GOP expands senate gap with win in Mississippi!

tomorrow we will hear Al Shartpon before a crowd of braindead people....."Last night, waz poof ov ebindence dat weed still have slavery in da south!!! dem whitey azz racists elected a dumazz racist whitey biootch to da senate in Tennessee,,,oh waz it looziana? i forgot......etc. etc.
then he goes into one of his "Wee Much" speeches
he still doesn't know the kkk are democrats he supports eh? People need to start throwing that out there regularly when these idiots speak out.

You mean like DemoKKKrats are the Party of Slavery??

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.
Little piece of cloth scares you, huh.
Huh? Would you try to make a cogent, coherent, sentence at least one in a while please?
Huh? Would you try to make a cogent, coherent, sentence at least one in a while please?


've taken several of those tests, and despite my mother and her side of her family being racists, my father and his side of the family were not except one uncle who primarily lived in Texas. I'm not even a closet racist like you think that test would show.

Did you show the results of your test on Racism?

Here's mine.

Your Result

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
Thank you for your participation. Just below is a breakdown of the scores generated by others. Most respondents find it easier to associate African American with Bad and European American with Good compared to the reverse.


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You are welcome to try additional demonstration tasks, and we encourage you to register (easy) for the research site where you will gain access to studies about more than 100 topics about social groups, personality, pop culture, and more.
've taken several of those tests, and despite my mother and her side of her family being racists, my father and his side of the family were not except one uncle who primarily lived in Texas. I'm not even a closet racist like you think that test would show.

Did you show the results of your test on Racism?

Here's mine.

Your Result

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
Thank you for your participation. Just below is a breakdown of the scores generated by others. Most respondents find it easier to associate African American with Bad and European American with Good compared to the reverse.


Many of the questions that you answered on the previous page have been addressed in research over the last 10 years. For example, the order that you performed the response pairing is influential, but procedural corrections largely eliminate that influence (see FAQ #1). Each visitor to the site completes the task in a randomized order. If you would like to learn more about the IAT, please visit the FAQs and background information section.

You are welcome to try additional demonstration tasks, and we encourage you to register (easy) for the research site where you will gain access to studies about more than 100 topics about social groups, personality, pop culture, and more.

I'm pretty sure I did ages ago when someone posted this same test.
I weep for america my children I need a box of tissues

America voted, you lost ground in the Senate.
How many were up for election?? will be quite different numbers in 2020 and we won the house That will bring pain to the detestable liar in our WH
It may swing for the libs, Ed in 2020, but it will swing back again.
I remember in 2009, the libs saying that the repubs are dead and it was clear sailing here on out.
Well you know what happened after that, huh?
Mississippi Senate Election Results: Cindy Hyde-Smith vs. Mike Espy

Awesome. Officially puts those 2 RINO'S Murkowski and Collins on the back burner anytime they decide to go against the will of the people and vote with the democrap party....we now will have 53 Senators and even if they go rogue still got 51 and 1 to spare because we have VP for a tiebreaker!
Who gives a damn, Democrats have the house now and you pass nothing d u h.
And neither does the democrats....LMAO! The senate CAN and WILL continue fixing the judiciary while the house can do NOTHING literally.
Mississippi Senate Election Results: Cindy Hyde-Smith vs. Mike Espy

Awesome. Officially puts those 2 RINO'S Murkowski and Collins on the back burner anytime they decide to go against the will of the people and vote with the democrap party....we now will have 53 Senators and even if they go rogue still got 51 and 1 to spare because we have VP for a tiebreaker!
Who gives a damn, Democrats have the house now and you pass nothing d u h.
And neither does the democrats....LMAO! The senate CAN and WILL continue fixing the judiciary while the house can do NOTHING literally.
until you put it in a Supreme Court justice who believes all your garbage propaganda and character assassination, I'm not worried. I'm not a conspiracy nut job like you. Point is you assholes can't destroy the progress of the last 60 years anymore.
I weep for america my children I need a box of tissues

America voted, you lost ground in the Senate.
How many were up for election?? will be quite different numbers in 2020 and we won the house That will bring pain to the detestable liar in our WH
It may swing for the libs, Ed in 2020, but it will swing back again.
I remember in 2009, the libs saying that the repubs are dead and it was clear sailing here on out.
Well you know what happened after that, huh?
Yes I do Obama had a nice run though and caused no harm to our economy And along came trump taking credit for everything

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