing black corruption of hatred and filth pours out of your entire being. Ugg what filth.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Because I stated the obvious I'm suddenly a murderer? What in the fuck is wrong with you?
You call people you have never seen racist for exercising their constitutional rights. You support criminals if they are dimshit scum. You support the murder of unborn humans. You presume too much about your intellectual prowess and you support the most violent criminals on earth. That qualifies you as a murderer much more convincingly than your BS qualifies any white person asa racist. You have NO right to label anyone because you don’t have any morals to claim superiority.

Yeah, it is their Constitutional right to say racist shit... just the same as it is my constitutional right to call them out for what they are. You need to go take your meds. Only someone missing a couple screws would call someone a murderer from what I've posted.

Yeah I need meds huh hah, sorry you vote dimocrat, you promoted murder, simple as that. You vote dimocrat, you support criminals, simple as that. You call Hyde Smith a racist, actually just because she is a white republican who ran against a black dimshit, simple as that, no evidence just rhetoric. Same old spewel from the garbage can.
By the way, this thread falsely says Republicans "expanded“ the Senate gap. It preserves it. Both senators in Mississippi were already Republican. Learn your senators.

How much of a majority did the Republicans have prior to the mid-terms. How much of margin do Republicans do the Republicans have today?

As you know, that's what was meant.
One sexist racist misogynist snowflake on this board declared yesterday that those who did not vote Democrat and voted instead for the white female Republican are 'racist bigots'.

Voters who gave the GOP the win in Mississippi, however, cited the President's winning / successful policies as the reason they voted the way they did.

The opposing mindsets / opinions are truly telling...
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
No, he's pretty definitely triggered. On the other hand that's not exactly unusual for Odium.
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.

You are just a liar plain and simple. You can go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are not a vile disgusting murdering liar, but you know you are. I am glad I don’t have to know I am as vile and corrupt as all of you labeling liars. Facts mean nothing to you just your oozing black corruption of hatred and filth pours out of your entire being. Ugg what filth.
Stupid post of the day^.

People, including myself, stated our opinions. Opinions cannot be lies. The only lie told here is you accusing people of lying.

This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.

You are just a liar plain and simple. You can go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are not a vile disgusting murdering liar, but you know you are. I am glad I don’t have to know I am as vile and corrupt as all of you labeling liars. Facts mean nothing to you just your oozing black corruption of hatred and filth pours out of your entire being. Ugg what filth.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Because I stated the obvious I'm suddenly a murderer? What in the fuck is wrong with you?
He's a idiot who's been infected by tRump's brand of republicanism.
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
The problem is, she isn't a racist and the only thing you hang your hat on is a single comment that maybe...maybe, can be twisted to sound racist, but actually isn't.

So, you'll have to point to her policy votes, her running platform, and her entire life works to find racism and the only way you can find it is if you stretch the truth to mean something it does no mean.

So, without looking on the internet, tell us exactly what she ran on and what policies she supports.

Because I have more than an inkling that you make the claim because the DNC powers told you that you should make the claim.
Here ya go spunky.

Cindy Hyde-Smith wins Mississippi US Senate runoff amid racial controversies - CNNPolitics
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.

You are just a liar plain and simple. You can go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are not a vile disgusting murdering liar, but you know you are. I am glad I don’t have to know I am as vile and corrupt as all of you labeling liars. Facts mean nothing to you just your oozing black corruption of hatred and filth pours out of your entire being. Ugg what filth.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Because I stated the obvious I'm suddenly a murderer? What in the fuck is wrong with you?
You call people you have never seen racist for exercising their constitutional rights. You support criminals if they are dimshit scum. You support the murder of unborn humans. You presume too much about your intellectual prowess and you support the most violent criminals on earth. That qualifies you as a murderer much more convincingly than your BS qualifies any white person asa racist. You have NO right to label anyone because you don’t have any morals to claim superiority.
You whine a lot.

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